Start logging: 13.07.2006 17:17 <1111/1111hp 781/781m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> iYou are carrying: a dragon claw talisman a long razor-sharp dragon claw a whip of cutting a leather backpack <1111/1111hp 781/781m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> The spectral hand hovering over you fades away. <1111/1111hp 781/781m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> scoYou are Alantas the Master of Evocation Race: wild elf Sex: male Age: 358 years old (middle-aged) You are a true neutral invoker. Level: 34, with 12596514 exp (experience to level: 702546) Str: 16 Health: 1111/1111 Practices: 11 Int: 24 Mana : 781 /781 Training sessions: 1 Wis: 21 Move : 360 /360 Dex: 24 Carrying 16/36 items (140/304 pounds) Con: 15 You have 17 gold and 3313 silver coins. You have 0 smuggler coins. Wimpy set to 300 hit points. Hometown is New Thalos. You are sleeping. Armor: pierce: -15 bash: -14 slash: -15 magic: -15 You are well-armored against piercing. You are well-armored against bashing. You are well-armored against slashing. You are well-armored against magic. Hitroll: 9 Damroll: 18. Reflex save: 38 Will save: 35 Fortitude save: 15 You trust your group with questionable spells. Use 'affects' command to see spells affecting you. <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> The magic of your bless unravels. <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> eyebIn your dreams, or what? <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> The magic of your fly unravels. <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> You suddenly feel confused! <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> You feel your body going all soft. <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> ct Irhien ?[TOWER] Alantas: Irhien ? <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> You feel your muscles freeze up, but it passes. <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> You feel your muscles freeze up, but it passes. <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> Your muscles suddenly freeze up in a painful spasm! <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> ct i'm jacked[TOWER] Alantas: I'm jacked. <1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> A wall of ice's backstab <<< ERADICATES >>> you! That really did HURT! A wall of ice's second backstab *** DEMOLISHES *** you! You blink away from a wall of ice's acidic bite. You parry a wall of ice's acidic bite. A wall of ice rapidly redirects his dagger midway through your parry. A wall of ice's rapid restrike MASSACRES you! You fade into existence. A wall of ice parries your claw. A wall of ice parries your claw. A wall of ice is in perfect condition. <523/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> af Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Irhien is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien fades into existence. Irhien's wildsurge *** DEVASTATES *** you! To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Paralysis of legs' spell is active for 2 hours and 50 minutes, modifying dexterity by -6 modifying hit roll by -6 'Soften' spell is active for 4 hours and 30 minutes, modifying armor class by 84 'Confusion' spell is active for 6 hours and 20 minutes 'Black guard' skill is active for 2 hours and 35 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 14 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 12 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Airshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 8 hours and 25 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 4 hours and 35 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 1 hours and 25 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 4 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Detect invis' spell is active for 20 hours and 45 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 2 hours and 40 minutes, modifying armor class by -39 A wall of ice is in perfect condition. <347/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> get recal bacqua recalYou get a silver potion labelled word of recall from a leather backpack. A wall of ice is in perfect condition. <347/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> You're too busy fighting to quaff. A wall of ice is in perfect condition. <347/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> fleeYou turn around, trying to escape! A wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] You flee from combat! <347/1111hp 781/781m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> [TOWER] Ithail: Where? <347/1111hp 781/781m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> get recal bacqua recalYou get a silver potion labelled word of recall from a leather backpack. <347/1111hp 781/781m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You quaff a silver potion labelled word of recall. You conjure forth a pillar of grey light, step into it, and vanish to your hometown. <347/1111hp 781/781m 179/360mv 702546tnl | [NESWD]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Paralysis of legs' spell is active for 2 hours and 40 minutes, modifying dexterity by -6 modifying hit roll by -6 'Soften' spell is active for 4 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by 84 'Confusion' spell is active for 6 hours and 10 minutes 'Black guard' skill is active for 2 hours and 25 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 12 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Airshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 8 hours and 15 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 4 hours and 25 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 1 hours and 15 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 4 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Detect invis' spell is active for 20 hours and 35 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 2 hours and 30 minutes, modifying armor class by -39 <347/1111hp 781/781m 179/360mv 702546tnl | [NESWD]> lInside the Temple Huge marble pillars rise on either side of you and grab hold of the ceiling. Between each of these, fine softstone frescoes have been carved depicting scenes from the religous history of New Thalos. Rows of pews face forward giving their full attention to the pulpit rising high above the ground. The deep red carpeting underfoot shows not a speck of wear or dirt. It's obvious that New Thalonians take religion seriously. [Exits: north east south west] A large donation pit is here in the floor. A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. A guard stands here, protecting the innocent. (White Aura) The healer stands here, selling spells. <347/1111hp 781/781m 179/360mv 702546tnl | [NESWD]> c tess 2.brownieYou yell, 'Teoseanth.' <400/1111hp 781/781m 213/360mv 702546tnl | [NESWD]> c tess 2.brownieYou yell, 'Teoseanth.' <400/1111hp 781/781m 213/360mv 702546tnl | [NESWD]> c tess 2.brownieYou intone an ancient mystical chant. Your tesseract spell failed. <400/1111hp 681/781m 213/360mv 702546tnl | [NESWD]> The wandering prophet has arrived. <400/1111hp 681/781m 213/360mv 702546tnl | [NESWD]> get tele bacYou get a silver potion labelled teleport from a leather backpack. <400/1111hp 681/781m 213/360mv 702546tnl | [NESWD]> qua teleYou quaff a silver potion labelled teleport. You gather translucent grey mist about yourself, and vanish to ethereal corridors.. .. you step out of the ethers, arriving suddenly at your destination. A thin path lined with bushes growing red berries [Exits: east west] <400/1111hp 681/781m 213/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> ct recalled[TOWER] Alantas: Recalled. <400/1111hp 681/781m 213/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Ithail: Go to archmagi. <400/1111hp 681/781m 213/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> ct Irhien appears. paralized legs[TOWER] Alantas: Irhien appears. paralized legs. <400/1111hp 681/781m 213/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <400/1111hp 681/781m 213/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> lA thin path lined with bushes growing red berries You stand on a thin dirt path lined by many bushes growing nice looking red berries. Thick willows form a canopy over the bushes, keeping the bushes nicely watered as the willows weep on them. This path's only use seems to be for gathering the berries, which is probably why it is not very large. [Exits: east west] The rain starts to pour down. <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> get mat bacdrop matrest matslee matYou get a mat of human skin from a leather backpack. <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You drop a mat of human skin. <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You sit on a mat of human skin and rest. <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Paralysis of legs' spell is active for 1 hours and 25 minutes, modifying dexterity by -6 modifying hit roll by -6 'Soften' spell is active for 3 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by 84 'Confusion' spell is active for 4 hours and 55 minutes 'Black guard' skill is active for 1 hours and 10 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 11 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Airshield' spell is active for 10 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 7 hours and 0 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 3 hours and 10 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 0 hours and 0 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 2 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Detect invis' spell is active for 19 hours and 20 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 1 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by -39 <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> Mystical eye above your head fades away. <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> ct teleported[TOWER] Alantas: Teleported. <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <436/1111hp 724/781m 247/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <629/1111hp 781/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <629/1111hp 781/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You get a mat of human skin. <629/1111hp 781/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You put a mat of human skin in a leather backpack. <629/1111hp 781/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'dispel magic' selfBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. The magic of your armor unravels. <629/1111hp 766/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'dispel magic' selfYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You failed to dispel anything. <629/1111hp 751/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'dispel magic' selfYou chant a sweet melodious line. You lost your concentration. <629/1111hp 744/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'dispel magic' self You stop guarding your head so carefully. <629/1111hp 744/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You chant a sweet melodious line. The magic of your lightning shield unravels. <629/1111hp 729/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'dispel magic' self Your force shield fades away. <629/1111hp 729/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c intBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You failed to dispel anything. <629/1111hp 714/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You conjure forth a hand of pure energy to guard you against attacks. <629/1111hp 654/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'dispel magic' self Your muscles relax and you can move again. <629/1111hp 654/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You chant a sweet melodious line. The magic of your fireshield unravels. <629/1111hp 639/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'dispel magic' self [TOWER] Ithail: Go archmagi and place the wall! when they enter it. <629/1111hp 639/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. The magic of your airshield unravels. <629/1111hp 624/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'dispel magic' selfYou yell, 'Arlaskil dahan.' <629/1111hp 624/781m 314/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'dispel magic' selfYou yell, 'Arlaskil dahan.' <673/1111hp 708/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'dispel magic' selfBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You failed to dispel anything. <673/1111hp 693/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'fireshield' [TOWER] Someone: Got it? <673/1111hp 693/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You are surrounded in a flaming halo of heat. <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> get mat bacdrop matrest matslee mat [TOWER] Someone: Faster. <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You get a mat of human skin from a leather backpack. <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You drop a mat of human skin. <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You sit on a mat of human skin and rest. <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> ct i died twice such way. 2 wildsurge hurts.[TOWER] Alantas: I died twice such way. 2 wildsurge hurts. <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: I will help now. <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: Come to archmagi. <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fireshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 17 hours and 35 minutes 'Soften' spell is active for 0 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by 84 'Confusion' spell is active for 2 hours and 5 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 4 hours and 10 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 0 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Detect invis' spell is active for 16 hours and 30 minutes <673/1111hp 663/781m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You feel your health fade as your mana surges back. <774/774hp 1081/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: And when they enter it. <774/774hp 1081/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> gt cunfusedYou tell the group, 'Cunfused.' <774/774hp 1081/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> ct cunfused[TOWER] Alantas: Cunfused. <774/774hp 1081/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <774/774hp 1081/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> standget matput mat bac [TOWER] Someone: Fast go down and place wall. You wake and stand up. <774/774hp 1081/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You get a mat of human skin. Your skin no longer feels so soft. <774/774hp 1081/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You put a mat of human skin in a leather backpack. <774/774hp 1081/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'earthshield'You yell, 'Sherfao.' <774/774hp 1081/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'earthshield' [TOWER] Someone: Wait till all fade. <774/774hp 1081/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You yell, 'Sherfao.' <774/774hp 1081/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'earthshield'You chant a sweet melodious line. You are surrounded by a layer of heavy dirt. <774/774hp 1051/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> ct already[TOWER] Alantas: Already. <774/774hp 1051/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'lightning shield'You recite a sweet mystical tune. You are surrounded by a field of humming electricity. <774/774hp 1021/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> afc 'improved shield'To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 16 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Earthshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 16 hours and 45 minutes 'Confusion' spell is active for 1 hours and 15 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 3 hours and 20 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 15 hours and 40 minutes <774/774hp 1021/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You recite a sweet mystical verse. You are surrounded by a force shield. <774/774hp 991/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c 'protective shield'You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You are surrounded by a protective shield. <774/774hp 941/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c arYou chant a sweet melodious line. You feel someone protecting you. <774/774hp 936/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c flyYou intone an ancient mystical chant. Your feet rise off the ground. <774/774hp 1032/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c wiza [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! A wall of ice is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <774/774hp 1032/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You recite a sweet mystical verse. A tiny mystical eye appears above you and begins scanning for intruders. <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> get mat bacdrop matrest matslee matYou get a mat of human skin from a leather backpack. <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You drop a mat of human skin. <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You sit on a mat of human skin and rest. <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> grYour group: [34 Inv] Alantas 100%hp 92%mana 100%mv 702546 tnl <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> af [TOWER] Someone: Faster! <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 18 hours and 50 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 40 hours and 40 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 24 hours and 25 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Protective shield' spell is active for 7 hours and 20 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 45 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 16 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Earthshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 14 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 16 hours and 0 minutes 'Confusion' spell is active for 0 hours and 30 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 2 hours and 35 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 14 hours and 55 minutes <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You get a mat of human skin. <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You put a mat of human skin in a leather backpack. <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: Faster! <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c tess 2.lesser trolYou yell, 'Teoseanth.' <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c tess 2.lesser trolYou yell, 'Teoseanth.' <774/774hp 1002/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c tess 2.lesser trolYou chant a sweet melodious line. Your tesseract spell failed. <774/774hp 902/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c tess 2.lesser trolYou yell, 'Teoseanth.' <774/774hp 955/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> c tess 2.lesser troll You can think clearly once again. <774/774hp 955/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! Within the Dead Forest [Exits: north east] A horrible troll is here scavenging through the wasted forest. A horrible troll is here scavenging through the wasted forest. <774/774hp 855/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NE]> [TOWER] Ithail: Faster! <774/774hp 855/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NE]> nWithin the Dead Forest [Exits: east south] A horrible troll is here scavenging through the wasted forest. A horrible troll is here scavenging through the wasted forest. <774/774hp 855/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [ES]> sWithin the Dead Forest [Exits: north east] A horrible troll is here scavenging through the wasted forest. A horrible troll is here scavenging through the wasted forest. <774/774hp 855/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [NE]> eeWithin the Dead Forest [Exits: east west] <774/774hp 855/1081m 357/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> eWithin the Dead Forest [Exits: east west] A horrible troll is here scavenging through the wasted forest. <774/774hp 855/1081m 356/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> Within the Dead Forest [Exits: north east west] A horrible troll is here scavenging through the wasted forest. <774/774hp 855/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [NEW]> nnWithin the Dead Forest [Exits: north south] A horrible troll is here scavenging through the wasted forest. A horrible troll is here scavenging through the wasted forest. <774/774hp 855/1081m 354/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> nWithin the Dead Forest [Exits: south west] <774/774hp 855/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [SW]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 855/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [SW]> wWithin the Dead Forest [Exits: north east] <774/774hp 855/1081m 352/360mv 702546tnl | [NE]> nNear the Entrance to the Dead Forest [Exits: north south] <774/774hp 855/1081m 351/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> nnEntrance to the Dead Forest [Exits: north south] <774/774hp 855/1081m 350/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> the regrowing forest [Exits: east south west] A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <774/774hp 855/1081m 349/360mv 702546tnl | [ESW]> eeAt the top of a hill [Exits: west down] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <774/774hp 855/1081m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [WD]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 855/1081m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [WD]> da small valley in the woods [Exits: north up] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <774/774hp 855/1081m 347/360mv 702546tnl | [NU]> na small valley in the woods [Exits: north south] A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. A bluebird chirps angrily at you. <774/774hp 855/1081m 346/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> nna small valley in the woods [Exits: north south] <774/774hp 855/1081m 345/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> a small valley in the woods [Exits: north east south] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <774/774hp 855/1081m 344/360mv 702546tnl | [NES]> eA dark path into the forest [Exits: east west] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <774/774hp 855/1081m 343/360mv 702546tnl | [EW]> eeBefore an old stone tower [Exits: north west] A massive grey iron golem stands as sentinel for the Tower. A sentinel iron golem says, 'Greetings, Magister of the Tower.' <774/774hp 855/1081m 342/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 855/1081m 342/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]> nA wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] <774/774hp 855/1081m 341/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> Irhien yells, 'Die, Ithail you sorcerous dog!' <774/774hp 855/1081m 341/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien the Chamber of Magisters (PK) A wall of ice the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas A wide corridor leading to a stairwell <774/774hp 855/1081m 341/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> c wallYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You gesture and a wall of solid blue ice crystalises. <774/774hp 830/1081m 341/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> n Ithail yells, 'Die, a wall of ice you sorcerous dog!' Irhien yells, 'Help! Ithail is casting a spell on me!' <774/774hp 830/1081m 341/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> uuuuuuuuBeneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] <774/774hp 830/1081m 340/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <774/774hp 830/1081m 339/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> Ithail yells, 'Die, someone you sorcerous dog!' On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <774/774hp 830/1081m 338/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <774/774hp 830/1081m 337/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] <774/774hp 830/1081m 336/360mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> c 'sheet lightning' wallthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here, fighting Irhien. The archmage of the Tower is here, fighting Irhien. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <774/774hp 830/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 830/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 830/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Irhien utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MUTILATES Ithail! Alas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 830/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> You recite a sweet mystical verse. A wall of ice yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You send forth a sheet of rippling lightning! You cast at a wall of ice but your spell falls on empty air. Irhien is unaffected by your sheet lightning! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 810/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'sheet lightning' wall A golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light. A wall of ice's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. Ithail's punch misses Irhien. A wall of ice fools you into moving the wrong way and your claw misses. A wall of ice dodges your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 810/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Randa easi shanto.' Ithail is moving at normal speed. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 810/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Andor nofra dagnir glas.' The archmage of the Tower's acid blast MUTILATES a wall of ice! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 810/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MASSACRES Ithail! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 810/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. A wall of ice yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' A wall of ice's chaotic shield bewitches your spell! A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's acid blast mauls her. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien throws out a shard of sharp ice! Irhien's icelance mauls her. A golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light. A wall of ice's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. A wall of ice's acidic bite devastates the archmage of the Tower. A wall of ice's acidic bite devastates the archmage of the Tower. A wall of ice's acidic bite misses the archmage of the Tower. Ithail's punch strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's magic injures a wall of ice. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 790/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A wall of ice utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail yells, 'Help! A wall of ice is casting a spell on me!' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! A wall of ice's wildsurge MUTILATES Ithail! Ithail looks around in confusion. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 790/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Down and wall! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 790/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Down and wall! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 790/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Down and wall! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 790/1081m 335/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge DISEMBOWELS Ithail! The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Andor nofra dagnir glas.' The archmage of the Tower's acid blast maims Irhien! Irhien's pierce decimates the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is struck by lightning from a mage's last defense. A golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light. A wall of ice's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. A wall of ice's acidic bite devastates the archmage of the Tower. Ithail's punch strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Ithail's punch strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 836/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' wallYou recite a sweet mystical verse. A wall of ice yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! You cast at a wall of ice but your spell falls on empty air. You cast at Irhien but your spell falls on empty air. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 796/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A wall of ice chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail yells, 'Die, a wall of ice you sorcerous dog!' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! A wall of ice's wildsurge MASSACRES Ithail! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 796/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' wall The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien throws out a shard of sharp ice! Irhien's spell is cast upon empty air. A wall of ice's acidic bite maims the archmage of the Tower! Ithail's punch strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Ithail's punch strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A wall of ice dodges your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 796/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail yells, 'Fast!' A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 796/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Tamina nit dagnir laisenna.' A blast of lightning erupts and forks into twin streaks of blue! The archmage of the Tower's fork lightning MUTILATES a wall of ice! The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 796/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. A wall of ice yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! You cast at Irhien but your spell falls on empty air. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 756/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A wall of ice utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail yells, 'Help! A wall of ice is casting a spell on me!' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! A wall of ice's wildsurge DISEMBOWELS Ithail! Ithail appears to be blinded. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 756/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MASSACRES Ithail! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 756/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light. A wall of ice's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. A wall of ice's acidic bite devastates the archmage of the Tower. Ithail's punch strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A wall of ice dodges your claw. A wall of ice fools you into moving the wrong way and your claw misses. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 756/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Down and wall! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 756/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> gt doneYou tell the group, 'Done.' A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 756/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A wall of ice utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail yells, 'Help! Someone is casting a spell on me!' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! A wall of ice's wildsurge decimates Ithail. Ithail appears to be moving slower. The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Riel ditei meiros alhanso.' The archmage of the Tower conjures forth a hail of flaming meteorites. Irhien is struck by a fiery meteorite! The archmage of the Tower's meteorite MUTILATES Irhien! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 756/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> The healer utters the words, 'Astald maele meiros hannis' and nods at Ithail. Ithail is no longer blinded. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 756/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' wall Irhien's pierce decimates the archmage of the Tower. Irhien's pierce devastates the archmage of the Tower. A wall of ice's acidic bite maims the archmage of the Tower! Ithail's punch misses Irhien. Ithail's punch misses Irhien. A wall of ice parries your claw. You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. The archmage of the Tower tries to disarm Irhien, but fails. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 756/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. A wall of ice yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! You cast at a wall of ice but your spell falls on empty air. Your fireball DISMEMBERS Irhien! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 716/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A wall of ice utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail yells, 'Die, a wall of ice you sorcerous dog!' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! A wall of ice's wildsurge MASSACRES Ithail! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 716/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail's eyes glow bright green as his body transmutes into a gold-horned unicorn! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 716/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A gold-horned unicorn peers intently down. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 716/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Andor nofra dagnir glas.' The archmage of the Tower's acid blast maims Irhien! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's flamestrike injures her. Irhien's pierce decimates the archmage of the Tower. A wall of ice's rapid restrike maims the archmage of the Tower! A wall of ice's acidic bite decimates the archmage of the Tower. Your claw misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice dodges your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 716/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 716/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 716/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A gold-horned unicorn is here, fighting Irhien. The archmage of the Tower is here, fighting Irhien. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 716/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 716/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! Irhien has fled! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 716/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' wallYou recite a sweet mystical verse. A wall of ice yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! You cast at a wall of ice but your spell falls on empty air. A wall of ice is surrounded by a dull blue light, but it fades without affect. A golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light. A wall of ice's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. A wall of ice's acidic bite misses the archmage of the Tower. You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 676/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A gold-horned unicorn's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 676/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Lumina farie shanto slein.' The archmage of the Tower directs a channel of superheated air at a wall of ice. The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 676/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' wall A wall of ice parries your claw. You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 676/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. A wall of ice yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! You cast at a wall of ice but your spell falls on empty air. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 636/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> c crus The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Riel ditei meiros alhanso.' The archmage of the Tower conjures forth a hail of flaming meteorites. A wall of ice is struck by a fiery meteorite! The archmage of the Tower's meteorite MANGLES a wall of ice! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 636/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Alantas! A wall of ice's rapid restrike maims the archmage of the Tower! You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. A wall of ice shield blocks your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. The white aura around a wall of ice's body fades. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <774/774hp 636/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A wall of ice has turned around, trying to escape! A wall of ice has fled! Cast the spell on whom? <774/774hp 636/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <774/774hp 636/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** (Multicolored Aura) A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <774/774hp 636/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Why you not place wall???? <774/774hp 636/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <774/774hp 636/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! A wall of ice is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic injures Irhien. <774/774hp 636/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail yells, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MANGLES Ithail! <774/774hp 636/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> ddOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] <774/774hp 636/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> ddIthail yells, 'Die, a wall of ice you sorcerous dog!' <774/774hp 636/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> ddOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <774/774hp 636/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <774/774hp 636/1081m 357/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> dddOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <774/774hp 636/1081m 356/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] <774/774hp 636/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 636/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 636/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> c wallAlas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 636/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 636/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> Ithail yells, 'Help! A wall of ice is casting a spell on me!' Alas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 712/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> You recite a sweet mystical tune. You aren't up to creating a new wall of ice. <774/774hp 687/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> Conrad tells you, 'There?' <774/774hp 687/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> sc s> scan s You peer intently south. **** 1 south **** A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. **** 2 south **** A massive grey iron golem stands as sentinel for the Tower. <774/774hp 687/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> uu Ithail yells, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <774/774hp 687/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uuOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <774/774hp 687/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uuOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <774/774hp 687/1081m 357/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] You stop blinking in and out of phase. <774/774hp 687/1081m 356/360mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Multicolored Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is here, fighting a wall of ice. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <774/774hp 687/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 687/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 687/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Irhien utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail yells, 'Die, someone you sorcerous dog!' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MANGLES Ithail! The healer utters the words, 'Astald maele meiros hannis' and nods at Ithail. Ithail is no longer blinded. <774/774hp 687/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' wallYou chant a sweet melodious line. A wall of ice yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! Your fireball DISMEMBERS Irhien! Ithail's punch misses Irhien. You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. A wall of ice dodges your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic misses a wall of ice. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Irhien. A wall of ice has some small wounds. <774/774hp 647/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A wall of ice recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail yells, 'Die, a wall of ice you sorcerous dog!' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! A wall of ice's wildsurge DISEMBOWELS Ithail! A wall of ice has some small wounds. <774/774hp 647/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> ct DONE !! Irhien utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge DISEMBOWELS Ithail! Ithail turns stiff and a horrible look comes over Ithail's face. Ithail's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a bristled porcupine. A wall of ice has some small wounds. <774/774hp 647/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A bristled porcupine's quills rise off his back and pose a deadly, bristling armor for him. The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Tamina nit dagnir laisenna.' A blast of lightning erupts and forks into twin streaks of blue! The archmage of the Tower's fork lightning MANGLES a wall of ice! The archmage of the Tower's fork lightning mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's pierce decimates the archmage of the Tower. c 'enhanced fireball' wallYou attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Irhien. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <774/774hp 647/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A bristled porcupine has turned around, trying to escape! A bristled porcupine's face twists in agony as his paralysed legs lock up. [TOWER] Alantas: DONE !! A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <774/774hp 647/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. A wall of ice yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! Your fireball DISMEMBERS Irhien! A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <774/774hp 607/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' wall Irhien's pierce devastates the archmage of the Tower. A golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light. A wall of ice's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. A wall of ice dodges your claw. You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <774/774hp 607/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A bristled porcupine has turned around, trying to escape! A bristled porcupine has fled! A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <774/774hp 607/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> You recite a sweet mystical verse. A wall of ice yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! Your fireball DISMEMBERS Irhien! A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <774/774hp 567/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Andor nofra dagnir glas.' Irhien's chaotic shield bewitches the archmage of the Tower's spell! A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <774/774hp 567/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' wall A wall of ice has turned around, trying to escape! A wall of ice has fled! <774/774hp 567/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at the archmage of the Tower. Irhien's icelance decimates the archmage of the Tower. Irhien's pierce misses the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Irhien. <774/774hp 567/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> They aren't here. <774/774hp 567/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Randa nefeinna shanto lerm.' A huge clenched fist appears above Irhien and strikes down. Irhien is hammered by the blow and looks stunned! The archmage of the Tower's crushing hand MUTILATES Irhien! <774/774hp 567/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Irhien's pierce decimates the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is struck by lightning from a mage's last defense. The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. <774/774hp 567/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A bristled porcupine peers intently down. <774/774hp 567/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Riel ditei meiros alhanso.' The archmage of the Tower conjures forth a hail of flaming meteorites. Irhien is struck by a fiery meteorite! The archmage of the Tower's meteorite MUTILATES Irhien! Irhien's pierce decimates the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Irhien. <774/774hp 567/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' irBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Irhien yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at Irhien! Your fireball DISMEMBERS Irhien! Irhien is covered in bleeding wounds. <774/774hp 527/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ir Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! Irhien has fled! <774/774hp 527/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> They aren't here. <774/774hp 527/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 46 hours and 50 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 20 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 15 hours and 35 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 37 hours and 25 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 21 hours and 10 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Protective shield' spell is active for 4 hours and 5 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 42 hours and 0 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 12 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Earthshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 12 hours and 45 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 11 hours and 40 minutes <774/774hp 527/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. (Multicolored Aura) A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <774/774hp 527/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> A bristled porcupine's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. <774/774hp 527/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail yells, 'DonE???' <774/774hp 527/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail yells, 'Done?' <774/774hp 527/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> say YES !!!You exclaim, 'YES !!' <774/774hp 527/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. (Multicolored Aura) A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. **** 5 down **** <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail asks, 'Where?' <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail bonks you on the head for being so foolish. Don't you feel stupid! You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail bonks you on the head for being so foolish. Don't you feel stupid! <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail bonks you on the head for being so foolish. Don't you feel stupid! <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> gt 1 step to golemYou tell the group, '1 step to golem.' <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. (Multicolored Aura) A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. **** 5 down **** <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail yells, 'I say down.' <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail spits in utter disgust! <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 46 hours and 15 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 15 hours and 0 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 36 hours and 50 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 20 hours and 35 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Protective shield' spell is active for 3 hours and 30 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 41 hours and 25 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 12 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Earthshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 10 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 11 hours and 5 minutes <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'One down.' <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail's face twists in agony as his paralysed legs lock up. <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> say kill nowYou say, 'Kill now.' <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 46 hours and 5 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 14 hours and 50 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 36 hours and 40 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 20 hours and 25 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Protective shield' spell is active for 3 hours and 20 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 41 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Earthshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 10 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 12 hours and 0 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 10 hours and 55 minutes <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail goes to sleep. <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> get evi bac Ithail wakes and stands up. <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> You get a rainbow orb labelled protection evil from a leather backpack. <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> wear evi Ithail yells, 'Lesark.' <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> You stop using the Orb of the Obsidian Order. You hold a rainbow orb labelled protection evil in your hands. <774/749hp 632/981m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> braYou brandish a rainbow orb labelled protection evil. You feel holy and pure. <774/749hp 632/981m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> wear obssc d Ithail chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Suntaar lesark shanto.' <774/749hp 632/981m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> You stop using a rainbow orb labelled protection evil. You hold the Orb of the Obsidian Order in your hands. <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> > scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail goes to sleep. <774/774hp 632/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] <774/774hp 632/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> dddOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <774/774hp 632/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> ddOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <774/774hp 632/1081m 357/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <774/774hp 632/1081m 356/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] <774/774hp 632/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> sAlas, you cannot go that way. <774/774hp 701/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> A wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] A small mat made from the skin of a human is stretched out on the floor. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Multicolored Aura) A wall of ice is sleeping here. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is resting on a mat of human skin. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <774/774hp 701/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> c windYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes. A wall of ice appears to be blinded by the debris. Your air blast *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! A wall of ice is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 0 experience points. A wall of ice's decapitated head falls onto the ground with a wet splat. The gods give you one silver coin for your sacrifice. Your air blast *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! A wall of ice is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 0 experience points. Blood and bone splatter as a wall of ice's arm is sliced from his dead body. The gods give you one silver coin for your sacrifice. Your air blast *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! A wall of ice is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 0 experience points. You hear a wall of ice's death cry. The gods give you one silver coin for your sacrifice. Your air blast *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! A wall of ice is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 0 experience points. A wall of ice splatters blood on your armor. The gods give you one silver coin for your sacrifice. A wall of ice appears to be blinded by the debris. Your air blast *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! A wall of ice is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 0 experience points. A wall of ice's decapitated head falls onto the ground with a wet splat. The gods give you one silver coin for your sacrifice. Your air blast MANGLES a wall of ice! Irhien yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' Your air blast mauls Irhien. Your air blast MANGLES a wall of ice! A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <774/774hp 681/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> c wind The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. You yell, 'Help! Irhien is casting a spell on me!' You are unaffected by Irhien's flamestrike! The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts Irhien's pierce. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts Irhien's pierce. A wall of ice's acidic bite maims you! A wall of ice's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS you! You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. A wall of ice dodges your claw. With a final angry rumbling, a cloud of flies buzzes away from Irhien. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <681/774hp 681/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You see no book here. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <681/774hp 681/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> A wall of ice recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! A wall of ice's wildsurge MANGLES you! You see no cor here. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <598/774hp 681/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> Irhien stops using a ring of wizardry. Irhien wears smoking silver ring of regeneration on her left finger. You see no book here. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <598/774hp 681/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You see no cor here. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <598/774hp 681/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You see no book here. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <598/774hp 681/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You see no cor here. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <598/774hp 681/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You see no book here. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <598/774hp 681/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> fleeYou see no cor here. You parry Irhien's pierce. A wall of ice's acidic bite devastates you. A wall of ice's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS you! A wall of ice's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS you! A wall of ice dodges your claw. You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <454/774hp 681/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You see no book here. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <454/774hp 681/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You see no cor here. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <454/774hp 681/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes. A wall of ice appears to be blinded by the debris. You cast at a wall of ice but your spell falls on empty air. Your air blast decimates Irhien. Your air blast MANGLES a wall of ice! A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <454/774hp 661/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> flee Ithail yells, 'Easi.' A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <454/774hp 661/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> flee A wall of ice chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! A wall of ice's wildsurge MANGLES you! A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <366/774hp 661/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> fleefleeflee The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You are unaffected by Irhien's flamestrike! Irhien's pierce wounds you. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts Irhien's pierce. You parry a wall of ice's acidic bite. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts a wall of ice's acidic bite. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts a wall of ice's acidic bite. You attack with your claw, but a wall of ice isn't there. A wall of ice shield blocks your claw. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <351/774hp 661/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NS]> fleefleeYou turn around, trying to escape! A wall of ice is blocking the way past. Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] You flee from combat! <351/774hp 661/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> You aren't fighting anyone. <351/774hp 661/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> You aren't fighting anyone. <351/774hp 661/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> You aren't fighting anyone. <351/774hp 661/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> uYou aren't fighting anyone. <351/774hp 661/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> uYou aren't fighting anyone. <351/774hp 661/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> uuYou aren't fighting anyone. <351/774hp 661/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> uuuYou aren't fighting anyone. <351/774hp 661/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <351/774hp 661/1081m 357/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uuOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <351/774hp 661/1081m 356/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uuOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <351/774hp 661/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] <351/774hp 661/1081m 354/360mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> uthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail yells, 'Easi.' Alas, you cannot go that way. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> say have gold ?lYou say, 'Have gold ?' <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Randa easi shanto.' Ithail is moving more quickly. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> hewHuh? <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'No.' <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Suntaar lesark shanto.' Ithail is moving at normal speed. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> get har bacYou get a silver harp labelled cure critical from a leather backpack. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Suntaar lesark shanto.' Ithail appears to be moving slower. <351/774hp 661/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> wear harYou stop using the Orb of the Obsidian Order. You hold a silver harp labelled cure critical in your hands. <351/749hp 661/981m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> braYou brandish a silver harp labelled cure critical. You feel better! A silver harp labelled cure critical blazes bright and is gone. <418/749hp 661/981m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> bra Ithail goes to sleep. <418/749hp 661/981m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> You hold nothing in your hand. <418/749hp 661/981m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> braYou hold nothing in your hand. <418/749hp 661/981m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail wakes and stands up. <456/749hp 711/981m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> get har bacYou get a silver harp labelled cure critical from a leather backpack. <456/749hp 711/981m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail yells, 'Easi.' <456/749hp 711/981m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> wear harYou hold a silver harp labelled cure critical in your hands. <456/749hp 711/981m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> braYou brandish a silver harp labelled cure critical. You feel better! <519/749hp 711/981m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> bra Ithail raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Randa easi shanto.' Ithail is moving at normal speed. <519/749hp 711/981m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Randa easi shanto.' Ithail is moving more quickly. <519/749hp 711/981m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> wear obssc dYou brandish a silver harp labelled cure critical. You feel better! <586/749hp 711/981m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail's eyes glow bright green as his body transmutes into a gold-horned unicorn! <586/749hp 711/981m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> ddddddYou stop using a silver harp labelled cure critical. You hold the Orb of the Obsidian Order in your hands. <586/774hp 711/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> > scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. **** 5 down **** <586/774hp 711/1081m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] <586/774hp 711/1081m 359/360mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <586/774hp 711/1081m 358/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <586/774hp 711/1081m 357/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. <586/774hp 711/1081m 356/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uIrhien recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Randa easi shanto.' A wall of ice is moving more quickly. <586/774hp 711/1081m 356/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uBeneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] <586/774hp 711/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> uuAlas, you cannot go that way. <586/774hp 711/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> uAlas, you cannot go that way. <586/774hp 711/1081m 355/360mv 702546tnl | [SU]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. <586/774hp 711/1081m 354/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uuOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <586/774hp 711/1081m 353/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <586/774hp 711/1081m 352/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> sc dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <586/774hp 711/1081m 351/360mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <586/774hp 711/1081m 350/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <586/774hp 711/1081m 350/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <586/774hp 711/1081m 350/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <586/774hp 711/1081m 350/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <586/774hp 711/1081m 350/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> Irhien yells, 'Help! I've been attacked by a gold-horned unicorn!' > scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A gold-horned unicorn is here, fighting Irhien. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a gold-horned unicorn. **** 5 down **** <586/774hp 711/1081m 350/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Protection evil' spell is active for 23 hours and 0 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 43 hours and 55 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 12 hours and 40 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 34 hours and 30 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 18 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Protective shield' spell is active for 1 hours and 10 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 39 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 10 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Earthshield' spell is active for 9 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 8 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 9 hours and 50 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 8 hours and 45 minutes <586/774hp 711/1081m 350/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A gold-horned unicorn is here, fighting Irhien. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a gold-horned unicorn. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a gold-horned unicorn. **** 5 down **** <586/774hp 711/1081m 350/360mv 702546tnl | [D]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] <586/774hp 711/1081m 349/360mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> ddOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <586/774hp 711/1081m 348/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <586/774hp 711/1081m 347/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> c 'enhanced fireball' walThey aren't here. <586/774hp 711/1081m 347/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. <586/774hp 711/1081m 346/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> c 'enhanced fireball' walYou recite a sweet mystical tune. A wall of ice yells, 'Help! Someone is casting a spell on me!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! Your fireball MANGLES Irhien! A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <586/774hp 671/1081m 346/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> c 'enhanced fireball' wal A wall of ice slashes at you in an attempt to sever a vital artery. A wall of ice's bleeding decimates you. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <556/774hp 671/1081m 346/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> Irhien chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You feel your body going all soft. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <556/774hp 671/1081m 346/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. You yell, 'Help! Irhien is casting a spell on me!' Irhien's acid blast DISEMBOWELS you! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' A shard of sharp ice flies forth at you. Irhien's icelance MUTILATES you! Irhien's pierce mauls you. Irhien's pierce mauls you. You parry a wall of ice's acidic bite. A wall of ice's acidic bite MASSACRES you! A wall of ice's acidic bite MASSACRES you! A wall of ice dodges your claw. A wall of ice shield blocks your claw. A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <267/774hp 671/1081m 346/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! Your fireball MASSACRES Irhien! A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <267/774hp 631/1081m 346/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> flee A wall of ice slices open a vital artery on your body! A wall of ice's bleeding DISMEMBERS you! A wall of ice's bleeding MUTILATES you! You sure are BLEEDING! A wall of ice is covered in bleeding wounds. <161/774hp 631/1081m 346/360mv 702546tnl | [UD]> c word Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MASSACRES you! You sure are BLEEDING! You suddenly feel confused! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. You yell, 'Help! Irhien is casting a spell on me!' You are unaffected by Irhien's flamestrike! You parry Irhien's pierce. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts Irhien's pierce. A wall of ice's acidic bite MASSACRES you! You sure are BLEEDING! A wall of ice's acidic bite MASSACRES you! You have been KILLED!! A strange buzzing sound fills your ears as leather whip pops in from nowhere! You have died and turned into an invincible ghost for a few minutes. A room filled with tomes of magic [Exits: west] <65/554hp 137/926m 198/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> Nah... You feel too relaxed... <65/554hp 137/926m 198/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> Ithail yells, 'Sastten.' Nah... You feel too relaxed... <65/554hp 137/926m 198/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> gt killedYou tell the group, 'Killed.' <65/554hp 137/926m 198/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> standget matput mat bacYou stand up. <65/554hp 137/926m 198/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> wYou see no mat here. <65/554hp 137/926m 198/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> You see no bac here. <65/554hp 137/926m 198/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> A dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] <65/554hp 137/926m 197/305mv 702546tnl | [ESW]> ssA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] <65/554hp 137/926m 196/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> sOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (Purple Aura) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <65/554hp 137/926m 195/305mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> dAlas, you cannot go that way. <65/554hp 137/926m 195/305mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <65/554hp 137/926m 194/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <65/554hp 137/926m 193/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] A whip is left here. The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. <65/554hp 137/926m 192/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> get all corYou see nothing in the cor. <65/554hp 137/926m 192/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uuOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <65/554hp 137/926m 191/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uuOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <65/554hp 137/926m 190/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uuOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] <65/554hp 137/926m 189/305mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> uuthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A long razor-sharp claw of a dragon lies here. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail stops using a silver harp labelled cure critical. Ithail holds a rainbow orb labelled protection evil in his hands. <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail brandishes a rainbow orb labelled protection evil. ...and nothing happens. A rainbow orb labelled protection evil blazes bright and is gone. Alas, you cannot go that way. <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> sleeYou go to sleep. <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> af [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! Kelvar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Pass door' spell is active for 24 hours and 30 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 24 hours and 30 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 24 hours and 30 minutes <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! The dracolich of a shadow dragon is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! The zombie of the Shadowlord is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! The mummy of Medagar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! The mummy of Medagar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! The mummy of Medagar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! The mummy of Medagar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! The mummy of Medagar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! A war elephant is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> grYour group: [34 Inv] Alantas 11%hp 14%mana 61%mv 702546 tnl <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Pass door' spell is active for 24 hours and 0 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 24 hours and 0 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 24 hours and 0 minutes <65/554hp 137/926m 188/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> wor [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! A wall of ice is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> You have 0 gold, 0 silver, and 12596514 experience (702546 exp to level). <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: Nothing. <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Pass door' spell is active for 23 hours and 50 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 23 hours and 50 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 23 hours and 50 minutes <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Pass door' spell is active for 23 hours and 45 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 23 hours and 45 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 23 hours and 45 minutes <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Alas, I have fallen to someone. <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! A wall of ice is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <139/554hp 317/926m 246/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <222/554hp 693/926m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> You see no mat here. <222/554hp 693/926m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> wheYou see no bac here. <222/554hp 693/926m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Players near you: Kelvar A wide corridor leading to a stairwell Irhien On a winding stone stairwell A wall of ice On a winding stone stairwell Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <222/554hp 693/926m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> sleeYou go to sleep. <222/554hp 693/926m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <222/554hp 693/926m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Have gold? <222/554hp 693/926m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Pass door' spell is active for 22 hours and 45 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 22 hours and 45 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 22 hours and 45 minutes <222/554hp 693/926m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> ct no[TOWER] Alantas: No. <222/554hp 693/926m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Need to heal blind. <222/554hp 693/926m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> ct died[TOWER] Alantas: Died. <222/554hp 693/926m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Pass door' spell is active for 22 hours and 15 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 22 hours and 15 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 22 hours and 15 minutes <222/554hp 693/926m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: First. why you placed wall so many times down from here?? <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> sc dYou see no mat here. <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> You see no bac here. <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> > scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** (Charmed) A massive dracolich of a shadow dragon is standing here. (Charmed) A zombie of the Shadowlord is standing here. (Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of Medagar is standing here. (Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of Medagar is standing here. (Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of Medagar is standing here. (Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of Medagar is standing here. (Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of Medagar is standing here. (Charmed) A large war elephant gazes at all below him. (Teeming Maggots) Kelvar the male dark elf is here. <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: I said you many times.. one down. <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: Kelvar Beneath a winding stone stairwell Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail yells, 'Just one down.' <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A long razor-sharp claw of a dragon lies here. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is sleeping here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: At second why you go to attack them alone? <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: You must wait for me. <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: I will be in porcupine. <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> gt they killin a wallYou tell the group, 'They killin a wall.' <312/554hp 898/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: And you cast your spells. <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail wakes and stands up. <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> ct they killin a wall[TOWER] Alantas: They killin a wall. <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Haran ilmaths simpa fao.' <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> sleeYou go to sleep. <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Faster heal up and attack. <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> sleeYou are already sleeping. <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> You see no mat here. <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> You see no bac here. <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail goes to sleep. <341/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> c channel 300You intone an ancient mystical chant. You feel your health improve as you control your body with your mind. <678/891hp 621/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'earthshield'You intone an ancient mystical chant. You are surrounded by a layer of heavy dirt. <678/891hp 591/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Ahh I'm blinded. <678/891hp 591/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'lightning shield'You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You are surrounded by a field of humming electricity. <678/891hp 561/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail wakes and stands up. <703/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> spit Ithail raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Randa easi shanto.' Ithail is moving at normal speed. <703/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> spitYou spit in utter disgust. <703/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> spitYou spit in utter disgust. <703/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> spitYou spit in utter disgust. <703/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> You spit in utter disgust. <703/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Randa easi shanto.' Ithail is moving more quickly. <703/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'fireshield'You chant a sweet melodious line. You are surrounded in a flaming halo of heat. <703/891hp 596/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: Nothing. <703/891hp 596/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: Nothing. <703/891hp 596/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fireshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 16 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Earthshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Channel' spell is active for 24 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Pass door' spell is active for 19 hours and 35 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 19 hours and 35 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 19 hours and 35 minutes <703/891hp 596/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <703/891hp 596/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail goes to sleep. <703/891hp 596/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'improved shield'You chant a sweet melodious line. You are surrounded by a force shield. <703/891hp 566/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> c arYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You feel someone protecting you. <703/891hp 561/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Have money in banmk? <703/891hp 561/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Have money in bank? <703/891hp 561/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> dunvHuh? <703/891hp 561/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'detect invis'You recite a sweet mystical verse. Your eyes tingle. <703/891hp 556/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> ct yes[TOWER] Alantas: Yes. <703/891hp 556/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A long razor-sharp claw of a dragon lies here. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is sleeping here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <703/891hp 556/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Recall fast then tess to me. <703/891hp 556/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Faster. <703/891hp 556/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> ldthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A long razor-sharp claw of a dragon lies here. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is sleeping here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <739/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] <739/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> ddOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <739/891hp 626/626m 303/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> dddOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <739/891hp 626/626m 302/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> ddOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. <739/891hp 626/626m 301/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> dBeneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] A whip is left here. <739/891hp 626/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [SU]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <739/891hp 626/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [SU]> sAlas, you cannot go that way. <739/891hp 626/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [SU]> sAlas, you cannot go that way. <739/891hp 626/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [SU]> sAlas, you cannot go that way. <739/891hp 626/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [SU]> sAlas, you cannot go that way. <739/891hp 626/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [SU]> A wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] <739/891hp 626/626m 299/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> Before an old stone tower [Exits: north west] The corpse of a sentinel iron golem is lying here. <739/891hp 626/626m 298/305mv 702546tnl | [NW]> wAlas, you cannot go that way. <739/891hp 626/626m 298/305mv 702546tnl | [NW]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <739/891hp 626/626m 298/305mv 702546tnl | [NW]> wA dark path into the forest [Exits: east west] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <739/891hp 626/626m 297/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> wwwa small valley in the woods [Exits: north east south] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <739/891hp 626/626m 296/305mv 702546tnl | [NES]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <739/891hp 626/626m 296/305mv 702546tnl | [NES]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <739/891hp 626/626m 296/305mv 702546tnl | [NES]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <739/891hp 626/626m 296/305mv 702546tnl | [NES]> sssa small valley in the woods [Exits: north south] <739/891hp 626/626m 295/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> a small valley in the woods [Exits: north south] A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. A bluebird chirps angrily at you. <739/891hp 626/626m 294/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> uwa small valley in the woods [Exits: north up] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <739/891hp 626/626m 293/305mv 702546tnl | [NU]> wAt the top of a hill [Exits: west down] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <739/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [WD]> nwthe regrowing forest [Exits: east south west] <739/891hp 626/626m 291/305mv 702546tnl | [ESW]> wthe regrowing forest [Exits: north east] A delicate blue flower lies on the ground. A small red flower lies here. A bright flower lies on the ground. ( 2) A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <739/891hp 626/626m 290/305mv 702546tnl | [NE]> nnnnthe regrowing forest [Exits: south west] A tiny winged girl flitters through the forest. <739/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [SW]> the regrowing forest [Exits: east west] A red fox stares at you from the underbrush. A beautiful dryad caresses the trees. <739/891hp 626/626m 288/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> An intersection in the path [Exits: north east west] ( 2) A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <739/891hp 626/626m 287/305mv 702546tnl | [NEW]> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwA dark forest path [Exits: north south] A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. <739/891hp 626/626m 286/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> A dark forest path [Exits: north south] A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. <739/891hp 626/626m 285/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> sSouth of the crossroads [Exits: north south] A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. <739/891hp 626/626m 284/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> eAt the crossroads along the Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] A wooden sign has been posted into the ground here. <739/891hp 626/626m 283/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> eWest of a crossroads on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] A small merchant walks along the road on his way to the city. A small kender dressed in a brown leather jacket smiles at you. <739/891hp 626/626m 282/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> Way of the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] <739/891hp 626/626m 281/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> Way of the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] <739/891hp 626/626m 280/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> Way of the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] <739/891hp 626/626m 279/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Ithail: Did it? <739/891hp 626/626m 279/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> Way of the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] A lowly knight of the Crown stands guard over the road. <739/891hp 626/626m 278/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> Way of the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] A happy looking farmer greets you with a deep bow. <739/891hp 626/626m 277/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> Walking on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] <739/891hp 626/626m 276/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Walking on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] <739/891hp 626/626m 275/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Walking on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] <739/891hp 626/626m 274/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Walking on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] <739/891hp 626/626m 273/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Entrance to the large part of Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] A lowly knight of the Crown stands guard over the road. <739/891hp 626/626m 272/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Walking on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] <739/891hp 626/626m 271/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> On the clearing before the road [Exits: east west] <739/891hp 626/626m 270/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> On the eastern outskirts of Palanthas [Exits: east west] <739/891hp 626/626m 269/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> Outside the Grand Eastern gates of Palanthas [Exits: north east south west] <739/891hp 626/626m 268/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Garent the butcher yells, 'Freshly cut meats, get ya meats here!' <739/891hp 626/626m 268/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Inside the Eastern gate house of Palanthas [Exits: east west up] A woman wearing warm clothing and a thick cloak hurries by. A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. <739/891hp 626/626m 267/305mv 702546tnl | [EWU]> Before the grand Eastern gates of Palanthas [Exits: north east south west] A plain steel sword is lying here. (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. <739/891hp 626/626m 266/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> On a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: east west] <739/891hp 626/626m 265/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> withd 400 goldOn a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: north east west] <739/891hp 626/626m 264/305mv 702546tnl | [NEW]> On a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: north east west] <739/891hp 626/626m 263/305mv 702546tnl | [NEW]> On a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: north east south west] A plain steel sword is lying here. A drunk rests in a corner mumbling incoherent words. A drunk rests in a corner mumbling incoherent words. A ragged looking beggar reaches out to passers by for some kindness. <739/891hp 626/626m 262/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> On a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: east south west] A street cleaner sighs as more rubbish blows by in the wind. <739/891hp 626/626m 261/305mv 702546tnl | [ESW]> Beneath a large, cracked stone archway before the Palanthas Markets [Exits: east west] A dirty girl coughs as she begs for food. <739/891hp 626/626m 260/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> A cobblestone trade road through the eastern Palanthas markets [Exits: north east south west] A woman wearing warm clothing and a thick cloak hurries by. <739/891hp 626/626m 259/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Palanthas market square [Exits: north east south west] <739/891hp 626/626m 258/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> In the southern market [Exits: north east south west] <739/891hp 626/626m 257/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> In the south-eastern market [Exits: north east south west] You see a metal helmet here. A plain steel sword is lying here. ( 2) (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. You see a pair of metal leggings here. A warmly dressed man bumps into you and rushies on by. <739/891hp 626/626m 256/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> The Palanthas royal bank [Exits: west] A sign has been posted to the wall. (White Aura) A merchant banker of Palanthas waits to take your transaction. <739/891hp 626/626m 255/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> You withdraw 400 gold. <739/891hp 626/626m 255/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> c tess ithBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A long razor-sharp claw of a dragon lies here. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <739/891hp 526/626m 255/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Emynir ainstan alasse.' Ithail's skin becomes iron strong. <739/891hp 526/626m 255/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> give 200 gold itYou give Ithail 200 gold. <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> nodYou nod. <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> The healer utters the words, 'Astald maele meiros hannis' and nods at Ithail. Ithail is no longer blinded. <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail beckons for you to follow. Better hurry up! <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail beckons for you to follow. Better hurry up! <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail beckons for you to follow. Better hurry up! <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> get claYou get a long razor-sharp dragon claw. <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> fol itYou now follow Ithail. <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Tesseract' spell is active for 2 hours and 35 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 35 hours and 30 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 23 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Improved shield' spell is active for 43 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Fireshield' spell is active for 14 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 14 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Earthshield' spell is active for 14 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Channel' spell is active for 22 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Pass door' spell is active for 17 hours and 40 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 17 hours and 40 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 17 hours and 40 minutes <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> You join Ithail's group. <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> grIthail's group: [35 Tra] Ithail 89%hp 92%mana 100%mv 1269708 tnl [34 Inv] Alantas 86%hp 96%mana 94%mv 702546 tnl <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail tells the group, 'They left.' <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail spits in utter disgust! <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> who-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- Conrad the male minotaur Kelvar the male dark elf, Spark of Darkness Kiero the male dwarf Vodan the male dwarf Irhien the female dark elf, Herald of Chaos Keonar the male wild elf, Incarnation of Chaos Thald the male dark elf [TOWER] Ithail the male elf, Archmagi of the Tower Rafrig the male dwarf [TOWER] (PK) Alantas the male wild elf, Magister of the Tower Players found: 10 <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Hanme arith meiros er.' <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail drinks water from a magical spring. <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail drinks water from a magical spring. <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> ct tower ? surely[TOWER] Alantas: Tower ? surely. <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'Well lets wait for them.' <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail goes to sleep. <775/891hp 606/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> ct kelvar attack them[TOWER] Alantas: Kelvar attack them. <802/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is sleeping here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <802/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> say what for ? they will not comeYou say, 'What for ? they will not come.' <802/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <802/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 20 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 34 hours and 15 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 22 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Improved shield' spell is active for 42 hours and 0 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Fireshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 13 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Earthshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Channel' spell is active for 21 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Pass door' spell is active for 16 hours and 25 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 16 hours and 25 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 16 hours and 25 minutes <802/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> eqYou are using: Nothing. <802/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail wakes and stands up. <845/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'Go.' <845/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail looks at you. <845/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> l You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 303/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 303/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 302/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 301/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> You follow Ithail. Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] A whip is left here. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [SU]> Ithail says, 'Powerlink.' <845/891hp 626/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [SU]> You follow Ithail. A wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 299/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. Before an old stone tower [Exits: north west] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 298/305mv 702546tnl | [NW]> You follow Ithail. A dark path into the forest [Exits: east west] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 297/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You follow Ithail. a small valley in the woods [Exits: north east south] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 296/305mv 702546tnl | [NES]> You follow Ithail. a small valley in the woods [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 295/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. a small valley in the woods [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. A bluebird chirps angrily at you. <845/891hp 626/626m 294/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. a small valley in the woods [Exits: north up] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 293/305mv 702546tnl | [NU]> You follow Ithail. At the top of a hill [Exits: west down] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <845/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [WD]> You follow Ithail. the regrowing forest [Exits: east south west] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 291/305mv 702546tnl | [ESW]> You follow Ithail. the regrowing forest [Exits: north east] A delicate blue flower lies on the ground. A small red flower lies here. A bright flower lies on the ground. ( 2) A small white mushroom grows from the ground. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 290/305mv 702546tnl | [NE]> You follow Ithail. the regrowing forest [Exits: south west] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A tiny winged girl flitters through the forest. <845/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [SW]> You follow Ithail. the regrowing forest [Exits: east west] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A red fox stares at you from the underbrush. A beautiful dryad caresses the trees. <845/891hp 626/626m 288/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You follow Ithail. An intersection in the path [Exits: north east west] ( 2) A small white mushroom grows from the ground. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 287/305mv 702546tnl | [NEW]> You follow Ithail. A dark forest path [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. <845/891hp 626/626m 286/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. A dark forest path [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 285/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. South of the crossroads [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. <845/891hp 626/626m 284/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. At the crossroads along the Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] A wooden sign has been posted into the ground here. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 283/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> You follow Ithail. A small dirt path [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 282/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. At the crossroads along the Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] A wooden sign has been posted into the ground here. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 281/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> You follow Ithail. South of the crossroads [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. <845/891hp 626/626m 280/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. A dark forest path [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 279/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. A dark forest path [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. <845/891hp 626/626m 278/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <845/891hp 626/626m 278/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. An intersection in the path [Exits: north east west] ( 2) A small white mushroom grows from the ground. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 277/305mv 702546tnl | [NEW]> You follow Ithail. the regrowing forest [Exits: east west] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A red fox stares at you from the underbrush. A beautiful dryad caresses the trees. <845/891hp 626/626m 276/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You follow Ithail. the regrowing forest [Exits: south west] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A tiny winged girl flitters through the forest. <845/891hp 626/626m 275/305mv 702546tnl | [SW]> You follow Ithail. the regrowing forest [Exits: north east] A delicate blue flower lies on the ground. A small red flower lies here. A bright flower lies on the ground. ( 2) A small white mushroom grows from the ground. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 274/305mv 702546tnl | [NE]> You follow Ithail. the regrowing forest [Exits: east south west] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <845/891hp 626/626m 273/305mv 702546tnl | [ESW]> You follow Ithail. At the top of a hill [Exits: west down] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <845/891hp 626/626m 272/305mv 702546tnl | [WD]> You follow Ithail. a small valley in the woods [Exits: north up] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <872/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [NU]> You follow Ithail. a small valley in the woods [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. A bluebird chirps angrily at you. <872/891hp 626/626m 303/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. a small valley in the woods [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <872/891hp 626/626m 302/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. a small valley in the woods [Exits: north east south] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <872/891hp 626/626m 301/305mv 702546tnl | [NES]> You follow Ithail. A dark path into the forest [Exits: east west] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <872/891hp 626/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> You follow Ithail. Before an old stone tower [Exits: north west] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <872/891hp 626/626m 299/305mv 702546tnl | [NW]> You follow Ithail. A wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <872/891hp 626/626m 298/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <872/891hp 626/626m 297/305mv 702546tnl | [SU]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <872/891hp 626/626m 296/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <872/891hp 626/626m 295/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <872/891hp 626/626m 294/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <872/891hp 626/626m 293/305mv 702546tnl | [NUD]> You follow Ithail. the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <872/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> ct i'll die again. cause i'm naked[TOWER] Alantas: I'll die again. cause i'm naked. <872/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <872/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail goes to sleep. <872/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> grIthail's group: [35 Tra] Ithail 100%hp 100%mana 95%mv 1269708 tnl [34 Inv] Alantas 97%hp 100%mana 95%mv 702546 tnl <872/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <872/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <872/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <872/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> grIthail's group: [35 Tra] Ithail 100%hp 100%mana 95%mv 1269708 tnl [34 Inv] Alantas 97%hp 100%mana 95%mv 702546 tnl <872/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Just listen what I say. <872/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> The white aura around Ithail's body fades. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: And all will be ok. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail wakes and stands up. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.' Ithail is surrounded by a white aura. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> gt hehYou tell the group, 'Heh.' <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> gtTell your group what? <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Detect invis' spell is active for 30 hours and 10 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 18 hours and 0 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Improved shield' spell is active for 37 hours and 55 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Fireshield' spell is active for 9 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 9 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Earthshield' spell is active for 9 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Channel' spell is active for 17 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Pass door' spell is active for 12 hours and 20 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 12 hours and 20 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 12 hours and 20 minutes <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> c 'energyshield'You intone an ancient mystical chant. Your lightning shield crackles and dissipates. You are surrounded by a crackling shield. <891/891hp 596/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Faernil ralithafi dagnir fao.' Ithail is surrounded by a protective shield. <891/891hp 596/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> c groundBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Your body loses all affinity to electricity. <891/891hp 526/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail goes to sleep. <891/891hp 526/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <891/891hp 581/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> c intYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You conjure forth a hand of pure energy to guard you against attacks. <891/891hp 521/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> c blinkYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You begin blinking in and out of existence. <891/891hp 496/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <891/891hp 496/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Blink' spell is active for 14 hours and 50 minutes 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 18 hours and 45 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 4 hours and 25 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 29 hours and 20 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 17 hours and 10 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Improved shield' spell is active for 37 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Fireshield' spell is active for 8 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Earthshield' spell is active for 8 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Channel' spell is active for 16 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Pass door' spell is active for 11 hours and 30 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 11 hours and 30 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 11 hours and 30 minutes <891/891hp 496/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> worYou have 200 gold, 0 silver, and 12596514 experience (702546 exp to level). <891/891hp 496/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: a long razor-sharp dragon claw <891/891hp 496/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> wear claYou wield a long razor-sharp dragon claw. A long razor-sharp dragon claw feels like a part of you! <891/891hp 496/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <891/891hp 496/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> eqYou are using: <wielded> a long razor-sharp dragon claw <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail wakes and stands up. <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Alfirin sannil alasse.' <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> gt they will not comeYou tell the group, 'They will not come.' <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: Nothing. <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> whoi it [TOWER] Ithail the male elf, Archmagi of the Tower <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Ayale teoseanth shanto.' <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale teoseanth shanto.' You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself somewhere else! Within a chilling crypt [Exits: none] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A tall figure dressed in resplendant armor lies on a stone bier. Keonar the male wild elf is here. <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> Ithail intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Alfirin ebarre alasse ithee.' Keonar's loses control of his body! Keonar's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a small squirrel. <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> Ithail's ironskin cracks under the blows! Ithail's ironskin cracks under the blows! Ithail's ironskin cracks under the blows! Ithail's punch wounds a small squirrel. A small squirrel is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 0 experience points. A small squirrel splatters blood on your armor. Ithail sacrifices the corpse of Keonar to the gods. <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> You see no book here. <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> You see no cor here. <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> Ithail's eyes glow bright green as his body transmutes into a gold-horned unicorn! <891/891hp 559/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> shakeYou shake your head negatively. <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> lWithin a chilling crypt You have entered the final resting place of one of the Royal Guard, who pledged to defend these tombs from any who would dare defile them. The room is cold and dark, yet in surprisingly good condition. There are no decorations save the sign of the Royal Crest, and beneath it the words: \"Sothi Nuinqua Tsalarioth\" - Faithful Beyond Death. [Exits: none] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A tall figure dressed in resplendant armor lies on a stone bier. <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> A gold-horned unicorn's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> gt tryed alreadyYou tell the group, 'Tryed already.' <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> Ithail chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Chronlir mei alasse arladofrases.' In the blink of an eye Ithail pops out of existence! <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> gt mirrors everywhereYou tell the group, 'Mirrors everywhere.' <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> lWithin a chilling crypt You have entered the final resting place of one of the Royal Guard, who pledged to defend these tombs from any who would dare defile them. The room is cold and dark, yet in surprisingly good condition. There are no decorations save the sign of the Royal Crest, and beneath it the words: \"Sothi Nuinqua Tsalarioth\" - Faithful Beyond Death. [Exits: none] A tall figure dressed in resplendant armor lies on a stone bier. <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> Someone goes to sleep. <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> open eopen wopen nopen sopen uopen dYou see no door east. <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> You see no door west. <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [none]> You open the door. <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> You see no door south. <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> You see no door up. <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> That's not a container. <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> sc n> scan n You peer intently north. **** 1 north **** <891/891hp 614/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> nThe Crypts of the Royal Guard [Exits: east south west] <891/891hp 614/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [ESW]> c tess dwellerYou chant a sweet melodious line. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! In the dirty corridor [Exits: north west] A creature with bearing sharp claws, sniffs the air in search of someone. <891/891hp 514/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [NW]> wIn the dirty corridor [Exits: east west] <891/891hp 514/626m 303/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> wIn the dirty corridor [Exits: north east] <891/891hp 514/626m 302/305mv 702546tnl | [NE]> wnAlas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 514/626m 302/305mv 702546tnl | [NE]> na dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: north south west] <891/891hp 514/626m 301/305mv 702546tnl | [NSW]> Beneath the streets of Palanthas [Exits: north south up] <891/891hp 514/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [NSU]> uOver a huge sewerage hole [Exits: east down] <891/891hp 514/626m 299/305mv 702546tnl | [ED]> whePlayers near you: Thald The darkened laboratory (PK) Alantas Over a huge sewerage hole <891/891hp 514/626m 299/305mv 702546tnl | [ED]> Someone tells you, 'Damn.' <891/891hp 514/626m 299/305mv 702546tnl | [ED]> gt i'll equip someYou tell the group, 'I'll equip some.' <891/891hp 587/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [ED]> lOver a huge sewerage hole You are at the city dump where people come to drop their rubbish. Beneath all the accumulated garbage you can see a sewer system filled with pipes and junctions. The garbage alley heads back east if you want to escape the terrible stench, or down into the pathway beneath the Palanthas. [Exits: east down] <891/891hp 587/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [ED]> grSomeone's group: [35 Tra] Someone 100%hp 64%mana 100%mv 1269708 tnl [34 Inv] Alantas 100%hp 93%mana 100%mv 702546 tnl <891/891hp 587/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [ED]> eIn a narrow alley filled with sewerage [Exits: east west] A dirty, smelly beggar mumbles as he searches the junk in the alley. <891/891hp 587/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> eeA darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north south west] A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates. <891/891hp 587/626m 303/305mv 702546tnl | [NSW]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 587/626m 303/305mv 702546tnl | [NSW]> nSomeone tells you, 'Are you alone?' A darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north east south west] A citizen of Palanthas trudges by with a tired shuffle. <891/891hp 587/626m 302/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> nUnder a broken stone archway south of the Palanthas markets [Exits: north south] <891/891hp 587/626m 301/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> nIn the southern market [Exits: north east south west] A tall knight dressed in warm clothes eyes you carefully as he passes. <891/891hp 587/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> c 'detect invis'Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You can already see invisible. <891/891hp 582/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Someone tells you, 'Gaius.' <891/891hp 582/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Garent the butcher yells, 'Freshly cut meats, get ya meats here!' <891/891hp 582/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> reply no, with IthailYou tell someone, 'No, with Ithail.' <891/891hp 582/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> whoi ithYou don't see anyone of that name. <891/891hp 582/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> lIn the southern market You stand within the bustling markets of Palanthas. The sounds of people talking and conducting business can be heard from all around. To the south is a large stone archway leading out from the markets, while the markets themselves continue north, east and west. [Exits: north east south west] A tall knight dressed in warm clothes eyes you carefully as he passes. <891/891hp 582/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> eIn the south-eastern market [Exits: north east south west] You see a metal helmet here. A plain steel sword is lying here. ( 2) (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. You see a pair of metal leggings here. A warmly dressed man bumps into you and rushies on by. A woman wearing warm clothing and a thick cloak hurries by. <891/891hp 582/626m 299/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> eThe Palanthas royal bank [Exits: west] A sign has been posted to the wall. (White Aura) A merchant banker of Palanthas waits to take your transaction. <891/891hp 582/626m 298/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> whePlayers near you: Vodan Under a broken stone archway south of the Palanthas markets Thald The darkened laboratory (PK) Alantas The Palanthas royal bank <891/891hp 582/626m 298/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> wsIn the south-eastern market [Exits: north east south west] You see a metal helmet here. A plain steel sword is lying here. ( 2) (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. You see a pair of metal leggings here. A warmly dressed man bumps into you and rushies on by. A woman wearing warm clothing and a thick cloak hurries by. Jani the grocer yells, 'Fresh greens for sale! Fresh greens here!' <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> the general store [Exits: north] (White Aura) A tired looking shopkeeper is here serving people. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> bu mapYou haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 53 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> bu mapYou haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 58 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> bu mapYou haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 48 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> bu mapYou buy a map of Palanthas for 60 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> bu mapYou haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 50 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> Someone tells you, 'Can he hurt em?' <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> Garent the butcher yells, 'Freshly cut meats, get ya meats here!' A blacksmith yells, 'Best blades made here, buy ye blades here!' <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> reply yes. You tell someone, 'Yes.' <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> iYou are carrying: ( 5) a map of Palanthas <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> A blacksmith yells, 'Best blades made here, buy ye blades here!' <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> bu mapYou buy a map of Palanthas for 60 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> bu mapYou haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 50 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> bu mapYou haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 60 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> bu mapbu mapYou haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 47 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> bu mapYou buy a map of Palanthas for 60 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> You haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 50 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 702546tnl | [N]> nIn the south-eastern market [Exits: north east south west] You see a metal helmet here. A plain steel sword is lying here. ( 2) (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. You see a pair of metal leggings here. A warmly dressed man bumps into you and rushies on by. A woman wearing warm clothing and a thick cloak hurries by. <891/891hp 626/626m 303/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> wIn the southern market [Exits: north east south west] A tall knight dressed in warm clothes eyes you carefully as he passes. <891/891hp 626/626m 302/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> sUnder a broken stone archway south of the Palanthas markets [Exits: north south] <891/891hp 626/626m 301/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> ssA darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north east south west] A citizen of Palanthas trudges by with a tired shuffle. <891/891hp 626/626m 300/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> ssA darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north south west] (Translucent) Vodan the male dwarf is here. A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates. <891/891hp 626/626m 299/305mv 702546tnl | [NSW]> sssVodan leaves north. Garent the butcher yells, 'Freshly cut meats, get ya meats here!' <891/891hp 626/626m 299/305mv 702546tnl | [NSW]> A darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north south] A passing traveller walks around admiring the city. <891/891hp 626/626m 298/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> An intersection of the southern city walls and 'South road' [Exits: north east south west] <891/891hp 626/626m 297/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Inside the Grand Southern gates of Palanthas [Exits: north south] (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. A tired looking woman walks by oblivious to your presence. <891/891hp 626/626m 296/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> ssInside the Southern gate house of Palanthas [Exits: north south up] A plain steel sword is lying here. A guard is here walking the battlements. A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. <891/891hp 626/626m 295/305mv 702546tnl | [NSU]> s Someone tells you, 'Are you fighting right now?' Outside the Grand Southern gates of Palanthas [Exits: north south] (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. (Glowing) A pipe sits on the ground with music playing in it. <891/891hp 626/626m 294/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> Before Briarwood [Exits: north south] A jar of nectar is glowing with a yellow hue, transparent and beautiful. <891/891hp 626/626m 293/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> Beneath the Canopy [Exits: north east south west] A jar of nectar is glowing with a yellow hue, transparent and beautiful. A ring carved out of wood covered in tiny runes. A goblin monger wanders mindlessly. An ogre commander yells out orders to his troops. <891/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Beneath the canopy [Exits: north east south west] A pair of broken glasses sit lopsidedly on the ground. A jar of nectar is glowing with a yellow hue, transparent and beautiful. (Glowing) An iron dagger, glinting unnaturally in the light, rests here in a sheath. An ogre speaks in intelligible tones. <891/891hp 626/626m 291/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> nBeneath the Canopy [Exits: north east south west] A jar of nectar is glowing with a yellow hue, transparent and beautiful. A ring carved out of wood covered in tiny runes. A goblin monger wanders mindlessly. An ogre commander yells out orders to his troops. <891/891hp 626/626m 290/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> wwBeneath the Canopy [Exits: east south west] <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [ESW]> wwAt a stream [Exits: east west] A jar of nectar is glowing with a yellow hue, transparent and beautiful. (Humming) A beautiful spring has spurted up from the ground. <891/891hp 626/626m 288/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> w You lose your grounding against electricty. <891/891hp 626/626m 288/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> Before the Emerald Glade [Exits: east west] An ogre runs around, stabbing at things. <891/891hp 626/626m 287/305mv 702546tnl | [EW]> A Fog-Shrouded Trail [Exits: east up] <891/891hp 626/626m 285/305mv 702546tnl | [EU]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 626/626m 285/305mv 702546tnl | [EU]> Conrad tells you, 'Who killed you?' <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [EU]> reply no, right now i'm equippinYou tell Conrad, 'No, right now i'm equippin.' <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 702546tnl | [EU]> uuThe Haunted Pine Forest [Exits: up down] <891/891hp 626/626m 303/305mv 702546tnl | [UD]> uNear the Summit [Exits: south down] <891/891hp 626/626m 301/305mv 702546tnl | [SD]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 626/626m 301/305mv 702546tnl | [SD]> ssA Mountain Pass [Exits: north south] A Four-Leaf Clover. <891/891hp 626/626m 299/305mv 702546tnl | [NS]> wA Mountain Pass [Exits: north west] The mountain boogum jumps out and gets set to bite you. <891/891hp 626/626m 297/305mv 702546tnl | [NW]> sA Thickly-Wooded Dell [Exits: east south west] A nymph looks coyly at you, then winks mischeviously and dances away. <891/891hp 626/626m 295/305mv 702546tnl | [ESW]> A Signpost in the Enchanted Forests [Exits: north east south west] A nymph looks coyly at you, then winks mischeviously and dances away. A nymph looks coyly at you, then winks mischeviously and dances away. <891/891hp 626/626m 294/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> reply Irhien, KeonarlYou tell Conrad, 'Irhien, Keonar.' <891/891hp 626/626m 294/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> A Signpost in the Enchanted Forests Through the majestic oaks of these ancient woods, the deep earthiness of the forest permeates your senses, while a gentle hum of magic in the air pulses low and vibrant. A shy nymph peeks inquisitively at you from behind a tree before disappearing with a titter. An old but sturdy signpost stands beside a crossing in the paths, which lead in every direction. [Exits: north east south west] A nymph looks coyly at you, then winks mischeviously and dances away. A nymph looks coyly at you, then winks mischeviously and dances away. <891/891hp 626/626m 294/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> sThe Emerald Forest [Exits: north east south] A nymph looks coyly at you, then winks mischeviously and dances away. A dryad peers at you inquisitively from behind her tree. <891/891hp 626/626m 293/305mv 702546tnl | [NES]> nA Signpost in the Enchanted Forests [Exits: north east south west] A nymph looks coyly at you, then winks mischeviously and dances away. A nymph looks coyly at you, then winks mischeviously and dances away. <891/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> eA Well-Used Trail Through The Forest [Exits: east south west] A dryad peers at you inquisitively from behind her tree. A beautiful lady is talking to some animals here. <891/891hp 626/626m 291/305mv 702546tnl | [ESW]> eeThe Woodkeepers' Outpost [Exits: north east south west] (White Aura) A silver haired ranger sits here making arrows. A beautiful lady is talking to some animals here. <891/891hp 626/626m 290/305mv 702546tnl | [NESW]> Smokey's Supplies [Exits: west] A twelve foot bear stands here scratching his crotch. <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> bu knaYou haggle with the ancient ranger bear. You buy a ranger's knapsack for 1059 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> bu wafYou haggle with the ancient ranger bear. You buy an elven wafer for 57 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> bu wafYou haggle with the ancient ranger bear. You buy an elven wafer for 68 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> Conrad tells you, 'I told you.' <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 702546tnl | [W]> bu wafYou haggle with the ancient ranger bear. You have become better at haggle! You buy an elven wafer for 65 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 701946tnl | [W]> You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 701946tnl | [W]> bu wafYou haggle with the ancient ranger bear. You buy an elven wafer for 68 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 701946tnl | [W]> bu wafYou haggle with the ancient ranger bear. You buy an elven wafer for 66 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 701946tnl | [W]> bu wafYou haggle with the ancient ranger bear. You buy an elven wafer for 62 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 701946tnl | [W]> Conrad tells you, 'Let's think about plan and slay them.' <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 701946tnl | [W]> reply one more word and i'll attack YOU ! too many wise guys around and all tryes to make a planYou tell Conrad, 'One more word and i'll attack YOU ! too many wise guys around and all tryes to make a plan.' <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [W]> lSmokey's Supplies You enter a lodge which sits under the shade of an ancient Redwood tree. All manner of supplies and equipment useful to rangers and woodkeepers are neatly stacked on shelves or stored in closets. A parchment tacked on a wall lists the supplies which you may purchase from Smokey, the Ranger Bear who runs the supply store. [Exits: west] A twelve foot bear stands here scratching his crotch. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [W]> iYou are carrying: ( 6) an elven wafer a ranger's knapsack (11) a map of Palanthas <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [W]> put all knaYou put an elven wafer in a ranger's knapsack. You put an elven wafer in a ranger's knapsack. You put an elven wafer in a ranger's knapsack. You put an elven wafer in a ranger's knapsack. You put an elven wafer in a ranger's knapsack. You put an elven wafer in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [W]> wwwThe Woodkeepers' Outpost [Exits: north east south west] (White Aura) A silver haired ranger sits here making arrows. A beautiful lady is talking to some animals here. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> A Well-Used Trail Through The Forest [Exits: east south west] A dryad peers at you inquisitively from behind her tree. A beautiful lady is talking to some animals here. <891/891hp 626/626m 303/305mv 701946tnl | [ESW]> A Signpost in the Enchanted Forests [Exits: north east south west] A nymph looks coyly at you, then winks mischeviously and dances away. A nymph looks coyly at you, then winks mischeviously and dances away. <891/891hp 626/626m 302/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> nA Thickly-Wooded Dell [Exits: east south west] A nymph looks coyly at you, then winks mischeviously and dances away. <891/891hp 626/626m 301/305mv 701946tnl | [ESW]> eA Mountain Pass [Exits: north west] The mountain boogum jumps out and gets set to bite you. <891/891hp 626/626m 299/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> nnnA Mountain Pass [Exits: north south] A Four-Leaf Clover. <891/891hp 626/626m 297/305mv 701946tnl | [NS]> Near the Summit [Exits: south down] <891/891hp 626/626m 295/305mv 701946tnl | [SD]> ddAlas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 626/626m 295/305mv 701946tnl | [SD]> dThe Haunted Pine Forest [Exits: up down] <891/891hp 626/626m 293/305mv 701946tnl | [UD]> A Fog-Shrouded Trail [Exits: east up] <891/891hp 626/626m 291/305mv 701946tnl | [EU]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 626/626m 291/305mv 701946tnl | [EU]> eeBefore the Emerald Glade [Exits: east west] An ogre runs around, stabbing at things. <891/891hp 626/626m 289/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> eAt a stream [Exits: east west] A jar of nectar is glowing with a yellow hue, transparent and beautiful. (Humming) A beautiful spring has spurted up from the ground. <891/891hp 626/626m 288/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> eBeneath the Canopy [Exits: east south west] <891/891hp 626/626m 287/305mv 701946tnl | [ESW]> Beneath the Canopy [Exits: north east south west] A jar of nectar is glowing with a yellow hue, transparent and beautiful. A ring carved out of wood covered in tiny runes. A goblin monger wanders mindlessly. <891/891hp 626/626m 286/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> nBefore Briarwood [Exits: north south] A jar of nectar is glowing with a yellow hue, transparent and beautiful. <891/891hp 626/626m 285/305mv 701946tnl | [NS]> nnOutside the Grand Southern gates of Palanthas [Exits: north south] (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. (Glowing) A pipe sits on the ground with music playing in it. <891/891hp 626/626m 284/305mv 701946tnl | [NS]> nInside the Southern gate house of Palanthas [Exits: north south up] A plain steel sword is lying here. A guard is here walking the battlements. A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. <891/891hp 626/626m 283/305mv 701946tnl | [NSU]> wheInside the Grand Southern gates of Palanthas [Exits: north south] (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. A tired looking woman walks by oblivious to your presence. <891/891hp 626/626m 282/305mv 701946tnl | [NS]> Players near you: Isindril A narrow street along the towering stone walls Thald The darkened laboratory (PK) Alantas Inside the Grand Southern gates of Palanthas <891/891hp 626/626m 282/305mv 701946tnl | [NS]> nAn intersection of the southern city walls and 'South road' [Exits: north east south west] A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates. <891/891hp 626/626m 281/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> nnA darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north south] A passing traveller walks around admiring the city. <891/891hp 626/626m 280/305mv 701946tnl | [NS]> A darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north south west] A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates. <891/891hp 626/626m 279/305mv 701946tnl | [NSW]> nA darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north east south west] A citizen of Palanthas trudges by with a tired shuffle. <891/891hp 626/626m 278/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> eIn a dark narrow alley [Exits: east west] A street cleaner sighs as more rubbish blows by in the wind. <891/891hp 626/626m 277/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> sAlas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 626/626m 277/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> wA darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north east south west] A citizen of Palanthas trudges by with a tired shuffle. <891/891hp 626/626m 276/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> nUnder a broken stone archway south of the Palanthas markets [Exits: north south] A tall knight dressed in warm clothes eyes you carefully as he passes. Jani the grocer yells, 'Fresh greens for sale! Fresh greens here!' <891/891hp 626/626m 275/305mv 701946tnl | [NS]> nIn the southern market [Exits: north east south west] <891/891hp 626/626m 274/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> eIn the south-eastern market [Exits: north east south west] You see a metal helmet here. A plain steel sword is lying here. ( 2) (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. You see a pair of metal leggings here. A warmly dressed man bumps into you and rushies on by. A woman wearing warm clothing and a thick cloak hurries by. <891/891hp 626/626m 273/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> sthe general store [Exits: north] (White Aura) A tired looking shopkeeper is here serving people. <891/891hp 626/626m 272/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> bu mapYou haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 45 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 272/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> bu mapbu mapYou haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 55 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 272/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> bu mapbu mapbu mapbu mapYou haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 49 silver. The night has begun. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> You haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 57 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> You haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 48 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> You haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 45 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> You haggle with a shopkeeper. You buy a map of Palanthas for 56 silver. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> lthe general store You are in a well kept general store where citizens of Palanthas come for their general daily needs. You can head north to the markets. [Exits: north] (White Aura) A tired looking shopkeeper is here serving people. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> eqYou are using: <wielded> a long razor-sharp dragon claw <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> iYou are carrying: ( 7) a map of Palanthas a ranger's knapsack <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> Jani the grocer yells, 'Fresh greens for sale! Fresh greens here!' <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> put knaYou put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. You put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> lthe general store You are in a well kept general store where citizens of Palanthas come for their general daily needs. You can head north to the markets. [Exits: north] (White Aura) A tired looking shopkeeper is here serving people. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> scoYou are Alantas the Master of Evocation Race: wild elf Sex: male Age: 358 years old (middle-aged) You are a true neutral invoker. Level: 34, with 12597114 exp (experience to level: 701946) Str: 13 Health: 891 /891 Practices: 11 Int: 24 Mana : 626 /626 Training sessions: 1 Wis: 21 Move : 305 /305 Dex: 24 Carrying 2/36 items (23/269 pounds) Con: 13 You have 176 gold and 4 silver coins. You have 0 smuggler coins. Wimpy set to 300 hit points. Hometown is New Thalos. You are standing. Armor: pierce: -78 bash: -78 slash: -78 magic: -78 You are superbly armored against piercing. You are superbly armored against bashing. You are superbly armored against slashing. You are superbly armored against magic. Hitroll: 1 Damroll: 5. Reflex save: 4 Will save: 1 Fortitude save: -7 You trust your group with questionable spells. Use 'affects' command to see spells affecting you. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> wear knaYou wear a ranger's knapsack about your body. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> lthe general store You are in a well kept general store where citizens of Palanthas come for their general daily needs. You can head north to the markets. [Exits: north] (White Aura) A tired looking shopkeeper is here serving people. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> wAlas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> whePlayers near you: Gaius Palanthas market square Thald The darkened laboratory (PK) Alantas the general store <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [N]> nIn the south-eastern market [Exits: north east south west] You see a metal helmet here. A plain steel sword is lying here. ( 2) (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. You see a pair of metal leggings here. A warmly dressed man bumps into you and rushies on by. A woman wearing warm clothing and a thick cloak hurries by. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> nA cobblestone trade road through the eastern Palanthas markets [Exits: north east south west] <891/891hp 626/626m 303/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> whePlayers near you: Gaius Palanthas market square Thald The darkened laboratory (PK) Alantas A cobblestone trade road through the eastern Palanthas markets <891/891hp 626/626m 303/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> eBeneath a large, cracked stone archway before the Palanthas Markets [Exits: east west] A dirty girl coughs as she begs for food. <891/891hp 626/626m 302/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> eOn a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: east south west] A street cleaner sighs as more rubbish blows by in the wind. <891/891hp 626/626m 301/305mv 701946tnl | [ESW]> wBeneath a large, cracked stone archway before the Palanthas Markets [Exits: east west] A dirty girl coughs as she begs for food. <891/891hp 626/626m 300/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> wA cobblestone trade road through the eastern Palanthas markets [Exits: north east south west] <891/891hp 626/626m 299/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> wPalanthas market square [Exits: north east south west] (Charmed) A large tree-like creature stands here in silence. Gaius the male wild elf is here. <891/891hp 626/626m 298/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> A treant leaves east. <891/891hp 626/626m 298/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> tip gaThey aren't here. <891/891hp 626/626m 298/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> lPalanthas market square You stand at the central market place of Palanthas. Around you the bustling markets of Palanthas spread out to greet citizens and visitors alike. The smell of roasting meats and fresh baked bread fills the air. The markets continue in all directions around you. [Exits: north east south west] <891/891hp 626/626m 298/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> eA cobblestone trade road through the eastern Palanthas markets [Exits: north east south west] <891/891hp 626/626m 297/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> eeBeneath a large, cracked stone archway before the Palanthas Markets [Exits: east west] A dirty girl coughs as she begs for food. <891/891hp 626/626m 296/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> eeeOn a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: east south west] A street cleaner sighs as more rubbish blows by in the wind. <891/891hp 626/626m 295/305mv 701946tnl | [ESW]> eOn a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: north east south west] A plain steel sword is lying here. A drunk rests in a corner mumbling incoherent words. A ragged looking beggar reaches out to passers by for some kindness. <891/891hp 626/626m 294/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> A beggar looks to you with sad eyes. A beggar reaches out for a pittance. <891/891hp 626/626m 294/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> On a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: north east west] <891/891hp 626/626m 293/305mv 701946tnl | [NEW]> spitOn a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: north east west] <891/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 701946tnl | [NEW]> spitspitspit The layer of dirt covering your body blows away. <891/891hp 626/626m 292/305mv 701946tnl | [NEW]> spitOn a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: east west] A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates. <891/891hp 626/626m 291/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> You spit in utter disgust. <891/891hp 626/626m 291/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> You spit in utter disgust. <891/891hp 626/626m 291/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> You spit in utter disgust. <891/891hp 626/626m 291/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> You spit in utter disgust. <891/891hp 626/626m 291/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> You spit in utter disgust. <891/891hp 626/626m 291/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> c 'earthshield'eeYou recite a sweet mystical verse. You are surrounded by a layer of heavy dirt. Jani the grocer yells, 'Fresh greens for sale! Fresh greens here!' The dim silvery haze of Solinari rises into the night sky. <891/891hp 626/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> eeBefore the grand Eastern gates of Palanthas [Exits: north east south west] A plain steel sword is lying here. (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. <891/891hp 626/626m 304/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> Inside the Eastern gate house of Palanthas [Exits: east west up] A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. <891/891hp 626/626m 303/305mv 701946tnl | [EWU]> Outside the Grand Eastern gates of Palanthas [Exits: north east south west] A woman wearing warm clothing and a thick cloak hurries by. <891/891hp 626/626m 302/305mv 701946tnl | [NESW]> eeOn the eastern outskirts of Palanthas [Exits: east west] <891/891hp 626/626m 301/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> On the clearing before the road [Exits: east west] <891/891hp 626/626m 300/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> Walking on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] <891/891hp 626/626m 299/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> c tess leaderBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Your tesseract spell failed. <891/891hp 526/626m 299/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> Your halo of fire dissipates. <891/891hp 526/626m 299/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> c tess draconian leaderYou chant a sweet melodious line. Your tesseract spell failed. <891/891hp 426/626m 299/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> c tess draconian leaderYou intone an ancient mystical chant. Your tesseract spell failed. <891/891hp 326/626m 299/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> c tess draconian leaderBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Your tesseract spell failed. <891/891hp 226/626m 299/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> Conrad tells you, 'Aye.' <891/891hp 226/626m 299/305mv 701946tnl | [EW]> c tess draconian leaderYou chant a sweet melodious line. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! A trail soaked with blood [Exits: north west] The torn remains of Utaso are here on a cross. A lightly armoured draconian stands here sniffing the air warily. A draconian in plate armor stands guarding the way to the temple. <891/891hp 126/626m 299/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas A trail soaked with blood <891/891hp 126/626m 299/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> sleeYou go to sleep. <891/891hp 126/626m 299/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> You see no mat here. <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> You see no bac here. <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> lA trail soaked with blood You stand on a path that is charred as though a fierce fire has been raging. The trees lining the path are blackened and crisped, looking almost skeletal in the deepening gloom. The burnt and charred trail you stand upon is soaked with crimson fluid that could only be fresh blood. Splattered on the ashen ground, on the nearby trees, on the blades of grass that still grow here; blood from the veins of a hundred souls has been spilled like water. The gloomy trail leads west and north. [Exits: north west] The torn remains of Utaso are here on a cross. A lightly armoured draconian stands here sniffing the air warily. A draconian in plate armor stands guarding the way to the temple. <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas A trail soaked with blood <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> gl 6.A draconian vanguard is in perfect condition. A draconian vanguard is using: <worn around neck> an obsidian necklace <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> A draconian leader is in perfect condition. A draconian leader is using: <worn on torso> a platemail of green dragonscale <worn as shield> a black-scorched bone shield <worn around wrist> a shimmering crystal wristband <wielded> a nightmare blade <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> That person isn't here. <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> That person isn't here. <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> That person isn't here. <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> sleeYou go to sleep. <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> <891/891hp 273/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> <891/891hp 471/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> <891/891hp 471/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> <891/891hp 471/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <891/891hp 471/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> You see no mat here. <891/891hp 471/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> You see no bac here. <891/891hp 471/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> whoi kelYou don't see anyone of that name. <891/891hp 471/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> lA trail soaked with blood You stand on a path that is charred as though a fierce fire has been raging. The trees lining the path are blackened and crisped, looking almost skeletal in the deepening gloom. The burnt and charred trail you stand upon is soaked with crimson fluid that could only be fresh blood. Splattered on the ashen ground, on the nearby trees, on the blades of grass that still grow here; blood from the veins of a hundred souls has been spilled like water. The gloomy trail leads west and north. [Exits: north west] The torn remains of Utaso are here on a cross. A lightly armoured draconian stands here sniffing the air warily. A draconian in plate armor stands guarding the way to the temple. <891/891hp 471/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> c 'detect invis'You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You can already see invisible. <891/891hp 466/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> who-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- (PK) Isindril the male dark elf (PK) Conrad the male minotaur (PK) Gaius the male wild elf Vodan the male dwarf (PK) Irhien the female dark elf, Herald of Chaos (PK) Keonar the male wild elf, Incarnation of Chaos Thald the male dark elf [TOWER] (PK) Ithail the male elf, Archmagi of the Tower Rafrig the male dwarf [TOWER] (PK) Alantas the male wild elf, Magister of the Tower Players found: 10 <891/891hp 466/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> lA trail soaked with blood You stand on a path that is charred as though a fierce fire has been raging. The trees lining the path are blackened and crisped, looking almost skeletal in the deepening gloom. The burnt and charred trail you stand upon is soaked with crimson fluid that could only be fresh blood. Splattered on the ashen ground, on the nearby trees, on the blades of grass that still grow here; blood from the veins of a hundred souls has been spilled like water. The gloomy trail leads west and north. [Exits: north west] The torn remains of Utaso are here on a cross. A lightly armoured draconian stands here sniffing the air warily. A draconian in plate armor stands guarding the way to the temple. <891/891hp 466/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> c firebYou intone an ancient mystical chant. A burst of energy channels into your magic! You send forth a ball of fire. Your fireball >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a draconian vanguard! Your fireball === OBLITERATES === a draconian leader! Your claw mauls a draconian vanguard. Your claw mauls a draconian vanguard. A draconian vanguard is poisoned by the venom on a long razor-sharp dragon claw. You parry a draconian leader's acidic bite. You parry a draconian vanguard's pound. A draconian vanguard is writhing in agony. <891/891hp 451/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> c fireb Your claw mauls a draconian vanguard. Your claw mauls a draconian vanguard. You blink away from a draconian leader's acidic bite. You parry a draconian vanguard's pound. A draconian vanguard is convulsing on the ground. <891/891hp 451/626m 305/305mv 701946tnl | [NW]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You send forth a ball of fire. Your fireball *** DEVASTATES *** a draconian vanguard! A draconian vanguard is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 10 experience points. You hear a draconian vanguard's death cry. The corpse of a draconian vanguard is lying here. The corpse of a draconian vanguard holds: an obsidian necklace The gods give you 54 silver coins for your sacrifice. Your fireball *** DEVASTATES *** a draconian leader! A draconian leader is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 46 experience points. You hear a draconian leader's death cry. The corpse of a draconian leader is lying here. The corpse of a draconian leader holds: a nightmare blade a shimmering crystal wristband a platemail of green dragonscale a black-scorched bone shield The gods give you 69 silver coins for your sacrifice. <891/891hp 436/626m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> You see no book here. <891/891hp 436/626m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> You see no cor here. <891/891hp 436/626m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> You see no book here. <891/891hp 436/626m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> You see no cor here. <891/891hp 436/626m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> You feel solid again. You slowly float to the ground. You no longer see in the dark. <891/891hp 500/626m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <891/891hp 500/626m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> c flyYou recite a sweet mystical verse. Your feet rise off the ground. <891/891hp 490/626m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> get wr The rain starts to pour down. <891/891hp 541/626m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> You get a shimmering crystal wristband. <891/891hp 541/626m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> get plaYou get a platemail of green dragonscale. <891/891hp 541/626m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> get necYou get an obsidian necklace. <891/891hp 541/626m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> wear allYou wear an obsidian necklace around your neck. You wear a platemail of green dragonscale on your torso. You wear a shimmering crystal wristband around your left wrist. <891/891hp 541/646m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> lA trail soaked with blood You stand on a path that is charred as though a fierce fire has been raging. The trees lining the path are blackened and crisped, looking almost skeletal in the deepening gloom. The burnt and charred trail you stand upon is soaked with crimson fluid that could only be fresh blood. Splattered on the ashen ground, on the nearby trees, on the blades of grass that still grow here; blood from the veins of a hundred souls has been spilled like water. The gloomy trail leads west and north. [Exits: north west] A slab of blackened bone occupies the area near your feet. A blade dripping with acid lies here. The torn remains of Utaso are here on a cross. <891/891hp 541/646m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> sc n> scan n You peer intently north. **** 1 north **** **** 2 north **** A small, cruel looking black dragon blocks the way into the temple. **** 3 north **** **** 4 north **** **** 5 north **** <891/891hp 541/646m 305/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> wA trail soaked with blood [Exits: east south] <891/891hp 541/646m 304/305mv 701890tnl | [ES]> sA trail soaked with blood [Exits: north west] <891/891hp 541/646m 303/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> wThe ashen fields [Exits: east south west] <891/891hp 541/646m 302/305mv 701890tnl | [ESW]> sThe ashen fields [Exits: north west] A large plant whips its spiked vines about searching for prey. <891/891hp 541/646m 301/305mv 701890tnl | [NW]> nThe ashen fields [Exits: east south west] <891/891hp 541/646m 300/305mv 701890tnl | [ESW]> nAlas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 541/646m 300/305mv 701890tnl | [ESW]> wThe ashen fields [Exits: north east south west] A lightly armoured draconian stands here sniffing the air warily. <891/891hp 541/646m 299/305mv 701890tnl | [NESW]> c frostbolt 2.You intone an ancient mystical chant. You point at a draconian vanguard and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt === OBLITERATES === a draconian vanguard! A draconian vanguard is gushing blood. <891/891hp 526/646m 299/305mv 701890tnl | [NESW]> Your claw mauls a draconian vanguard. Your claw mauls a draconian vanguard. A draconian vanguard is poisoned by the venom on a long razor-sharp dragon claw. You parry a draconian vanguard's pound. A draconian vanguard is gushing blood. <891/891hp 526/646m 299/305mv 701890tnl | [NESW]> c frostboltYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You point at a draconian vanguard and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt === OBLITERATES === a draconian vanguard! A draconian vanguard is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 4 experience points. You hear a draconian vanguard's death cry. The corpse of a draconian vanguard is lying here. The corpse of a draconian vanguard holds: an obsidian necklace The gods give you 54 silver coins for your sacrifice. <891/891hp 511/646m 299/305mv 701886tnl | [NESW]> get newear alleqYou see no book here. <891/891hp 511/646m 299/305mv 701886tnl | [NESW]> You see no cor here. <891/891hp 511/646m 299/305mv 701886tnl | [NESW]> You get an obsidian necklace. <891/891hp 511/646m 299/305mv 701886tnl | [NESW]> You wear an obsidian necklace around your neck. <891/891hp 511/666m 299/305mv 701886tnl | [NESW]> You are using: <worn around neck> an obsidian necklace <worn around neck> an obsidian necklace <worn on torso> a platemail of green dragonscale <worn on body> a ranger's knapsack <worn around wrist> a shimmering crystal wristband <wielded> a long razor-sharp dragon claw <891/891hp 511/666m 299/305mv 701886tnl | [NESW]> scoYou are Alantas the Master of Evocation Race: wild elf Sex: male Age: 358 years old (middle-aged) You are a true neutral invoker. Level: 34, with 12597174 exp (experience to level: 701886) Str: 13 Health: 891 /891 Practices: 11 Int: 24 Mana : 511 /666 Training sessions: 1 Wis: 21 Move : 299 /305 Dex: 24 Carrying 6/36 items (46/269 pounds) Con: 13 You have 176 gold and 181 silver coins. You have 0 smuggler coins. Wimpy set to 300 hit points. Hometown is New Thalos. You are standing. Armor: pierce: -86 bash: -82 slash: -82 magic: -81 You are supremely armored against piercing. You are supremely armored against bashing. You are supremely armored against slashing. You are supremely armored against magic. Hitroll: 3 Damroll: 6. Reflex save: 6 Will save: 1 Fortitude save: 3 You trust your group with questionable spells. Use 'affects' command to see spells affecting you. <891/891hp 511/666m 299/305mv 701886tnl | [NESW]> spitYou spit in utter disgust. <891/891hp 511/666m 299/305mv 701886tnl | [NESW]> sc n> scan n You peer intently north. **** 1 north **** A cowled figure kneels on the ground and utters a prayer to his queen. A lightly armoured draconian stands here sniffing the air warily. <891/891hp 511/666m 299/305mv 701886tnl | [NESW]> nThe ashen fields [Exits: south] A cowled figure kneels on the ground and utters a prayer to his queen. A lightly armoured draconian stands here sniffing the air warily. <891/891hp 594/666m 304/305mv 701886tnl | [S]> c firebYou recite a sweet mystical verse. You send forth a ball of fire. Your fireball *** DEVASTATES *** a servant of the Dark Queen! Your fireball *** DEVASTATES *** a draconian vanguard! A servant of the Dark Queen is gushing blood. <891/891hp 579/666m 304/305mv 701886tnl | [S]> c fireb You parry a servant of the Dark Queen's pound. Your claw mauls a servant of the Dark Queen. A servant of the Dark Queen is poisoned by the venom on a long razor-sharp dragon claw. