Date / time : 09.11.2002 01:39
Author      : Operist
Title       : Opera
Plain size  : 2,4 Kb
Опера типа :)

Shapa (Шапа)

In sleep he sang to me,
In dreams he came...
That voice which calls to me
To play again...
And do I dream again?
For now I find
The Phantom of the Solace is there -
Inside my mind...

Сhemosh (исполняется голосом Чемоша)

Sing once again with me
Our strange duet...
My power over you
Grows stronger yet... ( ну типа побаню и все такое)
And though you turn from me,
To glance behind,
the Phantom of the Solace
Is there - inside your mind...


Those who have seen your  wrath ( подлизывается типа)
Draw back in fear...
I am the poor man you see...


It's me you hear...

Both (оба)

Your/my spirit and your/my voice,
In one combined:
The Phantom of the Solace  is there
Inside your/my mind...

Offstage voices (голоса за сценой - ну типа остальные игроки с иммами)

He's there, the Phantom of the Solace...
Beware the Phantom of the Solace... ( в данном случае под фантомом подразумевается чемош в инвизе)


In all your fantasies,
You always knew
I never will remove
The ban from you....


... we pray to you...( очень уж разбанится хочется)


And in this labyrinth,
Where night is blind,
The manchkins play in mud
Inside your mind.....


From http://solace.allnetwork.ru logs forum