Solace MUD Official Forum

General => Official Site => Topic started by: Proph on January 26, 2006, 01:10:44 am

Title: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Proph on January 26, 2006, 01:10:44 am
Does anyone remember on the site there was an items list listing many of the things you find in solace, their properties and a little about how they're acquired? Is there a possibility something like this could be brought back? I think it would be a great aid to newbies, and for other people who don't have time to identify every item in the game (or don't have such a spell) and want to know how to eq their char right for certain situations. It would also encourage them to explore more to find exotic eq they've never worn.  So does anyone know where the code for that site exists or how we could start up something like this?

It's just a thought.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nierth on January 26, 2006, 01:16:04 am
Man, do you have an idea of shame?

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Proph on January 26, 2006, 01:21:07 am
For the record, no. Explain your statement.

P.S. This isn't a thread about insulting other people, it's about whether or not to add the items list. If it's a good idea, say why you support it. If it's bad state your point of view. This is called an open discourse, where people exchange ideas and a fitting conclusion or compromise will at one point be reached. That was my goal in creating this topic.

I'm sorry for not clearly defining that in my initial post. Thank you.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Rialon on January 26, 2006, 02:08:58 am
I am sure it was mentioned about maps, not sure about items. There was a decision not to place any on this site. And that is why, as was also mentioned somewhere, there should be an unifficial one, where all such things could be placed.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: jemma on January 26, 2006, 11:51:22 am
Man, do you have an idea of shame?

Why shame? This question has been asked before, and many have wondered same thing. It was a great list, great site for information.

I think if memory serves me correctly, it has been closed for long time? Unfortunately!

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nierth on January 26, 2006, 12:19:54 pm
I think that it's against rules of Solace to post information about items identify and their location on official site. It could be done, may be, only in some literary sense.

Many people have their own lists, no doubt. But they made it themselves, exploring, making different characters and so on. Of course, one friend can send such list to another friend, but in most cases, people're trying to do something for achieving any results.
But now you want Imms to spoon-feed you.

An year ago there were no newbie guilds, and people're still playing.
Now we have a lot of newbie help, and not only for newbies but even for players with some experience. Solace is very newbie-friendly.. yeah.. But please, dont try to live at other's expense.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: jemma on January 26, 2006, 04:14:05 pm

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Proph on January 26, 2006, 11:25:17 pm
Ok, so maybe it doesn't have to tell where to GET the actual item, but it could at least list some of the more exotic things that can't be found with locate object. My chars that don't have identify will just end up bugging some mage about it anyway, and the more experienced chars already know ALL about the items (so even if they are a heretic THEY KNOW ALL THE PROPERTIES). It seems like it's just more of gopa's excercising their powers of newbs or semi-newbs.

For the record I'm not a newb, but there was a 2 1/2 year period where I didn't play solace and I forgot all but the basics (plus a few things have been added).

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nuitari on January 26, 2006, 11:30:55 pm
Mastered lore gives pretty accurate results when used repeatedly.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nierth on January 26, 2006, 11:41:31 pm
I am not that person who should teach but.. (no offence)
Everything you've written above - It is your problem and you are (or should) able to solve it yourself! Do it!
1. Make char with identify spell and explore!
2. Make char who is able to explore without any real problem and travel and seach for interesting.
3. Master you lore skill. Find a groupmate and explore together.
3. Who prevent you from getting knowledge? Do anything exept blaming others for they know more than you. Do something, huh?

Sorry, I'm tired from hard working day. And I dont like this theme anymore.
*Nierth slowly goes away*

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Holtrou on January 27, 2006, 12:33:41 am
Who prevent you from getting knowledge?
Those who get things before me.

And about search of the group. I try to find group a lot of time but in 9 cases from 10 I get answer "I'm busy, sir. May be next time."
Who has OOC - get knowledge about things very fast. Who do not want to use OOC or not have OOC-friend - have a large problem with exploring.
For example, Nierth, _If_ you use MIRC (Seems I saw somewhere in forum than you use it. May be I'm wrong). So... If you use MIRC you see that if someone ask about any item he gets even identify often. You can ask about good items with dam and hit rolls etc. I think it is normal and from this point MIRC is really good.

But if we had normal bases of identify we can try to find these items without MIRC.

I can't find group to kill strong Mobs in any dangerous area often to sometime find a good thing. I did it may be 50 hours, but I HAVE NEVER MET really good thing.

