Title: Oh dear me, what can it be. Post by: Trinli on January 13, 2006, 11:33:41 pm I've an urge to sing a sonnet,
What a silly thing to do. The idea is far too old you see, So how romantic can it be, To write of red and blue? Her face... No, that has been done, And who needs to compare? It is enough to see her face, And feel my heart begin to race, While she doesn't seem to care. To hear... Oh, there I go again, A voice is such a simple thing. Thought and feeling turned to sound, Such noise is so easily found, Still, I long for her laughter's ring. I hope this note can make her laugh, For life is a merry game. Yet whether this round went to me, Or she chose to let me be, At least now I know her name! Of course she wound up having a boyfriend... :'( and though I did learn her name, I don't think I'll tell. Title: Re: Oh dear me, what can it be. Post by: jemma on January 14, 2006, 01:52:52 am :'( :'(
I thought you had gone under the deep blue sea again! ;) |