Title: Cant talk to my pet! Post by: Nierth on January 08, 2006, 06:54:52 am [log]
c ventriloquate pegasus Kami? Your spell succeeds and a young snow pegasus's voice obeys to your magic. [/log] But it works with every another creature! =(((( Title: Re: Cant talk to my pet! Post by: Raider on January 08, 2006, 07:17:26 am [log]
c ventriloquate pegasus Kami? Your spell succeeds and a young snow pegasus's voice obeys to your magic. A young snow pegasus says 'I'm at your service, Kamilla' [/log] *sticks her tongue out at Raider* Title: Re: Cant talk to my pet! Post by: Nierth on January 19, 2006, 11:13:28 pm I didnt forget!
up! :-\ |