You can watch the world after rebooting. There are abjurers, abjurers etc. They know where... They know how... They know who must be killed...

I began to play Solace for only two reasons:
1. I saw nice logs of the fights.
2. I saw information on one site. I forgot its name. There was a lot of orange on this site. This is i remember. There were descriptions of professions, races, skills and spells, base of identification, few maps etc.

And for finish: In my opinion Solace is PK-world. It's very hard to explore when I hear in MIRC: "Где прячется этот эльф. Мне нужны его уши для трофея".

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nierth on January 27, 2006, 01:07:34 am
Dear Holtrou, do not think that my opinion is based only on my being in irc. It's disrespectfully for me. Moreover I dont see any difference between irc, icq and msn. But it's the another topic.
I am in irc for more than 3 years and I play solace for one and a half year.
I do still remember how it's was hard for me to begin to play. And I repeat - I cant teach whom ever it may be and I dont.

I just told my own opinion (with Imm consent).

I am glad that you saw great site with full information about everything.

But dont you like the feeling when you reveal something for you? When you find new place, when you grow in knowledge making your own efforts?

No need to know whom you need to kill, just go and clear all in an area and watch, watch, watch..

I can find group for travelling without any ooc, not every time but still.. why cant you? May be you dont want? I do not understand the phrase ~I was trying~, say - I wanted and I've done it.

Do you think that only people from mirc like PK? Like to hunt? *shrugs* cant find words here...

I do understand that it's hard for you... But believe me.. When everything becomes easy for player, he begins to be bored and leaves.

About skills - coming soon.
About maps.. I'd like to lay out maps of large cities for example...

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Holtrou on January 27, 2006, 01:44:59 am
But dont you like the feeling when you reveal something for you? When you find new place, when you grow in knowledge making your own efforts?
I found only one good thing- robe of archmagi. And I was said that I was very lucky that it wasn't stiried...

No need to know whom you need to kill, just go and clear all in an area and watch, watch, watch..
You are lucky.  I can't clear and clear many areas alone.

I can find group for travelling without any ooc, not every time but still.. why cant you? May be you dont want? I do not understand the phrase ~I was trying~, say - I wanted and I've done it.
You are lucky very-very much!

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: ORKAN on January 27, 2006, 02:35:44 am
    The Truth is somewhere in between?!

I apriciate both attitudes. I agree it becomes boring for a player to have everything served on a plate but at the same time ...

I have mine own identified items list. Maybe not within the rules but it REALLY becomes boring to remember all the statistics of the equipment. I know most of the stuff up to 20th level and know which is best for which class and such. But when it comes to know exact stats .... i use the list. There is nothin easy about it.

Still I totally support the idea of more detailed maps. At least for the cities.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: jemma on January 27, 2006, 05:39:15 am
Sometimes, some people forget that they are friends with IMM's and other players who have much knowledge of the game. Therefore, they have no need for OOC. Once someone knows who your char is, they help you. This I have seen many many times, and with these players who say they have no help from others, or no need to use OOC.

I have been playing for what? Almost 5 years now? And I still cannot or do not know where things are, but that is due to the problem of storing at once time. But now, in my many many MANY travels and exploring on my own, or with someone else who likes to explore, I am FINALLY finding a few items.

Yes, for those of us who do not use OOC and don't really know people in the game, it is difficult. But just keep exploring, travelling. Make different chars to look around. Clerics were good for exploring because of the gate feature. But now, I am not so sure. Seems to be a bit watered down.
Thief can be good (elf to blend in forest) so you can look at mobs who hold things in inventory.

Just keep exploring on your own. That's the best way to learn. And try not to take much notice of too many people who say they have no trouble getting groups, or don't use OOC or things like that. It is unimportant. What IS important is that you enjoy the game, have fun, and explore.


Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Quino on January 27, 2006, 08:41:56 am
I've been looted a long time ago by Chaos. I took up newbie eq and started exploring. I've found a LOT of new areas and revealed a lot of nice stuff. And ~I like this feeling~

Clerics does nice work on scouting. They can cure almost all maladictions placed on them and consecrate+recall if harsh situation.

If you don't know where to search, ask IC!

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nierth on January 27, 2006, 10:09:30 am
Jemma, no comments.

