Title: Requesting Post by: jemma on February 08, 2006, 02:23:07 am Requesting from a shopkeeper isn't a best idea.
isn't the best idea maybe? But that's not entirely the problem. Yes, when you request from a shopkeeper, you get that message. Fine. But, when you request from - Before a tall oak tree deep within the groves Here in the very depths of the small groves stands a magnificent oak tree. It rises up through the thick undergrowth to dominate the room. Vines and creepers entwine the tree trunk and spiral upwards into the sky. The path beyond is blocked by impassable foliage and the only exit is to the north. [Exits: north] A black panther covered in leather barding and an ornate saddle is here. An elder man clad in earthly brown robes stands here, watching the forest. l druid A venerable human is standing before you, a simple brown robe is covering his old body. The hood of his robe is open, revealing his wrinkled face covered with a white beard and white curly hair. You notice a pouch filled with various herbs hanging from his waist, in his hands the old man holds an oaken staff, carved with druidic runes. The expression on his face reveals little, but it is clear that the old man has worries, something evil and dark seems to be troubling this old man. An elder druid is in perfect condition. An elder druid is using: <wielded> (Glowing) a runed oaken staff req staff druid Requesting from a shopkeeper isn't a best idea. Title: Re: Requesting Post by: Habbakuk on February 18, 2006, 01:15:57 pm Everything is correct since the druid is a shopkeeper.
Spelling mistake fixed. |