Solace MUD Official Forum

General => Logs => Topic started by: Freddy on January 12, 2006, 12:04:01 pm

Title: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: Freddy on January 12, 2006, 12:04:01 pm
Or it's my hands so curved? :)

Title: Re: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: myx0m0p on January 12, 2006, 12:09:50 pm
[log]Try this[/log]

Open tag - log
Close tag - /log

(surround each tag with square brackets)

You can select your log and then press some button (B for example), then replace this tag with log

Title: Re: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: Freddy on January 12, 2006, 12:25:56 pm
Well, I know about this tags.

First, I tried post whole log >200kb - got null answer from cache.
Second, I cut my log and post first part as
my log here
but it looks like simple text, not log with colors and so on...

What I do wrong?

Title: Re: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: Freddy on January 12, 2006, 12:27:56 pm
Uh, oh.. I did it with text.  ::)
But why it doesn't work on the log?  ???

Title: Re: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: Sirrion on January 12, 2006, 12:35:08 pm
Your log is too large, forum can't handle it. Archive it and post to, I'll put it on the site and give you the link.

Title: Re: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: Freddy on January 12, 2006, 12:44:10 pm
Well, I begin tests with posting :)

I cut one page from file and tagged it with brackets - and still simple text.
Or it looks such in preview only?


Title: Re: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: Freddy on January 12, 2006, 12:52:21 pm
Sirrion, I send archive to

And I was right, preview shows wrong picture...

Title: Re: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: Sirrion on January 12, 2006, 01:08:51 pm

Title: Re: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: shappa on January 12, 2006, 01:46:44 pm
Someone would say cool Awer decided to help ya in unfair reraid and then fight against ya.

I'd say he helped ya (not sure why) and then just wasted a bit of time (fighting ya at keep? yeah  :) to cover it.

Title: Re: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: omledufromage on January 12, 2006, 05:05:04 pm
I should say.... Heretics become great cowards now a days.... always on a three against one... sometimes its an "honorable minotaur" making part of that three...

Title: Re: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: Earwin on January 12, 2006, 05:33:47 pm
I defended Solamnia from Sios' reraid, two of us VS him alone.
He reraided, even though it took him a whole lot of time and effort.
So we have at least one proper heretic *shrug* *salute*

The only thing that really pissed my character off is that he called her thief despite she was going to return his disarmed weapons.

To Sios, if you're reading:
Kenders take being calling a thief as a grave offence. If I properly roleplayed this time, your weapons would be sacrificed or distributed evenly amongst her friends, after you uttered the word 'thief'. You'll also have to wash your ears with soap for several hours, to clean them from all the insults you would hear from a proper from-the-book kender.
If I speak for myself as a player - I don't need these maces/staffs, sure, take them back. But not during the reraid, I won't make things easier for you by my own hands. What the hell this skill is for then? I cannot overdamage you, but I can disarm you and make you weaker by this. In case I managed to disarm all of your weapons they also would be returned, but only after you promise to stop your reraid attempts.

Title: Re: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: omledufromage on January 12, 2006, 08:58:02 pm
I believe Sios may be honorable... he is afterall, the Champion, is he not?
But the rest always stalk three against one and never have I seen they kill someone without full looting...
My opinion... its kind of sad...

Title: Re: Posting logs unavailable?
Post by: Freddy on January 13, 2006, 03:20:55 am
Someone would say cool Awer decided to help ya in unfair reraid and then fight against ya.

I'd say he helped ya (not sure why) and then just wasted a bit of time (fighting ya at keep? yeah  :) to cover it.
I do not know in RL nobody in Solace except one person and he is not a Awer for sure. :)

Seems he waited to fight with me too long and then decide to speed up this.
But I agree, without his attack on herecy my reraid-logfile do not fit on forum even through hands of admin. :(