You may think everything you want to, I dont care. You just didnt catch the meaning of my words.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Critic on January 27, 2006, 10:33:38 am
Nierth. You just don't know what does it mean to play without ooc (no offense).  ;)

I have been playing for a 5-6 years, and first year I played almost without any help. And the situation was awfull, I held only crap or presents, and, the most thing, I didn't know about EXISTING of many-many-many things. If I obtained nice item from PK - I couldn't load it again due I didn't know where is it from. Especially no_locate items. And the base that was located at solace.allnetwork helped me a lot. After pwipe I was shocked many very well-known mobs have incredible items I could just dream of which. Or many-many-many just unknown. After year of playing I entered IRC, I knew many players from 'muderka' (MSU, yeah) and life became much more easier (or became like it shoiuld be?). And since that time I have item databases (solace.hjt, edge.hjt, etc.), which I append from time to time.

And I try to think about newbies. I remember how it was with me. And I see how it's unfair now, when many players have this base (which is spreading from player to player due OOC), and other don't have it. Newbies will have aims to reach them (like shinies). Their life will become more easier. Like it should be to newbies. With new locate there will be much more exploration than before. At least players will know about existing shinies, maybe not about location (not every item in database has information about its location), but existing! And I think it's more fair, when one part of players know almost all (when one of them obtain somethjing new - he informs his friends), and others know nothing.

I prefer to play with strong enemies than to be a Keeper of Great Secrets.
So I vote to publish info about items. Immortals, your opinion?  ;)

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nierth on January 27, 2006, 11:05:08 am
rofl. Critic, then you just dont know me and think your opinion is absolute. No offence.

In any case, I am against it and I'm sure I'm right.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Critic on January 27, 2006, 11:16:17 am
hehe, eksi, any constructive ideas why against?

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Proph on January 27, 2006, 11:51:58 am

I mainly posted it because I thought it would get people excited to play the game. Some people never see much beyond "museum level" eq and lose incredibly hard in pk(although not just for eq reasons). If they will see things like "staff of the stars" whoa, or "wow these tarnished steel rings are nice and they're actually easy to get", they might start playing a little smarter and add to the competition for 6 year russian veterans :p

My char Phallen usually has pretty good EQ, and I've only played for 1 1/2 years, live in Utah (america) and have never had a single ooc team or visited the IRC channel. I used the items list when it existed but still would use all the in-game help I could get (like learning how to navigate such areas as Tower or Edge... although I forgot nearly all of it). I think now there are too many newbies that don't find friendly enough players IC to help them out, and therefore get disillusioned and quit.

I hate to break it to you, but this MUD is not as newbie friendly as you think. I have introduced 6 friends to this game and only one of them stuck with it for more than a week.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Critic on January 27, 2006, 12:00:12 pm
Agree with Propha.  :)

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: dehucka on January 27, 2006, 12:53:35 pm
Propha, Critic - you are right.

if Jemma for  5 years did not DISCOVERED finally all possible features - it s wrong.

most of ppl WITHOUT OOC things just CANT BE WELL IN SOLACE.

why damn you cant understand it???

and we cut locate, close item lists - where s newbie-friendly mud?

OOC gopa friendly - yes, with some occasional punishments, but newbies suffer a lot...

i vote to publish as more information as possible... then faster newbies will become experienced then faster world will grow...

what now?

look newbie - you need more then 5 years to start to understand something in solace... and feel yourself quite confident... WHAT? THANKS, another time.

if any purpose looks unachievable for person - he dont want it.


rule of modern marketing - give 99% of product for free and take a full price for last 1% - because if you show only 0.5% of all treasures of Solace, and ask lotsa YEARS of PLAYING to give another 1-5% of treasures fun and features - it will not work.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nierth on January 27, 2006, 01:06:48 pm
Forgive me... but.. if Jemma was not able... it doesnt prove anything. *smirk* I know guy who now after playing for 3-4 months may be more experienced than many (me including).

And I think that person should play and learn and after that he will reach something. Knowledge (read - areas, items, fight tactic, tricks and so on) is like reward.

Let's give everything to everybody... What will we be striving for?

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Critic on January 27, 2006, 01:41:29 pm
and where is this guy from? doesn't he use OOC? bullsh*t!

as for rewards... We will be more newbie-friendly, more newbies, more players, more fun, more fair battles (at least according to equipment). That is the aim!

