Title: What if replace Guardians with Legion of Steel? Post by: Crusader on January 23, 2006, 12:34:58 am http://www.dl3e.com/lexicon/13666.aspx
Title: Re: What if replace Guardians with Legion of Steel? Post by: Kyliel on January 23, 2006, 04:23:48 am I actually think that's a brilliant idea.
Title: Re: What if replace Guardians with Legion of Steel? Post by: Kolin on January 23, 2006, 04:46:29 am replace or just add?
Title: Re: What if replace Guardians with Legion of Steel? Post by: Crusader on January 23, 2006, 10:31:23 am replace or just add? Replace.Everyone Deserves Justice All beings have an equal right to justice, Sara told her followers, challenging them to make justice their primary goal. Justice is a two-edged sword. It punishes the thief, the murderer, the cheater, the liar, and the glutton. However, it also brings compassion to those who have been robbed, injured, cheated, misled, or deprived. Justice must seek to heal wounds as vigorously as it seeks to bring vengeance. Justice is as generous as it is ruthless. Title: Re: What if replace Guardians with Legion of Steel? Post by: Quino on January 23, 2006, 10:58:09 am Actually, I don't think that is so great idea. You see, nowadays _everyone_ is judged, even good and lawful creatures if they commit a crime (so everyone can call upon the Justice).
It happens a LOT of cases when there are no witnesses at all and guards yeling is not enough. There must be another, subtle way of deciding if you really seek Justice for EVERYONE. Next, we don't have so much players to fulfill all the departments of Legion: There will be a teacher but no apprentices or There will be a Magistrate but noone to teach him. Last point is about me, I managed to learn from own mistakes - it is so deadly, that times better is to learn from experienced high members of Courts... Generally speaking, however, the Legionnaire with the highest reputation outranks his less experienced comrades. You see, experienced comrades die as knowledge of crime fills them. Title: Re: What if replace Guardians with Legion of Steel? Post by: jAx on January 28, 2006, 07:52:47 pm The desire to be a guardian takes a lot of stomach in my knowledge...tis very very hard to take the ritual beatings that they take from the other clans...
I give major props to all the Guardians that stuck it out.. Title: Re: What if replace Guardians with Legion of Steel? Post by: Quino on January 28, 2006, 09:25:44 pm Thanks