Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: Woland on September 23, 2005, 08:18:43 pm

Title: Two hands
Post by: Woland on September 23, 2005, 08:18:43 pm
This is not actually a new and fresh idea, but... what about making the characters really two-handed?

This means:
1. Allow to hold 2 holdable items;
2. If someone has dual wield skill and wields 1 weapon, he should hit with both weapon and free hand;
3. If someone has dual wield skill and wields nothing, he hits with 2 hands;
4. If someone holds 2 items, or wears shield and holds an item, he should have no attacks at all.

Title: Re: Two hands
Post by: Habbakuk on September 23, 2005, 09:11:48 pm
1), 4) - possible

2) - try wielding a kitchen knife in right hand and hit some dummy with knife punching it with your free left hand at the same time. You would get a cut soon, most likely.

3) - already done

Title: Re: Two hands
Post by: ukka on September 29, 2005, 04:59:51 am
2) - try wielding a kitchen knife in right hand and hit some dummy with knife punching it with your free left hand at the same time. You would get a cut soon, most likely.

Well, it could be implemented with a note - you will cut yourself using weapon this way  ;D

Something like:
You try to hit bastard with your supermegagun, but made wrong move and severed your arteries at left hand.
You let out a cry of outrage!
Your dumb arteries severing move DOES UNSPEAKABLE THINGS to you.
You have been KILLED!
g book corpse
g book


PS: Still no [log][\log] tags :( *sniff*