Person will play and learn if he will have purposes, not seeking unknown items, which are located at mobiles one time per year. It's nice to have medallion of mishakal or chromatic set for some months or more. But no one who doesn't interact with item's owner won't know about its existance. And almost no one won't know where are these items from. It's just unfair.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Holtrou on January 27, 2006, 02:07:58 pm
I'm glad that someone understand what I meen. What reason to kill tonns of _naked_ creatures?

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nierth on January 27, 2006, 02:13:52 pm
Seems we're using different languages.
I should understand it long ago...

Offtopic: To have ooc friends - it's not bad. If you like to play with person you want to meet him ooc, after you want to meet him in real life. It's all right!
And those who blame ooc - clarify that there are different ooc relations. Ooc ~against rules~ and ooc ~we are here and communicate~.

I have found friends here, and you, Critic, may tell me that I am crappy ooc-user, I dont care at all.

I'm glad that someone understand what I meen. What reason to kill tonns of _naked_ creatures?
Where did I offer you to kill naked (by the way, mobs have an inventory too)?
O! Ask Imms to add new areas, can you?!

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nuitari on January 27, 2006, 02:22:50 pm
The problem can be resolved by starting an unofficial site  :P

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Proph on January 27, 2006, 02:30:43 pm
Yes, I understand how you want to protect the integrity of the site. I could probably find another place to host it for free if imms are willing to give up the item descriptions, or other players can help compile.

And no, I'm not saying that OOC is all bad. I'm saying that some people (probably half the people who enter the realms) don't have the luxury of meeting the immortals in a bar in russia to discuss developments on the MUD and joke around with all the hero ranked players. They also can't phone up some friends any time they want to rank up or go exploring on the realms.
I think this idea will really improve things on Krynn. I remember when I very first started playing (in 2001/2002) there were 30 or even sometimes 50 players on the realms at one time. Lately I have seen about 5-11 people on the who-list average, and even spent an entire RL HOUR completely alone (at a usually busy time)!! I don't want Solace to die. Let's get some new players.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Critic on January 27, 2006, 02:33:54 pm
Seems we're using different languages.

it seems

I have found friends here, and you, Critic, may tell me that I am crappy ooc-user, I dont care at all.

I didn't say it. I said it's impossible without iic info sharing to be well in mud for some months. especially in equimpent.

Where did I offer you to kill naked (by the way, mobs have an inventory too)?

And where does player get info about mobile's equimpent from if it is naked?
Nowhere - without ooc!

It's strange, you try to involve newbies, but don't want to share info...  ???

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: dehucka on January 27, 2006, 02:37:28 pm
Nierth, you are nice girl, and you always say:

let s give all to everyone...!!! YEAH LET S GIVE EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO ALL.

why not? you should give something to get more... if we will hoarde our treasures, greate secrets of Solace, quests, maps and keep it only for ourselves - newbies will spit at us and stop playing...

and noone want to give ALL to EVERYONE... it s impossible to give newbies experience and knowledge and skills of play fast...

just we still can give SOMETHING to EVERYONE... just make happy not only experienced teams who know how to make themselves happy without any HELP. but NEWBIES - they need help. REALLY.

i dont want to start complains about how ppl gather good things... nowadays... but i just wish all newbies have at least something interesting, to make their damned poor life more funny, joyously, etc
to they stay with us, and get stronger...

or you prefer - let s only experienced players (not all of them still have ability to have anything usefull) who have good teams have all treasures. have power to find and use anything good...

it will make such greate interesting world, FOR WHOM??? if for those experienced players - ok... but then we should close our world. and honestly say to newbies - you are nothing, and if you have nt good team or more then 5 years of REALLY HARD WORKING here - you will not get anything at all.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: jemma on January 27, 2006, 02:39:32 pm
Forgive me... but.. if Jemma was not able... it doesnt prove anything. *smirk* I know guy who now after playing for 3-4 months may be more experienced than many (me including).

And I think that person should play and learn and after that he will reach something. Knowledge (read - areas, items, fight tactic, tricks and so on) is like reward.

Let's give everything to everybody... What will we be striving for?

Yes, that is right. It proves nothing, because I am an old lady without brains. So few brains that I play Solace it seems  ???

The POINT to my post was to encourage newbies to EXPLORE, because that is how I have discovered things. When I first started, I would group, but sometimes people just didn't have the time or patience to teach newbies where to find things. And because of what I was going through in RL with the death of my son, I couldn't be bothered or concentrate to explore and discover what made the world tick!!

