<795/1351hp 488/592mana 320/328mv 755164tnl | EW>
< T: Renx TC: bleeding wounds E: Liora EC: bleeding wounds >
< > fle
Liora sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Liora's bash knocks you down against the hard rocks!
Liora's bash hits you.
You parry a lion's claw.
You parry a lion's claw.
Your phantasmal armor deflects a lion's claw.
Your phantasmal armor deflects a lion's claw.
You swing your axe in a vicious arch knocking away a lion's claw.
You parry Xonoth's acidic bite.
Xonoth rapidly redirects his dagger midway through your parry.
Xonoth's rapid restrike decimates you.
You parry Xonoth's pierce.
You parry Xonoth's acidic bite.
Xonoth's acidic bite decimates you.
You strike Liora with deadly accuracy!
Liora dodges your beating.
Your wrath maims Liora!
Liora dodges your beating.
You parry Liora's deadly fury.
Liora's deadly fury decimates you.
You swing your axe in a vicious arch knocking away Liora's deadly fury.
Liora is gushing blood.
<713/1351hp 488/592mana 320/328mv 755164tnl | EW>
< T: Renx TC: bleeding wounds E: Liora EC: gushing blood >
< >
Xonoth rushes suddenly and tackles you to the ground!
Xonoth strikes at you with a downward thrust of his dagger!
Xonoth's downstrike decimates you.
Xonoth's downstrike mauls you.
Saneenar intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Haran marninaan simpa eifinatas.'
Saneenar conjures forth a vision of the Dark Queen.
The spectral head of a black dragon breathes a spray of black acid!
Liora appears to be blinded.
Liora yells, 'Help! Someone is attacking me!'
Saneenar's draconian holocaust MUTILATES Liora!
The gods protect Xonoth from Saneenar.
The gods protect a young blue dragon from Saneenar.
The spectral head of a black dragon breathes a spray of black acid!
Liora yells, 'Help! Someone is attacking my someone!'
Saneenar's draconian holocaust MUTILATES a lion!
The spectral head of a red dragon breathes forth a stream of raging fire!
Liora yells, 'Help! Someone is attacking my someone!'
Saneenar's draconian holocaust MANGLES a lion!
The spectral head of a black dragon breathes a spray of black acid!
Liora yells, 'Help! Someone is attacking my someone!'
Saneenar's draconian holocaust MUTILATES a lion!
Liora is gushing blood.
<663/1351hp 488/592mana 320/328mv 755164tnl | EW>
< T: Renx TC: gushing blood E: Liora EC: gushing blood >
< >
Your phantasmal armor deflects a lion's claw.
Your phantasmal armor deflects a lion's claw.
You parry a lion's claw.
A lion sinks her teeth into you.
A lion's bite mauls you.
You parry a lion's claw.
You swing your axe in a vicious arch knocking away a lion's claw.
You parry Xonoth's acidic bite.
You parry Xonoth's pierce.
Your phantasmal armor deflects Xonoth's acidic bite.
You strike Liora with deadly accuracy!
Liora dodges your beating.
Liora dodges your wrath.
Liora dodges your beating.
Your wrath MUTILATES Liora!
You parry Liora's deadly fury.
Your phantasmal armor deflects Liora's deadly fury.
A shell of dark magic surrounding Saneenar quivers under the wind and disappears.
Liora is gushing blood.
<647/1351hp 488/592mana 320/328mv 755164tnl | EW>
< T: Renx TC: gushing blood E: Liora EC: gushing blood >
< >
You evade Liora's bash, causing her to fall flat on her face.
Liora's bash misses you.
Liora is gushing blood.
<647/1351hp 488/592mana 320/328mv 755164tnl | EW>
< T: Renx TC: gushing blood E: Liora EC: gushing blood >
< >
You turn around, trying to escape!
At the foot of snowy mountains
[Exits: east west up]
You flee from combat!
<647/1351hp 488/592mana 318/328mv 755164tnl | EWU> c tele
You clench your fist and draw magic into yourself.
You gather translucent grey mist about yourself, and vanish to ethereal corridors..
.. you step out of the ethers, arriving suddenly at your destination.
Within the Crypt
[Exits: south west]
(Invis) (Black Aura) A spectral horror in shimmering armor stares at you with immense hatred.
<647/1351hp 463/592mana 318/328mv 755164tnl | SW>
An armored spectre fades into existence.
Your phantasmal armor deflects an armored spectre's charge.
You parry an armored spectre's charge.
You parry an armored spectre's charge.
An armored spectre is in perfect condition.
<647/1351hp 463/592mana 318/328mv 755164tnl | SW>
< T: Renx TC: gushing blood E: an armored spectre EC: perfect condition >
< >
<94/1351hp 477/592mana 314/328mv 755164tnl | ES>
An ancient lich of black-robed mage has arrived from the east.
An ancient lich of black-robed mage yells, 'Renx, now you die!'
You swing your axe in a vicious arch knocking away an ancient lich of black-robed mage's chill.
You parry an ancient lich of black-robed mage's chill.
An ancient lich of black-robed mage's chill mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
An armored spectre has arrived from the south.
An armored spectre yells, 'Renx, now you die!'
You parry an armored spectre's charge.
Your phantasmal armor deflects an armored spectre's charge.
An armored spectre's charge decimates you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry an armored spectre's charge.
An armored spectre has arrived from the south.
An armored spectre yells, 'Renx, now you die!'
You parry an armored spectre's charge.
You swing your axe in a vicious arch knocking away an armored spectre's charge.
An armored spectre has arrived from the south.
An armored spectre yells, 'Renx, now you die!'
An armored spectre's charge mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
An armored spectre's charge decimates you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry an armored spectre's charge.
An ancient lich of black-robed mage dodges your beating.
An ancient lich of black-robed mage dodges your wrath.
An ancient lich of black-robed mage dodges your beating.
An ancient lich of black-robed mage dodges your beating.
You parry an ancient lich of black-robed mage's chill.
An ancient lich of black-robed mage rapidly redirects his dagger midway through your parry.
An ancient lich of black-robed mage's rapid restrike mauls you.
You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
You parry an ancient lich of black-robed mage's chill.
An ancient lich of black-robed mage DISARMS you and sends your weapon flying!
You parry an armored spectre's charge.
You parry an armored spectre's charge.
An armored spectre's charge decimates you.
You have been KILLED!!
You have died and turned into an invincible ghost for a few minutes.
You feel empowered by The Army of Takhisis's domination of The Knights of Solamnia!
You feel empowered by The Army of Takhisis's domination of The Forest Resistance of Krynn!
With this death you feel part of your life force slip away.
A dark room containing a blood filled pit
[Exits: west]
A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor.