Logs 1-74 of 74
Date / Time
01.05.2002 10:58 Illiet  where is my old displacement *cry* :))))(n\t) 19,1 Kb
01.05.2002 11:04 Illiet  Efb or duel with Giterai(n/t) 30,8 Kb
02.05.2002 01:06 Fathaka  Solamnics come to re-raid 26,5 Kb
02.05.2002 21:11 Geryon  Aergon's last duel 33,2 Kb
03.05.2002 20:57 Taroli  Something screwy is going on here.... 1,4 Kb
05.05.2002 22:35 -  cut this shit off /nt 59,0 Kb
07.05.2002 04:26 Laelin  Married Realms 0,2 Kb
07.05.2002 19:17 Valtro  What a hell is going on here? 323,4 Kb
07.05.2002 22:32 vantala  You learn from your mistakes and your survive skill improves! 919,8 Kb
08.05.2002 19:41 vantala  It seems they came to kill me. 245,2 Kb
10.05.2002 06:57 Horan  Some more about Korsh. No comments. 4,8 Kb
10.05.2002 08:27 nostr  Clowns before camp or no balls to reraid alone (part 1) (n/t) 170,8 Kb
10.05.2002 08:29 nostr  Clowns inside camp or no balls to raid alone (part 2) (n/t) 138,5 Kb
10.05.2002 08:41 nostr  Clowns strikes back or no balls to protect HQ (part 3) (n/t) 100,3 Kb
13.05.2002 04:27 Kerheden  Nasty Party - Part I 68,0 Kb
13.05.2002 04:27 Kerheden  Nasty Party - Part II 89,1 Kb
13.05.2002 04:29 Kerheden  Nasty Party - Part III 95,4 Kb
14.05.2002 05:51 Kaema  Solmirr's Wonderful Timing - OR - Two Elves in Love [ Role-playing, not PK'ing ] 20,7 Kb
15.05.2002 02:32 Yunnshe  Oh well... 154,4 Kb
15.05.2002 21:58 Hoxador  failed ambush against Knights of Law 28,4 Kb
16.05.2002 08:43 Soulafein  login logoff - yeah we store equip forever! 2,6 Kb
16.05.2002 19:09 Hoxador  how to loose criminal flag and return power in Takhisis style! 13,7 Kb
17.05.2002 09:12 Flir  That was funny! 5,1 Kb
17.05.2002 13:51 Hoxador  Just fight against heretics 45,0 Kb
17.05.2002 14:54 Hoxador  heretics tried to reraid 1 8,2 Kb
17.05.2002 14:55 Hoxador  heretics tried to reraid 2 18,8 Kb
17.05.2002 15:45 Livien  How guards use to trip up innocent people.. (not very interesting and long log) 183,7 Kb
17.05.2002 17:32 Illiet  Funny Heretics or everyone does mistakes(n/t) 20,4 Kb
17.05.2002 21:08 Hoxador  Poor poor me :) 8,3 Kb
18.05.2002 03:03 Norve  Solamnia vs Takhisis, 3 vs 3. 99,2 Kb
18.05.2002 13:29 Thyrr  Just one thing more about funny heretics 15,6 Kb
18.05.2002 17:29 Mudduck  this is some funny stuff (its why i love rping a thief. 0,0 Kb
18.05.2002 20:17 Kerheden  And All The Enemies Celebrate! 0,1 Kb
18.05.2002 20:37 Hoxador  Moron reraidin in ghost and lotta his clanmates appears suddenly after that :) 36,2 Kb
18.05.2002 20:39 Hoxador  Just come to die some :) 21,6 Kb
18.05.2002 20:40 Hoxador  I got my sack back! 10,8 Kb
18.05.2002 21:26 Stammo  New clan :) Big one :) BoL rule ;) 0,5 Kb
19.05.2002 16:51 Rastama  Knight vs ranger in forest, snared, ambushed - who'll win? 41,8 Kb
19.05.2002 22:24 Norve  Duel: Alina clanless 35 (I suppose) Abj vs Norve Solamnia, 32 Fig. -nt- 22,5 Kb
20.05.2002 09:18 BOSSMAN  Anyone else notice this? ;) 0,6 Kb
20.05.2002 13:42 Geeghan  Warn to another ghost made users 17,9 Kb
20.05.2002 14:24 Rastama  For those who was not present at sentinel today 11,3 Kb
21.05.2002 20:42 Hoxador  hmm... strange guy.. strange guards... but damn funny! :))) 14,8 Kb
21.05.2002 21:18 Hoxador  Trio Guardian's flankers :) 20,5 Kb
21.05.2002 23:01 Hoxador  Alina turned against again :) 4,1 Kb
22.05.2002 01:06 Rastama  Guardians vs invaders ( part 1) 73,5 Kb
22.05.2002 01:11 Rastama  Guardians vs invaders ( part 2) 78,7 Kb
22.05.2002 01:14 Rastama  Guardians vs invaders ( part 3) 78,0 Kb
22.05.2002 01:17 Rastama  Guardians vs invaders ( part 4) 75,2 Kb
22.05.2002 01:23 Rastama  Guardians vs invaders ( part 5) 73,7 Kb
22.05.2002 12:11 Illiet  Reraid :) 42,7 Kb
22.05.2002 18:54 Hoxador  Ooops.. Gahzarr had to reraid not in ghost.. so died :) 23,1 Kb
22.05.2002 21:43 vantala  Annoying minotaurs 57,5 Kb
23.05.2002 20:22 Bajoi  Test for solace explorers! 1,0 Kb
24.05.2002 02:16 Crus  A very old log 93,0 Kb
24.05.2002 09:21 Flir  Solamnia in ruins again! 2,8 Kb
24.05.2002 15:53 Hoxador  damn! are you scared? :) dat's not fake log 0,2 Kb
24.05.2002 16:02 Raider™  Heretic's raid(espescially for Flir,who was ld) 76,6 Kb
24.05.2002 16:05 Brukhmozaz  Who's da man? huh, who's da man here? 1,3 Kb
24.05.2002 20:53 Crus  This one has a name - "TRAPPED". (nt) 57,1 Kb
25.05.2002 10:19 Fatahaka  The best teleport, after the best night 2,4 Kb
25.05.2002 12:33 Navar  Jaynus lies, no one uses IRC! 0,5 Kb
25.05.2002 21:44 Crus  Strangle rules the world 23,4 Kb
26.05.2002 00:38 Fathaka  Nifirel's last fight 11,0 Kb
26.05.2002 16:42 Rastama  Log request: knight Deiplak and elder Grygh ambushed Rastama 0,0 Kb
26.05.2002 23:16 Livien  Sudden death :) -nt- 6,3 Kb
28.05.2002 14:54 Aergon  Ambush. 23 + 31 vs. 27 = Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 17,1 Kb
29.05.2002 00:39 Crus  Newbie vs Overpower 90,4 Kb
29.05.2002 17:24 Earwin  Anybody can point me at my mistake? You are welcome. (-) 159,0 Kb
29.05.2002 23:39 Aergon  Attacked by inspiration... 0,6 Kb
30.05.2002 13:18 Aergon  Outcast 30,1 Kb
30.05.2002 20:20 Hoxador  illiet's banner makes people to hate animals!!! 5,4 Kb
31.05.2002 00:09 Ekoaerehl  gloriless end of ordinary trash character 2,0 Kb
31.05.2002 14:37 Aergon  Anti-magic 3,4 Kb

From http://solace.allnetwork.ru logs forum