Title: CRAFTING Post by: ORKAN on January 26, 2006, 11:57:14 am I find that CRAFTING system is not explained clearly. Though written with care there are some ... gaps.
I play a knight and have chosen a profession of Weaponsmith. I have succesfully learned it from mine guildmaster and it has appeared on mine skill list. First problem - How Can I Train It? It doesnt work with mine guilmaster ... You cant practice that! Second problem - Do I need Mining profession to for gathering ore (as official site suggests) ... or I can buy it somewhere? Biggest problem - What is the use for this skill? So far the only thing I'm optioned to make is a copper sword. What is the use of this skill if you can only make relly bad weapons? When I first saw this I was excited to the opportunity to create somethins in the game, something useful that you cannot find around ... but if i have to spend all that time for something i could find anywhere .... its really not intresting ... I should say it is a negative gaming experience. Title: Re: CRAFTING Post by: Nuitari on January 26, 2006, 02:35:27 pm Crafting is not ready as of now.
It is being finished, but this process takes time, which is required for other tasks as well :-\ Title: Re: CRAFTING Post by: Rialon on January 26, 2006, 03:00:23 pm It was introduced for testing. That is why you can pick two professions. After testing you will be able to pick only one and people will have to trade for ore, herbs, etc. You can buy them only from people with the skill. Also it is not supposed to be practiced in guilds. It work just fine even with 1%, all it influences is what kind of things you can gather, forge, brew, though right now nothing that uses improved ingredients can be brewd as far as i know.
At least that is what was said by immortals, when professions were introduced. |