Solace was just a way of shutting down for me. SO I didn't care too hoots. Now I explore. Well, I used to explore on my own when I played. Or with Xire when he lived. I am sure you will find there a many players who still do not know where everything is found. Not just me!

I think as mature people, we could at least be civil to one another, even if you have a grief against someone. Put the childish words and actions away. Lets just get on with playing, and exploring, and discovering the wonders of the world.

Solace IS an exciting game. It is an exciting world. And when you discover for yourself where things are, that's even better. I liked the list of items on the Unofficial Site, as it showed what could be found. Not necessarily WHERE it could be found.

*removes the daggers from her back and prepares to go and comfort grieving daughter*

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: myx0m0p on January 27, 2006, 03:17:24 pm
I do not understand the problem, check here - (500kb)

PS. Sorry Nierth but you talking sh**t  (no insult)

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nierth on January 27, 2006, 03:18:31 pm
I didt say anything about unofficial, but still it doesnt matter for me.
We have topic with basic eq, perhaps some day we will have maps of cities or something like it.

My smile is sad.. yelling to help newbies... and after that log in, who pk - Go!
You're so cute...

Jemma, I meant not you personally but just you like example: if one couldnt, it doesnt mean that we should load this list. That's all. Ah, yes.. you words about ~somebody forgets~. Fire, dont touch or will get burned. But at least, we have one common - you do understand that there is no good game without exploring.

But I still insist. I think that Immortals should not reveal such information.
list of eq... vulnerabilities of mobs.. map of Edges... nothing to do, nothing to seek..sand-box.. Immortals will give you everything and you will ask more and more. Damn, I dont want such future for Solace.

Where is the sense?! What for will you play then?!

You may do everything you want, make 1000 unofficial sites, but why do you ask it for official permission and help?

Извините, добавлю по-русски. Это такая новая мода говорить гадость и писать ~ну только без обид~? А если я пошлю и скажу ~ну без обид~, вы пойдете?

myx0m0p, there are no any word about where to get these items! and (as I was just told) it's far away from good eq there and this list is being changed.
Almost all these items are from well known areas (like areas where we used to grow up). ~Thanks to one well-known cf-player for information.~

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: myx0m0p on January 27, 2006, 04:16:23 pm

myx0m0p, there are no any word about where to get these items! and (as I was just told) it's far away from good eq there and this list is being changed.
Almost all these items are from well known areas (like areas where we used to grow up). ~Thanks to one well-known cf-player for information.~

"well known areas" well known by "well-known cf-player" or well known by cf newbie?

Sometimes at the item description you can find an Area name where item from, sometime mob. But this little information helps me very MUCH when I strated cf. And there was one more nifty site with alot of maps (Diku mud?), unfortunately this site is down now.
Without that info, I doubt, I can start to play there (anyhow I do not play there now, cause I've not enough time)

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: unreal on January 27, 2006, 04:20:50 pm
muxomop - is not official site of CF.
If you want to post base of equipment - create your own site about solace and post there this damned base of clothes.  >:(

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: myx0m0p on January 27, 2006, 04:29:04 pm
I know it, but I have not that damned list, if anyone can post it to me I'll create unofficial site for sure.
btw what makes you so angry? info sharing?

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nierth on January 27, 2006, 04:34:25 pm
Well-known by everybody.

We have in newbie section topic with all good eq which help newbie to start up.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: myx0m0p on January 27, 2006, 04:41:05 pm
Short: necklace of prayer beads
Names: necklace prayer beads
Type: armor, Wear: neck
Flags: glow bless anti_evil
From: Darinal in the Slave Mines of Sitran (LIMITED)
Weight: 1, Value: 25000, Level: 60
Material: silver
Armor: 1 1 1 12
Affect: hp 15
Affect: mana 15
Special: Cast dispel evil in combat


Short: the Amulet of Sekhtan-Rah
Names: gold cobra amulet
Type: armor, Wear: neck
Flags: none
From: Mummy of Sekhtan-Rah in pyramid of Azhen (LIMITED)
Weight: 3 lbs 0 oz, Value: 25000, Level: 60
Material: gold
Armor: 0
Affect: save vs paralysis -10
Affect: mana 50
Special: unknown (Shawtabies, yes?)

Do you think that its newbie eq? How it can be compare with our newbie list gear (This list Solan wrote , yes?)

