Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: dehucka on January 18, 2006, 05:20:50 pm

Title: clans need more RP - idea
Post by: dehucka on January 18, 2006, 05:20:50 pm
let it be possible that clanned person can get and give to enemies clansource. from those pit... it would add some nice possibilities for RP... such as - weak persons can better give up and without fightin give clansource to enemies... it can be ok for tower, for chaos may be, for warders... it also can be nice to see betrayers and spyes who work undercover, and constantly self-raid clan... giving power to enemies...

also it should be back door to clan, that can be used for clanned persons to leave safely if attacked, that back door can be opened only from inner side... so betrayers can open it and allow enemies enter.

doppelganger may be should have small chance to trick outer guard and.or inner... imagine - under doppelganger enemies come to you home, you think it s friend but they strike.... BECAUSE WHY HERETIC WITH POWERS CAN GET POWER OF CHAOS IN 3-4 hOURS, same class in Chaos cant get heretics power for 20-50 hours... or cant get it at all...

also doppelganger should be more realistik - if you doppled, then your tattoo with two-face coin should not be seen...

P.S. just it s silly to just raid - reraid - nothing interesting at all. no any rp in it...

also need to improve politic and clan relationship... - knights should nt break their words... so it will be possible to fool em... :) if knight said - we are in peace, and ther are no strong evdince that for example chaos break peace - he cant cancel peace threaty...

also - why we cant let person to join clan after 18-25? - i think to stop munchkins who simple rank, get power then with full power apply to clan.

but it stops greate RP things - such as bribing... strong heretic left clan and gone to Chaos, because of clan-position for example, to be higher, or such... or may be because of woman someone left clan, but then find another clan... -  it could be more interesting.... now we have: half-month chars who enter clan, break some rules, got betrayers, and became trash-chars like some calls...

let it be possible if persn with tittle, then it possible to let him enter to clan not only before 25 rank...

and last - need SUB CLAN organization - something as slaves/wannabie/squires/helpers etc... they will have lesser powers then true clan members, but still will have somthing... so, it can be possible to induct uninduct very fast from such SUB CLAN ORGANIZATION... and it adds more fun to clan wars... so clans will fight for more people in "low clan chamber" - there will be more wall on wall clan fights - so interesting...

Title: Re: clans need more RP - idea
Post by: spir on January 18, 2006, 05:37:17 pm
..... and solace will become more and more disballanced :)

Idea is not bad, but should be written more exactly i think  :)

Title: Re: clans need more RP - idea
Post by: dehucka on January 18, 2006, 06:04:23 pm
yeah, there are lotsa ideas... just with discussion we reject bad parts and find good.

need list:

1. possibility to get from clansource give clanpower of your own clan.
2. doppel can trick outer or/and inner guard.
3. back door from all clans... - tunnel to palanthas for example or to somewhere... door at the end and at the begining of that tunnel. door only can be opened by clanmember or with clan-key...
4. joining clan after 25 rank for those who have tittle... (betrayer, or just good RP-er who was without a clan, got tittle, then enter a clan)
5. SUB CLAN organizations - or just little status... without limit for places... it give some powers but lesser ones and take 1 (or more) con... to not let people to run from one sub organization to another...

Title: Re: clans need more RP - idea
Post by: Kolin on January 18, 2006, 06:11:28 pm
I like the subclan idea.

Title: Re: clans need more RP - idea
Post by: dehucka on January 18, 2006, 06:15:33 pm
so it will be nice life stories:

1. squiare of solamnia, 2. scout of heretic, 3 then i got position of guardian councellor... - nice life path.

not just - i was just minotaur, all i saw - village, all i can do - dig or not dig... i ama heretic - nothing more...

we need to make one character more valuable with many different interesting possibilities with long and interesting lifepath... not?

