Title: Spellbane. Post by: Haym on January 12, 2006, 04:44:49 pm Maybe change priority of burning spells and set spellbane as affect?
Its annoying when you dont want to burn spells but you must because otherwise you canst set spellbane... Title: Re: Spellbane. Post by: Nyrl on January 12, 2006, 04:53:15 pm I've probably missed something.
You want to set spellbane and maintain spells affecting You? Or You want spellbane not to burn defensive spells cast upon You? Ahh, understood, sorry Title: Re: Spellbane. Post by: Nuitari on January 12, 2006, 05:22:04 pm Just checked. You are mistaken, spells are burned from you ONLY if you are already affected by spellbane.
Changed burning sequence a bit, so it will only make a single attempt each time, to give you better control when spending mana. |