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: unreal on January 27, 2006, 04:41:52 pm
I know it, but I have not that damned list, if anyone can post it to me I'll create unofficial site for sure.
btw what makes you so angry? info sharing?

Im not angry, but posting base of items on official site is total bullsh*t.
If you havent this base - try to gather it? You're playing solace so you have all chances to create your own base and post it later.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: myx0m0p on January 27, 2006, 04:53:52 pm
Sure, post base of the items at the official is totally bullsh*t.

This topic is about resurrect old item list, right? So, why you or anyone who have it cannot just provide it? I cannot understand.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nuitari on January 27, 2006, 05:02:42 pm
Player-driven community site.
You can have all maps, item lists, nonmoderated forums where you don't get banned for offending us, everything you want.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: myx0m0p on January 27, 2006, 05:07:35 pm
Player-driven community site.
You can have all maps, item lists, nonmoderated forums where you don't get banned for offending us, everything you want.


I have a suggestion. I can code a simple base of eq. Anyone can add an item to this db.

And about unofficial site, contact me about it. I can make all code work.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Quino on January 27, 2006, 10:22:31 pm
I can tell WHERE to get some good stuff but 95% of newbies will just die at outskirts of that area!
To get a good stuff, you'll need to be AN EXPERIENCED player!
You will need the knowledge at approaching and slaying mobs for stuff.

I'll recommend a new player to create GOOD-aligned chars as they can simply request items. And group with clerics to cure/dispel maladictions/remove curse from some mobs to request items.

I acted simple: explored an area (For example, Tower of High Sorcery) and look-look-look at everyone! Pretty soon you will gather enough knowledge to know what and where to get. And DON'T forget to group! It increases chances to survive greatly!

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Proph on January 27, 2006, 11:43:10 pm
I'm getting completely owned by all the russian in this thread  8)

I also agree that exploring is incredibly important. Remember in my post where I said even though I looked at the list I would use all the IC help I could get and try to find stuff on my own? I would get NO WHERE without IC help, but it was nice to be able to help myself by knowing a bit about the equipment too. Sometimes I would see an item I had never heard of and then get online and ask people if they knew how to find such a thing (and I don't consider it improper ooc/ic relation as the same could happen if someone just found out about the Takhisis clan or anything else). There's just too much possible good use for a list like this to have!

myx0m0p I like your idea a lot, I'll definitely contribute to that base, if the immortals won't release a list.

Should this topic be moved since it no longer really cocerns the official site?

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: ORKAN on January 28, 2006, 05:17:57 pm
 :) Greetings everyone!  :)

 While I wish to really thank Solace creators for creating a really exciting and fun world and to congratulate Immortals on keeping it working (remember many of them read this forum on daily basis and work on the site for NO PAY!!!), I still strongly wish to adress all on this topic.

Existing Newbie Guides are a great plus of course but not enough. If you want truly to make Solace Newbie-friendly then ASK THE NEWBIES what they need and want. That is the only RIGHT way. Not what immortals think, not what experienced players think but the ones who need help.

Just to be clear; Excuse of the type: "I didnt had that and I did Ok" are NOT acceptable.

Sorry but that reminds me of mine father saying: "I didnt have a computer in mine days so why do you need it. I had fun with mine friends in other ways. So should you!"

Once more I want to warn you!!! Many people have gone, experienced players and friends to all. And many more will. Because of the game (the ones that get to stressed or to pissed to play) and of their life duties (marriage, moving, new job ....). Such is a way of the world.

And if you dont attract new players this MUD will slowly but surely die out.

About the topic
Thanks to the Newbie Guides i have played succesfully three diferent characters over 20th level. I learned a lot. How to do combat (PK included), a lot about different areas, and know almost all the equipment most people wear until 25 level. As where to find them and what they do. Of course i didnt remember at first what items do so i copied the ones I identified ... acceptable or not it was neccecary for me. And it helped A LOT.
Now I'm pretty much stuck tagging along more experienced players to get to know the rest and it is a slow, rather boring process (and if someone reply to this so did i and so should you i hope lightning strikes him). It would be very useful to lead new players over this gap too. Where to find better equipment and challnges. This item list can only help. Make it or make and unofficial site. But work together.

Just so you know I still feel like an outsider, and I think that is what is waxing many players. Since I have this feeling that this MUD is kept for elite players only who use it to play in clans and PK amongs each other.  Stop making it a private playground for a couple of players unwilling to share!!!