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts a draconian vanguard's pound. A servant of the Dark Queen is gushing blood. <891/891hp 579/666m 304/305mv 701886tnl | [S]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You send forth a ball of fire. Your fireball === OBLITERATES === a servant of the Dark Queen! A servant of the Dark Queen is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 39 experience points. You hear a servant of the Dark Queen's death cry. The corpse of a servant of the Dark Queen is lying here. The corpse of a servant of the Dark Queen holds: a dark onyx ring a wristguard engraved with a flute a thin gold chain The gods give you 42 silver coins for your sacrifice. Your fireball === OBLITERATES === a draconian vanguard! A draconian vanguard is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 5 experience points. Blood spurts and splashes as a draconian vanguard's heart is torn from his chest. A strange buzzing sound fills your ears as bronze axe pops in from nowhere! The corpse of a draconian vanguard is lying here. The corpse of a draconian vanguard holds: an obsidian necklace The gods give you 51 silver coins for your sacrifice. <891/891hp 564/666m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> You see no book here. <891/891hp 564/666m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> You see no cor here. <891/891hp 564/666m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> You see no book here. <891/891hp 564/666m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> You see no cor here. <891/891hp 564/666m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> get rinYou get a dark onyx ring. <891/891hp 564/666m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> get wrYou get a wristguard engraved with a flute. <891/891hp 564/666m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> wear allYou wear a wristguard engraved with a flute around your right wrist. You wear a dark onyx ring on your left finger. <891/906hp 564/681m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> eqYou are using: <worn on finger> a dark onyx ring <worn around neck> an obsidian necklace <worn around neck> an obsidian necklace <worn on torso> a platemail of green dragonscale <worn on body> a ranger's knapsack <worn around wrist> a shimmering crystal wristband <worn around wrist> a wristguard engraved with a flute <wielded> a long razor-sharp dragon claw <891/906hp 564/681m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> lThe ashen fields You stand on a blasted wasteland of coarse grey ash and sharp splintered rock. Hidden deep in the black mountains, the air is still and thick with the stench of death. A thin acrid smoke rolls along the jagged ground, filling your mouth with its bitter taste. Charred bones and melted armour litter the ground as though an army met a sudden, horrific death at the hands of some fiery evil. Vast walls of insidious slime-covered rock, impossible to climb border the plains with their dreadful shadows. The trail through the plains leads back south. [Exits: south] A necklace of pitch-black obsidian lies in a pool of blood. An axe is left here. The torn-out heart of a draconian vanguard is lying here. A golden chain of great worth begs you to grab it off the ground. <891/906hp 564/681m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> sc s> scan s You peer intently south. **** 1 south **** **** 2 south **** **** 3 south **** A lightly armoured draconian stands here sniffing the air warily. **** 4 south **** <891/906hp 564/681m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> sThe ashen fields [Exits: north east south west] <891/906hp 564/681m 303/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> sThe ashen fields [Exits: north east south west] <891/906hp 564/681m 302/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> sc w> scan w You peer intently west. **** 1 west **** A tall man wanders about talking loudly about the greatness of Takhisis. **** 2 west **** A lightly armoured draconian stands here sniffing the air warily. A lightly armoured draconian stands here sniffing the air warily. <891/906hp 564/681m 302/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> eqYou are using: <worn on finger> a dark onyx ring <worn around neck> an obsidian necklace <worn around neck> an obsidian necklace <worn on torso> a platemail of green dragonscale <worn on body> a ranger's knapsack <worn around wrist> a shimmering crystal wristband <worn around wrist> a wristguard engraved with a flute <wielded> a long razor-sharp dragon claw <891/906hp 564/681m 302/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> c tess cannibalYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! Inside a tent [Exits: south] (Glowing) An amulet depicting a centaur victory is here. A leather vest with bone studs is here. A primitive hunter moves through the forest. A huge man sits drooling over his clutched hands. <891/906hp 464/681m 302/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> get amYou get the Endscape amulet. <906/906hp 511/681m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> c iden amYou recite a sweet mystical verse. A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, the Endscape amulet, is treasure, and can be referred to as 'endscape amulet'. It is of 17th level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 8 gold. You can wear it around your neck. It glows with a soft light and sheds a magical aura. When worn, it modifies health by 15 modifies reflex save by 1 modifies wisdom by 1 <906/906hp 499/681m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> drop amYou drop the Endscape amulet. <906/906hp 499/681m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> lInside a tent You are standing inside a large tent made from the skins of multiple animals and held together by long sticks. It couldn't offer much safety from the elements but is perhaps better than nothing. There is only one sleeping place, most likely for the leader of this band of woodsmen. There is also a wooden box in the corner. The only way out is south through the exit. [Exits: south] (Glowing) An amulet depicting a centaur victory is here. A leather vest with bone studs is here. A primitive hunter moves through the forest. A huge man sits drooling over his clutched hands. <906/906hp 499/681m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> sc s> scan s You peer intently south. **** 1 south **** **** 2 south **** **** 3 south **** **** 4 south **** <906/906hp 499/681m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> sBefore a large tent [Exits: north east south west] <906/906hp 499/681m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> sAn encampment in the forest [Exits: north south west] A small mat made from the skin of a human is stretched out on the floor. You stop blinking in and out of phase. <906/906hp 499/681m 303/305mv 701842tnl | [NSW]> sc e> scan e You peer intently east. <906/906hp 499/681m 303/305mv 701842tnl | [NSW]> c blinkYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You begin blinking in and out of existence. <906/906hp 474/681m 303/305mv 701842tnl | [NSW]> get matYou get a mat of human skin. <906/906hp 474/681m 303/305mv 701842tnl | [NSW]> sc s> scan s You peer intently south. **** 1 south **** **** 2 south **** <906/906hp 474/681m 303/305mv 701842tnl | [NSW]> sA shimmering field [Exits: north east south west] <906/906hp 474/681m 302/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> sA shimmering field [Exits: north east west] <906/906hp 474/681m 301/305mv 701842tnl | [NEW]> nA shimmering field [Exits: north east south west] <906/906hp 474/681m 300/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> sc w> scan w You peer intently west. **** 1 west **** <906/906hp 474/681m 300/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> wA shimmering field [Exits: east south] <906/906hp 474/681m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [ES]> eA shimmering field [Exits: north east south west] <906/906hp 474/681m 298/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> sc s> scan s You peer intently south. **** 1 south **** <906/906hp 474/681m 298/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> sA shimmering field [Exits: north east west] <906/906hp 474/681m 297/305mv 701842tnl | [NEW]> sc e> scan e You peer intently east. **** 1 east **** **** 2 east **** A huge weed grows from the forest floor. <906/906hp 474/681m 297/305mv 701842tnl | [NEW]> sc w> scan w You peer intently west. **** 1 west **** A primitive hunter moves through the forest. **** 2 west **** <906/906hp 474/681m 297/305mv 701842tnl | [NEW]> wA shimmering field [Exits: north east south west] A primitive hunter moves through the forest. <906/906hp 474/681m 296/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> wA shimmering field [Exits: east south] <906/906hp 474/681m 295/305mv 701842tnl | [ES]> eA shimmering field [Exits: north east south west] A primitive hunter moves through the forest. <906/906hp 474/681m 294/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> eA shimmering field [Exits: north east west] <906/906hp 474/681m 293/305mv 701842tnl | [NEW]> sc e> scan e You peer intently east. **** 1 east **** **** 2 east **** A huge weed grows from the forest floor. <906/906hp 474/681m 293/305mv 701842tnl | [NEW]> eA shimmering field [Exits: north east south west] <906/906hp 474/681m 292/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> Someone tells you, 'They are near tower.' <906/906hp 474/681m 292/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> eA shimmering field [Exits: north west] A huge weed grows from the forest floor. Lunitari's blood-red crescent shape disappears below the horizon. <906/906hp 564/681m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NW]> wA shimmering field [Exits: north east south west] <906/906hp 564/681m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> sc n> scan n You peer intently north. **** 1 north **** **** 2 north **** A plant with ivory stalks grows from the forest floor. <906/906hp 564/681m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> gt they are nearYou tell the group, 'They are near.' <906/906hp 564/681m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> lA shimmering field You are in a huge field made up only of the strange Shimmerweed. The winds from the lake flow powerfully over the hills of the field, carrying a strange pollen to you nose. Most of the weeds are small but the occasional greater weed stands above the rest. The pines of the forest surround the field and give shape to it. All directions continue through the field. [Exits: north east south west] <906/906hp 564/681m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> sc n> scan n You peer intently north. **** 1 north **** **** 2 north **** A plant with ivory stalks grows from the forest floor. <906/906hp 564/681m 304/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> nA shimmering field [Exits: north east south west] <906/906hp 564/681m 303/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> nA shimmering field [Exits: south] A plant with ivory stalks grows from the forest floor. <906/906hp 564/681m 302/305mv 701842tnl | [S]> sA shimmering field [Exits: north east south west] <906/906hp 564/681m 301/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> eA shimmering field [Exits: east south west] <906/906hp 564/681m 300/305mv 701842tnl | [ESW]> eCrossroads in a forest [Exits: north east south west] <906/906hp 564/681m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> [TOWER] Ithail: Okay. <906/906hp 564/681m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> sc e> scan e You peer intently east. **** 1 east **** <906/906hp 564/681m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> lCrossroads in a forest You come to a cross section of paths in the forest. North and south move along the dark river. West leads to a large field with more of the strange weeds of this forest. East takes you out on a broken bridge over the river. [Exits: north east south west] <906/906hp 564/681m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas Crossroads in a forest <906/906hp 564/681m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> sc w> scan w You peer intently west. **** 1 west **** **** 2 west **** **** 3 west **** **** 4 west **** <906/906hp 564/681m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Blink' spell is active for 13 hours and 50 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 20 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 36 hours and 20 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 9 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 2 hours and 40 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 0 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 13 hours and 15 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 1 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Improved shield' spell is active for 21 hours and 0 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Channel' spell is active for 0 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 <906/906hp 564/681m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> [TOWER] Ithail: Stand and archmagi. <906/906hp 564/681m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> [TOWER] Ithail: And don't leave. <906/906hp 564/681m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <906/906hp 564/681m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <906/906hp 564/681m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> You feel your health fade as your mana surges back. <906/569hp 564/981m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <906/569hp 564/981m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <906/569hp 564/981m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <906/569hp 564/981m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> The crackling shield around you dissipates. <906/569hp 564/981m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> c 'energyshield'You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You are surrounded by a crackling shield. <906/569hp 534/981m 299/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> afc groun The dim silvery haze of Solinari fades from the sky. <569/569hp 578/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Energyshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 13 hours and 20 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 50 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 35 hours and 50 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 8 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 2 hours and 10 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 12 hours and 45 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 0 hours and 35 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Improved shield' spell is active for 20 hours and 30 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <569/569hp 578/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Your body loses all affinity to electricity. <569/569hp 508/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> c 'fireshield' [TOWER] A sentinel iron golem: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You are surrounded in a flaming halo of heat. <569/569hp 478/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> [TOWER] A sentinel iron golem: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <569/569hp 478/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> Someone tells you, 'You can take my assistance.' <569/569hp 478/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> c tess 2.lesser trollYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You haven't recovered enough to breach space-time again. <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fireshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Grounding' spell is active for 4 hours and 25 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 12 hours and 45 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 15 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 35 hours and 15 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 8 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 1 hours and 35 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 0 hours and 0 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Improved shield' spell is active for 19 hours and 55 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 You feel less armored. <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> drop matYou drop a mat of human skin. <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> slee matYou go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> [TOWER] Someone: Faster! <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> [TOWER] Someone: Tess to me. You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> <569/569hp 378/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <569/569hp 981/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> You get a mat of human skin. <569/569hp 981/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> You see no bac here. <569/569hp 981/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [NESW]> c tess ithaYou chant a sweet melodious line. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <569/569hp 881/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [D]> Ithail sits down and rests. <569/569hp 881/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: a mat of human skin <569/569hp 881/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: a mat of human skin <569/569hp 881/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [D]> lIthail nods. <569/569hp 881/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [D]> the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is resting here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <569/569hp 881/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [D]> get map knaYou get a map of Palanthas from a ranger's knapsack. <569/569hp 881/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [D]> get map knaYou get a map of Palanthas from a ranger's knapsack. <569/569hp 881/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [D]> c robe [TOWER] Ithail: Shield me please. <569/569hp 881/981m 305/305mv 701842tnl | [D]> You recite a sweet mystical verse. You have become better at robes of the magi! You forge the Red robes of the magi from raw energy! <569/569hp 831/981m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Ithail goes to sleep. <569/569hp 831/981m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c 'lightning shield' ithYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. Ithail is surrounded by a humming field of electricity. <569/569hp 801/981m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c 'fireshield' ithBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Ithail is surrounded by a flaming halo of heat. <569/569hp 771/981m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c 'airshield' ithYou recite a sweet mystical tune. Ithail is surrounded by an airy shield. <569/569hp 741/981m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> wear robYou stop using a ranger's knapsack. You wear the Red robes of the magi about your body. <569/569hp 741/1083m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: When they both enter to archmagi. <569/569hp 741/1083m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> drop matslee matYou drop a mat of human skin. <569/569hp 741/1083m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> You go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <569/569hp 741/1083m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> <569/569hp 741/1083m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Go one! down. <569/569hp 741/1083m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> <569/569hp 1083/1083m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <569/569hp 1083/1083m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> You get a mat of human skin. <569/569hp 1083/1083m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> You see no bac here. <569/569hp 1083/1083m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: And place wall and come back. <569/569hp 1083/1083m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c channel 400You intone an ancient mystical chant. You feel your health improve as you control your body with your mind. <1019/1019hp 678/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> savSaving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving. <1019/1019hp 678/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Channel' spell is active for 24 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 20 hours and 15 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 55 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Grounding' spell is active for 2 hours and 50 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 14 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 11 hours and 10 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 33 hours and 40 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 6 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 0 hours and 0 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 10 hours and 35 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 18 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 678/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> The spectral hand hovering over you fades away. <1019/1019hp 678/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> get map knaYou get a map of Palanthas from a ranger's knapsack. <1019/1019hp 678/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c intBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You conjure forth a hand of pure energy to guard you against attacks. <1019/1019hp 618/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c brew mapYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You have created a potion. Use label, if you wish to label it. <1019/1019hp 583/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: And cast sheets on them or enhanced fireballs. <1019/1019hp 583/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> label potYou concentrate a moment, identify a silver potion and then label it. <1019/1019hp 571/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Then they flee down. <1019/1019hp 571/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is sleeping here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1019/1019hp 571/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: I go porcupine. <1019/1019hp 571/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: (Glowing) a silver potion labelled word of recall a mat of human skin ( 2) a map of Palanthas a ranger's knapsack <1019/1019hp 571/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: And attack them. [TOWER] A sentinel iron golem: Alas, I have fallen to someone. <1019/1019hp 571/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'Ala!' <1019/1019hp 571/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 18 hours and 30 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 24 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 19 hours and 35 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 15 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 14 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Grounding' spell is active for 2 hours and 10 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 14 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 10 hours and 30 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 33 hours and 0 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 6 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 9 hours and 55 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 17 hours and 40 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 571/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: And you come only after me. <1019/1019hp 571/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> get map knaYou get a map of Palanthas from a ranger's knapsack. <1019/1019hp 571/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c brew mapYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You have created a potion. Use label, if you wish to label it. <1019/1019hp 597/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Ithail wakes and stands up. <1019/1019hp 597/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 597/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> label potYou concentrate a moment, identify a silver potion and then label it. <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> i [TOWER] Ithail: Prepare. <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> You are carrying: (Glowing) a silver potion labelled bless (Glowing) a silver potion labelled word of recall a mat of human skin ( 2) a map of Palanthas a ranger's knapsack <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Got it? <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> qua blesYou quaff a silver potion labelled bless. You feel righteous. <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> nodsavafYou nod. <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. Saving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving. <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Bless' spell is active for 42 hours and 55 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 18 hours and 0 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 23 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 19 hours and 5 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 45 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Grounding' spell is active for 1 hours and 40 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 10 hours and 0 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 32 hours and 30 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 5 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 9 hours and 25 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 17 hours and 10 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Bless' spell is active for 42 hours and 35 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 17 hours and 40 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 23 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 18 hours and 45 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 25 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Grounding' spell is active for 1 hours and 20 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 9 hours and 40 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 32 hours and 10 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 5 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 9 hours and 5 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 16 hours and 50 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> who-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- (PK) Conrad the male minotaur (PK) Vodan the male dwarf (PK) Irhien the female dark elf, Herald of Chaos (PK) Keonar the male wild elf, Incarnation of Chaos Thald the male dark elf [TOWER] (PK) Ithail the male elf, Archmagi of the Tower Rafrig the male dwarf [TOWER] (PK) Alantas the male wild elf, Magister of the Tower Players found: 8 <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Bless' spell is active for 42 hours and 25 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 17 hours and 30 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 23 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 18 hours and 35 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 15 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Grounding' spell is active for 1 hours and 10 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 9 hours and 30 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 32 hours and 0 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 5 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 8 hours and 55 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 16 hours and 40 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 585/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Ithail utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Chronlir mei alasse arladofrases.' In the blink of an eye Ithail pops out of existence! <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: I will be in duo. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Bless' spell is active for 41 hours and 45 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 16 hours and 50 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 22 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 17 hours and 55 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 30 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 8 hours and 50 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 31 hours and 20 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 4 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 8 hours and 15 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 16 hours and 0 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> vs keoTarget is now set to 'keo'. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Bless' spell is active for 41 hours and 25 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 16 hours and 30 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 22 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 17 hours and 35 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 10 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 8 hours and 30 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 31 hours and 0 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 4 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 7 hours and 55 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 15 hours and 40 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 640/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> You lose your grounding against electricty. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Just warn me if they be near. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c grYou recite a sweet mystical verse. Your body loses all affinity to electricity. <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'Alantas, I don't care about clan wars, but I want to see Keonar dead.' <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'You can take my assistance.' <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> reply me tooYou tell someone, 'Me too.' <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whe The white aura around someone's body fades. <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Players near you: (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.' Someone is surrounded by a white aura. <1019/1019hp 613/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> gt they are beforeYou tell the group, 'They are before.' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells the group, 'Don't move.' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> gt Irhien astralled Someone tells the group, 'Just wait.' You tell the group, 'Irhien astralled.' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'Place wall west from entrance!' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells the group, 'I bet they will come.' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> reply Ithail has planYou tell someone, 'Ithail has plan.' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Grounding' spell is active for 3 hours and 25 minutes 'Bless' spell is active for 39 hours and 35 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 14 hours and 40 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 20 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 15 hours and 45 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 10 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Energyshield' spell is active for 10 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 6 hours and 40 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 29 hours and 10 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 2 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 6 hours and 5 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 13 hours and 50 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'PLACE WALL.' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Emynir ainstan alasse.' Someone's skin becomes iron strong. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whe Someone peers intently down. Players near you: (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Grounding' spell is active for 2 hours and 55 minutes 'Bless' spell is active for 39 hours and 5 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 14 hours and 10 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 19 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 15 hours and 15 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 10 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Energyshield' spell is active for 9 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 6 hours and 10 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 28 hours and 40 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 1 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 5 hours and 35 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 13 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells the group, 'And enter powerlink.' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c wizaYou chant a sweet melodious line. A tiny mystical eye appears above you and begins scanning for intruders. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> powerlYou concentrate hard and open your mind to other magi. You open your mind to someone and he joins in the powerlink. <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone nods. <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'ALA KEONAR ALONE IN THE TOWER.' <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone goes to sleep. <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone wakes and stands up. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Faernil ralithafi dagnir fao.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. Someone is surrounded by a protective shield. <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> reply one more time i'll listen ArchmagiYou tell someone, 'One more time i'll listen Archmagi.' <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> scoYou are Alantas the Master of Evocation Race: wild elf Sex: male Age: 359 years old (middle-aged) You are a true neutral invoker. Level: 34, with 12598218 exp (experience to level: 700842) Str: 13 Health: 1019/1019 Practices: 11 Int: 24 Mana : 658 /683 Training sessions: 1 Wis: 21 Move : 305 /305 Dex: 24 Carrying 13/36 items (60/269 pounds) Con: 13 You have 176 gold and 274 silver coins. You have 0 smuggler coins. Wimpy set to 300 hit points. Hometown is New Thalos. You are standing. Armor: pierce: -79 bash: -75 slash: -74 magic: -90 You are superbly armored against piercing. You are superbly armored against bashing. You are superbly armored against slashing. You are supremely armored against magic. Hitroll: 7 Damroll: 6. Reflex save: 11 Will save: 6 Fortitude save: 12 You trust your group with questionable spells. Use 'affects' command to see spells affecting you. <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Powerlink' skill is active for 34 hours and 5 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 18 hours and 0 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 1 hours and 45 minutes 'Bless' spell is active for 37 hours and 55 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 13 hours and 0 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 18 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 14 hours and 5 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 8 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Energyshield' spell is active for 8 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 5 hours and 0 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 27 hours and 30 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 0 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 4 hours and 25 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> who-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- Mithrim the male dwarf (PK) Conrad the male minotaur (PK) Gaius the male wild elf (PK) Vodan the male dwarf (PK) Irhien the female dark elf, Herald of Chaos (PK) Keonar the male wild elf, Incarnation of Chaos Thald the male dark elf Rafrig the male dwarf [TOWER] (PK) Alantas the male wild elf, Magister of the Tower Players found: 9 <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 658/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> who pk The layer of dirt covering your body blows away. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> -=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- (PK) Conrad the male minotaur (PK) Vodan the male dwarf (PK) Irhien the female dark elf, Herald of Chaos [TOWER] (PK) Alantas the male wild elf, Magister of the Tower Players found: 4 <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c 'earthshield'You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You are surrounded by a layer of heavy dirt. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone goes to sleep. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Earthshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Powerlink' skill is active for 33 hours and 0 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 16 hours and 55 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 40 minutes 'Bless' spell is active for 36 hours and 50 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 11 hours and 55 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 17 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 13 hours and 0 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 7 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Energyshield' spell is active for 7 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 3 hours and 55 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 26 hours and 25 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 3 hours and 20 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 11 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> who pk-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- (PK) Conrad the male minotaur (PK) Vodan the male dwarf (PK) Irhien the female dark elf, Herald of Chaos [TOWER] (PK) Alantas the male wild elf, Magister of the Tower Players found: 4 <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Earthshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Powerlink' skill is active for 32 hours and 40 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 16 hours and 35 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 20 minutes 'Bless' spell is active for 36 hours and 30 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 11 hours and 35 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 17 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 12 hours and 40 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 7 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Energyshield' spell is active for 7 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 3 hours and 35 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 26 hours and 5 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 3 hours and 0 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 10 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: (Glowing) a silver potion labelled word of recall a mat of human skin ( 2) a map of Palanthas a ranger's knapsack <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> put rec knaYou put a silver potion labelled word of recall in a ranger's knapsack. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'Explain him!!!' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> You lose your grounding against electricty. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'Holy shit...' Someone wakes and stands up. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Alfirin sannil alasse.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. <1019/1019hp 681/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone goes to sleep. <1019/1019hp 681/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> alias /// {get recall kna;qua recal}/// is now aliased to '{get recall kna;qua recal}'. <1019/1019hp 681/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'Keonar is hiding there.' <1019/1019hp 681/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c groundYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You lost your concentration. <1019/1019hp 664/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 664/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c groundYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You lost your concentration. <1019/1019hp 647/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c groundYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You lost your concentration. <1019/1019hp 630/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'You can find him, fog him, faerie fire him and he could not escape.' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone wakes and stands up. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> reply i'm naked. he could just kill meYou tell someone, 'I'm naked. he could just kill me.' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whoi keo (PK) Keonar the male wild elf, Incarnation of Chaos <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'ALA DON\"T BE STUPID.' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'Sorry.' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells the group, 'Haste gone.' <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Haran ilmaths simpa fao.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Randa easi shanto.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. Someone is moving more quickly. <1019/1019hp 638/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'But... you are two against one thief without support and I will assist again him.' <1019/1019hp 638/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> You no longer see invisible objects. <1019/1019hp 638/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 638/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'And now is too late.' <1019/1019hp 638/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> reply last time i died so ... i want to see plan of IthailYou tell someone, 'Last time i died so ... i want to see plan of Ithail.' <1019/1019hp 638/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> You are thirsty. You are hungry. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c 'create spring'You recite a sweet mystical verse. A magical spring flows from the ground. <1019/1019hp 673/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> dri Someone drinks water from a magical spring. <1019/1019hp 673/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 673/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> get waf knaYou drink water from a magical spring. Your thirst is quenched. <1019/1019hp 673/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> You get an elven wafer from a ranger's knapsack. <1019/1019hp 673/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> eat wafYou eat an elven wafer. You are no longer hungry. <1019/1019hp 673/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c 'detect invis'You chant a sweet melodious line. Your eyes tingle. <1019/1019hp 670/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> <1019/1019hp 670/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> <1019/1019hp 670/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> You stop blinking in and out of phase. <1019/1019hp 670/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Detect invis' spell is active for 38 hours and 45 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Powerlink' skill is active for 29 hours and 0 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 12 hours and 55 minutes 'Bless' spell is active for 32 hours and 50 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 7 hours and 55 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 13 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 9 hours and 0 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 3 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Energyshield' spell is active for 3 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fly' spell is active for 22 hours and 25 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 7 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 670/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c blinkYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You begin blinking in and out of existence. <1019/1019hp 657/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whe Someone tells you, 'You died while fighing two against one Keonar?' <1019/1019hp 657/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Players near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 657/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'Why you don't trust me?' <1019/1019hp 657/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Simpa finhem cilth lelans.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. <1019/1019hp 642/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'Ehh...' <1019/1019hp 642/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Simpa finhem cilth lelans.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. <1019/1019hp 627/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Simpa finhem cilth lelans.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Simpa finhem cilth lelans.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> reply anyway too late. they both hereYou tell someone, 'Anyway too late. they both here.' <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Blink' spell is active for 14 hours and 10 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 37 hours and 55 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Powerlink' skill is active for 28 hours and 10 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 12 hours and 5 minutes 'Bless' spell is active for 32 hours and 0 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 7 hours and 5 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 12 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 8 hours and 10 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 2 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Energyshield' spell is active for 2 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fly' spell is active for 21 hours and 35 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 6 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone goes to sleep. <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c findYou recite a sweet mystical verse. You call forth for a familiar from the astral planes! The air shimmers momentarily and a faerie familiar steps forth. A faerie familiar bows before you in service and awaits your orders. <1019/1019hp 615/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c iceshieldYou chant a sweet melodious line. You lost your concentration. <1019/1019hp 608/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone wakes and stands up. <1019/1019hp 608/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> Someone recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Hanme arith meiros er.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. <1019/1019hp 606/683m 305/305mv 700842tnl | [D]> c iceshieldYou recite a sweet mystical verse. You have become better at iceshield! Your fireshield vaporises in a steaming explosion! You are surrounded by an aura of freezing air. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> eq Someone goes to sleep. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> You are using: <worn on finger> a dark onyx ring <worn around neck> an obsidian necklace <worn around neck> an obsidian necklace <worn on torso> a platemail of green dragonscale <worn on body> (Glowing) the Red robes of the magi <worn around wrist> a shimmering crystal wristband <worn around wrist> a wristguard engraved with a flute <wielded> a long razor-sharp dragon claw <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Someone wakes and stands up. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: a mat of human skin ( 2) a map of Palanthas a ranger's knapsack <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> put map knaYou put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> put map knaYou put a map of Palanthas in a ranger's knapsack. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> who-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- Mithrim the male dwarf (PK) Conrad the male minotaur (PK) Vodan the male dwarf (PK) Irhien the female dark elf, Herald of Chaos (PK) Keonar the male wild elf, Incarnation of Chaos Thald the male dark elf Rafrig the male dwarf [TOWER] (PK) Alantas the male wild elf, Magister of the Tower Players found: 8 <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 668/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> The white aura around someone's body fades. <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Hmm are they in realms? <1019/1019hp 683/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> gt before entrance Someone recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. Someone is surrounded by a white aura. You tell the group, 'Before entrance.' <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 653/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Someone recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Faernil ralithafi dagnir fao.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. Someone is surrounded by a protective shield. <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> gt bothYou tell the group, 'Both.' <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Someone tells the group, 'We wait.' <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien A wide corridor leading to a stairwell (PK) Keonar A wide corridor leading to a stairwell (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> gt comminYou tell the group, 'Commin.' <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Someone tells the group, 'Let them think that I left.' <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower tries to disarm Irhien, but fails. [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Keonar. <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Preapre! <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> af Someone tells you, 'You were thinking too long.' To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Iceshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Find familiar' spell is active for 22 hours and 50 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 11 hours and 45 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 35 hours and 30 minutes 'Earthshield' spell is active for 9 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Powerlink' skill is active for 25 hours and 45 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 9 hours and 40 minutes 'Bless' spell is active for 29 hours and 35 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 4 hours and 40 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 10 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 5 hours and 45 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 0 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fly' spell is active for 19 hours and 10 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 3 hours and 50 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball'Cast the spell on whom? <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> d Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's rapid restrike decimates the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Irhien chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' The archmage of the Tower looks more vulnerable. <1019/1019hp 628/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] A faerie familiar has arrived. <1019/1019hp 628/683m 304/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> c wallYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You lost your concentration. <1019/1019hp 616/683m 304/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> udthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is here, fighting Irhien. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. A faerie familiar has arrived. <1019/1019hp 616/683m 303/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] A faerie familiar has arrived. <1019/1019hp 616/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> c wallBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You gesture and a wall of solid blue ice crystalises. <1019/1019hp 591/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> u The crackling shield around you dissipates. <1019/1019hp 641/683m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. A faerie familiar has arrived. <1019/1019hp 641/683m 304/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> gt doneYou tell the group, 'Done.' <1019/1019hp 641/683m 304/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' keBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Keonar yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at Keonar! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** Keonar! Keonar has a few scratches. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 304/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Keonar has turned around, trying to escape! Keonar has fled! <1019/1019hp 621/683m 304/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke A gold-horned unicorn peers intently down. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 304/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> lThey aren't here. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 304/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> A gold-horned unicorn's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. Ithail's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a bristled porcupine. the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. (White Aura) A huge bristled porcupine is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 304/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> A bristled porcupine's quills rise off his back and pose a deadly, bristling armor for him. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 304/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1019/1019hp 621/683m 304/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'Why you don't understand all luck of situation.' <1019/1019hp 621/683m 304/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! You follow a bristled porcupine. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) A huge bristled porcupine is here. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. A faerie familiar has arrived. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 303/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** <1019/1019hp 621/683m 303/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke You follow a bristled porcupine. the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) A huge bristled porcupine is here. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is here, fighting Irhien. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. A faerie familiar has arrived. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> They aren't here. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You feel your body going all soft. Irhien is in perfect condition. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Tamina nit dagnir laisenna.' A blast of lightning erupts and forks into twin streaks of blue! The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's spell is cast upon empty air. Irhien's divine power decimates the archmage of the Tower. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien parries your claw. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A bristled porcupine's bite strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien is in perfect condition. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> They aren't here. Irhien is in perfect condition. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! Irhien's divine power misses the archmage of the Tower. Irhien's divine power decimates the archmage of the Tower. Irhien parries your claw. Irhien parries your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien is in perfect condition. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! You are unaffected by Irhien's wildsurge! You suddenly feel confused! Irhien is in perfect condition. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic mauls Keonar. Irhien is in perfect condition. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> A bristled porcupine's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Emynir sherdaw alasse.' The archmage of the Tower sunders the ground beneath Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's earthmaw MUTILATES Irhien! Irhien has a few scratches. <1019/1019hp 621/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Keonar raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Keonar is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge MANGLES you! Irhien has a few scratches. <933/1019hp 621/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c frostboltBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Irhien yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You point at Irhien and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt mauls Irhien. Irhien is surrounded by a dull blue light, but it fades without affect. Irhien has a few scratches. <933/1019hp 613/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c frostbolt Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! Irhien's ironskin shatters! A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's acid blast mauls her. Ithail's punch misses Irhien. Ithail's punch strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien parries your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <933/1019hp 613/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEVASTATES *** you! Irhien has a few scratches. <770/1019hp 613/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Ithail raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. Irhien yells, 'Die, Ithail you sorcerous dog!' The air before Irhien flares up and Ithail's spell reflects! Irhien's spellturning field dissipates with a crackle of blue energy. Irhien has a few scratches. <770/1019hp 598/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Keonar chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Keonar is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge === OBLITERATES === you! Irhien has a few scratches. <583/1019hp 598/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Tamina nit dagnir laisenna.' Irhien's chaotic shield bewitches the archmage of the Tower's spell! Irhien has a few scratches. <583/1019hp 598/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Irhien yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' Irhien's chaotic shield bewitches your spell! Irhien has a few scratches. <583/1019hp 590/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> flee A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien's divine power decimates the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's rapid restrike devastates the archmage of the Tower. Ithail's punch strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <669/1019hp 590/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> fleefleeflee Ithail raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' You feel mana being sourced from you to the powerlink pool. Irhien yells, 'Die, Ithail you sorcerous dog!' Irhien's skin is tough no more. Irhien has a few scratches. <669/1019hp 575/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Keonar chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, Keonar you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge *** DEVASTATES *** you! Irhien has a few scratches. <508/1019hp 575/683m 302/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> You turn around, trying to escape! On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. You flee from combat! <508/1019hp 575/683m 301/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> You aren't fighting anyone. <508/1019hp 575/683m 301/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> You aren't fighting anyone. <508/1019hp 575/683m 301/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> You aren't fighting anyone. <508/1019hp 575/683m 301/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> uthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. (Charmed) (Translucent) A faerie familiar is here, fighting Irhien. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here, fighting Irhien. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is here, fighting Irhien. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <508/1019hp 575/683m 300/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge DISEMBOWELS you! Irhien has a few scratches. <451/1019hp 575/683m 300/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Keonar recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, Keonar you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge *** DEVASTATES *** you! Irhien has a few scratches. <299/1019hp 575/683m 300/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien's divine power decimates the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's acidic bite decimates the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's rapid restrike maims the archmage of the Tower! Ithail's punch strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <378/1019hp 575/683m 300/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> You recite a sweet mystical tune. Keonar yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' Keonar's chaotic shield bewitches your spell! Irhien has a few scratches. <378/1019hp 555/683m 300/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> flee Ithail raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Randa kenohino shanto.' Irhien yells, 'Die, Ithail you sorcerous dog!' Ithail releases a searing flame of blue-green spellfire. Ithail's spellfire decimates Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Tamina nit dagnir laisenna.' A blast of lightning erupts and forks into twin streaks of blue! The archmage of the Tower's fork lightning devastates Keonar. The archmage of the Tower's fork lightning mauls Keonar. Irhien has a few scratches. <378/1019hp 555/683m 300/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Irhien has a few scratches. <272/1019hp 555/683m 300/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> fleeflee Keonar recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Keonar is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge MANGLES you! You sure are BLEEDING! Irhien has a few scratches. <181/1019hp 555/683m 300/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> A faerie familiar's slash injures Irhien. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien's divine power decimates the archmage of the Tower. Irhien's divine power decimates the archmage of the Tower. Ithail's punch strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien parries your claw. Irhien parries your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <181/1019hp 555/683m 300/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c wordYou turn around, trying to escape! On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. You flee from combat! <181/1019hp 555/683m 299/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> You aren't fighting anyone. <181/1019hp 555/683m 299/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> Irhien yells, 'Die, Ithail you sorcerous dog!' You aren't fighting anyone. <181/1019hp 555/683m 299/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You conjure forth a pillar of grey light, step into it, and vanish to your hometown. Inside the Temple [Exits: north east south west] A large donation pit is here in the floor. A small harmless feline searches for food. A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. A guard stands here, protecting the innocent. (White Aura) The healer stands here, selling spells. <181/1019hp 550/683m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> <181/1019hp 550/683m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> heal critA healer utters the words, 'Emynir maele alasse nathanal' and nods at you. You feel better! <336/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> heal crit [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <336/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> A healer utters the words, 'Emynir maele alasse nathanal' and nods at you. You feel better! <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> drop mat.slee matYou do not have that item. <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> Someone tells you, 'Well... at least tell me when you will go fight.' <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> drop matYou drop a mat of human skin. <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> slee matYou go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> reply fightninIn your dreams, or what? <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> You get a mat of human skin. <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> heal critYou see no bac here. <458/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> A healer utters the words, 'Emynir maele alasse nathanal' and nods at you. You feel better! <586/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> heal critreply fightninA healer utters the words, 'Emynir maele alasse nathanal' and nods at you. You feel better! <705/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> You yell, 'Fightnin.' <705/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> heal critA healer utters the words, 'Emynir maele alasse nathanal' and nods at you. You feel better! <828/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Ithail: Heal fast and tess to me. <828/1019hp 631/683m 183/305mv 698342tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaYou recite a sweet mystical verse. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <875/1019hp 565/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <875/1019hp 565/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> A golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light. Keonar's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Keonar. The archmage of the Tower tries to disarm Irhien, but fails. <875/1019hp 565/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Keonar raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail yells, 'Die, Keonar you sorcerous dog!' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge decimates Ithail. <875/1019hp 565/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> The healer utters the words, 'Emynir maele alasse nathanal' and nods at Ithail. Ithail's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. <875/1019hp 565/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' keYou yell, 'Hayenim hinolam.' <875/1019hp 565/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's acid blast decimates her. Keonar's acidic bite misses the archmage of the Tower. Ithail's punch strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic mauls Keonar. <875/1019hp 565/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Keonar intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Ithail is enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge decimates Ithail. Ithail appears to be moving slower. <875/1019hp 565/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Ithail's eyes glow bright green as his body transmutes into a gold-horned unicorn! <875/1019hp 565/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof MUTILATES Keonar! <875/1019hp 565/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> You recite a sweet mystical tune. Keonar yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at Keonar! Your fireball === OBLITERATES === Keonar! Your fireball MASSACRES Irhien! Keonar has some small wounds. <875/1019hp 545/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Riel ditei meiros alhanso.' The archmage of the Tower conjures forth a hail of flaming meteorites. Keonar is struck by a fiery meteorite! The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. Keonar looks stunned by the impacts. Irhien's divine power decimates the archmage of the Tower. A bolt of lightning streaks from Keonar's gauntlets of devastation at the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's lightning bolt decimates the archmage of the Tower. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. You attack with your claw, but Keonar isn't there. You attack with your claw, but Keonar isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Keonar has some small wounds. <926/1019hp 545/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof MUTILATES Keonar! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <926/1019hp 545/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> You recite a sweet mystical tune. Keonar yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at Keonar! You cast at Keonar but your spell falls on empty air. Your fireball MANGLES Irhien! Keonar is surrounded by a dull blue light, but it fades without affect. Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <926/1019hp 525/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Irhien's divine power decimates the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's rapid restrike maims the archmage of the Tower! Keonar's acidic bite decimates the archmage of the Tower. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. You attack with your claw, but Keonar isn't there. Keonar dodges your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <984/1019hp 525/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MANGLES you! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <892/1019hp 525/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Randa nefeinna shanto lerm.' A huge clenched fist appears above Keonar and strikes down. The archmage of the Tower's crushing hand DISEMBOWELS Keonar! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <892/1019hp 525/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Keonar recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! You are unaffected by Keonar's wildsurge! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <892/1019hp 525/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof MUTILATES Keonar! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <892/1019hp 525/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> You yell, 'Hayenim hinolam.' Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <892/1019hp 525/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien throws out a shard of sharp ice! Irhien's spell is cast upon empty air. Irhien's divine power decimates the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's rapid restrike devastates the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's acidic bite misses the archmage of the Tower. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Keonar dodges your claw. You attack with your claw, but Keonar isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Keonar. Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <892/1019hp 525/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Irhien is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge DISEMBOWELS you! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <841/1019hp 525/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Keonar recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge MUTILATES you! You feel your muscles freeze up, but it passes. The archmage of the Tower seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Randa nefeinna shanto lerm.' A huge clenched fist appears above Irhien and strikes down. The archmage of the Tower's crushing hand decimates Irhien. Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <796/1019hp 525/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof MUTILATES Keonar! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <796/1019hp 525/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> You intone an ancient mystical chant. Keonar yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at Keonar! You cast at Keonar but your spell falls on empty air. You cast at Irhien but your spell falls on empty air. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien throws out a shard of sharp ice! Irhien's icelance injures her. Irhien's divine power decimates the archmage of the Tower. Irhien's divine power decimates the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's acidic bite decimates the archmage of the Tower. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Keonar dodges your claw. You attack with your claw, but Keonar isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Irhien. The white aura around Irhien's body fades. Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <796/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge DISMEMBERS you! Your muscles suddenly freeze up in a painful spasm! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <735/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Keonar recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge *** DEVASTATES *** you! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <568/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof maims Keonar! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <568/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Tamina nit dagnir laisenna.' A blast of lightning erupts and forks into twin streaks of blue! The archmage of the Tower's fork lightning mauls Keonar. The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's acid blast MUTILATES her! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike devastates the archmage of the Tower. Irhien's divine power decimates the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's acidic bite devastates the archmage of the Tower. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. You attack with your claw, but Keonar isn't there. Keonar shield blocks your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <568/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <568/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <568/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke Irhien chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.' Irhien is surrounded by a white aura. Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <568/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Keonar utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! You feel yourself moving slower. Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <455/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof maims Keonar! A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's spell is cast upon empty air. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien throws out a shard of sharp ice! Irhien's icelance injures her. A bolt of lightning streaks from Keonar's gauntlets of devastation at the archmage of the Tower. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Keonar's spell reflects! Keonar's lightning bolt hits him. Keonar's acidic bite devastates the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's acidic bite misses the archmage of the Tower. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. Your paralysed arms refuse to respond! Keonar dodges your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <505/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Emynir sherdaw alasse.' The archmage of the Tower sunders the ground beneath Keonar. Keonar cries out as he is crushed savagely within the rift! The archmage of the Tower's earthmaw *** DEMOLISHES *** Keonar! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <505/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <505/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'And by the way I can let you leech my mana.' Keonar is covered in bleeding wounds. <505/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Irhien is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Agonizing pain claws at your eyes, and you feel them roll back. Someone is covered in bleeding wounds. <382/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! You are unaffected by someone's wildsurge! Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! Someone is covered in bleeding wounds. <382/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone's slash strikes for someone, but he isn't there. A bolt of lightning streaks from someone's something at someone. The air before someone flares up and someone's spell reflects! Someone's spell is cast upon empty air. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. You attack with your claw, but someone isn't there. Someone's magic strikes for someone, but she isn't there. Someone's magic misses someone. Someone is covered in bleeding wounds. <455/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. Someone's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a huge lion. Someone is covered in bleeding wounds. <455/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone rakes at someone with his claws. Someone's raking claw misses someone. Someone's raking claw devastates someone. Someone is covered in bleeding wounds. <455/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Lumina farie shanto slein.' Someone directs a channel of superheated air at someone. Someone's vapour chain MANGLES someone! Someone is gushing blood. <455/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Someone is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Someone's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Someone is gushing blood. <342/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Someone's wildsurge DISMEMBERS you! You feel your strength slip away. Someone's slash strikes for someone, but he isn't there. Someone's slash strikes for someone, but he isn't there. Your paralysed arms refuse to respond! You attack with your claw, but someone isn't there. Someone dodges your claw. Someone's magic strikes for someone, but she isn't there. Someone's magic strikes for someone, but he isn't there. Someone is gushing blood. <276/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> You turn around, trying to escape! PANIC! You couldn't escape! Someone is gushing blood. <276/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> c wordYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! Someone is gushing blood. <276/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> c wordYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! Someone is gushing blood. <276/1019hp 505/683m 217/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> c wordc wordc word Someone intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, someone you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Someone's wildsurge *** DEVASTATES *** you! You sure are BLEEDING! Someone's slash strikes for someone, but he isn't there. Something becomes covered in burning flames. The air before someone flares up and someone's spell reflects! Someone's spell is cast upon empty air. A bolt of lightning streaks from someone's something at someone. Someone's lightning bolt mauls someone. Someone's acidic bite devastates someone. Someone's acidic bite decimates someone. Someone's rapid restrike devastates someone. Someone's claw strikes for someone, but he isn't there. Your paralysed arms refuse to respond! You attack with your claw, but someone isn't there. Your paralysed arms refuse to respond! You attack with your claw, but someone isn't there. Someone's magic injures someone. Someone's magic strikes for someone, but he isn't there. Someone's bleeding maims him! Someone is gushing blood. <149/1019hp 547/683m 285/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> c word You turn around, trying to escape! You can't see a thing! You flee from combat! <149/1019hp 547/683m 284/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <149/1019hp 547/683m 284/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <149/1019hp 547/683m 284/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <149/1019hp 547/683m 284/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <149/1019hp 547/683m 284/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> c wordYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <149/1019hp 547/683m 284/305mv 698342tnl | [You are blinded!]> c wordc word Someone utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, someone you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Someone's wildsurge *** DEVASTATES *** you! You have been KILLED!! You have died and turned into an invincible ghost for a few minutes. With this death you feel part of your life force slip away. A room filled with tomes of magic [Exits: west] Nah... You feel too relaxed... <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 698342tnl | [W]> c wordNah... You feel too relaxed... <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 698342tnl | [W]> Nah... You feel too relaxed... <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 698342tnl | [W]> <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 698342tnl | [W]> <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 698342tnl | [W]> standget matput mat bacwYou stand up. <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 698342tnl | [W]> You see no mat here. <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 698342tnl | [W]> You see no bac here. <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 698342tnl | [W]> A dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] <1/554hp 1/926m 151/305mv 698342tnl | [ESW]> Keonar yells, 'Help! a huge lion is raking me!' <1/554hp 1/926m 151/305mv 698342tnl | [ESW]> sA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] <1/554hp 1/926m 150/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> ssOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. The splattered brains of Alantas are lying here. (White Aura) A huge lion is here, fighting Keonar. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. (White Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting a huge lion. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. Keonar's acidic bite devastates a huge lion. Keonar's acidic bite devastates a huge lion. Irhien's divine power mauls a huge lion. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> uA wall of ice is blocking the way past. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> Keonar's kicked dirt misses a huge lion. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' A huge lion sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. A huge lion is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge DISEMBOWELS a huge lion! A huge lion turns stiff and a horrible look comes over a huge lion's face. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. A huge lion sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. Irhien's flamestrike decimates a huge lion. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A huge lion sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a huge lion. Irhien's icelance devastates a huge lion. Irhien's divine power decimates a huge lion. Keonar's acidic bite decimates a huge lion. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> get all corYou see nothing in the cor. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> A huge lion has turned around, trying to escape! A huge lion's face twists in agony as his paralysed legs lock up. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> lOn a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. The splattered brains of Alantas are lying here. (White Aura) A huge lion is here, fighting Keonar. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a huge lion. (White Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting a huge lion. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> d A huge lion has turned around, trying to escape! A huge lion's face twists in agony as his paralysed legs lock up. A wall of ice is blocking the way past. Irhien's divine power mauls a huge lion. Keonar's acidic bite decimates a huge lion. Keonar's acidic bite devastates a huge lion. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> dA wall of ice is blocking the way past. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.' A huge lion has turned around, trying to escape! A huge lion's face twists in agony as his paralysed legs lock up. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> A huge lion has turned around, trying to escape! A huge lion's face twists in agony as his paralysed legs lock up. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> Keonar has turned around, trying to escape! [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! Keonar has fled! <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 698342tnl | [NUD]> nA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> sleeYou go to sleep. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> [TOWER] Someone: Heal fast and come again. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> [TOWER] Someone: They must die. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> [TOWER] Someone: Heal faster faster. <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> worYou have 0 gold, 0 silver, and 12600718 experience (698342 exp to level). <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> ct tryin [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] Alantas: Tryin. <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Pass door' spell is active for 23 hours and 25 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 23 hours and 25 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 23 hours and 25 minutes <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Pass door' spell is active for 23 hours and 10 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 23 hours and 10 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 23 hours and 10 minutes <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <71/554hp 452/926m 206/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> af <142/554hp 650/926m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Pass door' spell is active for 23 hours and 0 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 23 hours and 0 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 23 hours and 0 minutes <142/554hp 650/926m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <142/554hp 650/926m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <142/554hp 650/926m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> You see no mat here. <142/554hp 650/926m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> You see no bac here. <142/554hp 650/926m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> c 'fireshield'Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You are surrounded in a flaming halo of heat. <142/554hp 620/926m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> c 'lightning shield'Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You are surrounded by a field of humming electricity. <142/554hp 590/926m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> c 'airshield'You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You are surrounded by an airy shield. <142/554hp 560/926m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> c channel 300You chant a sweet melodious line. You feel your health improve as you control your body with your mind. <479/891hp 255/626m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> c robeBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You forge the Red robes of the magi from raw energy! <479/891hp 205/626m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> wear robsleeYou wear the Red robes of the magi about your body. <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> You go to sleep. <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> eqYou are using: <worn on body> (Glowing) the Red robes of the magi <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> iYou are carrying: Nothing. <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> [TOWER] Someone: Heal faster! <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 20 hours and 45 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 24 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Airshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 16 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Pass door' spell is active for 22 hours and 20 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 22 hours and 20 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 22 hours and 20 minutes <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 20 hours and 35 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 24 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Airshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 16 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Pass door' spell is active for 22 hours and 10 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 22 hours and 10 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 22 hours and 10 minutes <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <479/891hp 205/728m 264/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <610/891hp 540/728m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> <610/891hp 540/728m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <610/891hp 540/728m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> You see no mat here. <610/891hp 540/728m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> You see no bac here. <610/891hp 540/728m 305/305mv 698342tnl | [NS]> c 'ring of earth'You recite a sweet mystical tune. You have become better at ring of earth! You are surrounded by a swirling ring of stones. <610/891hp 510/728m 305/305mv 695242tnl | [NS]> c tess ithaYou recite a sweet mystical tune. Your tesseract spell failed. <610/891hp 410/728m 305/305mv 695242tnl | [NS]> c wordYou recite a sweet mystical verse. You conjure forth a pillar of grey light, step into it, and vanish to your hometown. Inside the Temple [Exits: north east south west] A large donation pit is here in the floor. A guard stands here, protecting the innocent. Kareem the Dwarven Mercenary stands here. (White Aura) The healer stands here, selling spells. <610/891hp 405/728m 152/305mv 695242tnl | [NESWD]> sThe Temple Gates [Exits: north south down] A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. <610/891hp 405/728m 151/305mv 695242tnl | [NSD]> sThe Temple Square [Exits: north south up] A nomad merchant looks you over. <610/891hp 405/728m 150/305mv 695242tnl | [NSU]> c frostbolt nomYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You point at a nomad merchant and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt === OBLITERATES === a nomad merchant! A nomad merchant is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 8 experience points. You hear a nomad merchant's death cry. The corpse of a nomad merchant is lying here. The corpse of a nomad merchant holds: 24 silver coins You get 24 silver coins from the corpse of a nomad merchant. The gods give you 30 silver coins for your sacrifice. <610/891hp 390/728m 150/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> sleeYou see no book here. <610/891hp 390/728m 150/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> You see no cor here. <610/891hp 390/728m 150/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> Your adrenaline is gushing too much, you can't sleep! <610/891hp 390/728m 150/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> restYou rest. <610/891hp 390/728m 150/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> ct one hour[TOWER] Alantas: One hour. <610/891hp 390/728m 150/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> <610/891hp 390/728m 150/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 7 hours and 15 minutes 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 19 hours and 35 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 23 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Airshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 15 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Pass door' spell is active for 21 hours and 10 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 21 hours and 10 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 21 hours and 10 minutes <610/891hp 390/728m 150/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> <610/891hp 390/728m 150/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> <610/891hp 390/728m 150/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> <610/891hp 390/728m 150/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> <610/891hp 390/728m 150/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> The dim silvery haze of Solinari fades from the sky. <657/891hp 516/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> <657/891hp 516/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> <657/891hp 516/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> standget matput mat bacYou stand up. <657/891hp 516/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> You see no mat here. <657/891hp 516/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> You see no bac here. <657/891hp 516/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> c blinkBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You begin blinking in and out of existence. <657/891hp 491/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NSU]> c tess ithBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. The splattered brains of Alantas are lying here. (White Aura) A huge lion is sleeping here. (Translucent) (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <657/891hp 391/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's flaming bite devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's flaming bite maims a wall of ice! <657/891hp 391/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke Gaius concentrates for a moment and draws upon the forces of nature. A huge lion's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. <657/891hp 391/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab *** DEVASTATES *** a wall of ice! <657/891hp 391/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> They aren't here. <657/891hp 391/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice's flaming bite maims a wall of ice! A wall of ice's flaming bite devastates a wall of ice. <657/891hp 391/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> c 'enhanced fireball' wallYou intone an ancient mystical chant. A wall of ice yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! You cast at Irhien but your spell falls on empty air. A wall of ice is gushing blood. <657/891hp 351/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> c 'enhanced fireball' wall Gaius concentrates for a moment and draws upon the forces of nature. A huge lion's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. A wall of ice is gushing blood. <657/891hp 351/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's flaming bite maims a wall of ice! A wall of ice is burned by an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames. A wall of ice's flaming bite decimates a wall of ice. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice shield blocks your punch. A wall of ice is gushing blood. <657/891hp 351/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice has turned around, trying to escape! A wall of ice is gushing blood. <657/891hp 351/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice has turned around, trying to escape! [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! A wall of ice is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! A wall of ice has fled! <657/891hp 351/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <657/891hp 311/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MANGLES you! You feel yourself moving slower. A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <569/891hp 311/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Gaius concentrates for a moment and draws upon the forces of nature. A huge lion's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <569/891hp 311/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> c 'enhanced fireball' wall The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's flaming bite devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice is burned by an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames. A wall of ice's flaming bite maims a wall of ice! A wall of ice's flaming bite decimates a wall of ice. A wall of ice is burned by an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames. Your punch misses a wall of ice. Your punch misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <569/891hp 311/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice has turned around, trying to escape! [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! A wall of ice is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! A wall of ice has fled! A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <569/891hp 311/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> fleeYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <569/891hp 271/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Irhien is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEVASTATES *** you! A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <416/891hp 271/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> fleefleefleeflee Gaius concentrates for a moment and draws upon the forces of nature. A huge lion's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power misses a wall of ice. Your punch misses a wall of ice. Your punch grazes a wall of ice. A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <416/891hp 271/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice stops using a golden leaf pendant. A wall of ice wears an obsidian necklace around his neck. A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <416/891hp 271/728m 196/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> You turn around, trying to escape! A darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] You flee from combat! <416/891hp 271/728m 195/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> You aren't fighting anyone. <416/891hp 271/728m 195/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> You aren't fighting anyone. <416/891hp 271/728m 195/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> You aren't fighting anyone. <416/891hp 271/728m 195/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> You aren't fighting anyone. <416/891hp 271/728m 195/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> c findYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You call forth for a familiar from the astral planes! The air shimmers momentarily and a faerie familiar steps forth. A faerie familiar bows before you in service and awaits your orders. <416/891hp 196/728m 195/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! A wall of ice is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <416/891hp 196/728m 195/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> s [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! A wall of ice is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <416/891hp 196/728m 195/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. The splattered brains of Alantas are lying here. (White Aura) A huge lion is sleeping here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. A faerie familiar has arrived. <416/891hp 196/728m 194/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Iralen arlaskil shanto dahan.' <416/891hp 196/728m 194/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> c 'enhanced fireball' ke The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike devastates a wall of ice. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. <416/891hp 196/728m 194/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> They aren't here. <416/891hp 196/728m 194/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' <416/891hp 196/728m 194/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> lOn a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. The splattered brains of Alantas are lying here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. (White Aura) A huge lion is sleeping here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <416/891hp 196/728m 194/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Gaius concentrates for a moment and draws upon the forces of nature. You feel better! Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. The brains of Alantas decomposes. <546/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's punch mauls a wall of ice. A bolt of lightning streaks from a wall of ice's gauntlets of devastation at a wall of ice. A wall of ice's lightning bolt decimates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's punch mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's punch wounds a wall of ice. <546/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Gaius concentrates for a moment and draws upon the forces of nature. You feel better! <606/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' A wall of ice is enveloped in blinding color! A wall of ice's wildsurge maims a wall of ice! <606/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien looks at a wall of ice. <606/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast decimates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's punch injures a wall of ice. <606/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Gaius concentrates for a moment and draws upon the forces of nature. You feel better! <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Iralen arlaskil shanto dahan.' <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> lOn a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. (White Aura) A huge lion is sleeping here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. A bolt of lightning streaks from a wall of ice's gauntlets of devastation at a wall of ice. A wall of ice's lightning bolt wounds a wall of ice. A wall of ice's punch mauls a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Gaius now follows you. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Gaius tells you, 'Group me, leech me.' <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's punch mauls a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> c 'enhanced fireball' wallYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You are on the wrong side of a wall to attack a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice wields a sharp edged platinum dagger. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Iralen arlaskil shanto dahan.' <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast devastates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab mauls a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> c 'enhanced fireball' wallYou chant a sweet melodious line. You are on the wrong side of a wall to attack a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> l A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab decimates a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab MANGLES a wall of ice! <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> On a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. (White Aura) A huge lion is sleeping here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Iralen arlaskil shanto dahan.' <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> d The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike MUTILATES a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power wounds a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power wounds a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab devastates a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> dA wall of ice is blocking the way past. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab MASSACRES a wall of ice! A wall of ice is blocking the way past. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> dA wall of ice is blocking the way past. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast decimates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. A bolt of lightning streaks from a wall of ice's gauntlets of devastation at a wall of ice. A wall of ice's lightning bolt mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab misses a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> l wall Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Iralen arlaskil shanto dahan.' A wall of ice is gushing blood. A wall of ice is using: <worn on finger> a ring made of shimmering metal <worn on finger> a ring made of shimmering metal <worn around neck> an obsidian necklace <worn around neck> (Glowing) a stone pendant on a short chain <worn on torso> scales of the bloated forest dragon <worn on head> the mask of a ravening seasnake <worn on legs> a pair of leggings wrapped in vines <worn on feet> merciless silver boots of negation <worn on hands> gauntlets of devastation <worn on arms> sleeves made from ebonwood bark <worn as shield> a rusted jazeraint shield <worn on body> (Glowing) a dirty, tattered mage's robe <worn on waist> (Humming) a wide belt with a titan buckle <worn around wrist> bracelet engraved with strange symbols <worn around wrist> bracelet engraved with strange symbols <wielded> (Glowing) a sharp edged platinum dagger <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab MASSACRES a wall of ice! <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> l 2.wallYou see nothing special about it. A wall of ice is melting rapidly. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast decimates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab mauls a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> lOn a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. (White Aura) A huge lion is sleeping here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab MASSACRES a wall of ice! <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power wounds a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab mauls a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien stops using smoking silver ring of regeneration. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab MASSACRES a wall of ice! <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Gaius concentrates for a moment and draws upon the forces of nature. Gaius gets a frenzied look in his eyes. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power wounds a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab mauls a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> lOn a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. (White Aura) A huge lion is sleeping here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice's circle stab misses a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> dA wall of ice is blocking the way past. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Gaius looks at a wall of ice. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien wears something on her left finger. <675/891hp 248/728m 262/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power wounds a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power wounds a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab devastates a wall of ice. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab MASSACRES a wall of ice! <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Find familiar' spell is active for 23 hours and 40 minutes 'Slow' spell is active for 11 hours and 25 minutes, modifying dexterity by -4 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 10 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 13 hours and 5 minutes 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 5 hours and 5 minutes 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 17 hours and 25 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 21 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Airshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 13 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Pass door' spell is active for 19 hours and 0 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 19 hours and 0 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 19 hours and 0 minutes <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast devastates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power wounds a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab decimates a wall of ice. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> lOn a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. (White Aura) A huge lion is sleeping here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice stops using a ring made of shimmering metal. A wall of ice wears something on his left finger. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power wounds a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab decimates a wall of ice. The white aura around a huge lion's body fades. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> ct i'm here[TOWER] Alantas: I'm here. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> l Irhien's divine power wounds a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power wounds a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab mauls a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab decimates a wall of ice. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Iralen arlaskil shanto dahan.' On a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A huge lion is sleeping here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Gaius sighs. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A huge lion sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A huge lion sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A huge lion sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power decimates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab maims a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab maims a wall of ice! <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' A wall of ice looks more vulnerable. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice's circle stab misses a wall of ice. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien gives smoking silver ring of regeneration to a wall of ice. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power misses a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab MANGLES a wall of ice! <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice stops using something. A wall of ice wears smoking silver ring of regeneration on his left finger. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power misses a wall of ice. A bolt of lightning streaks from a wall of ice's gauntlets of devastation at a wall of ice. A wall of ice's lightning bolt devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Gaius tells you, 'Ala group me...' <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A huge lion wakes and stands up. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice's circle stab misses a wall of ice. You follow a huge lion. A wall of ice is blocking the way past. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! A bolt of lightning streaks from a wall of ice's gauntlets of devastation at a wall of ice. A wall of ice's lightning bolt decimates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> reply follow Itha Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> You tell Gaius, 'Follow Itha.' <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> lOn a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> [TOWER] Ithail: Go. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! [TOWER] Ithail: Go. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Suntaar lesark shanto.' <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn lowers his head and butts Irhien with his razor-edged horn! A gold-horned unicorn's butting horn decimates Irhien. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast MASSACRES a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab devastates a wall of ice. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush mauls Irhien. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> ct another side of wall[TOWER] Alantas: Another side of wall. <763/891hp 335/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> l Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. <833/891hp 386/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> On a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) A gold-horned unicorn is here, fighting Irhien. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <833/891hp 386/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' A gold-horned unicorn looks more vulnerable. <833/891hp 386/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> d Gaius stops following you. A wall of ice is blocking the way past. <833/891hp 386/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! <833/891hp 386/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> nA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 386/728m 304/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> sOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) A gold-horned unicorn is here, fighting Irhien. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' A gold-horned unicorn is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge decimates a gold-horned unicorn. A gold-horned unicorn is moving at normal speed. <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> d A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush mauls Irhien. <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice is blocking the way past. <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn has turned around, trying to escape! You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A wall of ice is blocking the way past. A gold-horned unicorn has fled! <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> dA wall of ice is blocking the way past. <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> d A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice is blocking the way past. <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> dA wall of ice is blocking the way past. <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> dA wall of ice is blocking the way past. <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn lowers his head and butts Irhien with his razor-edged horn! A gold-horned unicorn's butting horn decimates Irhien. <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush mauls Irhien. A gold-horned unicorn's crush mauls Irhien. A gold-horned unicorn's crush mauls Irhien. <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Gaius concentrates for a moment and draws upon the forces of nature. A gold-horned unicorn's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. <833/891hp 386/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> c tess ithaYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You are already at that point of space. <833/891hp 286/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush mauls Irhien. A gold-horned unicorn's crush mauls Irhien. <833/891hp 286/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! <833/891hp 286/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> Gaius concentrates for a moment and draws upon the forces of nature. <833/891hp 286/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> nA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 286/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Find familiar' spell is active for 22 hours and 10 minutes 'Slow' spell is active for 9 hours and 55 minutes, modifying dexterity by -4 'Blink' spell is active for 11 hours and 35 minutes 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 3 hours and 35 minutes 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 15 hours and 55 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 19 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Airshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 11 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Pass door' spell is active for 17 hours and 30 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 17 hours and 30 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 17 hours and 30 minutes <833/891hp 286/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Gaius is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <833/891hp 286/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> sdOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 286/728m 301/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> dYou follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 286/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 286/728m 299/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 286/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> ddBeneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 286/728m 297/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <833/891hp 286/728m 297/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> wheAlas, you cannot go that way. <833/891hp 286/728m 297/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <833/891hp 286/728m 297/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 286/728m 296/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> Players near you: (PK) Gaius the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Irhien On a winding stone stairwell (PK) A gold-horned unicorn A wide corridor leading to a stairwell (PK) Alantas A wide corridor leading to a stairwell <833/891hp 286/728m 296/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A gold-horned unicorn sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. <833/891hp 286/728m 296/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> c wallBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You gesture and a wall of solid blue ice crystalises. <833/891hp 261/728m 296/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A gold-horned unicorn's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. <833/891hp 261/728m 296/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> Ithail nods. <833/891hp 261/728m 296/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> You follow Ithail. Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 261/728m 295/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. Gaius the male wild elf is here. A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 261/728m 294/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 261/728m 293/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 261/728m 292/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 261/728m 291/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> You follow Ithail. the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. A steel wristguard lies here. A beautiful ring studded with red and green stones rests here. (Glowing) An oak staff has been carelessly left on the ground. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. A faerie familiar has arrived. <833/891hp 261/728m 290/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <833/891hp 261/728m 290/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' wallThey aren't here. <891/891hp 349/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'Go.' <891/891hp 349/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Gaius On a winding stone stairwell (PK) Irhien Beneath a winding stone stairwell (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <891/891hp 349/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** Gaius the male wild elf is here. **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. <891/891hp 349/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'Cast fireballs.' <891/891hp 349/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <891/891hp 349/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Gaius A dimly lit corridor in the Tower (PK) Irhien On a winding stone stairwell (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <891/891hp 349/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> c wizaYou intone an ancient mystical chant. A tiny mystical eye appears above you and begins scanning for intruders. <891/891hp 319/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> lsc dd Ithail's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a bristled porcupine. <891/891hp 319/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> A bristled porcupine's quills rise off his back and pose a deadly, bristling armor for him. <891/891hp 319/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> You follow a bristled porcupine. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) A huge bristled porcupine is here. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 304/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> You follow a bristled porcupine. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A huge bristled porcupine is here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: up down] (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. (White Aura) A huge bristled porcupine is here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. <891/891hp 319/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> > scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** <891/891hp 319/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> u Irhien yells, 'Help! I've been butted by a gold-horned unicorn!' <891/891hp 319/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A gold-horned unicorn is here, fighting Irhien. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a gold-horned unicorn. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 301/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> Irhien's divine power misses a gold-horned unicorn. Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! <891/891hp 319/728m 301/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! Irhien has fled! <891/891hp 319/728m 301/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (Purple Aura) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> uuthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. A steel wristguard lies here. A beautiful ring studded with red and green stones rests here. (Glowing) An oak staff has been carelessly left on the ground. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 299/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 319/728m 299/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <891/891hp 319/728m 299/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 297/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 296/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. A steel wristguard lies here. A beautiful ring studded with red and green stones rests here. (Glowing) An oak staff has been carelessly left on the ground. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 295/305mv 695234tnl | [D]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. Gaius the male wild elf is here. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 294/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 293/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 292/305mv 695234tnl | [ESW]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. Gaius the male wild elf is here. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 291/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 290/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 289/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 288/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 287/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 286/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. (Purple Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. A faerie familiar has arrived. <891/891hp 319/728m 285/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.' Irhien is surrounded by a white aura. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! <891/891hp 319/728m 285/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A gold-horned unicorn lowers his head and butts Irhien with his razor-edged horn! A gold-horned unicorn's butting horn decimates Irhien. <891/891hp 319/728m 285/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> c 'enhanced fireball' wallYou chant a sweet melodious line. You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! A wall of ice has a few scratches on its surface. <891/891hp 279/728m 285/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power MUTILATES a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones MUTILATES a wall of ice! Your punch misses a wall of ice. Your punch injures a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice has a few scratches on its surface. <891/891hp 279/728m 285/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> lc 'enhanced fireball' Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! Irhien has fled! A wall of ice has a few scratches on its surface. <891/891hp 279/728m 285/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A wide corridor leading to a stairwell The passage way here is cold and uninviting. A soft whispering of arcane incantations can be heard from further within, and flickering candles light the grey rocks of the tower. [Exits: north south] (Charmed) (Translucent) A faerie familiar is here, fighting a wall of ice. (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. A wall of ice has a few scratches on its surface. <891/891hp 279/728m 285/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> fleeYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash maims a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush *** DEVASTATES *** a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush *** DEVASTATES *** a wall of ice! Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones MUTILATES a wall of ice! Your punch misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice has some cracks in it. <891/891hp 310/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> fleeflees A gold-horned unicorn has turned around, trying to escape! A gold-horned unicorn has fled! A wall of ice has some cracks in it. <891/891hp 310/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A faerie familiar's slash decimates a wall of ice. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones maims a wall of ice! Your punch misses a wall of ice. Your punch misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice has some cracks in it. <891/891hp 310/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> You turn around, trying to escape! Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. You flee from combat! <891/891hp 310/728m 304/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> A gold-horned unicorn peers intently south. You aren't fighting anyone. <891/891hp 310/728m 304/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> You aren't fighting anyone. <891/891hp 310/728m 304/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> A wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A faerie familiar is here, fighting a wall of ice. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <891/891hp 310/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A gold-horned unicorn lowers his head and butts Irhien with his razor-edged horn! Irhien yells, 'Help! I've been butted by a gold-horned unicorn!' A gold-horned unicorn's butting horn decimates Irhien. <891/891hp 310/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power decimates a gold-horned unicorn. Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. <891/891hp 310/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Rinalan miresilornno simpa.' Irhien assumes a a wall of ice's appearance! <891/891hp 310/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> c 'enhanced fireball'Cast the spell on whom? A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice's divine power mauls a gold-horned unicorn. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for a wall of ice, but she isn't there. <891/891hp 310/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> autoassYou will now assist when needed. <891/891hp 310/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A wall of ice has turned around, trying to escape! <891/891hp 310/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A wall of ice has turned around, trying to escape! A wall of ice has fled! You follow a gold-horned unicorn. Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <891/891hp 310/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> A gold-horned unicorn's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. <891/891hp 310/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> [TOWER] Ithail: Not wall! <891/891hp 310/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> [TOWER] Ithail: Not wall! <891/891hp 310/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> Ithail's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a bristled porcupine. <891/891hp 310/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> A bristled porcupine's quills rise off his back and pose a deadly, bristling armor for him. <891/891hp 310/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> A bristled porcupine's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. Ithail's eyes glow bright green as his body transmutes into a gold-horned unicorn! <891/891hp 310/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> nodYou nod. <891/891hp 310/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> lYou follow a gold-horned unicorn. A wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. (Charmed) (Translucent) A faerie familiar is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting a faerie familiar. A faerie familiar's slash maims a wall of ice! A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. Your punch misses a wall of ice. A gold-horned unicorn's crush *** DEVASTATES *** a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush *** DEVASTATES *** a wall of ice! Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones MANGLES a wall of ice! Your punch hits a wall of ice. Your punch hits a wall of ice. A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <891/891hp 310/728m 301/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A wide corridor leading to a stairwell The passage way here is cold and uninviting. A soft whispering of arcane incantations can be heard from further within, and flickering candles light the grey rocks of the tower. [Exits: north south] (White Aura) A gold-horned unicorn is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A faerie familiar is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting a faerie familiar. A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <891/891hp 310/728m 301/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A gold-horned unicorn has turned around, trying to escape! A gold-horned unicorn has fled! A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <891/891hp 310/728m 301/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> c 'enhanced fireball'You recite a sweet mystical verse. You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <891/891hp 270/728m 301/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones maims a wall of ice! Your punch injures a wall of ice. A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <891/891hp 270/728m 301/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> fleefleefleeflee [TOWER] Ithail: Damn. A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <891/891hp 270/728m 301/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> You turn around, trying to escape! Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. Gaius the male wild elf is here. You flee from combat! <891/891hp 270/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> You aren't fighting anyone. <891/891hp 270/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> You aren't fighting anyone. <891/891hp 270/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> You aren't fighting anyone. <891/891hp 270/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> [TOWER] Ithail: Don't cast area. <891/891hp 270/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> nodYou nod. <891/891hp 270/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> [TOWER] Ithail: Cast sheetlig. <891/891hp 270/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> Ithail peers intently south. <891/891hp 270/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> Ithail frowns unhappily. <891/891hp 270/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> Ithail frowns unhappily. <891/891hp 270/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> Ithail frowns unhappily. <891/891hp 270/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <891/891hp 270/728m 299/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> Ithail peers intently up. <891/891hp 270/728m 299/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <891/891hp 270/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> gt grounded You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. <891/891hp 270/728m 297/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You tell the group, 'Grounded.' <891/891hp 270/728m 297/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> Ithail's eyes glow bright green as his body transmutes into a gold-horned unicorn! <891/891hp 270/728m 297/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 270/728m 296/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 270/728m 295/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in the astral plane. <891/891hp 270/728m 294/305mv 695234tnl | [ESW]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A room filled with tomes of magic [Exits: west] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 270/728m 293/305mv 695234tnl | [W]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 270/728m 292/305mv 695234tnl | [ESW]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A darkly lit study hall [Exits: east] A book bound in gold and silver standing here on a pedestal. (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in the astral plane. <891/891hp 270/728m 291/305mv 695234tnl | [E]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in the astral plane. <891/891hp 322/728m 305/305mv 695234tnl | [ESW]> l You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 322/728m 304/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower You stand in a quiet, dark corridor. Soft yellow light from the torches on the wall flicker and throw shadows all around you, while the grey stone of the tower gives a cold, uninviting atmosphere. [Exits: north south] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 322/728m 304/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 322/728m 303/305mv 695234tnl | [NUD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 322/728m 302/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 322/728m 301/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> A gold-horned unicorn peers intently down. <891/891hp 322/728m 301/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> gt i see her You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 322/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You tell the group, 'I see her.' <891/891hp 322/728m 300/305mv 695234tnl | [UD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> A gold-horned unicorn peers intently south. <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> gt i see her !!!!You tell the group, 'I see her !!!!' <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> lkHuh? <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. A wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. (Purple Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A faerie familiar is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting a faerie familiar. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> lA wide corridor leading to a stairwell The passage way here is cold and uninviting. A soft whispering of arcane incantations can be heard from further within, and flickering candles light the grey rocks of the tower. [Exits: north south] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. (Purple Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A faerie familiar is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting a faerie familiar. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A faerie familiar's slash maims a wall of ice! Your punch misses a wall of ice. A gold-horned unicorn's crush *** DEVASTATES *** a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab decimates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush *** DEVASTATES *** a wall of ice! Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones MUTILATES a wall of ice! Your punch wounds a wall of ice. Your punch misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice is badly chipped and cracked. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! A wall of ice is melting rapidly. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A gold-horned unicorn has turned around, trying to escape! A gold-horned unicorn has fled! A wall of ice is melting rapidly. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> lA wide corridor leading to a stairwell The passage way here is cold and uninviting. A soft whispering of arcane incantations can be heard from further within, and flickering candles light the grey rocks of the tower. [Exits: north south] (Purple Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A faerie familiar is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting a faerie familiar. A wall of ice is melting rapidly. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A bolt of lightning streaks from a wall of ice's gauntlets of devastation at a wall of ice. A wall of ice's lightning bolt devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones MUTILATES a wall of ice! Your punch hits a wall of ice. Your punch misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice is melting rapidly. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! A wall of ice is melting rapidly. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> shakeYou shake your head negatively. A wall of ice is melting rapidly. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> l A faerie familiar's slash maims a wall of ice! A faerie familiar's slash decimates a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones MUTILATES a wall of ice! Your punch misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice is melting rapidly. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A wide corridor leading to a stairwell The passage way here is cold and uninviting. A soft whispering of arcane incantations can be heard from further within, and flickering candles light the grey rocks of the tower. [Exits: north south] (Purple Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A faerie familiar is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting a faerie familiar. A wall of ice is melting rapidly. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> l wallA wall of ice has a few scratches. A wall of ice is using: <worn on finger> smoking silver ring of regeneration <worn on finger> a ring made of shimmering metal <worn around neck> an obsidian necklace <worn around neck> (Glowing) a stone pendant on a short chain <worn on torso> scales of the bloated forest dragon <worn on head> the mask of a ravening seasnake <worn on legs> a pair of leggings wrapped in vines <worn on feet> merciless silver boots of negation <worn on hands> gauntlets of devastation <worn on arms> sleeves made from ebonwood bark <worn as shield> a rusted jazeraint shield <worn on body> (Glowing) a dirty, tattered mage's robe <worn on waist> (Humming) a wide belt with a titan buckle <worn around wrist> bracelet engraved with strange symbols <worn around wrist> bracelet engraved with strange symbols <wielded> (Glowing) a sharp edged platinum dagger A faerie familiar's slash misses a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A bolt of lightning streaks from a wall of ice's gauntlets of devastation at a wall of ice. A wall of ice's lightning bolt DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab maims a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab misses a wall of ice. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones MUTILATES a wall of ice! Your punch misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> c 'enhanced fireball' wallYou chant a sweet melodious line. You are on the wrong side of a wall to attack a wall of ice. A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash maims a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones MUTILATES a wall of ice! Your punch misses a wall of ice. Your punch misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A wall of ice's circle stab misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> c 'enhanced fireball' wallYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You are on the wrong side of a wall to attack a wall of ice. A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A faerie familiar's slash decimates a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones MANGLES a wall of ice! Your punch injures a wall of ice. Your punch injures a wall of ice. A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> ls A wall of ice's circle stab misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> uA wide corridor leading to a stairwell The passage way here is cold and uninviting. A soft whispering of arcane incantations can be heard from further within, and flickering candles light the grey rocks of the tower. [Exits: north south] Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A faerie familiar is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting a faerie familiar. A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash maims a wall of ice! A bolt of lightning streaks from a wall of ice's gauntlets of devastation at a wall of ice. A wall of ice's lightning bolt maims a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones MUTILATES a wall of ice! Your punch misses a wall of ice. Your punch misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> No way! You are still fighting! A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> No way! You are still fighting! A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> fleeYou turn around, trying to escape! A wall of ice is blocking the way past. A wall of ice is blocking the way past. PANIC! You couldn't escape! A wall of ice is barely more than a block of ice. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> fleeYou turn around, trying to escape! Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. You flee from combat! <891/891hp 322/728m 297/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> fleeYou aren't fighting anyone. <891/891hp 322/728m 297/305mv 695234tnl | [SU]> You follow Ithail. A wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. Gaius the male wild elf is here. (Purple Aura) A wall of ice is here, fighting a wall of ice. (Charmed) (Translucent) A faerie familiar is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting a faerie familiar. <891/891hp 322/728m 296/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> uAlas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 322/728m 296/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> uAlas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 322/728m 296/305mv 695234tnl | [NS]> A faerie familiar's slash maims a wall of ice! A faerie familiar's slash MUTILATES a wall of ice! A faerie familiar's slash maims a wall of ice! You have become better at hand to hand! Your punch injures a wall of ice. Ithail's punch decimates a wall of ice. A wall of ice's stab MUTILATES a wall of ice! Ithail's punch mauls a wall of ice. Ithail's punch misses a wall of ice. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones maims a wall of ice! Your punch misses a wall of ice. Your punch injures a wall of ice. A wall of ice is turning to water. <891/891hp 322/728m 296/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> nNo way! You are still fighting! A wall of ice is turning to water. <891/891hp 322/728m 296/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! Ithail has turned around, trying to escape! Ithail has fled! A wall of ice is turning to water. <891/891hp 322/728m 296/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A faerie familiar's slash devastates a wall of ice. A bolt of lightning streaks from a wall of ice's gauntlets of devastation at a wall of ice. A wall of ice's lightning bolt DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! A wall of ice's stab DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones MUTILATES a wall of ice! Your punch misses a wall of ice. A wall of ice is turning to water. <891/891hp 340/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> spitYou spit in utter disgust. A wall of ice is turning to water. <891/891hp 340/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> spitYou spit in utter disgust. A wall of ice is turning to water. <891/891hp 340/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> spitspitYou spit in utter disgust. A wall of ice is turning to water. <891/891hp 340/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> You spit in utter disgust. A wall of ice is turning to water. <891/891hp 340/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> flee A wall of ice circles a wall of ice to land a critical strike. A wall of ice's circle stab === OBLITERATES === a wall of ice! A wall of ice is turning to water. <891/891hp 340/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> You turn around, trying to escape! Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. You flee from combat! <891/891hp 340/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [SU]> autoassAutoassist removed. <891/891hp 340/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [SU]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] Magical ring surrounding you dissipates. <891/891hp 340/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> [TOWER] Ithail: What the hell you doing? <891/891hp 340/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> c 'ring of earth'You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You lost your concentration. <891/891hp 325/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> c 'ring of earth'You recite a sweet mystical tune. You are surrounded by a swirling ring of stones. <891/891hp 295/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> ct familiar !!! Ithail says, 'Cast area.' <891/891hp 295/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> [TOWER] Alantas: Familiar !!! <891/891hp 295/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <891/891hp 295/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <891/891hp 295/728m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. <891/891hp 295/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> nA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in the astral plane. <891/891hp 295/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> nA dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] <891/891hp 295/728m 298/305mv 693634tnl | [ESW]> sA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in the astral plane. <891/891hp 295/728m 297/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> c wind [TOWER] Ithail: RELEASE IT. <891/891hp 295/728m 297/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes. <891/891hp 275/728m 297/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> lA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower You stand in a quiet, dark corridor. Soft yellow light from the torches on the wall flicker and throw shadows all around you, while the grey stone of the tower gives a cold, uninviting atmosphere. [Exits: north south] <891/891hp 275/728m 297/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> rel famYou don't know how to relock things without a key. <891/891hp 275/728m 297/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> relea famA faerie familiar stops following you. <891/891hp 275/728m 297/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> lA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower You stand in a quiet, dark corridor. Soft yellow light from the torches on the wall flicker and throw shadows all around you, while the grey stone of the tower gives a cold, uninviting atmosphere. [Exits: north south] <891/891hp 275/728m 297/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> sOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. <891/891hp 275/728m 296/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> nA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] <891/891hp 275/728m 295/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> nwA dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] <891/891hp 275/728m 294/305mv 693634tnl | [ESW]> A darkly lit study hall [Exits: east] A book bound in gold and silver standing here on a pedestal. <891/891hp 275/728m 293/305mv 693634tnl | [E]> eeA dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] <891/891hp 275/728m 292/305mv 693634tnl | [ESW]> A room filled with tomes of magic [Exits: west] A small mat made from the skin of a human is stretched out on the floor. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in the astral plane. <891/891hp 275/728m 291/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> c 'faerie fog'You recite a sweet mystical verse. You conjure a cloud of purple smoke. <891/891hp 263/728m 291/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> wA dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] <891/891hp 334/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [ESW]> eA room filled with tomes of magic [Exits: west] A small mat made from the skin of a human is stretched out on the floor. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in the astral plane. <891/891hp 334/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> Someone wakes and stands up. <891/891hp 334/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> c 'faerie fog'You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You conjure a cloud of purple smoke. <891/891hp 322/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> wA dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in the astral plane. <891/891hp 322/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [ESW]> sA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] <891/891hp 322/728m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> sssOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. Gaius the male wild elf is here. <891/891hp 322/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> ssAlas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 322/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 322/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 322/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 322/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> uthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. A steel wristguard lies here. A beautiful ring studded with red and green stones rests here. (Glowing) An oak staff has been carelessly left on the ground. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** Gaius the male wild elf is here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> gtTell your group what? <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 7 hours and 0 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 15 hours and 0 minutes 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 44 hours and 30 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 17 hours and 25 minutes 'Slow' spell is active for 5 hours and 10 minutes, modifying dexterity by -4 'Blink' spell is active for 6 hours and 50 minutes 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 11 hours and 10 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 15 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Airshield' spell is active for 7 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 6 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 6 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Pass door' spell is active for 12 hours and 45 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 12 hours and 45 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 12 hours and 45 minutes <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Gaius A dimly lit corridor in the Tower (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'You killed your own wall.' <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> gt i see irhienYou tell the group, 'I see irhien.' <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail smirks. <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail goes to sleep. <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <891/891hp 322/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> [TOWER] Ithail: No way they left. <891/891hp 322/728m 298/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> nA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] <891/891hp 322/728m 297/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> sOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. <891/891hp 322/728m 296/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> uthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. A steel wristguard lies here. A beautiful ring studded with red and green stones rests here. (Glowing) An oak staff has been carelessly left on the ground. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is sleeping here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <891/891hp 322/728m 295/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> ct she is in astral[TOWER] Alantas: She is in astral. <891/891hp 322/728m 295/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. <891/891hp 322/728m 294/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> nA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] <891/891hp 322/728m 293/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> nnA dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is hiding nearby. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in the astral plane. <891/891hp 322/728m 292/305mv 693634tnl | [ESW]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 322/728m 292/305mv 693634tnl | [ESW]> sssA darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] <891/891hp 421/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> ssOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. <891/891hp 421/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> uAlas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 421/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 421/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <891/891hp 421/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. A steel wristguard lies here. A beautiful ring studded with red and green stones rests here. (Glowing) An oak staff has been carelessly left on the ground. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is sleeping here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <891/891hp 421/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> ct both here ![TOWER] Alantas: Both here ! <891/891hp 421/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> ct astraled and hidedl[TOWER] Alantas: Astraled and hided. <891/891hp 421/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. A steel wristguard lies here. A beautiful ring studded with red and green stones rests here. (Glowing) An oak staff has been carelessly left on the ground. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is sleeping here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <891/891hp 421/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <891/891hp 421/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> ct near book[TOWER] Alantas: Near book. <891/891hp 421/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 5 hours and 50 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 13 hours and 50 minutes 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 43 hours and 20 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 16 hours and 15 minutes 'Slow' spell is active for 4 hours and 0 minutes, modifying dexterity by -4 'Blink' spell is active for 5 hours and 40 minutes 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 10 hours and 0 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 13 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Airshield' spell is active for 5 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 5 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 5 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Pass door' spell is active for 11 hours and 35 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 11 hours and 35 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 11 hours and 35 minutes <891/891hp 421/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <891/891hp 421/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien On a winding stone stairwell (PK) A wall of ice On a winding stone stairwell (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <891/891hp 421/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail wakes and stands up. <891/891hp 421/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <891/891hp 491/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. A steel wristguard lies here. A beautiful ring studded with red and green stones rests here. (Glowing) An oak staff has been carelessly left on the ground. