Title: a possible new manual skill for necromancers.. Post by: confused? on January 16, 2006, 10:29:04 am I know, I know, necromancers have quite a few manuals already and they are already super strong....but what about a skill/spell that, when cast, allows the necromancer to summon all his minions to him in one fell swoop. For example, he is fighting someone and is seperated from his minions and forced to recall. He could then cast this spell and his minions would return to him. The cooldown would be something like 200 or 250+ hours so it would require careful thought before being cast. Mana cost would also be rather high.
Title: Re: a possible new manual skill for necromancers.. Post by: Nuitari on January 16, 2006, 11:09:36 am There is already a manual like this for necromancers.
It is called - lichdom ;) |