Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Bugs => Topic started by: oD1n on February 07, 2006, 05:18:50 pm

Title: Some forest bugs...
Post by: oD1n on February 07, 2006, 05:18:50 pm

Want to report two bugs.
First : Then you are casting 'forest grow' some trees appearin for a short duration on your location, but if you will climb with oraungutang form on a tree in that period you wont fall off then trees will dissapear. Simple to abuse with all druids...
Second: Then you are chameleon yourself with a warder skill in a proper room you are able to go on some rough terrain without fading in view, maybe it is not a bug, cause many of skills that work only in forest work there, but if you will fade in view you won't be able to chameleon yourself. So choose one maybe this terrain buggy or maybe skill...who know who knows...(example road between rosevale and lake of faeries, some is pure forest another is another type of terrain...)