And belive it or not you do that!

P.S. And for God sake type ENGLISH on this list. I can understand half of what you are saying (similar language) and gettin really *@^%&!%@ about it.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: jemma on January 29, 2006, 02:01:44 pm
Change the yellow please :) And yes, this is English site, but sometimes, the Russian readers find it difficult to express themselves in English. :) So, be patient ;) otherwise, just hide the vodka from them  ;D

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Quino on January 29, 2006, 02:43:27 pm
Aye, when they are just BLOWN up by their expressions, they start to speak native language ;)

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Sirrion on January 29, 2006, 10:13:49 pm
Hrm. Short time before I was totally against this idea, but, your arguments seem to be reasonable.

You may start filling and testing it, tell me what do you want to be added also.

P.S. Darn, respect your brothers-sisters, stop talking in Russian on English boards.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: jemma on January 29, 2006, 11:42:02 pm
Hrm. Short time before I was totally against this idea, but, your arguments seem to be reasonable.

You may start filling and testing it, tell me what do you want to be added also.

P.S. Darn, respect your brothers-sisters, stop talking in Russian on English boards.

Cool, neat even. :)

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Nierth on January 30, 2006, 12:06:33 am
*frowns unhappily*
I still think that it's wrong.

PS deleted post on russian *peers at Sirrion*

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: dehucka on January 30, 2006, 12:22:20 am
anybody have big list? i am just have nt such...

it s still difficult to add big list here, need to add item by item.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Proph on January 30, 2006, 01:48:25 am
Wow, thanks Sirrion.

I love how the immortals on this MUD will carefully way things out and then make a decision based on the evidence and opinions presented.

-=Two thumbs WAY UP!!=-

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Proph on January 30, 2006, 07:38:33 am
I just want to advise anyone that adds to the item list to not post if you are only using the "lore" skill and not the "identify" spell, and also to search for the item or there could potentially be DOZENS of duplicates!

I would also like to ask the immortals if there is a link to this thing other than this thread. Is there?

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Sirrion on January 30, 2006, 10:28:07 am
*fondly fondles Nierth*

There will be a link from the site when this thing is filled a bit.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Holtrou on January 30, 2006, 12:45:08 pm
May be will be better to create good code of PHP witch will add descriptions that not in base already?
I have this code. It add only new descriptions to the base MySQl from file. It allow to edit descriptions, add area, mobs, addition affects. it allow to find decriptions by group, slot, type of damage etc. Are you interested in this code? I can finish it and send it to e-mail if you want with my base MySQL. There are something about 700 things in base now and half of them have area and mob.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: jemma on January 30, 2006, 01:13:02 pm
Thank you ORKAN. Green is better  :) Sirrion is IMM and he knows best. Good decision :)

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Ares on February 22, 2006, 03:39:38 pm
Tried to test that new database, seems to be a bug with this list, identifies are cut cruelly, although added in full, like this:

"A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that..
.. this object, a serpent-headed steel ring, is armor,
   and can be referred to as 'black ring serpentine'.
It is of 21st level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 40 gold.
You can wear it on your finger.
It cannot be used by those of pure soul.
Armor class bonus: 5 vs pierce, 5 vs bash, 5 vs slash, and 5 vs magic.
When worn, it
   modifies fortitude save by 1
   modifies will save by 2
   modifies hit roll by 2

Did anybody else test it or add anything?

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: jemma on February 22, 2006, 03:53:05 pm
Tried to test that new database, seems to be a bug with this list, identifies are cut cruelly, although added in full, like this:

"A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that..
.. this object, a serpent-headed steel ring, is armor,
   and can be referred to as 'black ring serpentine'.
It is of 21st level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 40 gold.
You can wear it on your finger.
It cannot be used by those of pure soul.
Armor class bonus: 5 vs pierce, 5 vs bash, 5 vs slash, and 5 vs magic.
When worn, it
   modifies fortitude save by 1
   modifies will save by 2
   modifies hit roll by 2

Did anybody else test it or add anything?

Yes, same thing here. I added stats for a robe, and it seems to have deleted the endings too. Maybe doesn't allow for lengthy stats?

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Sirrion on February 22, 2006, 05:05:39 pm
Fixed, thanks for report.

Title: Re: Resurrect old items list?
Post by: Matthew on February 22, 2006, 06:32:02 pm
Ugh this is a bad idea.