Title: Re: clans need more RP - idea
Post by: Moon_Face on January 18, 2006, 07:56:09 pm
Hm, maybe it will be cool to induct yourself without waiting for immortals or clanleaders?  ;) No no.. i mean a bit other thing..  ;D
 Lets make guilds dedicated to every clan where you may join from even 1th rank. You will get small title without any powers. It will be a very good test for young future applicants to live with title without powers... It will be also very goof for your RP. For example you joined guild in first rank and never left it. Clan leader will see that information about you and will give you easier test to join him. With such titles you will not need to speak with each god about why you did that step in your life and not another (if you are future heretic for example and you've just attacked mage).

Title: Re: clans need more RP - idea
Post by: Kolin on January 19, 2006, 02:20:25 am
Clans should be difficult to enter. Only elite/good RP people should be able to achieve it not any rank 1 char.

Title: Re: clans need more RP - idea
Post by: Critic on January 19, 2006, 09:18:50 am
clans are for expirienced players. your perfect RP won't help you to resist drum-drum-drum. you wanna RP - go to shrines. you are perfect in PK - go to clans. you can't do both of them - learn something. I hate weak clanmates  8)

Title: Re: clans need more RP - idea
Post by: Valeria on January 19, 2006, 10:09:00 am
clans are for expirienced players. your perfect RP won't help you to resist drum-drum-drum. you wanna RP - go to shrines. you are perfect in PK - go to clans. you can't do both of them - learn something. I hate weak clanmates  8)

Nice attitude.  Here's a better idea.  Maybe better clan members could help their weaker clanmates by teaching them how to be better.

I see all the time where people say join a clan and learn PK.  What good would that be if everyone had this same perspective?  Unfortunately, sometimes it seems like they do.

I like the subclan idea. And then maybe push back clan entry from 18-25 to something higher, say 23-28 or something. This would make the subclan more valuable.  Too often you see chars pop up out of nowhere and then they are clanned (speed ranking).  While there may be an obvious reason for this (ahem), it would be nice to allow lower level chars to get some training at the subclan level, before induction into the full clan.

Title: Re: clans need more RP - idea
Post by: Critic on January 19, 2006, 10:43:30 am
Sure clanmates must helps each other. But when clanner doesn't know where are located enemy's clanhalls, he doesn't know how to use weapons, he doesn't help his clanmates - he makes clan weak, due this he makes his clanmates vulnerable, etc. So clanmate must help newbie in way "how to fight in Clan", but not "how to play this class/weapon/skill/etc". So learn how to play before joining Clan.
Idea about subclans is not bad is not bad, though...
Let applicants have title. Let them have no any power. It will show their skill, their wish to join, etc. Best of subclanmates (applicants) are inducted into rank of clan. Induction is alowed only at 25th rank. So player must become applicant and get title at least not higher than 20th rank. Though if player got title at tenth rank, he can easy change subclans many times, since 20th rank he loose this ability. All is clear: you want power - you must prove your wish. Everyone will hunt Applicant of Herecy. If he will survive during ranking from 20 to 25th rank, during waiting for Warlord's decision, during Test, etc. - he is surely worthy to become a member of Herecy, even if he lost some cons being Applicant :)
Part with applicants and changing sublans could be easy hardcoded, other stuff will be the same. Though only Applicant could become a member of clan (hardcoded).
My two cents.  ;D

Title: Re: clans need more RP - idea
Post by: ORKAN on January 19, 2006, 11:30:33 am
Nice attitude.  Here's a better idea.  Maybe better clan members could help their weaker clanmates by teaching them how to be better.

This is called a positive attitude.  :) While I understand the need and wish of older players to keep clans for elite players, I also see a steady decline of the same players in Solace. And you must be aware that without inducting new members into this group, without instructing them and adding new possibilites, the new players will be around for a week or two and then move to a new world. Which will leave 20-30 older players constantly battleing against themselves. And that base will also slowly decline.

I'd like to point out that toward this goal Newbie Guides are essential and most useful. And like to congratulate the people who took their time to write them.
They cover the basics: equipment - where to obtain it, weapons usage and tactics for different classes, and the use of different spells in different situations. Adventuring (taking on those new members) teaches locations (its hard to find them on their own) and relative strenght needed.

...  it would be nice to allow lower level chars to get some training at the subclan level, before induction into the full clan.

I totaly support this idea.  :)
It can only enrich the game without affecting the balance.