			$file1=fopen($fn,"r") or die ("Can't locate log!");
				$str = fgets($file1,1000)."
"; $str = preg_replace('~(.*) say(.*), \'(.*)\'~', '\\1 say\\2, \'\\3\'', $str); if ($doe==1) { $str = preg_replace('~(.*) say(.*) \'(.*)\'~', '\\1 say\\2 \'\\3\'', $str); $str = preg_replace('~(.*) yell(.*) \'(.*)\'~', '\\1 yell\\2 \'\\3\'', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ eviscerates ~', ' eviscerates ', $str); } $str = preg_replace('~(.*) ask(.*), \'(.*)\'~', '\\1 ask\\2, \'\\3\'', $str); $str = preg_replace('~(.*) exclaim(.*), \'(.*)\'~', '\\1 exclaim\\2, \'\\3\'', $str); $str = preg_replace('~(.*) yell(.*), \'(.*)\'~', '\\1 yell\\2, \'\\3\'', $str); $str = preg_replace('~(.*) tells you, \'(.*)\'(.+)~', '\\1 tells you, \'\\2\' \\3', $str); $str = preg_replace('~(.*)You tell the group \'(.*)\'(.+)~', '\\1You tell the group \'\\2\' \\3', $str); $str = preg_replace('~(.*)You tell (.+), \'(.*)\'(.+)~', '\\1You tell \\2, \'\\3\' \\4', $str); $str = preg_replace('~(.*) tells the group \'(.*)\'(.+)~', '\\1 tells the group \'\\2\' \\3', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ misses ~', ' misses ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ scratches ~', ' scratches ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ grazes ~', ' grazes ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ hits ~', ' hits ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ injures ~', ' injures ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ wounds ~', ' wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ mauls ~', ' mauls ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ decimates ~', ' decimates ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ devastates ~', ' devastates ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ maims ~', ' maims ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ MUTILATES ~', ' MUTILATES ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ DISEMBOWELS ~', ' DISEMBOWELS ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ DISMEMBERS ~', ' DISMEMBERS ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ MASSACRES ~', ' MASSACRES ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ MANGLES ~', ' MANGLES ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ \*\*\* DEMOLISHES \*\*\* ~', ' *** DEMOLISHES *** ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ \*\*\* DEVASTATES \*\*\* ~', ' *** DEVASTATES *** ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ === OBLITERATES === ~', ' === OBLITERATES === ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ >>> ANNIHILATES <<< ~', ' >>> ANNIHILATES <<< ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ <<< ERADICATES >>> ~', ' <<< ERADICATES >>> ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ does UNSPEAKABLE things to ~', ' does UNSPEAKABLE THINGS to ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ bleeding wounds ~', ' bleeding wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ small wounds ~', ' small wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ few scratches ~', ' few scratches ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ cure light wounds ~', ' cure light wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ cure serious wounds ~', ' cure serious wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ cure critical wounds ~', ' cure critical wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ cure mortal wounds ~', ' cure mortal wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ for a moment, then scratches ~', ' for a moment, then scratches ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ pokes the ground with a stick then scratches ~', ' pokes the ground with a stick then scratches ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ A large, solid looking ram scratches ~', ' A large, solid looking ram scratches ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ A hairy nosed badger sniffs and scratches ~', ' A hairy nosed badger sniffs and scratches ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ scratches at one of it~', ' scratches at one of it', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ looks at a map of the city and scratches ~', ' looks at a map of the city and scratches ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ weeping wounds ~', ' weeping wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ hits the ground~', ' hits the ground', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ hits your throat~', ' hits your throat', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ spot light hits ~', ' spot light hits ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ The bolt hits ~', ' The bolt hits ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ gets mixed up and hits ~', ' gets mixed up and hits ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ hand and hits ~', ' hand and hits ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ as the word hits ~', ' as the word hits ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ steams as it hits ~', ' steams as it hits ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ feet, and hits ~', ' feet, and hits ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ hits you over ~', ' hits you over ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ wounds but makes a mistake ~', ' wounds but makes a mistake ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~Your wounds ~', 'Your wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ wounds seem to heal~', ' wounds seem to heal', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ communication and your wounds ~', ' communication and your wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ cure wounds ~', ' cure wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ feel your wounds ~', ' feel your wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ wounds slowly close ~', ' wounds slowly close ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ Few wounds ~', ' Few wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ Small wounds ~', ' Small wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ nasty wounds ~', ' nasty wounds ', $str); $str = preg_replace('~ Few scratches ~', ' Few scratches ', $str); print $str; } print "
"; ?>