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <891/891hp 491/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> sc d Ithail peers intently down. > scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <891/891hp 491/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien On a winding stone stairwell (PK) A wall of ice On a winding stone stairwell (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <891/891hp 491/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail's eyes glow bright green as his body transmutes into a gold-horned unicorn! <891/891hp 491/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 491/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. <891/891hp 491/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. <891/891hp 491/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> A gold-horned unicorn lowers his head and butts a wall of ice with his razor-edged horn! A wall of ice yells, 'Help! I've been butted by a gold-horned unicorn!' A gold-horned unicorn's butting horn *** DEVASTATES *** a wall of ice! <891/891hp 491/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> c 'enhanced fireball' wallYou recite a sweet mystical tune. A wall of ice yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! You cast at Irhien but your spell falls on empty air. A wall of ice has some small wounds. <891/891hp 451/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> c 'enhanced fireball' wall Irhien's divine power maims you! Irhien's divine power maims you! A bolt of lightning streaks from a wall of ice's gauntlets of devastation at a gold-horned unicorn. A wall of ice's lightning bolt injures a gold-horned unicorn. A wall of ice's stab wounds a gold-horned unicorn. A wall of ice's stab wounds a gold-horned unicorn. A wall of ice's stab decimates a gold-horned unicorn. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones devastates a wall of ice. A wall of ice dodges your punch. A wall of ice dodges your punch. A wall of ice has some small wounds. <814/891hp 451/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> A wall of ice has turned around, trying to escape! A wall of ice has fled! <814/891hp 451/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> Irhien utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' Irhien is in perfect condition. <814/891hp 451/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> They aren't here. Irhien is in perfect condition. <814/891hp 451/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Irhien's divine power devastates you. Irhien's divine power devastates you. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones hits Irhien. You attack with your punch, but Irhien isn't there. You attack with your punch, but Irhien isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <618/891hp 451/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Irhien violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof mauls Irhien. Irhien has a few scratches. <618/891hp 451/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> c 'enhanced fireball' Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' You feel your body going all soft. You recite a sweet mystical verse. The air before Irhien flares up and your spell reflects! You hurl a ball of raging fire at Alantas! You are unaffected by your fireball. Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a gold-horned unicorn! Irhien has a few scratches. <618/891hp 411/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at you. Irhien's icelance *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Irhien's divine power MUTILATES you! Irhien's divine power misses you. Irhien's divine power MUTILATES you! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones hits Irhien. Irhien parries your punch. You attack with your punch, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <418/891hp 411/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> fleefleefleefleeflee A gold-horned unicorn has turned around, trying to escape! A gold-horned unicorn has fled! Irhien has a few scratches. <418/891hp 411/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEVASTATES *** you! You turn around, trying to escape! On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. You flee from combat! <241/891hp 411/728m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> You aren't fighting anyone. <241/891hp 411/728m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> You aren't fighting anyone. <241/891hp 411/728m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> You aren't fighting anyone. <241/891hp 411/728m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> uYou aren't fighting anyone. <241/891hp 411/728m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> A gold-horned unicorn peers intently down. <241/891hp 411/728m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. <241/891hp 411/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> uthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. A steel wristguard lies here. A beautiful ring studded with red and green stones rests here. (Glowing) An oak staff has been carelessly left on the ground. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <241/891hp 411/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <241/891hp 411/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c wordYou recite a sweet mystical verse. You conjure forth a pillar of grey light, step into it, and vanish to your hometown. Inside the Temple [Exits: north east south west] A large donation pit is here in the floor. A guard stands here, protecting the innocent. Kareem the Dwarven Mercenary stands here. (White Aura) The healer stands here, selling spells. <241/891hp 406/728m 149/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> c invYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You fade out of existence. <241/891hp 401/728m 149/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> sleerestYour adrenaline is gushing too much, you can't sleep! <241/891hp 401/728m 149/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> You rest. <241/891hp 401/728m 149/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> sleeYou go to sleep. <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Invisibility' spell is active for 48 hours and 40 minutes 'Soften' spell is active for 3 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by 80 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 4 hours and 10 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 41 hours and 40 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 14 hours and 35 minutes 'Slow' spell is active for 2 hours and 20 minutes, modifying dexterity by -4 'Blink' spell is active for 4 hours and 0 minutes 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 8 hours and 20 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 12 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Airshield' spell is active for 4 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 4 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 4 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Pass door' spell is active for 9 hours and 55 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 9 hours and 55 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 9 hours and 55 minutes <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> You see no mat here. <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> c iceshieldYou see no bac here. <338/891hp 508/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Your fireshield vaporises in a steaming explosion! You are surrounded by an aura of freezing air. <338/891hp 478/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> c 'ring of earth'You intone an ancient mystical chant. You are already surrounded by a swirling ring of stones. <338/891hp 448/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> sleeYou go to sleep. <338/891hp 448/728m 237/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <590/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <590/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> You see no mat here. <590/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> afYou see no bac here. <590/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Iceshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Invisibility' spell is active for 47 hours and 40 minutes 'Soften' spell is active for 2 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by 80 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 3 hours and 10 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 11 hours and 10 minutes 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 40 hours and 40 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 13 hours and 35 minutes 'Slow' spell is active for 1 hours and 20 minutes, modifying dexterity by -4 'Blink' spell is active for 3 hours and 0 minutes 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 7 hours and 20 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 11 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Airshield' spell is active for 3 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 3 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Pass door' spell is active for 8 hours and 55 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 8 hours and 55 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 8 hours and 55 minutes <590/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> iYou are carrying: Nothing. <590/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> eqYou are using: <worn on body> (Glowing) the Red robes of the magi <590/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> c intYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You conjure forth a hand of pure energy to guard you against attacks. <590/891hp 668/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> c blinkYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You are already blinking between phases. <590/891hp 643/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> sleeYou go to sleep. <590/891hp 643/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <590/891hp 643/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 18 hours and 40 minutes 'Iceshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Invisibility' spell is active for 47 hours and 5 minutes 'Soften' spell is active for 1 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by 80 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 2 hours and 35 minutes 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 10 hours and 35 minutes 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 40 hours and 5 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 13 hours and 0 minutes 'Slow' spell is active for 0 hours and 45 minutes, modifying dexterity by -4 'Blink' spell is active for 2 hours and 25 minutes 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 6 hours and 45 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 10 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Airshield' spell is active for 2 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 2 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Pass door' spell is active for 8 hours and 20 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 8 hours and 20 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 8 hours and 20 minutes <590/891hp 643/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <891/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <891/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> standget matput mat bac [TOWER] Someone: How long till next wall? <891/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> You wake and stand up. <891/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> You see no mat here. <891/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> You see no bac here. <891/891hp 728/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Your tesseract spell failed. <891/891hp 628/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> You feel yourself speed up. <891/891hp 628/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> ct one death[TOWER] Alantas: One death. <891/891hp 628/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Ithail: Heh. <891/891hp 628/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <891/891hp 628/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <891/891hp 628/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <891/891hp 628/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas Inside the Temple <891/891hp 628/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> Your skin no longer feels so soft. <891/891hp 671/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <891/891hp 671/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> <891/891hp 671/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> whoi ith (PK) [TOWER] Ithail the male elf, Archmagi of the Tower <891/891hp 671/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaYou chant a sweet melodious line. Your tesseract spell failed. <891/891hp 571/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> whoi ith (PK) [TOWER] Ithail the male elf, Archmagi of the Tower <891/891hp 571/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaYou recite a sweet mystical tune. Your tesseract spell failed. <891/891hp 471/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaYou chant a sweet melodious line. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. A steel wristguard lies here. A beautiful ring studded with red and green stones rests here. (Glowing) An oak staff has been carelessly left on the ground. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <891/891hp 371/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> get all Ithail peers intently down. <891/891hp 429/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You get a helm tassled with grey feather. You get a steel wristguard. You get a ruby and emerald signet ring. You get a runed oaken staff. You get an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames. You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. <891/891hp 429/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> wear allYou wield an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames. An abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames feels like a part of you! You wear a ruby and emerald signet ring on your left finger. You wear a steel wristguard around your left wrist. You wear a helm tassled with grey feather on your head. <891/936hp 429/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You stop blinking in and out of phase. <891/936hp 429/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c blinkBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You begin blinking in and out of existence. Your shield of blue electricity fizzles out. <891/936hp 404/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> whoc 'lightning shield' Magical ring surrounding you dissipates. Your airy shield dies away. <891/936hp 404/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> -=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- (PK) Conrad the male minotaur (PK) Vodan the male dwarf Falt the male elf Mithrim the male dwarf (PK) Irhien the female dark elf, Herald of Chaos (PK) Keonar the male wild elf, Incarnation of Chaos [TOWER] (PK) Ithail the male elf, Archmagi of the Tower Rafrig the male dwarf [TOWER] (PK) Alantas the male wild elf, Magister of the Tower Players found: 9 <891/936hp 404/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You are surrounded by a field of humming electricity. <891/936hp 374/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <891/936hp 374/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Ok I will try to polymorf them. <891/936hp 374/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <891/936hp 374/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: You try to damage thief. <891/936hp 374/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <891/936hp 374/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <891/936hp 374/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <928/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <928/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail sighs. <928/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail sits down and rests. <928/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <928/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail wields serpent's leather whip. <928/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! The archmage of the Tower tries to disarm Irhien, but fails. <928/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Lumina farie shanto slein.' The archmage of the Tower directs a channel of superheated air at Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's vapour chain maims Irhien! <928/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Irhien is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MANGLES you! You feel unclean. Irhien has a few scratches. <832/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail stands up. Irhien has a few scratches. <832/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You fade into existence. You attack with your flaming bite, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <832/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! Irhien has a few scratches. <832/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! Irhien has fled! <832/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <832/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <832/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <832/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien On a winding stone stairwell (PK) A wall of ice On a winding stone stairwell (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <832/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Curse' spell is active for 8 hours and 30 minutes, modifying all saves by -5 modifying hit roll by -4 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 15 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 13 hours and 15 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 0 minutes 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 14 hours and 25 minutes 'Iceshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 6 hours and 20 minutes 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 35 hours and 50 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 8 hours and 45 minutes 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 2 hours and 30 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 6 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Pass door' spell is active for 4 hours and 5 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 4 hours and 5 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 4 hours and 5 minutes <832/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <832/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <832/936hp 464/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <856/936hp 515/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Sheet them. <856/936hp 515/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower tries to disarm Irhien, but fails. [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! A wall of ice is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <856/936hp 515/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> gt have moneys ?You tell the group, 'Have moneys ?' <856/936hp 515/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You yell, 'Help! A wall of ice is trying to sever my artery!' A wall of ice slices open a vital artery on your body! A wall of ice's bleeding devastates you. A wall of ice's bleeding devastates you. A wall of ice is in perfect condition. <786/936hp 515/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's flamestrike wounds her. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. A golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light. Your flaming bite hits a wall of ice. Ithail's blast strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <786/936hp 515/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Irhien utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Emynir ainstan alasse.' Irhien's skin becomes iron strong. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <786/936hp 515/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail has turned around, trying to escape! Ithail has fled! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <786/936hp 515/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' wallYou recite a sweet mystical verse. A wall of ice yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! Your fireball MASSACRES Irhien! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <786/936hp 475/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A wall of ice utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! A wall of ice's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <650/936hp 475/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' wall Ithail raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Alfirin ebarre alasse ithee.' A wall of ice yells, 'Help! Ithail is casting a spell on me!' The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike mauls the archmage of the Tower. Irhien's divine power misses the archmage of the Tower. Ithail's blast strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. You attack with your flaming bite, but a wall of ice isn't there. You attack with your flaming bite, but a wall of ice isn't there. Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A wall of ice has a few scratches. <650/936hp 475/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Irhien is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Tamina nit dagnir laisenna.' A blast of lightning erupts and forks into twin streaks of blue! Irhien is unaffected by the archmage of the Tower's fork lightning! Irhien is unaffected by the archmage of the Tower's fork lightning! A wall of ice has a few scratches. <519/936hp 475/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You recite a sweet mystical verse. A wall of ice yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! You cast at Irhien but your spell falls on empty air. A wall of ice has some small wounds. <519/936hp 435/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A wall of ice chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! A wall of ice's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! A wall of ice has some small wounds. <411/936hp 435/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' wall A wall of ice's stab decimates the archmage of the Tower. Ithail's blast misses a wall of ice. Ithail's blast strikes for a wall of ice, but he isn't there. A wall of ice dodges your flaming bite. Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! A wall of ice has some small wounds. <411/936hp 435/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail has turned around, trying to escape! Ithail has fled! A wall of ice has some small wounds. <411/936hp 435/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Irhien utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You feel your body going all soft. A wall of ice has some small wounds. <411/936hp 435/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Alfirin ebarre alasse ithee.' A wall of ice yells, 'Die, Ithail you sorcerous dog!' A wall of ice has some small wounds. <411/936hp 435/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Yuln hoarth meiros dithal.' The surface of the mask of a ravening seasnake turns red-hot! Unable to endure the pain, Irhien tries to tear it off her body. Irhien stops using the mask of a ravening seasnake. The surface of a diamond-strung skirt of silver turns red-hot, searing Irhien's flesh! The surface of some gloves made of spider-silk turns red-hot, searing Irhien's flesh! The surface of a belt buckle of hardened elf bile turns red-hot, searing Irhien's flesh! The surface of a runed silver armlet turns red-hot, searing Irhien's flesh! The surface of a vile shroud of dark shadows turns red-hot, searing Irhien's flesh! The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. A wall of ice has some small wounds. <411/936hp 435/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You intone an ancient mystical chant. A wall of ice yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at a wall of ice! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** Irhien! A wall of ice has some small wounds. <411/936hp 395/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A wall of ice intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! A wall of ice's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Agonizing pain claws at your eyes, and you feel them roll back. Someone has some small wounds. <283/936hp 395/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> Something becomes covered in burning flames. The air before someone flares up and someone's spell reflects! Someone's flamestrike wounds her. A bolt of lightning streaks from someone's something at someone. Someone's lightning bolt decimates someone. Someone's blast strikes for someone, but he isn't there. You attack with your flaming bite, but someone isn't there. Someone's ironskin cracks under the blows! Someone's magic strikes for someone, but he isn't there. Someone tries to disarm someone, but fails. Someone has some small wounds. <283/936hp 395/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Someone is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Someone's wildsurge *** DEVASTATES *** you! You sure are BLEEDING! Someone has some small wounds. <116/936hp 395/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone has turned around, trying to escape! Someone has fled! Someone has some small wounds. <116/936hp 395/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> flefleflefleYou turn around, trying to escape! You can't see a thing! You flee from combat! <116/936hp 395/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> fleSomeone yells, 'Die, Ithail you sorcerous dog!' <116/936hp 395/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> You aren't fighting anyone. <116/936hp 395/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> You aren't fighting anyone. <116/936hp 395/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> You aren't fighting anyone. <116/936hp 395/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> dYou aren't fighting anyone. <116/936hp 395/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> dYou can't see a thing! <116/936hp 395/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> dddYou can't see a thing! <116/936hp 395/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> dddYou can't see a thing! <116/936hp 395/728m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> dYou can't see a thing! <116/936hp 395/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <116/936hp 395/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> sAlas, you cannot go that way. <116/936hp 395/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> sAlas, you cannot go that way. <116/936hp 395/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <116/936hp 395/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <116/936hp 395/728m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> wYou can't see a thing! <116/936hp 395/728m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> wYou can't see a thing! <116/936hp 395/728m 298/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> You can't see a thing! <116/936hp 395/728m 297/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> ssYou can't see a thing! <116/936hp 395/728m 296/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> sYou can't see a thing! <116/936hp 395/728m 295/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> You can't see a thing! <116/936hp 395/728m 294/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> You can't see a thing! <116/936hp 395/728m 293/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> open wwYou open the boulder. <116/936hp 395/728m 293/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> You can't see a thing! <116/936hp 395/728m 292/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> clo eYou close the hole. <116/936hp 395/728m 292/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> ss You feel able to traverse space-time once again. Your severed artery continues to bleed. Your bleeding MANGLES you! You sure are BLEEDING! <72/936hp 474/728m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> You can't see a thing! <72/936hp 474/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> afAlas, you cannot go that way. <72/936hp 474/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Blindness' spell is active for 7 hours and 30 minutes, modifying hit roll by -5 'Soften' spell is active for 4 hours and 30 minutes, modifying armor class by 80 'Bleed' skill is active for 5 hours and 15 minutes, modifying dexterity by -3 modifying strength by -3 modifying constitution by -5 'Curse' spell is active for 7 hours and 25 minutes, modifying all saves by -5 modifying hit roll by -4 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 14 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Blink' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 13 hours and 20 minutes 'Iceshield' spell is active for 10 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 5 hours and 15 minutes 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 34 hours and 45 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 7 hours and 40 minutes 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 1 hours and 25 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 5 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -300 modifying health by 337 'Pass door' spell is active for 3 hours and 0 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 3 hours and 0 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 3 hours and 0 minutes <72/936hp 474/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> sAlas, you cannot go that way. <72/936hp 474/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> sAlas, you cannot go that way. <72/936hp 474/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> wAlas, you cannot go that way. <72/936hp 474/728m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> nYou can't see a thing! <72/936hp 474/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> wAlas, you cannot go that way. <72/936hp 474/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> nAlas, you cannot go that way. <72/936hp 474/728m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> sYou can't see a thing! <72/936hp 474/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> ssAlas, you cannot go that way. <72/936hp 474/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> sAlas, you cannot go that way. <72/936hp 474/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <72/936hp 474/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> eAlas, you cannot go that way. <72/936hp 474/728m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [You are blinded!]> u Someone intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Someone is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Someone's wildsurge === OBLITERATES === you! You have been KILLED!! You have died and turned into an invincible ghost for a few minutes. A room filled with tomes of magic [Exits: west] Nah... You feel too relaxed... <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> standget matput mat bacwsYou stand up. <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> sYou see no mat here. <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> sYou see no bac here. <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> A dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] <1/554hp 1/926m 151/305mv 693634tnl | [ESW]> A darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] <1/554hp 1/926m 150/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> uthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> sleeYou go to sleep. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> ct ready to set wall[TOWER] Alantas: Ready to set wall. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Ohh.. <102/554hp 340/926m 206/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <102/554hp 340/926m 206/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <102/554hp 340/926m 206/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: You can try to heat metal them!! <102/554hp 340/926m 206/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> ct was cursed[TOWER] Alantas: Was cursed. <102/554hp 340/926m 206/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> ct useless[TOWER] Alantas: Useless. <102/554hp 340/926m 206/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <102/554hp 340/926m 206/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <102/554hp 340/926m 206/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Place shields on me please. <102/554hp 340/926m 206/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <210/554hp 621/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <210/554hp 621/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You see no mat here. <210/554hp 621/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> lYou see no bac here. <210/554hp 621/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <210/554hp 621/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Hestos adralfim alasse hansoi.' <210/554hp 621/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c 'lightning shield' itYou recite a sweet mystical tune. Ithail is surrounded by a humming field of electricity. <210/554hp 591/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Hestos adralfim alasse hansoi.' <210/554hp 591/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c iceshield itYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You lost your concentration. <210/554hp 576/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c iceshield it Ithail recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Hestos adralfim alasse hansoi.' <210/554hp 576/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Ithail is surrounded by a freezing aura of air. <210/554hp 546/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c 'airshield' it Ithail peers intently down. You intone an ancient mystical chant. Ithail is surrounded by an airy shield. <210/554hp 516/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail goes to sleep. <210/554hp 516/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is sleeping here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <210/554hp 516/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <210/554hp 516/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <210/554hp 516/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <210/554hp 516/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <210/554hp 516/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <210/554hp 516/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is sleeping here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <210/554hp 516/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> driYou drink water from a magical spring. Your thirst is quenched. <210/554hp 516/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Pass door' spell is active for 22 hours and 25 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 22 hours and 25 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 22 hours and 25 minutes <210/554hp 516/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> sleeYou go to sleep. <210/554hp 516/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Have some money? <277/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: It will be hard battle now. <277/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <277/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> <277/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <277/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You see no mat here. <277/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You see no bac here. <277/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c tess dwellerBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! In the dirty corridor [Exits: north west] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A creature with bearing sharp claws, sniffs the air in search of someone. <277/554hp 826/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NW]> spitwYou spit in utter disgust. <277/554hp 826/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NW]> In the dirty corridor [Exits: east west] <277/554hp 826/926m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> wIn the dirty corridor [Exits: north east] <277/554hp 826/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NE]> nna dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: north south west] <277/554hp 826/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NSW]> Beneath the streets of Palanthas [Exits: north south up] <277/554hp 826/926m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [NSU]> uOver a huge sewerage hole [Exits: east down] A citizen of Palanthas trudges by with a tired shuffle. <277/554hp 826/926m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [ED]> eIn a narrow alley filled with sewerage [Exits: east west] A dirty, smelly beggar mumbles as he searches the junk in the alley. <277/554hp 826/926m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> eA darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north south west] A street cleaner sighs as more rubbish blows by in the wind. <277/554hp 826/926m 298/305mv 693634tnl | [NSW]> nA darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north east south west] <277/554hp 826/926m 297/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> nUnder a broken stone archway south of the Palanthas markets [Exits: north south] A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates. <277/554hp 826/926m 296/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> gt you'r in seversYou tell the group, 'You'r in severs.' <304/554hp 893/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> nIn the southern market [Exits: north east south west] <304/554hp 893/926m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> eIn the south-eastern market [Exits: north east south west] You see a metal helmet here. A plain steel sword is lying here. ( 2) (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. You see a pair of metal leggings here. <304/554hp 893/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> eThe Palanthas royal bank [Exits: west] A sign has been posted to the wall. (White Aura) A merchant banker of Palanthas waits to take your transaction. <304/554hp 893/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> worYou have 0 gold, 0 silver, and 12605426 experience (693634 exp to level). <304/554hp 893/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> balYou have 1320 gold coins and 0 silver in your account. <304/554hp 893/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> withd 600 goldYou withdraw 600 gold. <304/554hp 893/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> lThe Palanthas royal bank You are within the royal bank of Palanthas where all the money is kept and recorded. A large sign has been placed here for new customers. You can go west into the markets. [Exits: west] A sign has been posted to the wall. (White Aura) A merchant banker of Palanthas waits to take your transaction. <304/554hp 893/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [W]> wIn the south-eastern market [Exits: north east south west] You see a metal helmet here. A plain steel sword is lying here. ( 2) (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. You see a pair of metal leggings here. <304/554hp 893/926m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> wIn the southern market [Exits: north east south west] <304/554hp 893/926m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> sUnder a broken stone archway south of the Palanthas markets [Exits: north south] A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates. <304/554hp 893/926m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> sA darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north east south west] A blacksmith yells, 'Best blades made here, buy ye blades here!' <304/554hp 893/926m 298/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> sA darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north south west] A street cleaner sighs as more rubbish blows by in the wind. <304/554hp 893/926m 297/305mv 693634tnl | [NSW]> wIn a narrow alley filled with sewerage [Exits: east west] A dirty, smelly beggar mumbles as he searches the junk in the alley. <304/554hp 893/926m 296/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> e Vie tells you, 'I have a message for you, magi.' <304/554hp 893/926m 296/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> A darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north south west] A street cleaner sighs as more rubbish blows by in the wind. <304/554hp 893/926m 295/305mv 693634tnl | [NSW]> wIn a narrow alley filled with sewerage [Exits: east west] A dirty, smelly beggar mumbles as he searches the junk in the alley. <304/554hp 893/926m 294/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> wOver a huge sewerage hole [Exits: east down] A citizen of Palanthas trudges by with a tired shuffle. <304/554hp 893/926m 293/305mv 693634tnl | [ED]> dBeneath the streets of Palanthas [Exits: north south up] <304/554hp 893/926m 292/305mv 693634tnl | [NSU]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas Beneath the streets of Palanthas <304/554hp 893/926m 292/305mv 693634tnl | [NSU]> uOver a huge sewerage hole [Exits: east down] A citizen of Palanthas trudges by with a tired shuffle. [TOWER] A sentinel iron golem: Alas, I have fallen to someone. <304/554hp 893/926m 291/305mv 693634tnl | [ED]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 55 minutes 'Pass door' spell is active for 20 hours and 35 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 20 hours and 35 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 20 hours and 35 minutes <304/554hp 893/926m 291/305mv 693634tnl | [ED]> whoi vi Garent the butcher yells, 'Freshly cut meats, get ya meats here!' <304/554hp 893/926m 291/305mv 693634tnl | [ED]> Vie the male kender <304/554hp 893/926m 291/305mv 693634tnl | [ED]> lOver a huge sewerage hole You are at the city dump where people come to drop their rubbish. Beneath all the accumulated garbage you can see a sewer system filled with pipes and junctions. The garbage alley heads back east if you want to escape the terrible stench, or down into the pathway beneath the Palanthas. [Exits: east down] A citizen of Palanthas trudges by with a tired shuffle. <304/554hp 893/926m 291/305mv 693634tnl | [ED]> noteYou have no unread notes. <304/554hp 893/926m 291/305mv 693634tnl | [ED]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <320/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [ED]> reply what ?You tell Vie, 'What ?' <320/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [ED]> [TOWER] Ithail: Come archmagi. <320/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [ED]> lOver a huge sewerage hole You are at the city dump where people come to drop their rubbish. Beneath all the accumulated garbage you can see a sewer system filled with pipes and junctions. The garbage alley heads back east if you want to escape the terrible stench, or down into the pathway beneath the Palanthas. [Exits: east down] A citizen of Palanthas trudges by with a tired shuffle. <320/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [ED]> eeIn a narrow alley filled with sewerage [Exits: east west] A dirty, smelly beggar mumbles as he searches the junk in the alley. <320/554hp 926/926m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> nA darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north south west] A street cleaner sighs as more rubbish blows by in the wind. <320/554hp 926/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NSW]> nnA darkly lit street named 'South road' [Exits: north east south west] <320/554hp 926/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> Under a broken stone archway south of the Palanthas markets [Exits: north south] <320/554hp 926/926m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> In the southern market [Exits: north east south west] A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates. <320/554hp 926/926m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> nPalanthas market square [Exits: north east south west] <320/554hp 926/926m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> Jani the grocer yells, 'Fresh greens for sale! Fresh greens here!' <320/554hp 926/926m 299/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeA cobblestone trade road through the eastern Palanthas markets [Exits: north east south west] A man dressed in humble but warm clothing walks by. <320/554hp 926/926m 298/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> Beneath a large, cracked stone archway before the Palanthas Markets [Exits: east west] A dirty girl coughs as she begs for food. <320/554hp 926/926m 297/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> On a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: east south west] A tall knight dressed in warm clothes eyes you carefully as he passes. A woman wearing warm clothing and a thick cloak hurries by. <320/554hp 926/926m 296/305mv 693634tnl | [ESW]> ssssOn a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: north east south west] A plain steel sword is lying here. A drunk rests in a corner mumbling incoherent words. A ragged looking beggar reaches out to passers by for some kindness. <320/554hp 926/926m 295/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> eOn a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: north east west] <320/554hp 926/926m 294/305mv 693634tnl | [NEW]> eseOn a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: north east west] <320/554hp 926/926m 293/305mv 693634tnl | [NEW]> eOn a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas [Exits: east west] <320/554hp 926/926m 292/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> dBefore the grand Eastern gates of Palanthas [Exits: north east south west] A plain steel sword is lying here. (Glowing) A war banner has been left here. <320/554hp 926/926m 291/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> nInside the Eastern gate house of Palanthas [Exits: east west up] A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing. <320/554hp 926/926m 290/305mv 693634tnl | [EWU]> nnOutside the Grand Eastern gates of Palanthas [Exits: north east south west] <320/554hp 926/926m 289/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> On the eastern outskirts of Palanthas [Exits: east west] <320/554hp 926/926m 288/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> eeOn the clearing before the road [Exits: east west] <320/554hp 926/926m 287/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> Walking on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] <320/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> nnEntrance to the large part of Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] A lowly knight of the Crown stands guard over the road. <320/554hp 926/926m 285/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> Walking on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] <320/554hp 926/926m 284/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> Walking on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] <320/554hp 926/926m 283/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> Vie tells you, 'The message says: \"You better listen to wise druid than follow stupid orders of Archmage.' Walking on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] <320/554hp 926/926m 282/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> uuuuuWalking on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] <320/554hp 926/926m 281/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> Way of the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] <320/554hp 926/926m 280/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> Way of the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] A lowly knight of the Crown stands guard over the road. <320/554hp 926/926m 279/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> Way of the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] <320/554hp 926/926m 278/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> Way of the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] A small merchant walks along the road on his way to the city. <320/554hp 926/926m 277/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> Way of the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] <320/554hp 926/926m 276/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> West of a crossroads on the eastern Solamnic road [Exits: east west] A small kender dressed in a brown leather jacket smiles at you. <320/554hp 926/926m 275/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> At the crossroads along the Solamnic road [Exits: north east south west] A wooden sign has been posted into the ground here. A happy looking farmer greets you with a deep bow. <320/554hp 926/926m 274/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> South of the crossroads [Exits: north south] A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. <320/554hp 926/926m 273/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> A dark forest path [Exits: north south] A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. <320/554hp 926/926m 272/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> A dark forest path [Exits: north south] A beautiful dryad caresses the trees. A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. <320/554hp 926/926m 271/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> An intersection in the path [Exits: north east west] ( 2) A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <320/554hp 926/926m 270/305mv 693634tnl | [NEW]> the regrowing forest [Exits: east west] A red fox stares at you from the underbrush. <320/554hp 926/926m 269/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> the regrowing forest [Exits: south west] A brightly-coloured red bird sings from above. <320/554hp 926/926m 268/305mv 693634tnl | [SW]> the regrowing forest [Exits: north east] A delicate blue flower lies on the ground. A small red flower lies here. A bright flower lies on the ground. ( 2) A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <320/554hp 926/926m 267/305mv 693634tnl | [NE]> the regrowing forest [Exits: east south west] <320/554hp 926/926m 266/305mv 693634tnl | [ESW]> At the top of a hill [Exits: west down] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <320/554hp 926/926m 265/305mv 693634tnl | [WD]> a small valley in the woods [Exits: north west up] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <320/554hp 926/926m 264/305mv 693634tnl | [NWU]> a small valley in the woods [Exits: north south] A bluebird chirps angrily at you. <320/554hp 926/926m 263/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> a small valley in the woods [Exits: north south] <320/554hp 926/926m 262/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> a small valley in the woods [Exits: north east south] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <320/554hp 926/926m 261/305mv 693634tnl | [NES]> A dark path into the forest [Exits: east west] A small white mushroom grows from the ground. <320/554hp 926/926m 260/305mv 693634tnl | [EW]> Before an old stone tower [Exits: north west] <320/554hp 926/926m 259/305mv 693634tnl | [NW]> A wide corridor leading to a stairwell [Exits: north south] <320/554hp 926/926m 258/305mv 693634tnl | [NS]> Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] <320/554hp 926/926m 257/305mv 693634tnl | [SU]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <320/554hp 926/926m 256/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <320/554hp 926/926m 255/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <320/554hp 926/926m 254/305mv 693634tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] <320/554hp 926/926m 253/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) A gold-horned unicorn is here, fighting Keonar. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is here, fighting Irhien. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <320/554hp 926/926m 252/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> give 600 gold ith Keonar's acidic bite misses the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's rapid restrike decimates the archmage of the Tower. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's bleeding devastates him. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> They aren't here. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' A gold-horned unicorn is enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge devastates a gold-horned unicorn. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Asarkh reshariso liritar.' A gold-horned unicorn sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. A gold-horned unicorn freezes momentarily, but it passes. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A gold-horned unicorn's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. Ithail's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a huge lion. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A huge lion rakes at Keonar with his claws. A huge lion's raking claw mauls Keonar. A huge lion's raking claw mauls Keonar. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Ayale anaelli shanto.' The archmage of the Tower points at Keonar and a sliver of ice flies forth! The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar's acidic bite mauls the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's rapid restrike decimates the archmage of the Tower. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Keonar. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Emynir sherdaw alasse.' The archmage of the Tower sunders the ground beneath Irhien. Irhien cries out as she is crushed savagely within the rift! The archmage of the Tower's earthmaw devastates Irhien. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A huge lion is blinded by the dirt in his eyes! Keonar's kicked dirt scratches a huge lion. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A bolt of lightning streaks from Keonar's gauntlets of devastation at the archmage of the Tower. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Keonar's spell reflects! Keonar's lightning bolt mauls him. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A huge lion rakes at Keonar with his claws. A huge lion's raking claw mauls Keonar. A huge lion's raking claw mauls Keonar. Blood covers Keonar's face and gets into his eyes. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Randa nefeinna shanto lerm.' A huge clenched fist appears above Keonar and strikes down. The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. A bolt of lightning streaks from Keonar's gauntlets of devastation at the archmage of the Tower. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Keonar's spell reflects! Keonar's spell is cast upon empty air. Keonar's acidic bite misses the archmage of the Tower. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A huge lion's claw strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Irhien chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Asarkh reshariso liritar.' A huge lion sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. A huge lion freezes momentarily, but it passes. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar has turned around, trying to escape! Keonar has fled! <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Lumina farie shanto slein.' The archmage of the Tower directs a channel of superheated air at Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's vapour chain maims Irhien! <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> grA huge lion's group: [35 Tra] A huge lion 79%hp 62%mana 100%mv 1267172 tnl [34 Inv] Alantas 61%hp 100%mana 93%mv 693634 tnl <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar's circle stab misses the archmage of the Tower. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A huge lion's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. Ithail's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a bristled porcupine. A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's spell is cast upon empty air. Keonar's acidic bite mauls the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A bristled porcupine's quills rise off his back and pose a deadly, bristling armor for him. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar's circle stab misses the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Ayale anaelli shanto.' The archmage of the Tower points at Irhien and a sliver of ice flies forth! The archmage of the Tower's icicle DISMEMBERS Irhien! <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> l The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Keonar. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. (White Aura) A huge bristled porcupine is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is here, fighting Irhien. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Ayale anaelli shanto.' The archmage of the Tower points at Keonar and a sliver of ice flies forth! The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's rapid restrike misses the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's acidic bite decimates the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar circles the archmage of the Tower to land a critical strike. Keonar's circle stab *** DEMOLISHES *** the archmage of the Tower! <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> l archThis archmage has been designated with the vital role of guarding the libram of power that contains the secrets of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is covered in bleeding wounds. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. A bolt of lightning streaks from Keonar's gauntlets of devastation at the archmage of the Tower. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Keonar's spell reflects! Keonar's lightning bolt injures him. The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Randa nefeinna shanto lerm.' A huge clenched fist appears above Irhien and strikes down. The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar circles the archmage of the Tower to land a critical strike. Keonar's circle stab *** DEMOLISHES *** the archmage of the Tower! <341/554hp 926/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c iceshield archYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You lost your concentration. <341/554hp 911/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c iceshield arch The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Keonar. The archmage of the Tower tries to disarm Irhien, but fails. <341/554hp 911/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar circles the archmage of the Tower to land a critical strike. Keonar's circle stab *** DEMOLISHES *** the archmage of the Tower! <341/554hp 911/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Andor nofra dagnir glas.' The archmage of the Tower's acid blast DISMEMBERS Keonar! <341/554hp 911/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. The archmage of the Tower is surrounded by a freezing aura of air. <341/554hp 881/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c 'airshield' arch The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien throws out a shard of sharp ice! Irhien's icelance wounds her. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. A bolt of lightning streaks from Keonar's gauntlets of devastation at the archmage of the Tower. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Keonar's spell reflects! Keonar's lightning bolt hits him. A golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light. Keonar's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. Keonar's rapid restrike mauls the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. The archmage of the Tower tries to disarm Irhien, but fails. <341/554hp 881/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A bristled porcupine's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. <341/554hp 881/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar circles the archmage of the Tower to land a critical strike. Keonar's circle stab *** DEMOLISHES *** the archmage of the Tower! <341/554hp 881/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Wall. You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. The archmage of the Tower is surrounded by an airy shield. <341/554hp 851/926m 286/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Tamina nit dagnir laisenna.' A blast of lightning erupts and forks into twin streaks of blue! Irhien is unaffected by the archmage of the Tower's fork lightning! Irhien is unaffected by the archmage of the Tower's fork lightning! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's spell is cast upon empty air. A bolt of lightning streaks from Keonar's gauntlets of devastation at the archmage of the Tower. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Keonar's spell reflects! Keonar's lightning bolt injures him. Keonar's acidic bite decimates the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Keonar. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Ithail's bleeding decimates him. <359/554hp 911/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> d Keonar's circle stab misses the archmage of the Tower. <359/554hp 911/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] <359/554hp 911/926m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> c wallYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You gesture and a wall of solid blue ice crystalises. <359/554hp 886/926m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Vie tells you, 'Be well. The light shines and this brings happiness.' <359/554hp 886/926m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> uthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is here, fighting Irhien. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <359/554hp 886/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> ct done[TOWER] Alantas: Done. <359/554hp 886/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Lumina farie shanto slein.' The archmage of the Tower directs a channel of superheated air at Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. <359/554hp 886/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! Irhien has fled! <359/554hp 886/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A bolt of lightning streaks from Keonar's gauntlets of devastation at the archmage of the Tower. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Keonar's spell reflects! Keonar's lightning bolt injures him. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Ithail rubs the dirt out of his eyes. <359/554hp 886/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar has turned around, trying to escape! Keonar has fled! <359/554hp 886/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <359/554hp 886/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <359/554hp 886/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> give 600 gold ithYou give Ithail 600 gold. <359/554hp 886/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You follow Ithail. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' Keonar yells, 'Die, Ithail you sorcerous dog!' Keonar looks more vulnerable. <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. A golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light. Keonar's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. Keonar's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! Keonar's acidic bite maims a wall of ice! Keonar's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Ithail's eyes glow bright green as his body transmutes into a gold-horned unicorn! <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof MUTILATES Keonar! <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast MASSACRES a wall of ice! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. Keonar's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! Keonar's acidic bite devastates a wall of ice. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. With a final angry rumbling, a cloud of flies buzzes away from Irhien. <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof MUTILATES Keonar! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! A bolt of lightning streaks from Keonar's gauntlets of devastation at a wall of ice. Keonar's lightning bolt MUTILATES a wall of ice! Keonar's acidic bite DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! Keonar's acidic bite MUTILATES a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Irhien utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' A gold-horned unicorn sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. A gold-horned unicorn is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge DISMEMBERS a gold-horned unicorn! <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Keonar stops using the demon-headed knife. Keonar wields an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames. <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power MUTILATES a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. Keonar's flaming bite DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! A wall of ice is burned by an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames. Keonar's flaming bite MASSACRES a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof maims Keonar! <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' A gold-horned unicorn sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. A gold-horned unicorn is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge maims a gold-horned unicorn! <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Keonar's kicked dirt misses a gold-horned unicorn. <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast MASSACRES a wall of ice! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! A bolt of lightning streaks from Keonar's gauntlets of devastation at a wall of ice. Keonar's lightning bolt devastates a wall of ice. Keonar's flaming bite MANGLES a wall of ice! A wall of ice is burned by an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames. Keonar's flaming bite MASSACRES a wall of ice! Keonar's flaming bite DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush DISEMBOWELS Keonar! <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof maims Keonar! <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Keonar's flaming bite DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! Keonar's flaming bite MASSACRES a wall of ice! Keonar's flaming bite MASSACRES a wall of ice! Keonar's flaming bite MASSACRES a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush MUTILATES Keonar! <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof maims Keonar! <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Keonar has turned around, trying to escape! [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! Keonar has fled! A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Elliem liritar ast khealles.' With an evil buzzing, a thick cloud of ravenous, psychedelic flies surrounds Irhien. <359/554hp 886/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Keonar's punch maims a wall of ice! Keonar's punch misses a wall of ice. Keonar's punch decimates a wall of ice. Keonar's punch decimates a wall of ice. A gold-horned unicorn's bleeding decimates him. <386/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <386/554hp 926/926m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> A gold-horned unicorn peers intently down. <386/554hp 926/926m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You follow a gold-horned unicorn. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <386/554hp 926/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike *** DEMOLISHES *** a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Keonar's punch decimates a wall of ice. Keonar's punch MUTILATES a wall of ice! Keonar's punch DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! Keonar's punch devastates a wall of ice. <386/554hp 926/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn lowers his head and butts Keonar with his razor-edged horn! A gold-horned unicorn's butting horn MASSACRES Keonar! <386/554hp 926/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power MUTILATES a wall of ice! A golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light. Keonar's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. Keonar's punch devastates a wall of ice. Keonar's punch devastates a wall of ice. Keonar's punch decimates a wall of ice. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <386/554hp 926/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' A gold-horned unicorn sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. A gold-horned unicorn is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge decimates a gold-horned unicorn. A gold-horned unicorn appears to be blinded. <386/554hp 926/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Keonar wields the talon of the Blue Dragon. <386/554hp 926/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> c 'fireshield' wallYou recite a sweet mystical verse. A wall of ice is surrounded by a flaming halo of heat. <386/554hp 896/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power MUTILATES a wall of ice! Keonar's shocking bite DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! Keonar's shocking bite DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! Keonar's shocking bite DISMEMBERS a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush DISEMBOWELS Keonar! <386/554hp 896/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof maims Keonar! <386/554hp 896/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice is blinded by the dirt in its eyes! Keonar's kicked dirt hits a wall of ice. <386/554hp 896/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' A gold-horned unicorn sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. A gold-horned unicorn is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge mauls a gold-horned unicorn. <386/554hp 896/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power misses a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Keonar's shocking bite DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! Keonar's shocking bite MASSACRES a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <386/554hp 896/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof maims Keonar! <386/554hp 896/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> c 'airshield' wallBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. A wall of ice is surrounded by an airy shield. <386/554hp 866/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! A golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light. Keonar's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. Keonar's shocking bite MASSACRES a wall of ice! Keonar's shocking bite MASSACRES a wall of ice! Keonar's shocking bite DISEMBOWELS a wall of ice! A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A gold-horned unicorn's crush strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <386/554hp 866/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn kicks Keonar violently with his hoof! A gold-horned unicorn's hoof MUTILATES Keonar! <386/554hp 866/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Keonar has turned around, trying to escape! [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! Keonar has fled! <386/554hp 866/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power misses a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power MUTILATES a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. The white aura around Keonar's body fades. <386/554hp 866/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' The gods protect you from Irhien. <386/554hp 866/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A gold-horned unicorn's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. Ithail's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a huge lion. <386/554hp 866/926m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> You follow a huge lion. the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <386/554hp 866/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The healer utters the words, 'Astald maele meiros hannis' and nods at a huge lion. A huge lion is no longer blinded. <386/554hp 866/926m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c channel 400Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You feel your health improve as you control your body with your mind. <836/1004hp 461/526m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> u A huge lion's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. Ithail's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a huge lion. <836/1004hp 461/526m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> c robe You follow a huge lion. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <836/1004hp 461/526m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <836/1004hp 461/526m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar yells, 'Help! a huge lion is raking me!' <836/1004hp 461/526m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You recite a sweet mystical verse. You forge the Red robes of the magi from raw energy! <836/1004hp 411/526m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic devastates Keonar. <836/1004hp 411/526m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> wear rob Keonar has turned around, trying to escape! <836/1004hp 411/526m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You wear the Red robes of the magi about your body. <836/1004hp 411/628m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is here, fighting Keonar. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <836/1004hp 411/628m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 20 hours and 55 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 24 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 47 hours and 15 minutes 'Pass door' spell is active for 16 hours and 30 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 16 hours and 30 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 16 hours and 30 minutes <836/1004hp 411/628m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Keonar. <836/1004hp 411/628m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar has turned around, trying to escape! Keonar has fled! <836/1004hp 411/628m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar yells, 'Help! a huge lion is raking me!' <836/1004hp 411/628m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> l keoYou do not see that here. <836/1004hp 411/628m 300/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Ayale anaelli shanto.' The archmage of the Tower points at Keonar and a sliver of ice flies forth! The archmage of the Tower's icicle *** DEMOLISHES *** Keonar! Keonar's shocking bite decimates the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is struck by lightning from the talon of the Blue Dragon. Keonar's shocking bite misses the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. <877/1004hp 489/628m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar has turned around, trying to escape! Keonar has fled! <877/1004hp 489/628m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> l keoYou do not see that here. <877/1004hp 489/628m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> d [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. Irhien yells, 'Help! I'm being attacked by the archmage of the Tower!' [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. <877/1004hp 489/628m 305/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> l keoOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <877/1004hp 489/628m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> You do not see that here. <877/1004hp 489/628m 304/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> l keo You follow a huge lion. the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower is here, fighting Keonar. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <877/1004hp 489/628m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar is before you, a slender elf, obviously one of the Kagonesti. He usually wears a grey cloak, dusty after long travels. The hood covers his head, casting shadow on his face. He is not very tall for an elf. He has short brown hair, large hazel eyes, thin lips, long pointy ears. His tanned skin is covered in strange paintings and tattoos of unknown purpose. His fingers are long and nimble, such fingers help in spellcasting and other tricky deeds. He moves quietly, and usually unseen, making almost no sound whatsoever, and staying in the shadows of streets or wilderness. He is very cautious. Looks like he expects an ambush in any moment. Looking deeper in his eyes, it is possible to understand that the spirit of anarchy burns in his heart. Keonar is gushing blood. Keonar is using: <worn on finger> a ring made of shimmering metal <worn on finger> a ring made of shimmering metal <worn around neck> (Glowing) a golden leaf pendant <worn around neck> (Glowing) a stone pendant on a short chain <worn on torso> scales of the bloated forest dragon <worn on head> the mask of a ravening seasnake <worn on legs> a pair of leggings wrapped in vines <worn on feet> merciless silver boots of negation <worn on hands> gauntlets of devastation <worn on arms> sleeves made from ebonwood bark <worn as shield> a rusted jazeraint shield <worn on body> (Glowing) a dirty, tattered mage's robe <worn on waist> (Humming) a wide belt with a titan buckle <worn around wrist> bracelet engraved with strange symbols <worn around wrist> bracelet engraved with strange symbols <wielded> the talon of the Blue Dragon Keonar's shocking bite decimates the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's magic devastates Keonar. <877/1004hp 489/628m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar yells, 'Help! someone is raking me!' A huge lion rakes at Keonar with his claws. A huge lion's raking claw DISEMBOWELS Keonar! A huge lion's raking claw DISEMBOWELS Keonar! <877/1004hp 489/628m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> Keonar has turned around, trying to escape! Keonar has fled! <877/1004hp 489/628m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> applClap, clap, clap. <877/1004hp 489/628m 303/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <877/1004hp 489/628m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> applClap, clap, clap. <877/1004hp 489/628m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> l keoKeonar is before you, a slender elf, obviously one of the Kagonesti. He usually wears a grey cloak, dusty after long travels. The hood covers his head, casting shadow on his face. He is not very tall for an elf. He has short brown hair, large hazel eyes, thin lips, long pointy ears. His tanned skin is covered in strange paintings and tattoos of unknown purpose. His fingers are long and nimble, such fingers help in spellcasting and other tricky deeds. He moves quietly, and usually unseen, making almost no sound whatsoever, and staying in the shadows of streets or wilderness. He is very cautious. Looks like he expects an ambush in any moment. Looking deeper in his eyes, it is possible to understand that the spirit of anarchy burns in his heart. Keonar is writhing in agony. Keonar is using: <worn on finger> a ring made of shimmering metal <worn on finger> a ring made of shimmering metal <worn around neck> (Glowing) a golden leaf pendant <worn around neck> (Glowing) a stone pendant on a short chain <worn on torso> scales of the bloated forest dragon <worn on head> the mask of a ravening seasnake <worn on legs> a pair of leggings wrapped in vines <worn on feet> merciless silver boots of negation <worn on hands> gauntlets of devastation <worn on arms> sleeves made from ebonwood bark <worn as shield> a rusted jazeraint shield <worn on body> (Glowing) a dirty, tattered mage's robe <worn on waist> (Humming) a wide belt with a titan buckle <worn around wrist> bracelet engraved with strange symbols <worn around wrist> bracelet engraved with strange symbols <wielded> the talon of the Blue Dragon <877/1004hp 489/628m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice rubs the dirt out of its eyes. <877/1004hp 489/628m 302/305mv 693634tnl | [NUD]> c word You follow a huge lion. the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <877/1004hp 489/628m 301/305mv 693634tnl | [D]> You intone an ancient mystical chant. You conjure forth a pillar of grey light, step into it, and vanish to your hometown. Inside the Temple [Exits: north east south west] A large donation pit is here in the floor. A guard stands here, protecting the innocent. Kareem the Dwarven Mercenary stands here. (White Aura) The healer stands here, selling spells. <877/1004hp 484/628m 150/305mv 693634tnl | [NESWD]> sThe Temple Gates [Exits: north south down] A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. <877/1004hp 484/628m 149/305mv 693634tnl | [NSD]> sThe Temple Square [Exits: north south up] <877/1004hp 484/628m 148/305mv 693634tnl | [NSU]> [TOWER] Ithail: Fireball down! <877/1004hp 484/628m 148/305mv 693634tnl | [NSU]> s [TOWER] Ithail: Fireball down! <877/1004hp 484/628m 148/305mv 693634tnl | [NSU]> West Main Street [Exits: north east south west] <877/1004hp 484/628m 147/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> e [TOWER] Ithail: He is dying. <877/1004hp 484/628m 147/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> West Main Street [Exits: north east south west] ( 2) A skeleton of the green frog is lying here in a puddle of decayed flesh. A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. The foreman stands here screaming at the workers. A construction worker steadily works here. A construction worker steadily works here. <877/1004hp 484/628m 146/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> c frostbolt 3. [TOWER] Ithail: Faster! You chant a sweet melodious line. You point at the foreman and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt === OBLITERATES === the foreman! The foreman is convulsing on the ground. <877/1004hp 469/628m 146/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> Your punch injures the foreman. Your punch misses the foreman. The foreman's stab misses you. The foreman is convulsing on the ground. <877/1004hp 469/628m 146/305mv 693634tnl | [NESW]> c frostbolt 3.You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You point at the foreman and a bolt of ice flies forth! You feel a surge of energy pass into your spell! Your frostbolt >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the foreman! The foreman is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 29 experience points. The foreman splatters blood on your armor. The corpse of the foreman is lying here. The corpse of the foreman holds: (Humming) a fountain pen 130 silver coins and 2 gold coins You get 130 silver coins and 2 gold coins from the corpse of the foreman. The gods give you 42 silver coins for your sacrifice. <877/1004hp 454/628m 146/305mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> c tess ithaYou see no book here. <877/1004hp 454/628m 146/305mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> You see no cor here. <877/1004hp 454/628m 146/305mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Your tesseract spell failed. <877/1004hp 354/628m 146/305mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> [TOWER] Ithail: Harm him! <877/1004hp 354/628m 146/305mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> c tess itha [TOWER] Ithail: Faster. <904/1004hp 426/628m 180/305mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <904/1004hp 326/628m 180/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> A huge lion peers intently down. <904/1004hp 326/628m 180/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> dc 'enhanced fireball' ke You follow a huge lion. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <904/1004hp 326/628m 179/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> A wall of ice is blocking the way past. <904/1004hp 326/628m 179/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> They aren't here. <904/1004hp 326/628m 179/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast MANGLES a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power MUTILATES a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! <904/1004hp 326/628m 179/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> lOn a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <904/1004hp 326/628m 179/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! <904/1004hp 326/628m 179/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> Irhien peers intently up. <904/1004hp 326/628m 179/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> l irYou see a tall elven woman dressed in multicolored clothes before you. She has long black hair, its natural color probably was changed magically. In her hands she holds a mighty staff, and a small but sharp dagger is stuck to her belt. Her thin pale face looks intelligent and handsome, and her dark green eyes look around with an irony. But there is no trace of kindness on her face. Her hands are moving with impressing speed and her body sometimes dissapears suddenly and then appears back. Neither her manner to hold a weapon, nor her cunning face with eyes greedily looking at others could belong to a warrior. Seems the word 'honour' sounds like a good joke to her. If she would need something from someone, she would either try to cheat him or just take what she needs by force, and no one should expect mercy from her, although she would just pay no attention to those who can offer nothing to her. She prefers to remain polite, but sometimes her policy combined with sweet voice and ironical smile may fill her collocutors with rage even more than the worst insults. Irhien has a few scratches. Irhien is using: <worn on finger> a ring made of shimmering metal <worn on finger> smoking silver ring of regeneration <worn around neck> an amulet of the Black Moon, Nuitari <worn around neck> (Glowing) the Amulet of the Dragonkind <worn on torso> tough carapace of a giant turtle <worn on head> the mask of a ravening seasnake <worn on legs> a diamond-strung skirt of silver <worn on feet> a pair of boots made of red wyrmling's scale <worn on hands> some gloves made of spider-silk <worn on arms> the sleeves made of black wyrmling's scale <worn as shield> (Humming) a howling mouth bound with a circle of iron <worn on body> (Humming) a vile shroud of dark shadows <worn on waist> a belt buckle of hardened elf bile <worn around wrist> bracelet engraved with strange symbols <worn around wrist> a runed silver armlet <wielded> a piece of bark embedded with sapphires <904/1004hp 326/628m 179/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> lOn a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <904/1004hp 326/628m 179/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> u The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike devastates a wall of ice. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power MUTILATES a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! <904/1004hp 326/628m 179/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <904/1004hp 326/628m 178/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <904/1004hp 326/628m 177/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. <904/1004hp 326/628m 177/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> Irhien utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Irhien is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MANGLES you! Irhien has a few scratches. <821/1004hp 326/628m 177/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> A huge lion's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. Irhien has a few scratches. <821/1004hp 326/628m 177/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! You attack with your punch, but Irhien isn't there. You attack with your punch, but Irhien isn't there. Ithail's blast strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <821/1004hp 326/628m 177/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> fleeYou turn around, trying to escape! A wall of ice is blocking the way past. the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. You flee from combat! <821/1004hp 326/628m 176/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Faster! <821/1004hp 326/628m 176/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Faster! <821/1004hp 326/628m 176/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien On a winding stone stairwell (PK) Ithail On a winding stone stairwell (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <821/1004hp 326/628m 176/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Fireball her. <821/1004hp 326/628m 176/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Fireball her. <821/1004hp 326/628m 176/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball'Cast the spell on whom? <821/1004hp 326/628m 176/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <821/1004hp 326/628m 175/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> c 'enhanced fireball' irYou chant a sweet melodious line. Irhien yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' The air before Irhien flares up and your spell reflects! Irhien's spellturning field dissipates with a crackle of blue energy. You hurl a ball of raging fire at Alantas! Your fireball >>> ANNIHILATES <<< you! That really did HURT! Irhien has a few scratches. <545/1004hp 286/628m 175/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power maims a wall of ice! You attack with your punch, but Irhien isn't there. You attack with your punch, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <545/1004hp 286/628m 175/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> fleefleefleeYou turn around, trying to escape! A wall of ice is blocking the way past. the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. You flee from combat! <545/1004hp 286/628m 174/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> You aren't fighting anyone. <545/1004hp 286/628m 174/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> You aren't fighting anyone. <545/1004hp 286/628m 174/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> c 'fireshield'You chant a sweet melodious line. You are surrounded in a flaming halo of heat. <545/1004hp 256/628m 174/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> dc 'enhanced fireball' irOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a wall of ice. A wall of ice is here, fighting Irhien. <545/1004hp 256/628m 173/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> You intone an ancient mystical chant. Irhien yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at Irhien! You cast at Irhien but your spell falls on empty air. Your fireball *** DEVASTATES *** Keonar! Irhien has a few scratches. <545/1004hp 216/628m 173/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> Irhien chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MASSACRES you! Irhien has a few scratches. <466/1004hp 216/628m 173/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> c 'enhanced fireball' ir Irhien's divine power misses a wall of ice. Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. Keonar steps out of the shadows. Keonar's shocking bite DISMEMBERS you! Keonar's shocking bite DISEMBOWELS you! You are shocked by the talon of the Blue Dragon. Your muscles stop responding. Keonar's shocking bite DISEMBOWELS you! You attack with your punch, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien parries your punch. Ithail's blast strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Ithail's bleeding decimates him. Irhien has a few scratches. <313/1004hp 251/628m 207/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> Keonar has turned around, trying to escape! [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! Keonar has fled! Irhien has a few scratches. <313/1004hp 251/628m 207/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> Ithail has turned around, trying to escape! Ithail has fled! Irhien has a few scratches. <313/1004hp 251/628m 207/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEVASTATES *** you! You sure are BLEEDING! Irhien has a few scratches. <168/1004hp 251/628m 207/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast MASSACRES a wall of ice! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. A shard of sharp ice flies forth at a wall of ice. A wall of ice is unaffected by Irhien's icelance! Irhien's divine power MUTILATES a wall of ice! Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. You attack with your punch, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <168/1004hp 251/628m 207/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> You turn around, trying to escape! A wall of ice is blocking the way past. A wall of ice is blocking the way past. A wall of ice is blocking the way past. A wall of ice is blocking the way past. PANIC! You couldn't escape! You recite a sweet mystical verse. Irhien yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at Irhien! You cast at Irhien but your spell falls on empty air. Your fireball *** DEVASTATES *** Keonar! Irhien has a few scratches. <168/1004hp 211/628m 207/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> Keonar yells, 'Help! a huge lion is raking me!' A huge lion rakes at Keonar with his claws. A huge lion's raking claw DISEMBOWELS Keonar! A huge lion's raking claw DISEMBOWELS Keonar! Keonar is DEAD!! get bookget book corBlood and bone splatter as Keonar's arm is sliced from his dead body. Irhien has a few scratches. <168/1004hp 211/628m 207/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> c word Irhien's divine power devastates a wall of ice. You attack with your punch, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien parries your punch. A huge lion's claw misses Irhien. Irhien has a few scratches. <168/1004hp 211/628m 207/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> You see no book here. Irhien has a few scratches. <168/1004hp 211/628m 207/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> You see nothing like that in the cor. Irhien has a few scratches. <168/1004hp 211/628m 207/305mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You conjure forth a pillar of grey light, step into it, and vanish to your hometown. Inside the Temple [Exits: north east south west] A large donation pit is here in the floor. (White Aura) The healer stands here, selling spells. <168/1004hp 206/628m 103/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <168/1004hp 206/628m 103/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> gt lootYou tell the group, 'Loot.' <168/1004hp 206/628m 103/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <168/1004hp 206/628m 103/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <168/1004hp 206/628m 103/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fireshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 35 minutes 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 18 hours and 20 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 22 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 44 hours and 40 minutes 'Pass door' spell is active for 13 hours and 55 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 13 hours and 55 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 13 hours and 55 minutes <168/1004hp 206/628m 103/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> sleeYour adrenaline is gushing too much, you can't sleep! <168/1004hp 206/628m 103/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Ithail: Kill irheien! <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> sleeYou go to sleep. <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> gt low healthYou tell the group, 'Low health.' <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> gt i can't beat herYou tell the group, 'I can't beat her.' <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Someone: Heal up. <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Someone: Heal up. <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> sleeYou are already sleeping. <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> ct even equipped[TOWER] Alantas: Even equipped. <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <207/1004hp 242/628m 137/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> ct i gave you moneys[TOWER] Alantas: I gave you moneys. <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fireshield' spell is active for 14 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 16 hours and 40 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 20 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 43 hours and 0 minutes 'Pass door' spell is active for 12 hours and 15 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 12 hours and 15 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 12 hours and 15 minutes <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fireshield' spell is active for 14 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 16 hours and 35 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 20 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 42 hours and 55 minutes 'Pass door' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> You see no mat here. <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> You see no bac here. <367/1004hp 496/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c 'lightning shield'You recite a sweet mystical verse. You are surrounded by a field of humming electricity. <367/1004hp 466/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c 'airshield'You recite a sweet mystical verse. You are surrounded by an airy shield. <367/1004hp 436/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c blinkYou chant a sweet melodious line. You begin blinking in and out of existence. <367/1004hp 411/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c intBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You conjure forth a hand of pure energy to guard you against attacks. <367/1004hp 351/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c arBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You feel someone protecting you. <367/1004hp 346/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c 'improved armor'c 'improved shield'You don't know any spells of that name. <367/1004hp 346/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You are surrounded by a force shield. <367/1004hp 316/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> slee The wandering prophet leaves west. <367/1004hp 316/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> You go to sleep. <367/1004hp 316/628m 195/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Someone: Come to me. <642/1004hp 622/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> <642/1004hp 622/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <642/1004hp 622/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> You see no mat here. <642/1004hp 622/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> You see no bac here. <642/1004hp 622/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A long razor-sharp claw of a dragon lies here. (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <642/1004hp 522/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: You looted him too? <642/1004hp 522/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> l Ithail looks at you. the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A long razor-sharp claw of a dragon lies here. (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <642/1004hp 522/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> shakeYou shake your head negatively. <642/1004hp 522/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A long razor-sharp claw of a dragon lies here. (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <642/1004hp 522/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> get allYou get an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames. You can't take that. You can't take that. <642/1004hp 522/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'Ehh.' <642/1004hp 522/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail gives you a long razor-sharp dragon claw. <642/1004hp 522/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: a long razor-sharp dragon claw (Glowing) an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames <642/1004hp 522/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> wear claYou wield a long razor-sharp dragon claw. A long razor-sharp dragon claw feels like a part of you! <671/1004hp 617/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <671/1004hp 617/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <671/1004hp 617/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'Let me see shard?' <671/1004hp 617/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail wears the shield of the Obsidian Order as a shield. Ithail is zapped by the shield of the Obsidian Order and drops it. <671/1004hp 617/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> c iden sharYou intone an ancient mystical chant. A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames, is a dagger, and can be referred to as 'abyssal shard fiery flame'. It is of 19th level, weighs 8 pounds, and is worth 140 gold. It glows with a soft light and sheds a magical aura. It cannot be used by those of pure soul. It cannot be located by magical means. It deals 7d7 damage (averaging at 28). Its attacks take the form of a flaming bite. It roars with flames. When worn, it modifies damage roll by 3 modifies hit roll by 5 <671/1004hp 605/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> give shar ithYou give an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames to Ithail. <671/1004hp 605/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail gives you a dirty, tattered mage's robe. <671/1004hp 605/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail gives you entrails of an undersea horror. <671/1004hp 605/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Tamina aarnthaos dagnir.' <671/1004hp 605/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> wear allYou wear entrails of an undersea horror about your waist. <671/1039hp 605/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> i Ithail stops using serpent's leather whip. Ithail wields an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames. Ithail is zapped by an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames and drops it. You are carrying: (Glowing) a dirty, tattered mage's robe <671/1039hp 605/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail wields serpent's leather whip. <671/1039hp 605/628m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> wear tatYou stop using the Red robes of the magi. You wear a dirty, tattered mage's robe about your body. <671/1039hp 605/571m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail gives you a gleaming silver necklace. <671/1039hp 605/571m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail gives you a wristguard engraved with a flute. <671/1039hp 605/571m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> say my equipment ...You say, 'My equipment ...' <671/1039hp 605/571m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> wear allYou wear a wristguard engraved with a flute around your left wrist. You wear a gleaming silver necklace around your neck. <671/1039hp 605/571m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> eqYou are using: <worn around neck> a gleaming silver necklace <worn on body> (Glowing) a dirty, tattered mage's robe <worn on waist> (Glowing) entrails of an undersea horror <worn around wrist> a wristguard engraved with a flute <wielded> a long razor-sharp dragon claw <671/1039hp 605/571m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail gives you a pair of gloves made of blue wyrmling's scale. <718/1039hp 571/571m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> wear allYou wear a pair of gloves made of blue wyrmling's scale on your hands. <718/1049hp 571/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> The healer utters the words, 'Emynir maele alasse nathanal' and nods at Ithail. Ithail's wounds begin to rapidly heal over. <718/1049hp 571/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> <718/1049hp 571/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> <718/1049hp 571/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> wear all <718/1049hp 571/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 30 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 40 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 20 hours and 40 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 14 hours and 30 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 10 hours and 25 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 9 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 11 hours and 40 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 15 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 38 hours and 0 minutes 'Pass door' spell is active for 7 hours and 15 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 7 hours and 15 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 7 hours and 15 minutes <758/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> ct wasn't ready to fight. recalled in very last moment[TOWER] Alantas: Wasn't ready to fight. recalled in very last moment. <758/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 0 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 40 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 20 hours and 10 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 14 hours and 0 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 9 hours and 55 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 11 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 9 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 11 hours and 10 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 15 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 37 hours and 30 minutes 'Pass door' spell is active for 6 hours and 45 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 6 hours and 45 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 6 hours and 45 minutes <758/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: (Glowing) the Red robes of the magi <758/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <758/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> drop robYou drop the Red robes of the magi. <758/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> sac robThe gods give you 0 silver coins for your sacrifice. <758/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A knapsack made from the finest leather rests here. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <758/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: I see. <758/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> get knaYou get a ranger's knapsack. <758/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: a ranger's knapsack <787/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> eqYou are using: <worn around neck> a gleaming silver necklace <worn on hands> a pair of gloves made of blue wyrmling's scale <worn on body> (Glowing) a dirty, tattered mage's robe <worn on waist> (Glowing) entrails of an undersea horror <worn around wrist> a wristguard engraved with a flute <wielded> a long razor-sharp dragon claw <787/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Improved shield' spell is active for 39 hours and 35 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 19 hours and 30 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 13 hours and 20 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 9 hours and 15 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Lightning shield' spell is active for 11 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 8 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 10 hours and 30 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 14 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 36 hours and 50 minutes 'Pass door' spell is active for 6 hours and 5 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 6 hours and 5 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 6 hours and 5 minutes <787/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> c 'energyshield'You recite a sweet mystical verse. Your lightning shield crackles and dissipates. You are surrounded by a crackling shield. <787/1049hp 551/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> c groYou recite a sweet mystical tune. Your body loses all affinity to electricity. <787/1049hp 481/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Tamina aarnthaos dagnir.' <787/1049hp 481/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> get mat bacdrop matrest matslee matYou see no bac here. <787/1049hp 481/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> You do not have that item. <787/1049hp 481/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> You don't see that here. <787/1049hp 481/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> You don't see that here. <787/1049hp 481/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. (Glowing) A fiery shard lies beneath your feet, burning constantly. (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <787/1049hp 481/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Conrad tells you, 'You slay keonar?' <787/1049hp 481/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail stops using a pair of boots made of red wyrmling's scale. Ithail wears merciless silver boots of negation on his feet. <787/1049hp 481/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> reply yes.You tell Conrad, 'Yes.' <787/1049hp 481/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Conrad tells you, 'Grats.' <828/1049hp 533/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Conrad tells you, 'You are mage with no plan.' <828/1049hp 533/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'Create spring please.' <828/1049hp 533/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> <828/1049hp 533/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Conrad tells you, 'Brave.' <828/1049hp 533/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> c 'create spring'You recite a sweet mystical tune. A magical spring flows from the ground. <828/1049hp 513/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail drinks water from a magical spring. <828/1049hp 513/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail drinks water from a magical spring. <828/1049hp 513/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail drinks water from a magical spring. <828/1049hp 513/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> <828/1049hp 513/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> <828/1049hp 513/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Conrad tells you, 'Btw post battle.' <828/1049hp 513/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail fills a buffalo water skin with water from a magical spring. <828/1049hp 513/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail fills a buffalo water skin with water from a magical spring. <828/1049hp 513/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Conrad tells you, 'Interesting.' <828/1049hp 513/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail stops using serpent's leather whip. Ithail wields a long golden dagger. <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> reply i will *smile*You tell Conrad, 'I will *smile*.' <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Alfirin sannil alasse.' <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Conrad tells you, 'And one more quastion.' <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'Moment.' <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail gives you an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames. <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Tamina aarnthaos dagnir.' <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: (Glowing) an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames a ranger's knapsack <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Conrad tells you, 'Does he have weapons like axe swords or stuff?' <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail gives you the shield of the Obsidian Order. <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'Use it.' <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Conrad tells you, 'He stole some from me.' <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> You stop following Ithail. <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale teoseanth shanto.' With a brilliant flash of light Ithail and his friends disappear! <854/1049hp 557/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> reply i should recall right after his death. wasn't ready to fight (and didn't goin ... but vision of writhing Keonar pushes me in battle)You tell Conrad, 'I should recall right after his death. wasn't ready to fight (and didn't goin ... but vision of writhing Keonar pushes me in battle).' <920/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> reply so. i'm emptyYou tell Conrad, 'So. i'm empty.' <948/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 15 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Improved shield' spell is active for 34 hours and 40 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 14 hours and 35 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 8 hours and 25 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 4 hours and 20 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 6 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 3 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 5 hours and 35 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 9 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 31 hours and 55 minutes 'Pass door' spell is active for 1 hours and 10 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 1 hours and 10 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 1 hours and 10 minutes <948/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A whip is left here. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A pair of red-coloured boots is left here. A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <948/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> c find You lose your grounding against electricty. <948/1049hp 581/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You call forth for a familiar from the astral planes! The air shimmers momentarily and a faerie familiar steps forth. A faerie familiar bows before you in service and awaits your orders. <948/1049hp 506/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> c grYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You lost your concentration. <948/1049hp 471/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> c grYou recite a sweet mystical verse. Your body loses all affinity to electricity. <948/1049hp 401/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> get booYou get a pair of boots made of red wyrmling's scale. <948/1049hp 401/581m 305/305mv 693605tnl | [D]> wear booYou wear a pair of boots made of red wyrmling's scale on your feet. <948/1059hp 401/581m 305/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A whip is left here. A magical spring flows from the ground here. A small leather helm tassled with feather lies here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <948/1059hp 401/581m 305/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> You feel solid again. You slowly float to the ground. You no longer see in the dark. <992/1059hp 448/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> c flyYou recite a sweet mystical verse. Your feet rise off the ground. <1040/1059hp 514/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> <1040/1059hp 514/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> who-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- (PK) Grizot the male minotaur (PK) Conrad the male minotaur (PK) Gaius the male wild elf (PK) Kiara the female elf (PK) Irhien the female dark elf, Herald of Chaos Keonar the male wild elf, Incarnation of Chaos [TOWER] (PK) Ithail the male elf, Archmagi of the Tower Rafrig the male dwarf [TOWER] (PK) Alantas the male wild elf, Magister of the Tower Players found: 9 <1040/1059hp 514/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fly' spell is active for 39 hours and 50 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 3 hours and 15 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 23 hours and 0 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 9 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Improved shield' spell is active for 32 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 12 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 6 hours and 5 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 2 hours and 0 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 3 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 1 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 3 hours and 15 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 7 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 29 hours and 35 minutes <1040/1059hp 514/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> <1040/1059hp 514/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fly' spell is active for 39 hours and 40 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 3 hours and 5 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 22 hours and 50 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 9 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Improved shield' spell is active for 32 hours and 10 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 12 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 5 hours and 55 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 1 hours and 50 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 3 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 1 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 3 hours and 5 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 7 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 29 hours and 25 minutes <1040/1059hp 514/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> eqYou are using: <worn around neck> a gleaming silver necklace <worn on feet> a pair of boots made of red wyrmling's scale <worn on hands> a pair of gloves made of blue wyrmling's scale <worn on body> (Glowing) a dirty, tattered mage's robe <worn on waist> (Glowing) entrails of an undersea horror <worn around wrist> a wristguard engraved with a flute <wielded> a long razor-sharp dragon claw <1040/1059hp 514/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> c 'ring of earth'You intone an ancient mystical chant. You are surrounded by a swirling ring of stones. <1040/1059hp 484/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. <1059/1059hp 540/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You feel your body going all soft. Irhien is in perfect condition. <1059/1059hp 540/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's acid blast mauls her. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures Irhien. Irhien parries your claw. Irhien parries your claw. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! Irhien has a few scratches. <1059/1059hp 540/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> fleeYou turn around, trying to escape! On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Keonar is lying here. You flee from combat! <1059/1059hp 540/581m 314/315mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> uthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1059/1059hp 540/581m 313/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball'Cast the spell on whom? <1059/1059hp 540/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Ohh. <1059/1059hp 540/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> c iceshieldYou recite a sweet mystical verse. Your fireshield vaporises in a steaming explosion! You are surrounded by an aura of freezing air. <1059/1059hp 510/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> savafSaving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving. <1059/1059hp 510/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Iceshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Soften' spell is active for 4 hours and 35 minutes, modifying armor class by 84 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 7 hours and 20 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 38 hours and 55 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 2 hours and 20 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 22 hours and 5 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 8 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Improved shield' spell is active for 31 hours and 25 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 11 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 5 hours and 10 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 1 hours and 5 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 3 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 2 hours and 20 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 6 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 28 hours and 40 minutes <1059/1059hp 510/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1059/1059hp 510/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> get bles knaYou see nothing like that in the kna. <1059/1059hp 510/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1059/1059hp 510/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. Irhien's flamestrike MUTILATES the archmage of the Tower! Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower tries to disarm Irhien, but fails. <1059/1059hp 510/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! You are unaffected by Irhien's wildsurge! Irhien is in perfect condition. <1059/1059hp 510/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> c 'lower cold resist'You recite a sweet mystical tune. Irhien yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' The air before Irhien flares up and your spell reflects! You feel more vulnerable to cold attacks. The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Lumina farie shanto slein.' The archmage of the Tower directs a channel of superheated air at Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's vapour chain maims Irhien! Irhien has a few scratches. <1059/1059hp 470/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's acid blast decimates her. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! Irhien has a few scratches. <1059/1059hp 470/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> c 'lower cold resist' Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! You are unaffected by Irhien's wildsurge! Irhien has a few scratches. <1059/1059hp 470/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Andor nofra dagnir glas.' The archmage of the Tower's acid blast maims Irhien! A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures Irhien. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! Irhien's ironskin shatters! Irhien has a few scratches. <1059/1059hp 501/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Conrad tells you, 'You was alone?' Irhien has a few scratches. <1059/1059hp 501/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! You are unaffected by Irhien's wildsurge! Irhien has a few scratches. <1059/1059hp 501/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> You recite a sweet mystical tune. Irhien yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' The air before Irhien flares up and your spell reflects! Alantas's resistance to cold attacks is already lowered. Irhien has a few scratches. <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's flamestrike wounds her. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien throws out a shard of sharp ice! Irhien's spell is cast upon empty air. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures Irhien. Irhien parries your claw. Irhien has a few scratches. <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> c frostbolt The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Tamina nit dagnir laisenna.' A blast of lightning erupts and forks into twin streaks of blue! Irhien is unaffected by the archmage of the Tower's fork lightning! The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. Irhien has a few scratches. <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! You are unaffected by Irhien's wildsurge! Irhien has a few scratches. <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones wounds Irhien. Irhien parries your claw. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! Irhien has fled! <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> cacCast the spell on whom? <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> You cackle insanely. <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> ct WILDSURGE - frost damage !![TOWER] Alantas: WILDSURGE - frost damage !! <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> You stop blinking in and out of phase. <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Random. <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Someone tells you, 'I see that you managed to beat Keonar.' <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Lumina farie shanto slein.' Irhien's chaotic shield bewitches the archmage of the Tower's spell! <1059/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> You yell, 'Help! Keonar is trying to sever my artery!' Keonar slashes at you in an attempt to sever a vital artery. Keonar's bleeding DISEMBOWELS you! Keonar has a few scratches. <1006/1059hp 461/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> c frostbolt irYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. Irhien yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' The air before Irhien flares up and your spell reflects! You are blasted by a bolt of ice! You are unaffected by your frostbolt. Keonar has a few scratches. <1006/1059hp 446/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Irhien's acid blast maims the archmage of the Tower! Keonar's acidic bite decimates the archmage of the Tower. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures Keonar. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. Keonar parries your claw. Keonar dodges your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic hits Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. The white aura around Keonar's body fades. Keonar has a few scratches. <1058/1059hp 446/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Irhien is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Your muscles suddenly freeze up in a painful spasm! Keonar has a few scratches. <927/1059hp 446/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Keonar slices open a vital artery on your body! Keonar's bleeding MASSACRES you! Keonar's bleeding MUTILATES you! Keonar has a few scratches. <811/1059hp 446/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> c word The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Andor nofra dagnir glas.' The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. Keonar has a few scratches. <811/1059hp 446/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones decimates Keonar. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. Keonar dodges your claw. You attack with your claw, but Keonar isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic hits Irhien. Keonar has a few scratches. <876/1059hp 446/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.' Keonar is surrounded by a white aura. Keonar has a few scratches. <876/1059hp 446/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Keonar chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! You feel your strength slip away. [TOWER] Ithail: Wall down. Keonar has a few scratches. <743/1059hp 446/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> c wordYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! Keonar has a few scratches. <743/1059hp 446/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> c wordc word [TOWER] Ithail: Wall down. Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Yuln hoarth meiros dithal.' The surface of a gleaming silver necklace turns red-hot! Unable to endure the pain, Keonar tries to tear it off his body. Keonar stops using a gleaming silver necklace. Keonar drops a gleaming silver necklace clumsily. The surface of bracelet engraved with strange symbols turns red-hot! Unable to endure the pain, Keonar tries to tear it off his body. Keonar stops using bracelet engraved with strange symbols. The surface of a rusted jazeraint shield turns red-hot, searing Keonar's flesh! The surface of scales of the bloated forest dragon turns red-hot, searing Keonar's flesh! The surface of a ring made of shimmering metal turns red-hot, searing Keonar's flesh! The surface of a band of elvander leaves turns red-hot! Unable to endure the pain, Keonar tries to tear it off his body. Keonar stops using a band of elvander leaves. Keonar drops a band of elvander leaves clumsily. The archmage of the Tower's searing heat mauls Keonar. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Keonar's acidic bite decimates the archmage of the Tower. Keonar's acidic bite decimates the archmage of the Tower. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones wounds Keonar. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. You attack with your claw, but Keonar isn't there. Your paralysed arms refuse to respond! You attack with your claw, but Keonar isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Keonar, but he isn't there. Your severed artery continues to bleed. Your bleeding MANGLES you! Keonar has a few scratches. <751/1059hp 475/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! Keonar has a few scratches. <751/1059hp 475/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> flee Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! You are unaffected by Irhien's wildsurge! Keonar has a few scratches. <751/1059hp 475/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> You turn around, trying to escape! PANIC! You couldn't escape! Keonar has a few scratches. <751/1059hp 475/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> fleeYou turn around, trying to escape! PANIC! You couldn't escape! Keonar has a few scratches. <751/1059hp 475/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [D]> fleeKeonar utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! You are unaffected by Keonar's wildsurge! You turn around, trying to escape! On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] A whip is left here. The corpse of Keonar is lying here. You flee from combat! <751/1059hp 475/581m 314/315mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> fleefleefleeYou aren't fighting anyone. <751/1059hp 475/581m 314/315mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> You aren't fighting anyone. <751/1059hp 475/581m 314/315mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> dddYou aren't fighting anyone. <751/1059hp 475/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [NUD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <751/1059hp 475/581m 314/315mv 693605tnl | [UD]> ddOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <751/1059hp 475/581m 313/315mv 693605tnl | [UD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <751/1059hp 475/581m 312/315mv 693605tnl | [UD]> Keonar yells, 'Die, Ithail you sorcerous dog!' <751/1059hp 475/581m 312/315mv 693605tnl | [UD]> Beneath a winding stone stairwell [Exits: south up] <751/1059hp 475/581m 311/315mv 693605tnl | [SU]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <751/1059hp 475/581m 311/315mv 693605tnl | [SU]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <751/1059hp 475/581m 311/315mv 693605tnl | [SU]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <751/1059hp 475/581m 311/315mv 693605tnl | [SU]> get rec knaYou get a silver potion labelled word of recall from a ranger's knapsack. <751/1059hp 475/581m 314/315mv 693605tnl | [SU]> qua recYou quaff a silver potion labelled word of recall. You conjure forth a pillar of grey light, step into it, and vanish to your hometown. Inside the Temple [Exits: north east south west] A large donation pit is here in the floor. A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. (White Aura) The healer stands here, selling spells. <751/1059hp 475/581m 157/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> The wandering prophet leaves west. <751/1059hp 475/581m 157/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Weaken' spell is active for 17 hours and 40 minutes, modifying strength by -3 'Bleed' skill is active for 5 hours and 35 minutes, modifying dexterity by -3 modifying strength by -3 modifying constitution by -5 'Paralysis of arms' spell is active for 2 hours and 35 minutes, modifying dexterity by -4 modifying hit roll by -12 'Lower cold resist' spell is active for 12 hours and 35 minutes, modifying resistance to cold by -39 'Iceshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Soften' spell is active for 2 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by 84 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 5 hours and 30 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 37 hours and 5 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 30 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 20 hours and 15 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 7 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Improved shield' spell is active for 29 hours and 35 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 9 hours and 30 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 3 hours and 20 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 1 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Robes of the magi' spell is active for 0 hours and 30 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 4 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 26 hours and 50 minutes <751/1059hp 475/581m 161/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> get tele knaYou see nothing like that in the kna. <751/1059hp 475/581m 167/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Ithail: Ahh you can't? <751/1059hp 475/581m 167/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 171/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 171/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 171/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 171/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 171/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c telec teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c telec teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> c teleYour arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <751/1059hp 475/581m 176/315mv 693605tnl | [NESWD]> sThe Temple Gates [Exits: north south down] <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NSD]> sThe Temple Square [Exits: north south up] <751/1059hp 475/581m 174/315mv 693605tnl | [NSU]> sWest Main Street [Exits: north east south west] A vulture circles above you. <751/1059hp 475/581m 173/315mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> eeeeWest Main Street [Exits: north east south west] ( 2) A skeleton of the green frog is lying here in a puddle of decayed flesh. A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. The foreman stands here screaming at the workers. A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. A nomad merchant looks you over. A construction worker steadily works here. A construction worker steadily works here. You lose your grounding against electricty. <751/1059hp 475/581m 175/315mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> West Main Street [Exits: east west] A strong dockworker walks by moving crates. A small harmless feline searches for food. <751/1059hp 475/581m 174/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> The Western Market Square [Exits: north east south west] A guard stands here, protecting the innocent. A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. An Elite Royal Guard stands here smiling happily. <751/1059hp 475/581m 173/315mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> The Center of Market Square [Exits: north east south west] A large fountain is here gurgling out an endless stream of water. A vulture circles above you. <751/1059hp 475/581m 172/315mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> e Someone tells you, 'It's Barscus.' <751/1059hp 475/581m 172/315mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> The Eastern Market Square [Exits: north east south west] A nomad merchant looks you over. <751/1059hp 475/581m 171/315mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> wThe Center of Market Square [Exits: north east south west] A large fountain is here gurgling out an endless stream of water. A vulture circles above you. <751/1059hp 475/581m 170/315mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> sThe Southern Market Square [Exits: north east south west] A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. <751/1059hp 475/581m 171/315mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> ssThe Medina [Exits: north south] A strong dockworker walks by moving crates. A panhandler is resting here. <751/1059hp 475/581m 170/315mv 693605tnl | [NS]> ssThe Medina [Exits: north south] A strong dockworker walks by moving crates. A guard stands here, protecting the innocent. A panhandler is resting here. <751/1059hp 475/581m 169/315mv 693605tnl | [NS]> The Common Square [Exits: north east south west] <751/1059hp 475/581m 168/315mv 693605tnl | [NESW]> The Southern Bridge [Exits: north south down] A strong dockworker walks by moving crates. <751/1059hp 475/581m 167/315mv 693605tnl | [NSD]> d The silvery light of Solinari fades from the sky. Your severed artery continues to bleed. Your bleeding MANGLES you! <712/1059hp 520/581m 205/315mv 693605tnl | [NSD]> wIshtar River [Exits: east west up] A strong dockworker walks by moving crates. A strong dockworker walks by moving crates. A bodyguard stands here. <712/1059hp 520/581m 204/315mv 693605tnl | [EWU]> wwIshtar River [Exits: north east west] A horse stands here. An Elite Royal Guard stands here smiling happily. A small grey-haired man walks around spouting gospel. <712/1059hp 520/581m 203/315mv 693605tnl | [NEW]> wwIshtar River [Exits: east west] A vulture circles above you. A tourist stands here looking lost. <712/1059hp 520/581m 202/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> wwwIshtar River [Exits: east west] <712/1059hp 520/581m 201/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> wwIshtar River [Exits: east west] A grubby beggar sits here in the filth. <712/1059hp 520/581m 200/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> Ishtar River [Exits: east west] A strong dockworker walks by moving crates. <712/1059hp 520/581m 199/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> wheIshtar River [Exits: east west] <712/1059hp 520/581m 199/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> Ishtar River [Exits: east west] A small man walks around scribbling in a notebook. <712/1059hp 520/581m 198/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> Ishtar River [Exits: east west] <712/1059hp 520/581m 197/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> Ishtar River [Exits: east west] A grubby beggar sits here in the filth. <712/1059hp 520/581m 196/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Ithail: Mm you need sanctuary defenitly. <712/1059hp 520/581m 196/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> Ishtar River [Exits: east west] <712/1059hp 520/581m 195/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> wPlayers near you: (PK) Alantas Ishtar River <712/1059hp 520/581m 195/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> wwIshtar River [Exits: east west] <712/1059hp 520/581m 198/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> wIshtar River [Exits: east west] <712/1059hp 520/581m 197/315mv 693605tnl | [EW]> A Split in the River [Exits: north east south] <712/1059hp 520/581m 196/315mv 693605tnl | [NES]> wwAlas, you cannot go that way. <712/1059hp 520/581m 196/315mv 693605tnl | [NES]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <712/1059hp 520/581m 196/315mv 693605tnl | [NES]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <712/1059hp 520/581m 196/315mv 693605tnl | [NES]> wAlas, you cannot go that way. <712/1059hp 520/581m 198/315mv 693605tnl | [NES]> sThe River of Lost Souls [Exits: north south] <712/1059hp 520/581m 197/315mv 693605tnl | [NS]> ssThe River of Lost Souls [Exits: north south] <712/1059hp 520/581m 196/315mv 693605tnl | [NS]> sssThe River of Lost Souls [Exits: north south] <712/1059hp 520/581m 195/315mv 693605tnl | [NS]> s[TOWER] Ithail: They coming again. <712/1059hp 520/581m 195/315mv 693605tnl | [NS]> ssThe River of Lost Souls [Exits: north south] A grubby beggar sits here in the filth. <712/1059hp 520/581m 194/315mv 693605tnl | [NS]> The Isle of Dead [Exits: north south] <712/1059hp 520/581m 194/315mv 693605tnl | [NS]> The Entrance to the Dungeon [Exits: north] (White Aura) A strange hybrid of a lion and a woman sits here, guarding the entrance. (Charmed) A mass of surging water is here. Rafrig the male dwarf is here. <712/1059hp 520/581m 192/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <712/1059hp 520/581m 192/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. Alas, you cannot go that way. <712/1059hp 520/581m 192/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <712/1059hp 520/581m 192/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> sleeYou go to sleep. <712/1059hp 520/581m 196/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Your airy shield dies away. <712/1059hp 520/581m 197/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <712/1059hp 520/581m 197/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <712/1059hp 520/581m 208/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Your severed artery continues to bleed. <846/1059hp 581/581m 267/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> <846/1059hp 581/581m 275/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> <846/1059hp 581/581m 277/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Weaken' spell is active for 15 hours and 40 minutes, modifying strength by -3 'Bleed' skill is active for 3 hours and 35 minutes, modifying dexterity by -3 modifying strength by -3 modifying constitution by -5 'Paralysis of arms' spell is active for 0 hours and 35 minutes, modifying dexterity by -4 modifying hit roll by -12 'Lower cold resist' spell is active for 10 hours and 35 minutes, modifying resistance to cold by -39 'Iceshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Soften' spell is active for 0 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by 84 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 3 hours and 30 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 35 hours and 5 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 18 hours and 15 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 5 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Improved shield' spell is active for 27 hours and 35 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 7 hours and 30 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 1 hours and 20 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 2 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 24 hours and 50 minutes <846/1059hp 581/581m 277/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Your muscles relax and you can move again. <846/1059hp 581/581m 297/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Your severed artery continues to bleed. <992/1059hp 581/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Your skin no longer feels so soft. <992/1059hp 581/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> ct can't wall[TOWER] Alantas: Can't wall. <992/1059hp 581/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> The spectral hand hovering over you fades away. <992/1059hp 581/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Weaken' spell is active for 14 hours and 5 minutes, modifying strength by -3 'Bleed' skill is active for 2 hours and 0 minutes, modifying dexterity by -3 modifying strength by -3 modifying constitution by -5 'Lower cold resist' spell is active for 9 hours and 0 minutes, modifying resistance to cold by -39 'Iceshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 1 hours and 55 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 33 hours and 30 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 16 hours and 40 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 3 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Improved shield' spell is active for 26 hours and 0 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 5 hours and 55 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Channel' spell is active for 0 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -400 modifying health by 450 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 23 hours and 15 minutes <992/1059hp 581/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <992/1059hp 581/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> You see no mat here. <992/1059hp 581/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> You see no bac here. <992/1059hp 581/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> c intYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You conjure forth a hand of pure energy to guard you against attacks. <992/1059hp 521/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <992/1059hp 521/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> The clouds disappear. Your severed artery continues to bleed. Your bleeding DISMEMBERS you! <971/1059hp 566/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Rafrig drinks ale from a foaming mug of ale. <971/1059hp 566/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <971/1059hp 566/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> get map knaget map knaYou get a map of Palanthas from a ranger's knapsack. <971/1059hp 566/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> get map knaYou get a map of Palanthas from a ranger's knapsack. <971/1059hp 566/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> get map knaYou get a map of Palanthas from a ranger's knapsack. <971/1059hp 566/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> get map knaYou get a map of Palanthas from a ranger's knapsack. The sphinx leaves north. <971/1059hp 566/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> get map knaYou get a map of Palanthas from a ranger's knapsack. <971/1059hp 566/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> You get a map of Palanthas from a ranger's knapsack. <971/1059hp 566/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <971/1059hp 566/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> c brew maplabel potYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You have created a potion. Use label, if you wish to label it. <971/1059hp 531/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <971/1059hp 531/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> You concentrate a moment, identify a silver potion and then label it. <971/1059hp 519/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> c brew maplabel pot Rafrig drops a coarsly woven rug. <971/1059hp 519/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Rafrig goes to sleep on a coarsly woven rug. <971/1059hp 519/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You have created a potion. Use label, if you wish to label it. <971/1059hp 484/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> You concentrate a moment, identify a silver potion and then label it. <971/1059hp 472/581m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> You feel your health fade as your mana surges back. <971/609hp 472/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Your severed artery continues to bleed. Your bleeding MASSACRES you! <540/609hp 530/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> <540/609hp 530/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> sleeYou go to sleep. <540/609hp 530/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> <540/609hp 530/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 17 hours and 45 minutes 'Weaken' spell is active for 12 hours and 50 minutes, modifying strength by -3 'Bleed' skill is active for 0 hours and 45 minutes, modifying dexterity by -3 modifying strength by -3 modifying constitution by -5 'Lower cold resist' spell is active for 7 hours and 45 minutes, modifying resistance to cold by -39 'Iceshield' spell is active for 10 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 0 hours and 40 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 32 hours and 15 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 15 hours and 25 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 2 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Improved shield' spell is active for 24 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 4 hours and 40 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 22 hours and 0 minutes <540/609hp 530/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> <540/609hp 530/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> <540/609hp 530/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> <540/609hp 530/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Magical ring surrounding you dissipates. <540/609hp 530/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> The crackling shield around you dissipates. <609/609hp 976/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> <609/609hp 976/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <609/609hp 976/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> c 'ring of earth'You see no mat here. <609/609hp 976/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> You see no bac here. <609/609hp 976/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You lost your concentration. <609/609hp 961/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 961/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> c 'energyshield'c grYou chant a sweet melodious line. You are surrounded by a crackling shield. <609/609hp 931/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> af Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 931/981m 315/315mv 693605tnl | [N]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You have become better at grounding! Your body loses all affinity to electricity. <609/609hp 861/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Grounding' spell is active for 4 hours and 55 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 14 hours and 55 minutes 'Weaken' spell is active for 10 hours and 0 minutes, modifying strength by -3 'Lower cold resist' spell is active for 4 hours and 55 minutes, modifying resistance to cold by -39 'Iceshield' spell is active for 7 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fly' spell is active for 29 hours and 25 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 12 hours and 35 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 21 hours and 55 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 1 hours and 50 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 19 hours and 10 minutes <609/609hp 861/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> iYou are carrying: ( 2) (Glowing) a silver potion labelled bless ( 4) a map of Palanthas (Humming) the shield of the Obsidian Order (Glowing) an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames a ranger's knapsack <609/609hp 861/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig drinks ale from a foaming mug of ale. <609/609hp 934/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 934/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> qua blessYou quaff a silver potion labelled bless. You feel righteous. <609/609hp 934/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Kiara tells you, 'My congratulations.' <609/609hp 934/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 934/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 934/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> c brew maplabel potYou recite a sweet mystical verse. Your alchemy process causes a small explosion! <609/609hp 899/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 899/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> c brew maplabel potA silver potion labelled bless has already been labelled. <609/609hp 899/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. Your alchemy process causes a small explosion! <609/609hp 864/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 864/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> c brew maplabel potA silver potion labelled bless has already been labelled. <609/609hp 864/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You have created a potion. Use label, if you wish to label it. <609/609hp 829/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 829/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> You concentrate a moment, identify a silver potion and then label it. <609/609hp 817/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> i Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 817/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> You are carrying: ( 2) (Glowing) a silver potion labelled bless a map of Palanthas (Humming) the shield of the Obsidian Order (Glowing) an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames a ranger's knapsack <609/609hp 817/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> c brew maplabel potYou chant a sweet melodious line. Your alchemy process causes a small explosion! <609/609hp 782/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 782/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> A silver potion labelled bless has already been labelled. <609/609hp 782/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> get map knaYou get a map of Palanthas from a ranger's knapsack. <609/609hp 782/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> get map knaYou get a map of Palanthas from a ranger's knapsack. <609/609hp 782/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> c brew maplabel potYou recite a sweet mystical verse. You have created a potion. Use label, if you wish to label it. <609/609hp 747/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 747/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> You concentrate a moment, identify a silver potion and then label it. <609/609hp 735/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 735/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> c brew maplabel potYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You have created a potion. Use label, if you wish to label it. <609/609hp 736/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> i Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 736/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> You concentrate a moment, identify a silver potion and then label it. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> You are carrying: ( 2) (Glowing) a silver potion labelled word of recall ( 2) (Glowing) a silver potion labelled bless (Humming) the shield of the Obsidian Order (Glowing) an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames a ranger's knapsack <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> Rafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> put ble bacYou see no bac here. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> put ble knaYou put a silver potion labelled bless in a ranger's knapsack. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> put ble knaYou put a silver potion labelled bless in a ranger's knapsack. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> lThe Entrance to the Dungeon There is a huge black gate half-buried into the earth by the time. A tattered piece of parchment is attached to the gate by one of your predecessors. A forbidding sense of evil emanates from the depths of dungeon, you begin to think that better leave this place. [Exits: north] (White Aura) A strange hybrid of a lion and a woman sits here, guarding the entrance. (Charmed) A mass of surging water is here. Rafrig the male dwarf is here. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> afRafrig concentrates for a moment of prayer. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Bless' spell is active for 41 hours and 40 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Grounding' spell is active for 3 hours and 30 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 13 hours and 30 minutes 'Weaken' spell is active for 8 hours and 35 minutes, modifying strength by -3 'Lower cold resist' spell is active for 3 hours and 30 minutes, modifying resistance to cold by -39 'Iceshield' spell is active for 6 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fly' spell is active for 28 hours and 0 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 11 hours and 10 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 20 hours and 30 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Armor' spell is active for 0 hours and 25 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 17 hours and 45 minutes <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> nThe Isle of Dead [Exits: north south] <609/609hp 724/981m 313/315mv 691205tnl | [NS]> nThe River of Lost Souls [Exits: north south] A grubby beggar sits here in the filth. <609/609hp 724/981m 312/315mv 691205tnl | [NS]> c tess 2.turtleYou recite a sweet mystical verse. Your tesseract spell failed. <609/609hp 624/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NS]> c tess 2.turtleYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! On a river [Exits: east west] A small turtle is here drinking water. <609/609hp 524/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [EW]> wOn a river [Exits: east west] <609/609hp 524/981m 314/315mv 691205tnl | [EW]> w You feel less armored. <609/609hp 524/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [EW]> On a river [Exits: east west] <609/609hp 524/981m 314/315mv 691205tnl | [EW]> wOn a river [Exits: east west] A small turtle is here drinking water. <609/609hp 524/981m 313/315mv 691205tnl | [EW]> wOn a river [Exits: east west] <609/609hp 524/981m 312/315mv 691205tnl | [EW]> wOn a river [Exits: east west] A small turtle is here drinking water. <609/609hp 524/981m 311/315mv 691205tnl | [EW]> c arwBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You feel someone protecting you. <609/609hp 519/981m 312/315mv 691205tnl | [EW]> On a river [Exits: east west] <609/609hp 597/981m 314/315mv 691205tnl | [EW]> wA bridge over water [Exits: north east south west] <609/609hp 597/981m 314/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> nA gravel road [Exits: north south] <609/609hp 597/981m 313/315mv 691205tnl | [NS]> nnnA gravel road [Exits: north south] <609/609hp 597/981m 312/315mv 691205tnl | [NS]> A gravel road [Exits: north south] <609/609hp 597/981m 314/315mv 691205tnl | [NS]> Southern gate of Caergoth [Exits: north south] A gate guard of Caergoth keeps watch. A gate guard of Caergoth keeps watch. <609/609hp 597/981m 313/315mv 691205tnl | [NS]> nNorth of the gates [Exits: north south] A cityguard patrols the town for criminals. <609/609hp 597/981m 314/315mv 691205tnl | [NS]> nSouth of the market [Exits: north south] <609/609hp 597/981m 314/315mv 691205tnl | [NS]> nThe southern market square [Exits: north east south west] <609/609hp 597/981m 313/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> nThe center of the market square of Caergoth [Exits: north east south west] A small fountain of stone is in the center of the square. (White Aura) A fisherman wanders about the town, selling his freshest catches. A wandering peddler waves happily. A wandering peddler says, 'Hey there.. wanna buy some fish? Maybe a good luck charm or a ring?' <609/609hp 597/981m 312/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> worYou have 2 gold, 172 silver, and 12607855 experience (691205 exp to level). <609/609hp 597/981m 312/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> eeThe eastern market square [Exits: north east south west] A human sailor walks the streets. A large minotaur wanders about the town while his ship is in port. <609/609hp 678/981m 314/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> On a cobblestone street [Exits: east south west] <609/609hp 678/981m 313/315mv 691205tnl | [ESW]> sThe First Bank of Caergoth [Exits: north] A wooden counter, filled with drawers of gold and silver, is close by the door. A banker stands patiently behind a counter. A banker smiles at you. A banker says, 'Hello. Is there anything I can help you with?' A banker says, 'Starting a bank account is easy.. or maintaining it, for that matter.' A banker says, 'Just deposit the amount of gold or silver, such as \"deposit 50 silver\".' A banker says, 'To withdraw, do the same: \"withdraw 50 silver\".' A banker says, 'Of course, there is a small fee for large withdrawls.' A banker smiles happily. <609/609hp 678/981m 312/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> withd 300 goldYou withdraw 300 gold. <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> grYour group: [34 Mob] A faerie familiar 100%hp 100%mana 100%mv 0 tnl [34 Inv] Alantas 100%hp 69%mana 100%mv 691205 tnl <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> lThe First Bank of Caergoth The bank is quiet, with a few posters about depositing your money for safekeeping and the like. Oil lamps are attached to the walls, giving a warm glow to the place. Money deposited is always ready for withdrawl at any other bank in Krynn. [Exits: north] A wooden counter, filled with drawers of gold and silver, is close by the door. A banker stands patiently behind a counter. <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> wAlas, you cannot go that way. <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [N]> nOn a cobblestone street [Exits: east south west] <609/609hp 678/981m 314/315mv 691205tnl | [ESW]> wThe eastern market square [Exits: north east south west] A large minotaur wanders about the town while his ship is in port. <609/609hp 678/981m 313/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> wThe center of the market square of Caergoth [Exits: north east south west] A small fountain of stone is in the center of the square. (White Aura) A fisherman wanders about the town, selling his freshest catches. A wandering peddler waves happily. A wandering peddler says, 'Hey there.. wanna buy some fish? Maybe a good luck charm or a ring?' <609/609hp 678/981m 312/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> sThe southern market square [Exits: north east south west] <609/609hp 678/981m 311/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> wIn front of the bakery and general store [Exits: north east south west] A cityguard patrols the town for criminals. <609/609hp 678/981m 310/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> wthe general store [Exits: east] In the corner is an old, abandoned ranger's sack. A citizen of Caergoth walks around the town. A woman of Caergoth is doing some shopping. The shopkeeper stands here, waiting to sell what he has. A Caergothian woman smiles happily. A Caergothian woman says, 'Hello, how are you?' A Caergothian woman goes back to her shopping. The shopkeeper says, 'Alantas, nice to see you.' The shopkeeper says, 'Let me know if you see something you like. The map might be helpful.' <609/609hp 678/981m 313/315mv 691205tnl | [E]> bu bacYou haggle with the shopkeeper. You buy a leather backpack for 327 silver. <609/609hp 678/981m 313/315mv 691205tnl | [E]> lthe general store Basic supplies for adventuring and everyday life are for sale here. The store is quite plain, only holding what is needed for sale, and nothing more. The hardwood floor is polished, and the walls are clean and spotless. It's a bit warm because the bakery is close by. [Exits: east] In the corner is an old, abandoned ranger's sack. A citizen of Caergoth walks around the town. A woman of Caergoth is doing some shopping. The shopkeeper stands here, waiting to sell what he has. <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [E]> eIn front of the bakery and general store [Exits: north east south west] A cityguard patrols the town for criminals. <609/609hp 678/981m 314/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> iYou are carrying: a leather backpack ( 2) (Glowing) a silver potion labelled word of recall (Humming) the shield of the Obsidian Order (Glowing) an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames a ranger's knapsack <609/609hp 678/981m 314/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> put word bacYou put a silver potion labelled word of recall in a leather backpack. <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> put word bacYou put a silver potion labelled word of recall in a leather backpack. <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> lIn front of the bakery and general store The heat and smell of baked goods wafts in from the south. It's a bit quieter in this part of the market square, though a lot of people are coming in and out of the stores, and they seem to be either in a complete hurry or have no concept of time whatsoever, stopping to chat with friends and neighbors at their leisure. [Exits: north east south west] A cityguard patrols the town for criminals. <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> who-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- (PK) Zogrin the male kender (PK) Marious the male minotaur (PK) Grizot the male minotaur (PK) Gaius the male wild elf (PK) Kiara the female elf (PK) Irhien the female dark elf, Herald of Chaos (PK) Keonar the male wild elf, Incarnation of Chaos [TOWER] (PK) Ithail the male elf, Archmagi of the Tower Rafrig the male dwarf [TOWER] (PK) Alantas the male wild elf, Magister of the Tower Players found: 10 <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Armor' spell is active for 23 hours and 0 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 45 minutes 'Bless' spell is active for 39 hours and 5 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 55 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 10 hours and 55 minutes 'Weaken' spell is active for 6 hours and 0 minutes, modifying strength by -3 'Lower cold resist' spell is active for 0 hours and 55 minutes, modifying resistance to cold by -39 'Iceshield' spell is active for 3 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fly' spell is active for 25 hours and 25 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 8 hours and 35 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 17 hours and 55 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 15 hours and 10 minutes <609/609hp 678/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> The sky is getting cloudy. <609/609hp 779/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> c 'airshield'You recite a sweet mystical verse. You are surrounded by an airy shield. <609/609hp 749/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> lIn front of the bakery and general store The heat and smell of baked goods wafts in from the south. It's a bit quieter in this part of the market square, though a lot of people are coming in and out of the stores, and they seem to be either in a complete hurry or have no concept of time whatsoever, stopping to chat with friends and neighbors at their leisure. [Exits: north east south west] A cityguard patrols the town for criminals. <609/609hp 749/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Airshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 22 hours and 25 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 10 minutes 'Bless' spell is active for 38 hours and 30 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 20 minutes 'Energyshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 10 hours and 20 minutes 'Weaken' spell is active for 5 hours and 25 minutes, modifying strength by -3 'Lower cold resist' spell is active for 0 hours and 20 minutes, modifying resistance to cold by -39 'Iceshield' spell is active for 2 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fly' spell is active for 24 hours and 50 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 8 hours and 0 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 17 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 14 hours and 35 minutes The blacksmith yells, 'Weapons and armour, forged daily!' <609/609hp 749/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <609/609hp 749/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> c blinkBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You begin blinking in and out of existence. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> c 'detect invis'You recite a sweet mystical tune. Your eyes tingle. <609/609hp 719/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> sav You lose your grounding against electricty. You feel less vulnerable to cold attacks. <609/609hp 719/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> Saving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving. <609/609hp 719/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> c grYou chant a sweet melodious line. You lost your concentration. <609/609hp 785/981m 315/315mv 691205tnl | [NESW]> c grYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You have become better at grounding! Your body loses all affinity to electricity. <609/609hp 715/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NESW]> savSaving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving. <609/609hp 715/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NESW]> c tess cannibalYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! Inside a tent [Exits: south] (Glowing) An amulet depicting a centaur victory is here. A leather vest with bone studs is here. A primitive hunter moves through the forest. A huge man sits drooling over his clutched hands. <609/609hp 615/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [S]> sc sc inv> scan s You peer intently south. **** 1 south **** **** 2 south **** **** 3 south **** **** 4 south **** <609/609hp 615/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [S]> You intone an ancient mystical chant. You fade out of existence. <609/609hp 610/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [S]> ssBefore a large tent [Exits: north east south west] <609/609hp 610/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NESW]> An encampment in the forest [Exits: north south west] A small mat made from the skin of a human is stretched out on the floor. <609/609hp 610/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> get allYou get a mat of human skin. <609/609hp 610/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> standget matput mat baclYou are already standing. <609/609hp 610/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> You see no mat here. <609/609hp 610/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> You put a mat of human skin in a leather backpack. <609/609hp 610/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> An encampment in the forest This part of the camp rests on the edge of the forest. To the south a large field stretches out and seems to sparkle. Here the two fade into one another. To the west is more of the camp, and the north leads to an open eating area. [Exits: north south west] <609/609hp 610/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> sc s> scan s You peer intently south. **** 1 south **** **** 2 south **** <609/609hp 610/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> sA shimmering field [Exits: north east south west] <609/609hp 610/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [NESW]> sA shimmering field [Exits: north east west] <609/609hp 610/981m 313/315mv 688805tnl | [NEW]> sc e> scan e You peer intently east. **** 1 east **** **** 2 east **** A huge weed grows from the forest floor. <609/609hp 610/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [NEW]> nA shimmering field [Exits: north east south west] <609/609hp 610/981m 313/315mv 688805tnl | [NESW]> nAn encampment in the forest [Exits: north south west] <609/609hp 610/981m 312/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> sc w> scan w You peer intently west. **** 1 west **** A half butchered man is here tied to a tree. <609/609hp 610/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> wAn encampment in the forest [Exits: north east] A half butchered man is here tied to a tree. <609/609hp 610/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [NE]> sc n> scan n You peer intently north. **** 1 north **** **** 2 north **** **** 3 north **** **** 4 north **** A huge weed grows from the forest floor. <609/609hp 610/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NE]> eAn encampment in the forest [Exits: north south west] <609/609hp 610/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> sc n> scan n You peer intently north. **** 1 north **** **** 2 north **** A primitive hunter moves through the forest. A huge man sits drooling over his clutched hands. <609/609hp 610/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> n The red glow of Lunitari rises over the horizon. <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> Before a large tent [Exits: north east south west] <609/609hp 666/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [NESW]> sc w> scan w You peer intently west. **** 1 west **** **** 2 west **** <609/609hp 666/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [NESW]> wCenter of an encampment [Exits: north east south west] <609/609hp 666/981m 313/315mv 688805tnl | [NESW]> sc w> scan w You peer intently west. **** 1 west **** <609/609hp 666/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [NESW]> wAn encampment in the forest [Exits: east south] A small mat made from the skin of a human is stretched out on the floor. <609/609hp 666/981m 313/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> get allYou get a mat of human skin. <609/609hp 666/981m 313/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> put mat knaYou put a mat of human skin in a ranger's knapsack. <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> iYou are carrying: a leather backpack (Humming) the shield of the Obsidian Order (Glowing) an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames a ranger's knapsack <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> exa bacA large backpack of leather lies here. A leather backpack holds: a mat of human skin ( 2) (Glowing) a silver potion labelled word of recall <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> exa knaA knapsack made from the finest leather rests here. A ranger's knapsack holds: a mat of human skin ( 2) (Glowing) a silver potion labelled bless ( 8) a map of Palanthas ( 5) an elven wafer <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> lAn encampment in the forest You now find yourself in the encampment of some group of woodsmen. An area for sleeping can clearly be seen on the ground. This area is well hidden yet still room to perform basic functions. The sounds and smells of the forest have since been dismissed, replaced by those of human activity. South leads away from the camp while east leads into the center of it. [Exits: east south] <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> savSaving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving. <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Invisibility' spell is active for 47 hours and 45 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 40 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 3 hours and 35 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 36 hours and 20 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 13 hours and 15 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 14 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 20 hours and 25 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 36 hours and 30 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Energyshield' spell is active for 10 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 8 hours and 20 minutes 'Weaken' spell is active for 3 hours and 25 minutes, modifying strength by -3 'Iceshield' spell is active for 0 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fly' spell is active for 22 hours and 50 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 6 hours and 0 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 15 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 12 hours and 35 minutes <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas An encampment in the forest <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> lAn encampment in the forest You now find yourself in the encampment of some group of woodsmen. An area for sleeping can clearly be seen on the ground. This area is well hidden yet still room to perform basic functions. The sounds and smells of the forest have since been dismissed, replaced by those of human activity. South leads away from the camp while east leads into the center of it. [Exits: east south] <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> worYou have 300 gold, 45 silver, and 12610255 experience (688805 exp to level). <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> lAn encampment in the forest You now find yourself in the encampment of some group of woodsmen. An area for sleeping can clearly be seen on the ground. This area is well hidden yet still room to perform basic functions. The sounds and smells of the forest have since been dismissed, replaced by those of human activity. South leads away from the camp while east leads into the center of it. [Exits: east south] <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> ct how it goes ?[TOWER] Alantas: How it goes ? <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> who-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- (PK) Mirimart the male wild elf Zogrin the male kender (PK) Marious the male minotaur (PK) Grizot the male minotaur (PK) Gaius the male wild elf (PK) Kiara the female elf (PK) Irhien the female dark elf, Herald of Chaos (PK) Keonar the male wild elf, Incarnation of Chaos [TOWER] (PK) Ithail the male elf, Archmagi of the Tower Rafrig the male dwarf [TOWER] (PK) Alantas the male wild elf, Magister of the Tower Players found: 11 <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> [TOWER] Ithail: They fled. <609/609hp 666/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> The sun slowly disappears in the west. You are hungry. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> ct 12 hours to wall[TOWER] Alantas: 12 hours to wall. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> [TOWER] Ithail: Good. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> get waf knaYou get an elven wafer from a ranger's knapsack. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> eat wafYou eat an elven wafer. You are no longer hungry. <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Invisibility' spell is active for 47 hours and 5 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 0 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 2 hours and 55 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 35 hours and 40 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 12 hours and 35 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 14 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 19 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 35 hours and 50 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Energyshield' spell is active for 9 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 7 hours and 40 minutes 'Weaken' spell is active for 2 hours and 45 minutes, modifying strength by -3 'Iceshield' spell is active for 0 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fly' spell is active for 22 hours and 10 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 5 hours and 20 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 14 hours and 40 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 11 hours and 55 minutes <609/609hp 724/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> c loc orbYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You fall in deep concentration, running through distant locations mentally.. You discern that a rainbow orb is carried by Mirimart. You discern that a smoky glass orb is carried by Irhien. You discern that a smoky glass orb is carried by Irhien. You discern that a smoky glass orb is carried by Irhien. You discern that a rainbow orb is carried by Rafrig. You discern that a rainbow orb labelled protection evil is carried by Ithail. You discern that a smoky glass orb labelled protection good is carried by Ithail. You discern that the Red DragonOrb is carried by the red dragon. You discern that a rainbow orb is carried by a young dragon. You discern that a rainbow orb is carried by a young dragon. You discern that a rainbow orb is carried by a young dragon. You discern that the Red DragonOrb is at a stone hallway. You discern that the Red DragonOrb is at a stone hallway. You discern that the Red DragonOrb is at a stone hallway. You discern that the Red DragonOrb is at a stone hallway. You discern that the Red DragonOrb is at a stone hallway. You discern that the Red DragonOrb is at a stone hallway. You discern that the Red DragonOrb is at a stone hallway. You discern that a strange floating orb is carried by the dwarven cleric. You discern that a green dragonorb is carried by an ancient green dragon. <609/609hp 704/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> Your coating of frost melts away. <609/609hp 704/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> ct red dragon orb regrow[TOWER] Alantas: Red dragon orb regrow. <609/609hp 704/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> c iceshieldBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You lost your concentration. <609/609hp 689/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> c 'fireshield'Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You are surrounded in a flaming halo of heat. <609/609hp 659/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> [TOWER] Ithail: Good. <609/609hp 659/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> <609/609hp 659/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> iYou are carrying: a leather backpack (Humming) the shield of the Obsidian Order (Glowing) an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames a ranger's knapsack <609/609hp 659/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fireshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Invisibility' spell is active for 46 hours and 20 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 15 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 2 hours and 10 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 34 hours and 55 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 11 hours and 50 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 13 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 19 hours and 0 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 35 hours and 5 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Energyshield' spell is active for 8 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 6 hours and 55 minutes 'Weaken' spell is active for 2 hours and 0 minutes, modifying strength by -3 'Fly' spell is active for 21 hours and 25 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 4 hours and 35 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 13 hours and 55 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 11 hours and 10 minutes <609/609hp 659/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> The night has begun. <609/609hp 751/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <609/609hp 751/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [ES]> c tess dwellerBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! In the dirty corridor [Exits: south] A creature with bearing sharp claws, sniffs the air in search of someone. <609/609hp 651/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [S]> sIn the dirty corridor [Exits: north west] A creature with bearing sharp claws, sniffs the air in search of someone. <609/609hp 651/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [NW]> wIn the dirty corridor [Exits: east west] <609/609hp 651/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [EW]> wIn the dirty corridor [Exits: north east] <609/609hp 651/981m 315/315mv 688805tnl | [NE]> na dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: north south west] <609/609hp 651/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> nBeneath the streets of Palanthas [Exits: north south up] <609/609hp 651/981m 313/315mv 688805tnl | [NSU]> nIn the northern sewers tunnel [Exits: north south] A large black rat lurking in the shadows here. <609/609hp 651/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [NS]> sBeneath the streets of Palanthas [Exits: north south up] <609/609hp 651/981m 313/315mv 688805tnl | [NSU]> sa dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: north south west] <609/609hp 651/981m 312/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas a dirty corridor in the sewers <609/609hp 651/981m 312/315mv 688805tnl | [NSW]> wwa dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: east west] <609/609hp 651/981m 314/315mv 688805tnl | [EW]> wa dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: east west] <609/609hp 651/981m 313/315mv 688805tnl | [EW]> a dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: north east south] (Humming) A woven belt of brass lays coiled on the ground. A cap made of grey material lies on the floor. An elf wearing a backpack is here crawling through the dark tunnels. <609/609hp 651/981m 312/315mv 688805tnl | [NES]> c alaYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You lost your concentration. You learn from your mistakes, and your alarm spell improves. <609/609hp 626/981m 312/315mv 688800tnl | [NES]> s The scurrying scratch of rats comes from all around. <609/609hp 626/981m 313/315mv 688800tnl | [NES]> a dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: north east] <609/609hp 626/981m 312/315mv 688800tnl | [NE]> na dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: north east south] (Humming) A woven belt of brass lays coiled on the ground. A cap made of grey material lies on the floor. An elf wearing a backpack is here crawling through the dark tunnels. <609/609hp 626/981m 315/315mv 688800tnl | [NES]> c alaYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You create a new alarm and place it within the room. <609/609hp 576/981m 315/315mv 688800tnl | [NES]> s The silvery light of Solinari rises in the night sky. You are thirsty. <609/609hp 657/981m 315/315mv 688800tnl | [NES]> a dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: north east] <609/609hp 657/981m 314/315mv 688800tnl | [NE]> c 'create spring'Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. A magical spring flows from the ground. <609/609hp 637/981m 314/315mv 688800tnl | [NE]> drieseYou drink water from a magical spring. Your thirst is quenched. <609/609hp 637/981m 315/315mv 688800tnl | [NE]> a dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: south west] <609/609hp 637/981m 314/315mv 688800tnl | [SW]> a dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: north east] <609/609hp 637/981m 314/315mv 688800tnl | [NE]> a dirty corridor in the sewers [Exits: west down] <609/609hp 637/981m 313/315mv 688800tnl | [WD]> dIn the earthen tunnels [Exits: east up] (Translucent) A golem made from clay and earth standing here, watching with vigilance. (Translucent) A golem made from clay and earth standing here, watching with vigilance. <609/609hp 637/981m 312/315mv 688800tnl | [EU]> eIn the earthen tunnels [Exits: south west] <609/609hp 637/981m 311/315mv 688800tnl | [SW]> eAlas, you cannot go that way. <609/609hp 637/981m 311/315mv 688800tnl | [SW]> seeIn the earthen tunnels [Exits: north east] <609/609hp 637/981m 314/315mv 688800tnl | [NE]> In the earthen tunnels [Exits: east west] <609/609hp 637/981m 313/315mv 688800tnl | [EW]> In the earthen tunnels [Exits: east west] <609/609hp 637/981m 312/315mv 688800tnl | [EW]> eAn intersection between tunnels [Exits: north south west] <609/609hp 637/981m 311/315mv 688800tnl | [NSW]> sIn the earthen tunnels [Exits: north south] A golem made of rotten flesh glares at you with glowing eyes. (Translucent) A golem made from clay and earth standing here, watching with vigilance. (Translucent) A golem made from clay and earth standing here, watching with vigilance. <609/609hp 637/981m 310/315mv 688800tnl | [NS]> sWithin the small cave [Exits: north] (10) On the floor rests an enormous red claw. (10) On the ground you see two red arm guards. (10) A pair of a red dragon's rear claws is on the floor. (10) A large red dragon shield rests on the floor. (10) A helmet fashioned into the likeness of a dragon skull is here. (10) You can see a pair of large red dragon claws on the floor. (10) On the floor you see two red dragonscale leggings. (11) There is a pile of red dragonscale on the floor. A golem made of rotten flesh glares at you with glowing eyes. A large dragon with polished red scales resting here, breathing flames. <609/609hp 637/981m 309/315mv 688800tnl | [N]> You blink away from the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is in perfect condition. <609/609hp 637/981m 310/315mv 688800tnl | [N]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 55 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Invisibility' spell is active for 44 hours and 55 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 45 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 33 hours and 30 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 10 hours and 25 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 17 hours and 35 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 33 hours and 40 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Energyshield' spell is active for 7 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 5 hours and 30 minutes 'Weaken' spell is active for 0 hours and 35 minutes, modifying strength by -3 'Fly' spell is active for 20 hours and 0 minutes 'Find familiar' spell is active for 3 hours and 10 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 12 hours and 30 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 9 hours and 45 minutes The red dragon is in perfect condition. <609/609hp 637/981m 310/315mv 688800tnl | [N]> c 'lower cold resist'You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You have become better at lower cold resist! The red dragon looks more vulnerable to cold attacks. The red dragon is in perfect condition. <609/609hp 597/981m 310/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You fade into existence. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is in perfect condition. <609/609hp 597/981m 313/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon dodges your claw. You parry the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is in perfect condition. <609/609hp 597/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You intone an ancient mystical chant. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon has a few scratches. <609/609hp 582/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt Your claw misses the red dragon. You blink away from the red dragon's claw. The red dragon has a few scratches. <609/609hp 582/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You recite a sweet mystical verse. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon has a few scratches. <609/609hp 567/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt The red dragon breathes a cone of hot fire over you! You are unaffected by the red dragon's blast of flame! Your claw wounds the red dragon. Your claw wounds the red dragon. You parry the red dragon's claw. The red dragon has a few scratches. <609/609hp 567/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEMOLISHES *** the red dragon! The red dragon has a few scratches. <609/609hp 552/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> The red dragon dodges your claw. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon's claw devastates you. The red dragon has a few scratches. <575/609hp 552/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt The red dragon breathes a cone of hot fire over you! You are unaffected by the red dragon's blast of flame! The red dragon has a few scratches. <575/609hp 552/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEMOLISHES *** the red dragon! Your claw misses the red dragon. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon's claw maims you! The red dragon has some small wounds. <537/609hp 537/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> eqc frostbolt The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts the red dragon's claw. The red dragon has some small wounds. <537/609hp 537/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You are using: <worn around neck> a gleaming silver necklace <worn on feet> a pair of boots made of red wyrmling's scale <worn on hands> a pair of gloves made of blue wyrmling's scale <worn on body> (Glowing) a dirty, tattered mage's robe <worn on waist> (Glowing) entrails of an undersea horror <worn around wrist> a wristguard engraved with a flute <wielded> a long razor-sharp dragon claw The red dragon has some small wounds. <537/609hp 537/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! You feel a surge of energy pass into your spell! Your frostbolt === OBLITERATES === the red dragon! The red dragon has some small wounds. <537/609hp 522/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt The red dragon parries your claw. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. You blink away from the red dragon's claw. You feel stronger. The red dragon has some small wounds. <548/609hp 576/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You recite a sweet mystical tune. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon has some small wounds. <548/609hp 561/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> Your claw mauls the red dragon. Your claw misses the red dragon. You blink away from the red dragon's claw. The red dragon has some small wounds. <548/609hp 561/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostboltBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEMOLISHES *** the red dragon! The red dragon has some small wounds. <548/609hp 546/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. You blink away from the red dragon's claw. You lose your grounding against electricty. The red dragon has some small wounds. <548/609hp 546/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostboltYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <548/609hp 531/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> Your claw misses the red dragon. You blink away from the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <548/609hp 531/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostboltBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <548/609hp 516/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon parries your claw. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <548/609hp 516/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostboltYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your fingers tingle as a surge of power flows through you! Your frostbolt >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the red dragon! The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <548/609hp 501/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> The red dragon shield blocks your claw. Your claw wounds the red dragon. The red dragon's claw maims you! The red dragon tries to disarm you, but fails. The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <510/609hp 501/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostboltYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <510/609hp 486/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> The red dragon shield blocks your claw. Your claw misses the red dragon. The red dragon's claw misses you. The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <510/609hp 486/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostboltYou chant a sweet melodious line. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt === OBLITERATES === the red dragon! The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon's claw devastates you. The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <474/609hp 471/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> eqc frostbolt The red dragon shield blocks your claw. Your claw misses the red dragon. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <474/609hp 471/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You are using: <worn around neck> a gleaming silver necklace <worn on feet> a pair of boots made of red wyrmling's scale <worn on hands> a pair of gloves made of blue wyrmling's scale <worn on body> (Glowing) a dirty, tattered mage's robe <worn on waist> (Glowing) entrails of an undersea horror <worn around wrist> a wristguard engraved with a flute <wielded> a long razor-sharp dragon claw The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <474/609hp 471/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <474/609hp 456/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt Your claw misses the red dragon. The red dragon dodges your claw. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts the red dragon's claw. The red dragon tries to disarm you, but fails. The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <474/609hp 456/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <474/609hp 441/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt Your claw misses the red dragon. Your claw misses the red dragon. You blink away from the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is covered in bleeding wounds. <474/609hp 441/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEMOLISHES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is surrounded by a dull blue light, but it fades without affect. The red dragon is gushing blood. <474/609hp 426/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt Your claw mauls the red dragon. Your claw mauls the red dragon. The red dragon's claw misses you. The red dragon is gushing blood. <474/609hp 426/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEMOLISHES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is surrounded by a dull blue light, but it fades without affect. The red dragon is gushing blood. <474/609hp 411/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt Your claw mauls the red dragon. Your claw misses the red dragon. The red dragon's claw devastates you. The red dragon is gushing blood. <449/609hp 459/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! A burst of energy channels into your magic! Your frostbolt === OBLITERATES === the red dragon! The red dragon is gushing blood. <449/609hp 444/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt The red dragon dodges your claw. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon's claw devastates you. The red dragon is gushing blood. <415/609hp 444/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> The scurrying scratch of rats comes from all around. The red dragon is gushing blood. <415/609hp 444/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You recite a sweet mystical tune. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEMOLISHES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is gushing blood. <415/609hp 429/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon's claw devastates you. The red dragon is gushing blood. <379/609hp 429/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You intone an ancient mystical chant. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEMOLISHES *** the red dragon! The red dragon breathes a cone of hot fire over you! You are unaffected by the red dragon's blast of flame! The red dragon is gushing blood. <379/609hp 414/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt The red dragon dodges your claw. The red dragon parries your claw. You parry the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is gushing blood. <379/609hp 414/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is gushing blood. <379/609hp 399/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt The scurrying scratch of rats comes from all around. Your claw wounds the red dragon. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. You parry the red dragon's claw. You feel able to traverse space-time once again. The red dragon is gushing blood. <379/609hp 399/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You recite a sweet mystical tune. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is gushing blood. <379/609hp 384/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> The red dragon dodges your claw. The red dragon's claw maims you! The red dragon is gushing blood. <341/609hp 384/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostboltYou recite a sweet mystical tune. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is gushing blood. <341/609hp 369/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> Your claw mauls the red dragon. Your claw misses the red dragon. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is gushing blood. <341/609hp 369/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostboltYou recite a sweet mystical verse. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the red dragon! The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon's claw devastates you. The red dragon is writhing in agony. <307/609hp 354/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> sav The red dragon parries your claw. The red dragon's claw maims you! The red dragon is writhing in agony. <269/609hp 354/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You turn around, trying to escape! In the earthen tunnels [Exits: north south] A golem made of rotten flesh glares at you with glowing eyes. (Translucent) A golem made from clay and earth standing here, watching with vigilance. (Translucent) A golem made from clay and earth standing here, watching with vigilance. You flee from combat! <269/609hp 354/981m 314/315mv 686300tnl | [NS]> Saving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving. <269/609hp 354/981m 314/315mv 686300tnl | [NS]> wimp 100sWimpy level set to 100 health points. <269/609hp 354/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [NS]> Within the small cave [Exits: north] (10) On the floor rests an enormous red claw. (10) On the ground you see two red arm guards. (10) A pair of a red dragon's rear claws is on the floor. (10) A large red dragon shield rests on the floor. (10) A helmet fashioned into the likeness of a dragon skull is here. (10) You can see a pair of large red dragon claws on the floor. (10) On the floor you see two red dragonscale leggings. (11) There is a pile of red dragonscale on the floor. A golem made of rotten flesh glares at you with glowing eyes. A large dragon with polished red scales resting here, breathing flames. The red dragon yells, 'Alantas, now you die!' You blink away from the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is writhing in agony. <269/609hp 354/981m 314/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostboltYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is writhing in agony. <269/609hp 339/981m 314/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostboltwhe The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon's claw MUTILATES you! The red dragon is writhing in agony. <226/609hp 339/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostboltYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is writhing in agony. <226/609hp 324/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. You parry the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is writhing in agony. <226/609hp 324/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> Players near you: (PK) Alantas Within the small cave The red dragon is writhing in agony. <226/609hp 324/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You recite a sweet mystical verse. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is convulsing on the ground. <226/609hp 309/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is convulsing on the ground. <237/609hp 381/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You recite a sweet mystical verse. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt === OBLITERATES === the red dragon! The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The red dragon's claw devastates you. The red dragon is convulsing on the ground. <204/609hp 366/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> The scurrying scratch of rats comes from all around. The red dragon is convulsing on the ground. <204/609hp 366/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt Your claw misses the red dragon. Your claw misses the red dragon. The red dragon's claw devastates you. The red dragon is convulsing on the ground. <172/609hp 366/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt *** DEVASTATES *** the red dragon! The red dragon is convulsing on the ground. <172/609hp 351/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt Your claw wounds the red dragon. The red dragon shield blocks your claw. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is convulsing on the ground. <172/609hp 351/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! You feel a surge of energy pass into your spell! Your frostbolt === OBLITERATES === the red dragon! The red dragon is convulsing on the ground. <172/609hp 336/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> c frostbolt The red dragon breathes a cone of hot fire over you! You are unaffected by the red dragon's blast of flame! Your claw mauls the red dragon. Your claw mauls the red dragon. You blink away from the red dragon's claw. The red dragon is nearly dead. <172/609hp 336/981m 315/315mv 686300tnl | [N]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You point at the red dragon and a bolt of ice flies forth! Your frostbolt >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the red dragon! The red dragon is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 7040 experience points. The red dragon's guts spills out in a steaming pile of bloody entrails. The corpse of the red dragon is lying here. The corpse of the red dragon holds: a red dragon torso red dragonscale leggings a pair of red dragon claws a red dragonhelm the red dragon shield a pair of a red dragon's rear claws red dragon arm guards a red dragon claw the Red DragonOrb 29 silver coins and 7 gold coins You get 29 silver coins and 7 gold coins from the corpse of the red dragon. The gods give you 111 silver coins for your sacrifice. <172/609hp 321/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [N]> get orbYou see no book here. <172/609hp 321/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [N]> You see no cor here. <172/609hp 321/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [N]> You get the Red DragonOrb. <172/609hp 321/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [N]> label orbYou concentrate a moment, identify the Red DragonOrb and then label it. <172/609hp 309/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [N]> You feel up to summoning a new familiar. <172/609hp 309/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [N]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fireshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 30 hours and 15 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 7 hours and 10 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 8 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 14 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 30 hours and 25 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Energyshield' spell is active for 4 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 2 hours and 15 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 16 hours and 45 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 9 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 6 hours and 30 minutes <172/609hp 309/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [N]> c tess lungfishYou chant a sweet melodious line. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! In the pool [Exits: east west] A timid white-tailed doe cautiously watches your every move. A long, golden snake crawls through the grass here. There is a rare lungfish here, walking about on the land. A large green frog is here. <172/609hp 209/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> c grouYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. Your body loses all affinity to electricity. <172/609hp 139/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> get mat bacdrop matrest matslee matYou get a mat of human skin from a leather backpack. <202/609hp 221/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> You drop a mat of human skin. <202/609hp 221/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> You sit on a mat of human skin and rest. <202/609hp 221/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> You go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <202/609hp 221/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> <202/609hp 221/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Grounding' spell is active for 4 hours and 10 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 2 hours and 5 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 29 hours and 5 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 6 hours and 0 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 7 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 13 hours and 10 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 29 hours and 15 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Energyshield' spell is active for 2 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 1 hours and 5 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 15 hours and 35 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 8 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 5 hours and 20 minutes <202/609hp 221/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> <202/609hp 221/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> <202/609hp 221/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> <202/609hp 221/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> <202/609hp 221/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> [TOWER]: The magical rift on Krynn ripples as Alyryz enters the realm. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: Hello. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: Duo. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: Duo. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: Wand kn. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: Wand kn. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> ct 5 hours to wall[TOWER] Alantas: 5 hours to wall. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: Sorry. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: Be duo. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Grounding' spell is active for 3 hours and 20 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 15 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 10 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 28 hours and 15 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 5 hours and 10 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 6 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 12 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 28 hours and 25 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Energyshield' spell is active for 2 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 0 hours and 15 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 14 hours and 45 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 7 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 4 hours and 30 minutes <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> [TOWER] Someone: Okay. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> The spectral hand hovering over you fades away. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> c arIn your dreams, or what? <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> You get a mat of human skin. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> You put a mat of human skin in a leather backpack. <347/609hp 888/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> c intYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You conjure forth a hand of pure energy to guard you against attacks. <379/609hp 921/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> c arc 'improved shield'You chant a sweet melodious line. You are already armored. <379/609hp 916/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> You intone an ancient mystical chant. You are already shielded from harm. <379/609hp 886/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> <379/609hp 886/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> <379/609hp 886/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> lIn the pool You are in the shallow waters of the pool. Trees surround you on all sides. You float on your back, feeling utterly calm and at peace. If you could, you'd fall asleep here. The water is very refreshing. You feel something brush against your leg, and look down to see a small school of tiny fish. When you feel like it, you can go back to the eastern shore. [Exits: east west] A timid white-tailed doe cautiously watches your every move. A long, golden snake crawls through the grass here. There is a rare lungfish here, walking about on the land. <379/609hp 886/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [EW]> wBehind the pool [Exits: east down] A large green frog is here. A small, brown rabbit is eating grass here. A proud buck stands here, grazing. <379/609hp 886/981m 314/315mv 679260tnl | [ED]> wAlas, you cannot go that way. <379/609hp 886/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [ED]> dA small ledge in a smooth shaft [Exits: down] <379/609hp 886/981m 314/315mv 679260tnl | [D]> dA wide cavern [Exits: east south] A small grey mushroom grows here. A small black bat is hanging from the ceiling here. <379/609hp 886/981m 313/315mv 679260tnl | [ES]> eA wide cavern [Exits: north east south west] There is a small pool of collected water here. <379/609hp 886/981m 312/315mv 679260tnl | [NESW]> nAnother tunnel [Exits: north south] A small black bat is hanging from the ceiling here. <379/609hp 886/981m 311/315mv 679260tnl | [NS]> eAlas, you cannot go that way. <379/609hp 886/981m 313/315mv 679260tnl | [NS]> nInside the tunnel [Exits: east south up] <379/609hp 886/981m 312/315mv 679260tnl | [ESU]> eA curve in the tunnel [Exits: south west] There is a large slime mold here. A small skull moves about on the floor here. <379/609hp 886/981m 311/315mv 679260tnl | [SW]> sA blind curve [Exits: north east] <379/609hp 886/981m 310/315mv 679260tnl | [NE]> eBefore a shallow pit [Exits: west down] A blackened, nearly burnt-out torch lies on the ground. <379/609hp 886/981m 309/315mv 679260tnl | [WD]> dA shallow pit [Exits: up] (20) There is a round steel crown half-buried in the earth. A piece of steel is here. A simple ring is here, reflecting light. There is a giant burrowing worm crawling here, pasty-white and hungry. <379/609hp 886/981m 312/315mv 679260tnl | [U]> c spellf wor [TOWER] A sentinel iron golem: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! <379/609hp 886/981m 313/315mv 679260tnl | [U]> You intone an ancient mystical chant. You release a searing flame of blue-green spellfire. Your spellfire *** DEVASTATES *** the giant burrower! The giant burrower is covered in bleeding wounds. <379/609hp 871/981m 313/315mv 679260tnl | [U]> c spellf wor You parry the giant burrower's slap. Your claw misses the giant burrower. Your claw misses the giant burrower. The giant burrower is covered in bleeding wounds. <379/609hp 871/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [U]> You intone an ancient mystical chant. You release a searing flame of blue-green spellfire. Your spellfire MANGLES the giant burrower! The giant burrower is surrounded by a dull blue glow as magic is ripped and disrupted! The giant burrower is covered in bleeding wounds. <379/609hp 856/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [U]> c spellf wor You parry the giant burrower's slap. Your claw decimates the giant burrower. Your claw decimates the giant burrower. The giant burrower is poisoned by the venom on a long razor-sharp dragon claw. The giant burrower is gushing blood. <379/609hp 856/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [U]> You recite a sweet mystical tune. You release a searing flame of blue-green spellfire. Your spellfire MANGLES the giant burrower! The giant burrower is writhing in agony. <379/609hp 841/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [U]> c spellf wor You blink away from the giant burrower's slap. Your claw misses the giant burrower. Your claw decimates the giant burrower. You feel able to traverse space-time once again. The giant burrower is writhing in agony. <379/609hp 841/981m 315/315mv 679260tnl | [U]> You recite a sweet mystical tune. You release a searing flame of blue-green spellfire. Your spellfire *** DEVASTATES *** the giant burrower! The giant burrower is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou earn 40 experience points. The giant burrower splatters blood on your armor. The corpse of the giant burrower is lying here. The corpse of the giant burrower holds: a steel crown a rainbow orb The gods give you 69 silver coins for your sacrifice. <379/609hp 826/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> [TOWER] Ithail: Just need wall.. how long? <379/609hp 826/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> get orb The dim red haze of Lunitari dissapears from the night sky. <401/609hp 901/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> You see no book here. <401/609hp 901/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> You see no cor here. <401/609hp 901/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> You get a rainbow orb. <401/609hp 901/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> label orbYou concentrate a moment, identify a rainbow orb and then label it. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 16 hours and 55 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 1 hours and 50 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 8 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 26 hours and 45 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 3 hours and 40 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 5 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 10 hours and 50 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 26 hours and 55 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Energyshield' spell is active for 0 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fly' spell is active for 13 hours and 15 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 5 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 3 hours and 0 minutes <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> gt 3 hoursYou tell the group, '3 hours.' <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> lA shallow pit You stand at the bottom of a shallow pit. Here, there is blood. It soaks the dirt and stones, and casts evil red lights from the few torches that are here. You feel the earth move beneath your feet, and you notice that something is breaking through . . . [Exits: up] (21) There is a round steel crown half-buried in the earth. A piece of steel is here. A simple ring is here, reflecting light. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> label orbA rainbow orb labelled protection evil has already been labelled. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> wear eviYou hold a rainbow orb labelled protection evil in your hands. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> braYou brandish a rainbow orb labelled protection evil. You feel holy and pure. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> wear sancput evi bacYou stop using a rainbow orb labelled protection evil. You hold the Red DragonOrb labelled sanctuary in your hands. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> get mat bacdrop matrest matslee matYou put a rainbow orb labelled protection evil in a leather backpack. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> You get a mat of human skin from a leather backpack. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> You drop a mat of human skin. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> You sit on a mat of human skin and rest. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> You go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> The crackling shield around you dissipates. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> ct 3 hours[TOWER] Alantas: 3 hours. <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Protection evil' spell is active for 24 hours and 30 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 16 hours and 5 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 1 hours and 0 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 7 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 25 hours and 55 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 2 hours and 50 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 4 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 10 hours and 0 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 26 hours and 5 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 12 hours and 25 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 4 hours and 55 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 2 hours and 10 minutes <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> <401/609hp 889/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> [TOWER] Someone: Who is attackin? i can't see in duo. <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> ct Chaos[TOWER] Alantas: Chaos. <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> [TOWER] Ithail: Keonar and irhien. You get a mat of human skin. <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> You put a mat of human skin in a leather backpack. <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> [TOWER] Ithail: Keonar died once. <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> ct irhien and keonar[TOWER] Alantas: Irhien and keonar. <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> lA shallow pit You stand at the bottom of a shallow pit. Here, there is blood. It soaks the dirt and stones, and casts evil red lights from the few torches that are here. You feel the earth move beneath your feet, and you notice that something is breaking through . . . [Exits: up] (21) There is a round steel crown half-buried in the earth. A piece of steel is here. A simple ring is here, reflecting light. <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> [TOWER] Ithail: If they come again, they die both. <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> [TOWER] Ithail: So be in duo.. <523/609hp 981/981m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> c channel 350You chant a sweet melodious line. You feel your health improve as you control your body with your mind. <916/1002hp 626/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> [TOWER] Someone: Who is the 1st target? <916/1002hp 626/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> gt KeonarYou tell the group, 'Keonar.' <916/1002hp 626/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> [TOWER] Ithail: Keonar. You lose your grounding against electricty. The day has begun. The clouds disappear. <955/1002hp 631/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> c grYou recite a sweet mystical verse. Your body loses all affinity to electricity. <955/1002hp 561/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> savafSaving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving. <955/1002hp 561/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> [TOWER] Ithail: Alantas come to me. To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Grounding' spell is active for 4 hours and 50 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 24 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 23 hours and 15 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 14 hours and 50 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 6 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 24 hours and 40 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 1 hours and 35 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 3 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 8 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 24 hours and 50 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 11 hours and 10 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 3 hours and 40 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 0 hours and 55 minutes <955/1002hp 561/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> [TOWER] Someone: Done. <955/1002hp 561/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> c tess ithaYou recite a sweet mystical tune. Your tesseract spell failed. <955/1002hp 461/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> c tess ithaYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. Your tesseract spell failed. <955/1002hp 361/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [U]> c tess ithaYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <955/1002hp 261/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> nod Ithail nods. <955/1002hp 261/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> get mat bacdrop matrest matslee matYou nod. <955/1002hp 261/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You get a mat of human skin from a leather backpack. <955/1002hp 261/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You drop a mat of human skin. <955/1002hp 261/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You sit on a mat of human skin and rest. <955/1002hp 261/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <955/1002hp 261/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <955/1002hp 261/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Tesseract' spell is active for 2 hours and 50 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 4 hours and 25 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 24 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 22 hours and 50 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 14 hours and 25 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 6 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 24 hours and 15 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 1 hours and 10 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 2 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 8 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 24 hours and 25 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 10 hours and 45 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 3 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 0 hours and 30 minutes <955/1002hp 261/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> ct wall 20 mins[TOWER] Alantas: Wall 20 mins. <955/1002hp 261/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <955/1002hp 261/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> eqYou get a mat of human skin. <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You put a mat of human skin in a leather backpack. <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You are using: <worn around neck> a gleaming silver necklace <worn on feet> a pair of boots made of red wyrmling's scale <worn on hands> a pair of gloves made of blue wyrmling's scale <worn on body> (Glowing) a dirty, tattered mage's robe <worn on waist> (Glowing) entrails of an undersea horror <worn around wrist> a wristguard engraved with a flute <wielded> a long razor-sharp dragon claw <held> the Red DragonOrb labelled sanctuary <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Est glant dagnir.' Ithail begins blinking in and out of existence. <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> whe Ithail stops using the mask of a ravening seasnake. get all <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Players near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Tamina aarnthaos dagnir.' You can't take that. You can't take that. You can't take that. <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail wears the mask of a ravening seasnake on his head. <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A magical spring flows from the ground here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> iYou are carrying: a leather backpack (Humming) the shield of the Obsidian Order (Glowing) an abyssal shard wreathed in infernal flames a ranger's knapsack You stop blinking in and out of phase. <1002/1002hp 518/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c blinkYou recite a sweet mystical verse. You begin blinking in and out of existence. <1002/1002hp 493/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> A magical spring dries up. <1002/1002hp 537/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> drop shieYou drop the shield of the Obsidian Order. <1002/1002hp 537/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Blink' spell is active for 13 hours and 55 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 1 hours and 25 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 3 hours and 0 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 22 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 21 hours and 25 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 13 hours and 0 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 4 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 22 hours and 50 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 1 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Armor' spell is active for 6 hours and 55 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 23 hours and 0 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 9 hours and 20 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 1 hours and 50 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1002/1002hp 537/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> rcHuh? <1002/1002hp 537/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c 'ring of earth'You recite a sweet mystical verse. You are surrounded by a swirling ring of stones. <1002/1002hp 507/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 507/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c 'earthshield'You intone an ancient mystical chant. Your airy shield is stiffled and absorbed by the dirt that covers you. You are surrounded by a layer of heavy dirt. <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> get mat bacdrop matrest matslee matYou get a mat of human skin from a leather backpack. <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You drop a mat of human skin. <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You sit on a mat of human skin and rest. <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: They left? <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: No. <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> af [TOWER] Someone: Be patient. To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Earthshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 7 hours and 20 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 13 hours and 5 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 35 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 2 hours and 10 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 21 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 20 hours and 35 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 3 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 22 hours and 0 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 6 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 22 hours and 10 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 8 hours and 30 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 1 hours and 0 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1002/1002hp 477/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Killing golem. <1002/1002hp 631/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 631/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 631/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 631/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <1002/1002hp 631/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> afYou get a mat of human skin. <1002/1002hp 631/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You put a mat of human skin in a leather backpack. <1002/1002hp 631/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Sure i'll be. To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Earthshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 7 hours and 5 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 12 hours and 50 minutes 'Tesseract' spell is active for 0 hours and 20 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 1 hours and 55 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 21 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 20 hours and 20 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 11 hours and 55 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 3 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 21 hours and 45 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 5 hours and 50 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 21 hours and 55 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 8 hours and 15 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 0 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by -38 <1002/1002hp 631/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.' Ithail is surrounded by a white aura. <1002/1002hp 631/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> whe golemA sentinel iron golem Before an old stone tower <1002/1002hp 631/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 631/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c 'airshield'You recite a sweet mystical tune. Your earthshield crumbles and blows away. You are surrounded by an airy shield. <1002/1002hp 601/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1002/1002hp 601/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c wizaYou chant a sweet melodious line. A tiny mystical eye appears above you and begins scanning for intruders. <1002/1002hp 571/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail says, 'Shield me too please.' <1002/1002hp 571/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> l You feel able to traverse space-time once again. <1002/1002hp 571/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1002/1002hp 571/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Faernil ralithafi dagnir fao.' <1002/1002hp 571/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c 'lightning shield' ithBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Ithail is surrounded by a humming field of electricity. <1002/1002hp 541/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Hestos adralfim alasse hansoi.' <1002/1002hp 541/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c iceshield ithYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. Ithail is surrounded by a freezing aura of air. <1002/1002hp 511/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Hestos adralfim alasse hansoi.' The air around Ithail becomes a strongly shimmering sphere. <1002/1002hp 511/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Haran ilmaths simpa fao.' <1002/1002hp 511/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c 'airshield' ithYou chant a sweet melodious line. Ithail is surrounded by an airy shield. Your force shield fades away. <1002/1002hp 481/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c 'improved shield'You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You are surrounded by a force shield. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> get mat bacdrop matrest matslee mat Ithail sits down and rests. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You get a mat of human skin from a leather backpack. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You drop a mat of human skin. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You sit on a mat of human skin and rest. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> lYou get a mat of human skin. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You put a mat of human skin in a leather backpack. