Date / time : 20.01.2003 23:26
Author      : Therrien
Title       : Courage in Convictions in all things.
Plain size  : 3,1 Kb
An Unseen God tells you 'Chagas only needs 1 lawful witness.'

You tell An Unseen God '
Chagas needs more than most. I will not act without a second.'

You tell An Unseen God '
I would act the same with any member of Entropy.'

You tell An Unseen God '
I will discuss this at length, but I shall not change my convictions.'

An Unseen God tells you '
Because somone is in entropy doesn't make there witness's unlawful'

You tell An Unseen God '
It means they can coerce others to get them to witness for them. He says many were in the city at the time. If he provides two witnesses out of all those, I shall seek Ineluke out.'

An Unseen God tells you '
you have the tell from the lawfull witness?'

You tell An Unseen God '
From one. If I am in receipt of another, I shall act.'

An Unseen God tells you '
Lawfull is lawfull. if you have ONE lawfull witness you act'

You tell An Unseen God '
Sire, I am a knight, and I live by my word. I shall not go back on my  conviction. I was not in the City, he may be causing trouble, Lawfuls have been known to lie, especially those who are dark.'

You tell An Unseen God '
All I require is another witness who will corroberate it.'

An Unseen God tells you '
You will do what you are suppose to do. or you will be punished.'

An Unseen God tells you '
Law is equal for all'

You tell An Unseen God '
I am supposed to uphold the Law. I will not act and make someone a criminal if I am not sure of their guilt.'

An Unseen God tells you '
IF someone is lawfull'

An Unseen God tells you '
that means there word is there word'

An Unseen God tells you '
Lawful means you trustthem'

An Unseen God tells you '
thats what it is'

An Unseen God tells you '
DO it. Or be punished'

You tell An Unseen God '
Takhisis are lawful, and I would not trust them with a common cold'

///according to a reliable source

Ineluku disappears in a mushroom cloud.

///A half hour later:

repl Sire, if there be nothing else, I wish to leave.
They aren't here.

You pray to the gods: Mine thanks for Thy reason in this matter, whoever Thou art. Fare thee well.

///I write...

Therrien: My convictions.

To: Guardian

Today Chagas told me he had been attacked, and I refused to act without two lawful witnesses, instead of the required one.

He could not produce a second, which leads me to believe he corrupted the lawful person.

Be wary of Entropy's ranks, they are sly and devious. If anyone questions my judgements, then I shall answer for them and defend them.

Regards, my brothers,

Therrien, knight of Kiri-Jolith, Magistrate of Justice.


The realm will await your return.
Justice will await for your return.
A magnificent white stallion slowly fades away.

///Anyone wants to contradict my actions, fine, but I just wanted you to see that Therrien isn't just an EQ hunter, or a powerseeker... He's in the wrong job for that.


From http://solace.allnetwork.ru logs forum