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is resting here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is resting here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Improved shield' spell is active for 43 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by -37 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 17 hours and 10 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 5 hours and 55 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 11 hours and 40 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 45 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 20 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 19 hours and 10 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 10 hours and 45 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 2 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 20 hours and 35 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 4 hours and 40 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 20 hours and 45 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 7 hours and 5 minutes <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail goes to sleep. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] A sentinel iron golem: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! [TOWER] A sentinel iron golem: Alas, I have fallen to someone. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> savSaving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Improved shield' spell is active for 43 hours and 30 minutes, modifying armor class by -37 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 16 hours and 55 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 5 hours and 40 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 11 hours and 25 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 30 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 20 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 18 hours and 55 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 10 hours and 30 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 2 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 20 hours and 20 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 4 hours and 25 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 20 hours and 30 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 6 hours and 50 minutes <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> sc d Ithail wakes and stands up. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> > scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Essto raos liritar ma.' Ithail turns translucent. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail goes to sleep. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is sleeping here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> sc daf> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Improved shield' spell is active for 43 hours and 10 minutes, modifying armor class by -37 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 16 hours and 35 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 25 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 5 hours and 20 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 11 hours and 5 minutes 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 10 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 19 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 18 hours and 35 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 10 hours and 10 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 1 hours and 55 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 20 hours and 0 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 4 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 20 hours and 10 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 6 hours and 30 minutes <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Alantas be ready. <1002/1002hp 499/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c flyYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You are already flying. <1002/1002hp 554/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> ct good You lose your grounding against electricty. <1002/1002hp 554/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Only when they both enters. <1002/1002hp 554/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> l Ithail wakes and stands up. <1002/1002hp 554/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Alantas: Good. <1002/1002hp 554/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1002/1002hp 554/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c grIthail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 554/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> You chant a sweet melodious line. Your body loses all affinity to electricity. <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Grounding' spell is active for 4 hours and 50 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 42 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by -37 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 16 hours and 10 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 4 hours and 55 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 10 hours and 40 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 19 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 18 hours and 10 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 9 hours and 45 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 1 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 19 hours and 35 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 3 hours and 40 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 19 hours and 45 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 6 hours and 5 minutes <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Tell me when wall placed. Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> ct sure[TOWER] Alantas: Sure. <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Before an old stone tower (PK) Keonar Before an old stone tower (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Grounding' spell is active for 4 hours and 10 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 42 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by -37 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 15 hours and 30 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 14 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 4 hours and 15 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 10 hours and 0 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 18 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 17 hours and 30 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 9 hours and 5 minutes 'Fireshield' spell is active for 0 hours and 50 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Detect invis' spell is active for 18 hours and 55 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 3 hours and 0 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 19 hours and 5 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 5 hours and 25 minutes <1002/1002hp 484/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: This will be deathtrap. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Prepare. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** Irhien the female dark elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here. Irhien the female dark elf is here. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Faernil ralithafi dagnir fao.' Ithail is surrounded by a protective shield. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Irhien has arrived. Irhien has arrived. [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. The archmage of the Tower tries to disarm Irhien, but fails. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Irhien utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Shanto sastten cilth.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You feel your body going all soft. Irhien is in perfect condition. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] (Humming) A dark shield of pure obsidian sits here. A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. Irhien the female dark elf is here. Irhien the female dark elf is here. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting the archmage of the Tower. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. The archmage of the Tower is here, fighting Irhien. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. Irhien parries your claw. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien is in perfect condition. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is resting here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** Irhien is in perfect condition. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Wait. The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Ayale anaelli shanto.' The archmage of the Tower points at Irhien and a sliver of ice flies forth! The archmage of the Tower's icicle MUTILATES Irhien! Irhien has a few scratches. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** Irhien has a few scratches. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures Irhien. Irhien parries your claw. Irhien parries your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic injures Irhien. Irhien has a few scratches. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a huge lion. Irhien has a few scratches. <1002/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Irhien utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MANGLES you! The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Tamina nit dagnir laisenna.' A blast of lightning erupts and forks into twin streaks of blue! Irhien is unaffected by the archmage of the Tower's fork lightning! Irhien is unaffected by the archmage of the Tower's fork lightning! Irhien has a few scratches. <918/1002hp 534/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball'You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. Irhien yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' The air before Irhien flares up and your spell reflects! Irhien's spellturning field dissipates with a crackle of blue energy. You hurl a ball of raging fire at Alantas! You are unaffected by your fireball. Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a faerie familiar! Irhien has a few scratches. <918/1002hp 494/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> A faerie familiar's slash hits Irhien. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's spell is cast upon empty air. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures Irhien. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. Irhien parries your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <974/1002hp 494/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball'You recite a sweet mystical tune. Irhien yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' Irhien's chaotic shield bewitches your spell! Irhien has a few scratches. <974/1002hp 454/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Riel ditei meiros alhanso.' The archmage of the Tower conjures forth a hail of flaming meteorites. Irhien is struck by a fiery meteorite! The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones hits Irhien. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien parries your claw. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien has a few scratches. <974/1002hp 454/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! Irhien leaves down. Irhien leaves down. Irhien has fled! <974/1002hp 454/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' A huge lion peers intently down. Cast the spell on whom? <974/1002hp 454/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> l A huge lion sniffs at the ground and looks about confused. the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <974/1002hp 454/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Your halo of fire dissipates. <974/1002hp 454/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> A huge lion's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. <974/1002hp 454/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c iceshieldYou intone an ancient mystical chant. You lost your concentration. <974/1002hp 439/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c iceshield [TOWER] Ithail: Still waite. <974/1002hp 439/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You lost your concentration. <974/1002hp 424/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c iceshieldYou recite a sweet mystical verse. You are surrounded by an aura of freezing air. <1001/1002hp 432/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: When irhien come. <1001/1002hp 432/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: I will go down. <1001/1002hp 432/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** Irhien the female dark elf is here. Irhien the female dark elf is here. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is resting here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <1001/1002hp 432/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Attack keonar. <1001/1002hp 432/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Irhien has arrived. Irhien has arrived. [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! The archmage of the Tower's magic misses Irhien. <1001/1002hp 432/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Irhien is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Irhien has a few scratches. <880/1002hp 432/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Ayale anaelli shanto.' The air before Irhien flares up and the archmage of the Tower's spell reflects! The archmage of the Tower is blasted with a sliver of ice! Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures Irhien. Irhien parries your claw. Irhien parries your claw. A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Irhien. The archmage of the Tower tries to disarm Irhien, but fails. Irhien has a few scratches. <880/1002hp 432/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Ithail's eyes glow bright green as his body transmutes into a gold-horned unicorn! Irhien has a few scratches. <880/1002hp 432/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** Irhien has a few scratches. <880/1002hp 432/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MANGLES you! Irhien has a few scratches. <797/1002hp 432/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash misses Irhien. A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's acid blast wounds her. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures Irhien. Irhien parries your claw. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. The archmage of the Tower's magic wounds Irhien. Irhien has a few scratches. <797/1002hp 432/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball'You chant a sweet melodious line. Irhien yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' The air before Irhien flares up and your spell reflects! You hurl a ball of raging fire at Alantas! Your fireball >>> ANNIHILATES <<< you! That really did HURT! Your fireball === OBLITERATES === a faerie familiar! Irhien has a few scratches. <520/1002hp 392/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Irhien has a few scratches. <390/1002hp 392/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> flee A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. A faerie familiar's slash hits Irhien. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures Irhien. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. Your claw misses Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's magic injures Irhien. Irhien has a few scratches. <390/1002hp 392/631m 315/315mv 679220tnl | [D]> c word [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Keonar is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! You turn around, trying to escape! On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] A whip is left here. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. You flee from combat! <390/1002hp 392/631m 314/315mv 679220tnl | [NUD]> You recite a sweet mystical verse. You conjure forth a pillar of grey light, step into it, and vanish to your hometown. Inside the Temple [Exits: north east south west] A large donation pit is here in the floor. (White Aura) The healer stands here, selling spells. <390/1002hp 387/631m 157/315mv 679220tnl | [NESWD]> <390/1002hp 387/631m 159/315mv 679220tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. Your tesseract spell failed. <390/1002hp 287/631m 163/315mv 679220tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You have become better at tesseract! Your tesseract spell failed. <390/1002hp 187/631m 165/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> c 'fireshield'You chant a sweet melodious line. Your iceshield vaporises in a steaming explosion! You are surrounded in a flaming halo of heat. <390/1002hp 157/631m 166/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> get mat bacdrop matrest matslee matYou get a mat of human skin from a leather backpack. <390/1002hp 157/631m 168/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> You drop a mat of human skin. <428/1002hp 209/631m 203/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> You sit on a mat of human skin and rest. <428/1002hp 209/631m 203/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> You go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <428/1002hp 209/631m 203/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> ct damn !![TOWER] Alantas: Damn !! <428/1002hp 209/631m 203/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> ct wait ![TOWER] Alantas: Wait ! <428/1002hp 209/631m 206/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 206/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 206/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 206/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fireshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 45 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Soften' spell is active for 2 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by 88 'Grounding' spell is active for 2 hours and 0 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 39 hours and 55 minutes, modifying armor class by -37 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 13 hours and 20 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 2 hours and 5 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 7 hours and 50 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 16 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 15 hours and 20 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 6 hours and 55 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 16 hours and 45 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 0 hours and 50 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 16 hours and 55 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 3 hours and 15 minutes <428/1002hp 209/631m 210/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Someone: What? <428/1002hp 209/631m 210/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> ct recalled[TOWER] Alantas: Recalled. <428/1002hp 209/631m 211/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 211/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Someone: Okay. <428/1002hp 209/631m 215/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> ct catch own fireball[TOWER] Alantas: Catch own fireball. <428/1002hp 209/631m 218/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 218/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 218/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> sleeYou are already sleeping. <428/1002hp 209/631m 220/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 220/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fireshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 15 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Soften' spell is active for 1 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by 88 'Grounding' spell is active for 1 hours and 30 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 39 hours and 25 minutes, modifying armor class by -37 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 12 hours and 50 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 40 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 1 hours and 35 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 7 hours and 20 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 16 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 14 hours and 50 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 6 hours and 25 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 16 hours and 15 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 0 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 16 hours and 25 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 2 hours and 45 minutes <428/1002hp 209/631m 220/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Someone: Go faster. <428/1002hp 209/631m 220/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 220/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 222/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 222/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 222/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 222/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 222/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 222/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 222/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Fireshield' spell is active for 16 hours and 10 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Soften' spell is active for 1 hours and 40 minutes, modifying armor class by 88 'Grounding' spell is active for 1 hours and 25 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 39 hours and 20 minutes, modifying armor class by -37 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 12 hours and 45 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 1 hours and 30 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 7 hours and 15 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 16 hours and 5 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 14 hours and 45 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 6 hours and 20 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 16 hours and 10 minutes 'Armor' spell is active for 0 hours and 15 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Bless' spell is active for 16 hours and 20 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 2 hours and 40 minutes <428/1002hp 209/631m 223/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Someone: They near. <428/1002hp 209/631m 223/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Someone: Duo out! <428/1002hp 209/631m 223/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 223/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 223/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 223/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 223/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 227/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 227/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 227/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <428/1002hp 209/631m 227/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Someone: Prepare. <428/1002hp 209/631m 227/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Someone: And duo again. <428/1002hp 209/631m 230/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> You feel less armored. <734/1002hp 623/631m 300/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> ct recast. they are busy[TOWER] Alantas: Recast. they are busy. <734/1002hp 623/631m 300/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <734/1002hp 623/631m 301/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <734/1002hp 623/631m 301/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <734/1002hp 623/631m 301/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> You get a mat of human skin. <734/1002hp 623/631m 305/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> c arYou put a mat of human skin in a leather backpack. <734/1002hp 623/631m 305/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You feel someone protecting you. <734/1002hp 618/631m 305/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Armor' spell is active for 24 hours and 55 minutes, modifying armor class by -20 'Fireshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 35 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Soften' spell is active for 1 hours and 5 minutes, modifying armor class by 88 'Grounding' spell is active for 0 hours and 50 minutes 'Improved shield' spell is active for 38 hours and 45 minutes, modifying armor class by -37 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 12 hours and 10 minutes 'Airshield' spell is active for 11 hours and 0 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Ring of earth' spell is active for 0 hours and 55 minutes 'Blink' spell is active for 6 hours and 40 minutes 'Channel' spell is active for 15 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 6 modifying mana by -350 modifying health by 393 'Protection evil' spell is active for 14 hours and 10 minutes, modifying all saves by 1 'Interposing hand' spell is active for 5 hours and 45 minutes 'Detect invis' spell is active for 15 hours and 35 minutes 'Bless' spell is active for 15 hours and 45 minutes, modifying all saves by 5 modifying hit roll by 4 'Fly' spell is active for 2 hours and 5 minutes <734/1002hp 618/631m 307/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Someone: Done. <734/1002hp 618/631m 307/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Ithail: Faster! <734/1002hp 618/631m 311/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaYou intone an ancient mystical chant. Your tesseract spell failed. <734/1002hp 518/631m 312/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Ithail: Alantas. <734/1002hp 518/631m 312/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. Your tesseract spell failed. <734/1002hp 418/631m 313/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaYou chant a sweet melodious line. Your tesseract spell failed. <734/1002hp 318/631m 314/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaYou recite a sweet mystical tune. Your tesseract spell failed. <734/1002hp 218/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. Your tesseract spell failed. <734/1002hp 118/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> c tess ithaYou intone an ancient mystical chant. Your tesseract spell failed. <734/1002hp 18/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> lget mat bacdrop matrest matslee matInside the Temple Huge marble pillars rise on either side of you and grab hold of the ceiling. Between each of these, fine softstone frescoes have been carved depicting scenes from the religous history of New Thalos. Rows of pews face forward giving their full attention to the pulpit rising high above the ground. The deep red carpeting underfoot shows not a speck of wear or dirt. It's obvious that New Thalonians take religion seriously. [Exits: north east south west] A large donation pit is here in the floor. (White Aura) The healer stands here, selling spells. <734/1002hp 18/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> You get a mat of human skin from a leather backpack. <734/1002hp 18/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> You drop a mat of human skin. <734/1002hp 18/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> You sit on a mat of human skin and rest. <813/1002hp 143/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> You go to sleep at a mat of human skin. <813/1002hp 143/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> ct failed to tess[TOWER] Alantas: Failed to tess. <813/1002hp 143/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <813/1002hp 143/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <813/1002hp 143/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> <813/1002hp 143/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <813/1002hp 143/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> You get a mat of human skin. <813/1002hp 143/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> You put a mat of human skin in a leather backpack. <813/1002hp 143/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> heal manaA healer utters the words, 'Simpa ofraehasse cilth' and nods at you. A warm feeling passes through you. <813/1002hp 177/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Ithail: Now. <813/1002hp 177/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> s You lose your grounding against electricty. <813/1002hp 177/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> [TOWER] Ithail: Now. <813/1002hp 177/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NESWD]> ct failed to tessThe Temple Gates [Exits: north south down] <813/1002hp 177/631m 314/315mv 676620tnl | [NSD]> Magical ring surrounding you dissipates. <813/1002hp 177/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NSD]> [TOWER] Alantas: Failed to tess. <813/1002hp 177/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [NSD]> c tess ithaYou recite a sweet mystical verse. You feel space and time rupture around you as everything shifts. With a blinding flash of light you find yourself and your friends somewhere else! the Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <813/1002hp 77/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail wears a pair of leggings wrapped in vines on his legs. Ithail wears a necklace of solid gold wrapped in ivy around his neck. Ithail wears a leather backpack about his body. Ithail wears a ruby and emerald signet ring on his left finger. Ithail wields a long golden dagger. Ithail wears merciless silver boots of negation on his feet. Ithail wears gauntlets of devastation on his hands. Ithail wears sleeves made from ebonwood bark on his arms. Ithail wears a stone pendant on a short chain around his neck. Ithail wears a ring made of shimmering metal on his right finger. Ithail wears bracelet engraved with strange symbols around his left wrist. Ithail wears the mask of a ravening seasnake on his head. Ithail wears a belt buckle of hardened elf bile about his waist. Ithail wears a crimson scaled bracer around his right wrist. Ithail wears a suit of elysium battle armor on his torso. <813/1002hp 77/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> heal manaThe healer utters the words, 'Simpa ofraehasse cilth' and nods at you. A warm feeling passes through you. <813/1002hp 109/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Your skin no longer feels so soft. <813/1002hp 109/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> heal mana Ithail peers intently down. <813/1002hp 109/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> heal manaThe healer utters the words, 'Simpa ofraehasse cilth' and nods at you. A warm feeling passes through you. <813/1002hp 138/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <813/1002hp 138/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Lesser troll or anythin else! <813/1002hp 138/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <813/1002hp 138/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> The healer utters the words, 'Simpa ofraehasse cilth' and nods at you. A warm feeling passes through you. <813/1002hp 166/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> heal mana Ithail peers intently down. <813/1002hp 166/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> The healer utters the words, 'Simpa ofraehasse cilth' and nods at you. A warm feeling passes through you. <813/1002hp 196/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <813/1002hp 196/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> heal mana Ithail peers intently down. <813/1002hp 196/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <813/1002hp 196/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> The healer utters the words, 'Simpa ofraehasse cilth' and nods at you. A warm feeling passes through you. <813/1002hp 230/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <813/1002hp 230/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <813/1002hp 230/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> heal manaThe healer utters the words, 'Simpa ofraehasse cilth' and nods at you. A warm feeling passes through you. <813/1002hp 259/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <813/1002hp 259/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> c 'ring of earth' [TOWER] Ithail: Prepare. You recite a sweet mystical verse. You are surrounded by a swirling ring of stones. <813/1002hp 229/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <813/1002hp 229/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 295/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> lsc d Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 295/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <849/1002hp 295/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> > scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** Irhien the female dark elf is here. Irhien the female dark elf is here. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. Keonar the male wild elf is here. Keonar the male wild elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is resting here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** (Translucent) Marious the male minotaur is here. <849/1002hp 295/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> l Ithail peers intently down. the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (Translucent) (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (Charmed) (Translucent) A translucent faerie floats here in mid-air. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <849/1002hp 295/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 295/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** Irhien the female dark elf is here. Irhien the female dark elf is here. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. Keonar the male wild elf is here. Keonar the male wild elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is resting here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** (Translucent) Marious the male minotaur is here. <849/1002hp 295/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 295/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> c invYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. You fade out of existence. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> whesc dPlayers near you: Frogl Before an old stone tower (PK) Marious Beneath a winding stone stairwell (PK) Irhien On a winding stone stairwell (PK) Keonar On a winding stone stairwell (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> > scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** Irhien the female dark elf is here. Irhien the female dark elf is here. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. Keonar the male wild elf is here. Keonar the male wild elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is resting here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** (Translucent) Marious the male minotaur is here. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: 2 down and wall. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** Irhien the female dark elf is here. Irhien the female dark elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. Keonar the male wild elf is here. Keonar the male wild elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is resting here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** (Translucent) Marious the male minotaur is here. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. You slowly float to the ground. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** Keonar the male wild elf is here. Keonar the male wild elf is here. Irhien the female dark elf is here. Irhien the female dark elf is here. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here. **** 5 down **** (Invis) (Translucent) Marious the male minotaur is here. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> ct 2 ?[TOWER] Alantas: 2 ? <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Wait. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> sc d Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> > scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: They left. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** Irhien the female dark elf is here. Irhien the female dark elf is here. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. Keonar the male wild elf is here. Keonar the male wild elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien Beneath a winding stone stairwell (PK) Keonar Beneath a winding stone stairwell (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Wait wait. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Irhien On a winding stone stairwell (PK) Keonar On a winding stone stairwell (PK) Ithail the Chamber of Magisters (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Ithail: Perpare. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Irhien has arrived. Irhien has arrived. [TOWER] The archmage of the Tower: Intruder! Irhien is trying to strike at the Tower! Magi, return at once! Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Lumina farie shanto slein.' The air before Irhien flares up and the archmage of the Tower's spell reflects! The archmage of the Tower directs a channel of superheated air at the archmage of the Tower. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. The archmage of the Tower's magic strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail peers intently down. <849/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Irhien raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Irhien is in perfect condition. <746/1002hp 290/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> sc d The archmage of the Tower traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Emynir sherdaw alasse.' The archmage of the Tower sunders the ground beneath Irhien. The archmage of the Tower's spell is cast upon empty air. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in burning flames. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien's flamestrike injures her. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! You fade into existence. Your shower of stones wounds Irhien. Irhien parries your claw. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! Irhien has a few scratches. <771/1002hp 329/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a huge lion. > scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** Keonar the male wild elf is here. Keonar the male wild elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here. **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** Irhien has a few scratches. <771/1002hp 329/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball'You recite a sweet mystical verse. Irhien yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' The air before Irhien flares up and your spell reflects! You hurl a ball of raging fire at Alantas! You are unaffected by your fireball. Your fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a faerie familiar! Irhien has a few scratches. <771/1002hp 289/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> c 'enhanced fireball' Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! You hear something's death cry. Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures Irhien. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! Irhien has a few scratches. <731/1002hp 289/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Emynir sherdaw alasse.' The air before Irhien flares up and the archmage of the Tower's spell reflects! Irhien's spellturning field dissipates with a crackle of blue energy. The archmage of the Tower sunders the ground beneath the archmage of the Tower. Irhien has a few scratches. <731/1002hp 289/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> You intone an ancient mystical chant. Irhien yells, 'Help! Alantas is casting a spell on me!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at Irhien! You cast at Irhien but your spell falls on empty air. Irhien has a few scratches. <731/1002hp 249/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> A faerie familiar's slash strikes for Irhien, but she isn't there. Irhien's ironskin cracks under the blows! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. The air before the archmage of the Tower flares up and Irhien's spell reflects! Irhien throws out a shard of sharp ice! Irhien's icelance wounds her. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. Irhien's divine power mauls the archmage of the Tower. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures Irhien. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. You attack with your claw, but Irhien isn't there. Irhien's ironskin shatters! Irhien has a few scratches. <779/1002hp 249/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [D]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge MANGLES you! Agonizing pain claws at your eyes, and you feel them roll back. Someone has a few scratches. <696/1002hp 249/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> c 'enhanced fireball' Someone traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Tamina nit dagnir laisenna.' Someone's chaotic shield bewitches someone's spell! Someone has a few scratches. <696/1002hp 249/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. Someone yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at someone! Your fireball MUTILATES someone! Someone has a few scratches. <696/1002hp 209/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> [TOWER] Someone: Done? Someone has a few scratches. <696/1002hp 209/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone's slash strikes for someone, but she isn't there. Someone's slash strikes for someone, but she isn't there. Something shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. The air before someone flares up and someone's spell reflects! Someone's spell is cast upon empty air. Someone's divine power mauls someone. Someone's divine power mauls someone. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. You attack with your claw, but someone isn't there. You attack with your claw, but someone isn't there. Someone's magic wounds someone. Someone has a few scratches. <781/1002hp 209/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Someone's wildsurge DISMEMBERS you! Someone has a few scratches. <718/1002hp 209/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone peers intently down. Someone has a few scratches. <718/1002hp 209/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone rakes at someone with his claws. Someone's raking claw *** DEMOLISHES *** someone! Someone is DEAD!! get bookget book corYou hear someone's death cry. Someone sacrifices something to the gods. Someone has a few scratches. <718/1002hp 209/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> You see no book here. Someone has a few scratches. <718/1002hp 209/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> c 'enhanced fireball'You see no cor here. Someone traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Andor nofra dagnir glas.' Someone's spell is cast upon empty air. Someone's slash strikes for someone, but she isn't there. Something becomes covered in deadly frost. The air before someone flares up and someone's spell reflects! Someone throws out a shard of sharp ice! Someone's spell is cast upon empty air. Someone's divine power misses someone. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures someone. Someone parries your claw. Your claw misses someone. Someone's magic strikes for someone, but she isn't there. Someone has a few scratches. <718/1002hp 209/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> You recite a sweet mystical verse. Someone yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at someone! Your fireball MASSACRES someone! Someone has some small wounds. <718/1002hp 169/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! You are unaffected by someone's wildsurge! You feel your muscles freeze up, but it passes. Someone has some small wounds. <718/1002hp 169/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone's slash strikes for someone, but she isn't there. Someone's slash strikes for someone, but she isn't there. Someone's slash injures someone. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones wounds someone. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. Someone parries your claw. You attack with your claw, but someone isn't there. Someone's magic strikes for someone, but she isn't there. Someone has some small wounds. <803/1002hp 169/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Yuln hoarth meiros dithal.' The surface of something turns red-hot, searing someone's flesh! The surface of something turns red-hot! Unable to endure the pain, someone tries to tear it off her body. Someone stops using something. get allThe surface of something turns red-hot, searing someone's flesh! Someone's spell is cast upon empty air. Someone has some small wounds. <803/1002hp 169/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> c 'enhanced fireball'You see nothing here. Someone has some small wounds. <803/1002hp 169/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Someone's wildsurge MASSACRES you! You raise your voice into an ancient incantation. Someone yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' You hurl a ball of raging fire at someone! You cast at someone but your spell falls on empty air. Someone has some small wounds. <723/1002hp 129/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. Someone has some small wounds. <723/1002hp 129/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> [TOWER] Someone: 2 down and wall! Someone's slash strikes for someone, but she isn't there. Someone's divine power misses someone. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones injures someone. Someone parries your claw. You attack with your claw, but someone isn't there. Someone has some small wounds. <723/1002hp 129/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> [TOWER] Someone: 2 down and wall! Someone has some small wounds. <723/1002hp 129/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> c 'enhanced fireball' Someone raises her voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You are enveloped in blinding color! Someone's wildsurge MASSACRES you! You recite a sweet mystical verse. Someone yells, 'Die, Alantas you sorcerous dog!' Someone's chaotic shield bewitches your spell! Someone has some small wounds. <644/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone peers intently down. Someone seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Randa nefeinna shanto lerm.' Someone's chaotic shield bewitches someone's spell! Someone has some small wounds. <644/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> fleeflee Someone's slash strikes for someone, but she isn't there. Someone's slash strikes for someone, but she isn't there. Something shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. The air before someone flares up and someone's spell reflects! Someone's acid blast devastates her. Someone's divine power mauls someone. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones decimates someone. Your faerie familiar draws on his magic and heals you. You attack with your claw, but someone isn't there. You attack with your claw, but someone isn't there. Someone's magic wounds someone. Someone has some small wounds. <723/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> flee [TOWER] Someone: 2 down and wall! Someone has some small wounds. <723/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> d [TOWER] Someone: 2 down and wall! Someone has some small wounds. <723/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone has turned around, trying to escape! Someone peers intently down. You turn around, trying to escape! PANIC! You couldn't escape! Someone has some small wounds. <723/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone has turned around, trying to escape! You turn around, trying to escape! PANIC! You couldn't escape! Someone has some small wounds. <723/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> You turn around, trying to escape! You can't see a thing! You flee from combat! <723/1002hp 89/631m 314/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> You feel a sudden pain erupt through the back of your skull. <723/1002hp 89/631m 314/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> In your dreams, or what? <723/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> ct jacked[TOWER] Alantas: Jacked. <723/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> You feel your body going all soft. <723/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> <723/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Your muscles suddenly freeze up in a painful spasm! <723/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Your paralysed arms refuse to move. Someone's pierce mauls you. Someone is in perfect condition. <703/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Die, someone you sorcerous dog!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Someone's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Someone is in perfect condition. <574/1002hp 89/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> ct paralized Something shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. You yell, 'Die, someone you sorcerous dog!' Someone's acid blast DISMEMBERS you! The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts someone's divine power. You blink away from someone's divine power. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts someone's divine power. You blink away from someone's acidic bite. Runes on someone's band flare up. You are unaffected by someone's flamestrike! Your paralysed arms refuse to move. Someone's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS you! Someone's acidic bite MASSACRES you! The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts someone's pierce. The spectral hand hovering over you intercepts someone's pierce. Sharp rocks fly from your halo! Your shower of stones mauls someone. Your paralysed arms refuse to respond! Someone's ironskin cracks under the blows! Someone has a few scratches. <411/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> [TOWER] Alantas: Paralized. Someone has a few scratches. <411/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> c word Someone has turned around, trying to escape! Someone has fled! Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <411/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> You yell, 'Help! Someone is trying to sever my artery!' Someone slices open a vital artery on your body! Someone's bleeding DISMEMBERS you! Someone's bleeding DISMEMBERS you! Someone is in perfect condition. <286/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> [TOWER] Someone: Down wall. Someone is in perfect condition. <286/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> [TOWER] Someone: Down wall. Someone is in perfect condition. <286/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> flee Someone intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Someone is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Someone's wildsurge MANGLES you! You sure are BLEEDING! You turn around, trying to escape! You can't see a thing! You flee from combat! <202/1002hp 139/631m 314/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> fleefleefleeYou aren't fighting anyone. <202/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> You aren't fighting anyone. <202/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> You aren't fighting anyone. <202/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> ddAlas, you cannot go that way. <202/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> dAlas, you cannot go that way. <202/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> dAlas, you cannot go that way. <202/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> dAlas, you cannot go that way. <202/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <202/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> ss Someone has arrived. You can't see a thing! <202/1002hp 139/631m 314/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <202/1002hp 139/631m 314/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> c word Someone recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.' Someone is surrounded by a white aura. Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! <202/1002hp 139/631m 314/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone has arrived. <202/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone has arrived. <202/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> c word Someone chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' You yell, 'Help! Someone is casting a spell on me!' You are enveloped in blinding color! Someone's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** you! You sure are BLEEDING! Someone has some small wounds. <64/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Your arms are paralysed, you can't make the gestures required! Someone has some small wounds. <64/1002hp 139/631m 315/315mv 676620tnl | [You are blinded!]> Someone clenches his fist and draws magic into him, growling, 'Palurin eim liritar lam.' Someone points his finger at someone and a bright globe of strobing energy streaks forth. Someone fades into existence. Someone's hell ball MASSACRES someone! Someone is DEAD!! get bookget book corBlood spurts and splashes as someone's heart is torn from his chest. Something becomes covered in burning flames. You are unaffected by someone's flamestrike! Your paralysed arms refuse to move. Someone's divine power devastates you. You sure are BLEEDING! Someone's acidic bite DISMEMBERS you! You have been KILLED!! You have died and turned into an invincible ghost for a few minutes. A room filled with tomes of magic [Exits: west] <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 676620tnl | [W]> You see no book here. <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 676620tnl | [W]> You see no cor here. <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 676620tnl | [W]> Keonar yells, 'Die, Marious you sorcerous dog!' <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 676620tnl | [W]> <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 676620tnl | [W]> standget matput mat bacYou stand up. <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 676620tnl | [W]> wMarious yells, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' You see no mat here. <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 676620tnl | [W]> sYou see no bac here. Marious yells, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' <1/554hp 1/926m 152/305mv 676620tnl | [W]> sA dimly lit corridor in the Tower [Exits: east south west] <1/554hp 1/926m 151/305mv 676620tnl | [ESW]> A darkly lit stone corridor in the Tower [Exits: north south] <1/554hp 1/926m 150/305mv 676620tnl | [NS]> On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. The corpse of Keonar is lying here. The torn-out heart of Keonar is lying here. (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. (Translucent) Marious the male minotaur is here, fighting Keonar. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting Marious. (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting Marious. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> Keonar's bleeding decimates Marious. Keonar's bleeding DISMEMBERS Marious! <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> get all corYou see nothing in the cor. The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. Marious yells, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' A shard of sharp ice flies forth at Marious. Irhien's icelance MANGLES Marious! Irhien's divine power decimates Marious. Keonar's rapid restrike MUTILATES Marious! <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> sc d Marious draws upon his magic, uttering in a deep tone, 'Palurin eim liritar lam.' Marious points his finger at Keonar and a bright globe of strobing energy streaks forth. Marious's hell ball decimates Keonar. Marious's hell ball decimates Keonar. Marious's hell ball decimates Keonar. > scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Marious yells, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' Marious is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge *** DEMOLISHES *** Marious! Marious looks tired and weak. <1/554hp 1/926m 149/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Keonar yells, 'Help! a huge lion is raking me!' <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> c wallYou don't have enough mana. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> sleYou go to sleep. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> [TOWER] Someone: Come and place wall. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> iYou are carrying: Nothing. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> eqYou are using: Nothing. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> [TOWER] Someone: Wall. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> [TOWER] Someone: Wall. <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> <1/554hp 1/926m 148/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> ct died. no mana ![TOWER] Alantas: Died. no mana ! <104/554hp 217/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> [TOWER] Someone: Ala. <104/554hp 217/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> <104/554hp 217/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <104/554hp 217/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> You see no mat here. <104/554hp 217/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Marious peers intently up. You see no bac here. <104/554hp 217/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> c wallBeautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. You gesture and a wall of solid blue ice crystalises. <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> lMarious peers intently up. Keonar intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' The gods protect you from Keonar. <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Irhien intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Marious yells, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' Marious is enveloped in blinding color! Irhien's wildsurge === OBLITERATES === Marious! <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Marious has turned around, trying to escape! Marious leaves down. Marious has fled! <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> l [TOWER] Alyryz: Just do it! On a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: up down] A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here. <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: up down] A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here. <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Marious yells, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> spitYou spit in utter disgust. <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> l Ithail's eyes glow bright green as his body transmutes into a gold-horned unicorn! On a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: up down] (Translucent) (White Aura) A beautiful gold-horned unicorn stands here, its green eyes sparkling. (White Aura) A noble but deadly lion with golden fur calmly prepares to destroy its enemies. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> A gold-horned unicorn's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. Ithail's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a huge lion. <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> A huge lion's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> A huge lion's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. Ithail sighs. <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Alyryz peers intently up. <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> say DAMNED MARIOUS !You say, 'DAMNED MARIOUS !' <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> lOn a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. (White Aura) Alyryz the male wild elf is here. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <104/554hp 192/926m 206/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> <124/554hp 273/926m 240/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Ithail smirks. <124/554hp 273/926m 240/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> <124/554hp 273/926m 240/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> u <124/554hp 273/926m 240/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> u Keonar attempts to blackjack Alyryz but misses. Alyryz yells, 'Help! Keonar tried to blackjack me!' Keonar's blackjack grazes Alyryz. On a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. The corpse of Keonar is lying here. The torn-out heart of Keonar is lying here. <124/554hp 273/926m 239/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> uthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. Irhien the female dark elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <124/554hp 273/926m 238/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Alas, you cannot go that way. <124/554hp 273/926m 238/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Alyryz yells, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' <124/554hp 273/926m 238/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting Alyryz. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting Alyryz. (White Aura) Alyryz the male wild elf is here, fighting Keonar. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <124/554hp 273/926m 238/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. The corpse of Keonar is lying here. The torn-out heart of Keonar is lying here. <124/554hp 273/926m 237/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting Alyryz. (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Keonar the male wild elf is here, fighting Alyryz. (White Aura) Alyryz the male wild elf is here, fighting Keonar. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <124/554hp 273/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Alyryz chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Alfirin naealle alasse hino.' Keonar is surrounded by a pink outline. Keonar looks at Alyryz. <124/554hp 273/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Keonar's bleeding devastates Alyryz. Keonar's bleeding decimates Alyryz. <124/554hp 273/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Irhien recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Suntaar lesark shanto.' Alyryz yells, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' Alyryz is moving at normal speed. Alyryz's ironskin shatters! Irhien's divine power mauls Alyryz. Keonar's acidic bite decimates Alyryz. Alyryz blinks away and Keonar's acidic bite misses. <124/554hp 273/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> nodYou nod. <124/554hp 273/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Keonar utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale walmeseno shanto.' Alyryz is enveloped in blinding color! Keonar's wildsurge MUTILATES Alyryz! Alyryz freezes momentarily, but it passes. <124/554hp 273/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> c wizaYou recite a sweet mystical verse. A tiny mystical eye appears above you and begins scanning for intruders. <124/554hp 243/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> A howling mouth bound with a circle of iron shivers and spits forth a spray of searing acid. Alyryz yells, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' Irhien's acid blast MUTILATES Alyryz! The Amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost. Alyryz yells, 'Die, Irhien you sorcerous dog!' A shard of sharp ice flies forth at Alyryz. Irhien's icelance MUTILATES Alyryz! Irhien's divine power mauls Alyryz. Irhien's divine power mauls Alyryz. Irhien's divine power mauls Alyryz. Keonar's acidic bite decimates Alyryz. Keonar's acidic bite devastates Alyryz. <124/554hp 243/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Alyryz blurs for a moment and his body transmutes into a majestic stag! <124/554hp 243/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> l Keonar has turned around, trying to escape! Keonar has fled! <124/554hp 243/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> On a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: up down] (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here, fighting a majestic stag. (White Aura) A majestic stag stands here, its huge antlers gleaming. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <124/554hp 243/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> A majestic stag kicks Irhien violently with his hoof! A majestic stag's hoof mauls Irhien. Ithail's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a huge lion. <124/554hp 243/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! <124/554hp 243/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Irhien has turned around, trying to escape! Irhien has fled! <124/554hp 243/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> A majestic stag's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. <124/554hp 243/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** (Translucent) (White Aura) (Multicolored Aura) Irhien the female dark elf is here. (Silver Aura) Frogl the male human is here. <124/554hp 243/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Alyryz's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of a huge lion. <124/554hp 243/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> iYou are carrying: Nothing. <124/554hp 243/926m 236/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. The corpse of Keonar is lying here. The torn-out heart of Keonar is lying here. <124/554hp 243/926m 235/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> dOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: up down] A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <124/554hp 243/926m 234/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> dA wall of ice is blocking the way past. <124/554hp 243/926m 234/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** **** 3 down **** (Silver Aura) Frogl the male human is here. <124/554hp 243/926m 234/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> whePlayers near you: Frogl Beneath a winding stone stairwell A huge lion Before an old stone tower A huge lion On a winding stone stairwell (PK) Alantas On a winding stone stairwell <124/554hp 243/926m 234/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> get all 2.corYou see no 2.cor here. <144/554hp 315/926m 268/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> A huge lion's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. <144/554hp 315/926m 268/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> A huge lion's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. <144/554hp 315/926m 268/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> exa coYou do not see that here. <144/554hp 315/926m 268/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> exa 2.coYou do not see that here. <144/554hp 315/926m 268/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> l Alyryz spits in utter disgust! On a winding stone stairwell A large stairwell of grey rock rises up into the tower. Soft sounds of chanting and whispered incantations echo around you and an acrid smell of essences wafts in the air. [Exits: up down] (White Aura) Alyryz the male wild elf is here. (White Aura) Ithail the male elf is here. A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. <144/554hp 315/926m 268/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> Ithail recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Est glant dagnir.' Ithail begins blinking in and out of existence. <144/554hp 315/926m 268/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> dA wall of ice is blocking the way past. <144/554hp 315/926m 268/305mv 676620tnl | [UD]> uOn a winding stone stairwell [Exits: north up down] The corpse of Alantas is lying here. The corpse of Keonar is lying here. The torn-out heart of Keonar is lying here. <144/554hp 315/926m 267/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> exa 2.coThe corpse of Keonar is lying here. The corpse of Keonar holds: Nothing. <144/554hp 315/926m 267/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> exa coThe corpse of Alantas is lying here. The corpse of Alantas holds: Nothing. <144/554hp 315/926m 267/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> get 2.coYou get the corpse of Keonar. <144/554hp 315/926m 267/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> c iden coYou raise your voice into an ancient incantation. A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, the corpse of Keonar, is a corpse, and can be referred to as 'corpse'. It is of 0th level, weighs 100 pounds, and is worth 0 gold. <144/554hp 303/926m 267/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> drop coYou drop the corpse of Keonar. <144/554hp 303/926m 267/305mv 676620tnl | [NUD]> uthe Chamber of Magisters [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. Irhien the female dark elf is here. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. <144/554hp 303/926m 266/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 16 hours and 35 minutes 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 46 hours and 10 minutes 'Pass door' spell is active for 21 hours and 25 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 21 hours and 25 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 21 hours and 25 minutes <144/554hp 303/926m 266/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> scoYou are Alantas the Master of Evocation Race: wild elf Sex: male Age: 360 years old (middle-aged) You are a true neutral invoker. Level: 34, with 12622440 exp (experience to level: 676620) Str: 13 Health: 144 /554 Practices: 11 Int: 24 Mana : 303 /926 Training sessions: 1 Wis: 21 Move : 266 /305 Dex: 24 Carrying 0/36 items (0/269 pounds) Con: 12 You have 0 gold and 0 silver coins. You have 0 smuggler coins. Wimpy set to 100 hit points. Hometown is New Thalos. You are standing. Armor: pierce: -20 bash: -20 slash: -20 magic: -20 You are well-armored against piercing. You are well-armored against bashing. You are well-armored against slashing. You are well-armored against magic. Hitroll: -2 Damroll: 0. Reflex save: 4 Will save: 1 Fortitude save: -8 You trust your group with questionable spells. Use 'affects' command to see spells affecting you. <144/554hp 303/926m 266/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> ct i should leave. or i'll commit suicide.[TOWER] Alantas: I should leave. or i'll commit suicide. <160/554hp 397/926m 300/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <160/554hp 397/926m 300/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Irhien leaves down. <160/554hp 397/926m 300/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail stops using a leather backpack. get allIthail wears a dirty, tattered mage's robe about his body. <160/554hp 397/926m 300/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> You can't take that. You can't take that. <160/554hp 397/926m 300/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail stops using a necklace of solid gold wrapped in ivy. get allIthail wears a golden leaf pendant around his neck. <181/554hp 496/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> You can't take that. You can't take that. <181/554hp 496/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <181/554hp 496/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <181/554hp 496/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <181/554hp 496/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <181/554hp 496/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> sleeYou go to sleep. <181/554hp 496/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER]: The magical rift on Krynn shifts momentarily as Ithail leaves the realm. <270/554hp 792/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER]: The magical rift on Krynn ripples as Ithail enters the realm. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Alantas. Next time just do what you told. All your mission was not to fight before time - just place wall and let us finish the job. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Yes, just place wall don't fight. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: And after they will be ours *smile*. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> ct when i go to set wall and got jacked and paralized - recall me[TOWER] Alantas: When i go to set wall and got jacked and paralized - recall me. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 3 hours and 15 minutes 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 32 hours and 50 minutes 'Pass door' spell is active for 8 hours and 5 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 8 hours and 5 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 8 hours and 5 minutes <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> standget matput mat bacYou wake and stand up. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> You see no mat here. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> You see no bac here. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> l Someone recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Emynir ainstan alasse.' Someone's skin becomes iron strong. the Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> sc d> scan d You peer intently down. **** 1 down **** **** 2 down **** A solid wall of blue ice is blocking the way. **** 3 down **** **** 4 down **** **** 5 down **** <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> whePlayers near you: (PK) Alantas the Chamber of Magisters <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> c 'fireshield'You recite a sweet mystical tune. You are surrounded in a flaming halo of heat. <554/554hp 896/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> c 'airshield'You chant a sweet melodious line. You are surrounded by an airy shield. <554/554hp 866/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> The white aura around someone's body fades. <554/554hp 866/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.' Someone is surrounded by a white aura. <554/554hp 866/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: First of all - don't panic. use red dragon orbs and scrolls and orbs of protection. <554/554hp 866/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone goes to sleep. <554/554hp 866/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone wakes and stands up. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Alfirin sannil alasse.' <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> ct orb was used.[TOWER] Alantas: Orb was used. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone pops back into existence! <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Ithail utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Alasse eralite cilth.' Ithail fades out of existence. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Faernil ralithafi dagnir fao.' Someone is surrounded by a protective shield. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Simpa finhem cilth lelans.' <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone goes to sleep. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode. The following skills and spells are affecting you: 'Airshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 30 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Fireshield' spell is active for 15 hours and 20 minutes, modifying physical resistance by 12 'Wizard watch' spell is active for 1 hours and 10 minutes 'Wall of ice' spell is active for 30 hours and 45 minutes 'Pass door' spell is active for 6 hours and 0 minutes 'Fly' spell is active for 6 hours and 0 minutes 'Infravision' spell is active for 6 hours and 0 minutes <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> c 'energyshield'You intone an ancient mystical chant. You lost your concentration. <554/554hp 911/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Ithait, do you haste and enlarge him? <554/554hp 911/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> c 'energyshield' Someone utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Emynir ainstan alasse.' Someone's skin becomes iron strong. <554/554hp 911/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> You chant a sweet melodious line. You are surrounded by a crackling shield. <554/554hp 881/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Haran ilmaths simpa fao.' <554/554hp 881/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: He was jacked only once during long fight. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Mystical eye above your head fades away. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Faernil ralithafi dagnir fao.' Someone is surrounded by a protective shield. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> c wizaYou intone an ancient mystical chant. A tiny mystical eye appears above you and begins scanning for intruders. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is invisible nearby. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. <554/554hp 896/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone wakes and stands up. <554/554hp 896/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> lthe Chamber of Magisters This cold, bleak room has nothing but sparse comforts and the faint tingling of powerful magic. Arcane runes line the stone walls and blackened scorch marks have been permenantly burned on the surfaces from magister battles of long past. [Exits: down] A large donation pit has been carved into the stone floor. (Humming) A silvery orb hums and fills the room with an aura of power. A great grey robed magister resides over the source of magic. (White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is invisible nearby. Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is here but in two-dimensions. <554/554hp 896/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <554/554hp 896/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> The white aura around someone's body fades. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.' Someone is surrounded by a white aura. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Simpa finhem cilth lelans.' <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: Anyway, nevermind. If you are jacked - do not panic. We was near. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> ct enlarge has long affect[TOWER] Alantas: Enlarge has long affect. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone pops back into existence! <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Chronlir mei alasse arladofrases.' In the blink of an eye someone pops out of existence! <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone peers intently down. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> ct i didn't panic. i wait for recall[TOWER] Alantas: I didn't panic. i wait for recall. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone sniffs sadly. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Hanme arith meiros er.' <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Ayale teoseanth shanto.' <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> [TOWER] Someone: I was in duo. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> ct but got killed[TOWER] Alantas: But got killed. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> Someone pops back into existence! Ithail fades into existence. <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]> <554/554hp 926/926m 305/305mv 676620tnl | [D]>