Solace MUD Official Forum

General => Logs => Topic started by: Proph on February 15, 2006, 07:23:26 pm

Title: Punishing low-rank chars for having spellbooks?
Post by: Proph on February 15, 2006, 07:23:26 pm
      .-"  .`)     (
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   ," .:j         `8o  _,,+.,.--,   d|   `:::;    b  Original DikuMUD by
   i  :'|          "88p;.  (-."_"-.oP        .   :   Hans Staerfeldt,
   ; .  (            >,%%%   f),):8"          :'  i     Katja Nyboe,
  i  :: j          ,;%%%:; ; ; i:%%%.,        i.   `.    Tom Madsen,
  i  `: ( ____  ,-::::::' ::j  [:```          [8:   )  Michael Seifert,
  <  ..``'::::8888oooooo.  :(jj(,;,,,         [8::  < Sebastian Hammer
  `. ``:.      oo.8888888888:;%%%8o.::.+888+o.:`:'  |
   `.   `        `o`88888888b`%%%%%88< Y888P""'-    ;  Based on MERC 2.1
     "`---`.       Y`888888888;;.,"888b."""..::::'-'  by Hatchet, Furey,
            "-....  b`8888888:::::.`8888._::-"              and Kahn

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                 `.                   <          1993-1996 Russ Taylor
                   +:         `:   -';
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Solace is a role-playing, playerkilling MUD. We ask that you roleplay,
and that your name is in accordance with our name rules. If it is not,
you will be asked to rename.

Welcome to Solace, by what name shall you be known? Your own
Password: MOTD

==> Newbie channel is now available (see HELP NTALK, NEWBIETALK)

==> Solace now has a unique moods system (see HELP MOODS) and one
    of the most advanced and convenient engines for communication
    ever used in MUDs (see HELP SAY).

==> Anti-storing system in action: beware, if you don't spend enough
    time on staying online with your character, you might lose your
    limited belongings.

==> Use CHANGES command to see the changes and updates we made for
    the last years.

==> Level 1 characters will not be saved. You must be level 2 to
    save your character.

==> Solace is an English-speaking MUD. English must be used on all
    public channels and on clan channels. See "help language" for
[Hit Return to continue]

Welcome to Solace!

You can't see anything, you're sleeping!
You have 1 new note waiting.

<387/387hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> You wake and stand up.

<387/387hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> eq
You are using:
<worn on finger>    a blue crystal ring
<worn on finger>    a hardwood ring
<worn around neck>  a necklace made from dark wood
<worn around neck>  a broach shaped in eagle head
<worn on torso>     an elegant tunic of elven design
<worn on head>      (Glowing) helm of the divine Order
<worn on legs>      a pair of light steel leggings
<worn on feet>      a pair of mud-encrusted boots
<worn on arms>      a pair of soft leather sleeves
<worn on body>      a long belt of pouches
<worn on waist>     (Humming) a brass belt
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of teeth
<wielded>           (Humming) an ivory sceptre
<held>              the Symbol of healing
<bearing>           a sign of the Healer

<387/387hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> sav
Saving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving.

<387/387hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> smile
You smile happily.

<387/387hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> i
You are carrying:
     a wine-cask
     an invitation to the Royal courts
     a heavy spiked wooden club
     (Glowing) a carved bronze bracer
     a Crusader's Sword
     a ranger's knapsack

<387/387hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> get glov sac
You get a pair of brown leather gloves from a ranger's knapsack.

<387/387hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> wear bra
You wear a carved bronze bracer around your right wrist.

<387/407hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> wear glov
You wear a pair of brown leather gloves on your hands.

<387/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> Saving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving.

<387/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW>
Garent the butcher yells, 'Freshly cut meats, get ya meats here!'
The day has begun.
You are sober.

<401/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> scor
You are Yourself the Student of Healing
Race: elf         Sex: female  Age: 156 years old (mature)
You are a follower of Mishakal, the Healing Hand.
You are a lawful good cleric.
Level: 11, with 200616 exp (experience to level: 23784)

Str: 14      Health: 401 /412     Practices: 10
Int: 25      Mana  : 308 /308     Training sessions: 0
Wis: 23      Move  : 212 /212
Dex: 23      Carrying 21/31 items (198/254 pounds)
Con: 16      You have 74 gold and 4595 silver coins.
             You have 0 smuggler coins.

Wimpy set to 15% hit points.  Hometown is Palanthas.
You are standing. You are slightly tight.
You are almost invulnerable to piercing.
You are almost invulnerable to bashing.
You are almost invulnerable to slashing.
You are almost invulnerable to magic.
Hitroll: -2  Damroll: 16.
Use 'affects' command to see spells affecting you.

<401/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> whe
Players near you:
(PK) Me   Palanthas market square

<401/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> who
-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
            (PK) Someone the female elf
                 Rael the male elf
                 Lornus the male wild elf

Players found: 3

401/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW>

<401/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> who new
-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-

Players found: 0

<401/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> tell rael hello sir, what is your rank?
You tell Rael, 'Hello sir, what is your rank?'

<401/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> look
Palanthas market square
  You stand at the central market place of Palanthas. Around you the
bustling markets of Palanthas spread out to greet citizens and visitors
alike. The smell of roasting meats and fresh baked bread fills the air.
The markets continue in all directions around you.

[Exits: north east south west]
( 2) A leather bound spellbook has been left here.
     A nature spring flows from the ground here.
(Charmed) A small donkey is here waiting for it's master.

<401/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> get book
get book
You get a leather bound spellbook.

<401/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> You get a leather bound spellbook.

<401/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> gasp
You gasp in astonishment.

<401/412hp 308/308mana 212/212mv 23784tnl | NESW> whe
Players near you:
(PK) Someone   Palanthas market square
//Most people already know who this char is just from rank/class/race etc. but I don't want to change people's opinion of her just because of my other chars (for good or for bad).
//Unfortunately I had to leave the realms really soon after on family matters...

Title: Re: Punishing low-rank chars for having spellbooks?
Post by: eleazar on February 16, 2006, 12:34:03 am
Nice broach, ring and helm.
Request works on lower levels now, is it?   ;)

Title: Re: Punishing low-rank chars for having spellbooks?
Post by: Proph on February 16, 2006, 12:44:59 am
All those nice things are gifts from higher ranked chars when I was rank 10/11, and yes they are nice. That wasn't the focus of the post (and I considered editing it out), but I suppose it was rewards for trying to roleplay my char, spreading my goodness etc (when you are a healer who devotes her whole life to blessing and healing others, I guess it's ok to accept favors). I like the unity and friendship that exists especially with Good alligned chars, and I also tried to help them when they gave me things (which I didn't ask for) and vowed to help them in the future.

Mainly I just thought it was a strange occurance, it wasn't supposed to be attacking the immortals for punishing people with spellbooks... just kind of a joke and some tremendous luck.

Title: Re: Punishing low-rank chars for having spellbooks?
Post by: Matthew on February 16, 2006, 10:31:31 am
How does this log show punishment of anyone? As far as i can see it shows 2 spellbooks in palanthas market square and someone who didnt want to talk to you quit out.

Title: Re: Punishing low-rank chars for having spellbooks?
Post by: Proph on February 16, 2006, 10:36:10 am
No, the log doesn't show punishment. But it's kind of a comment on other low-rank chars being punished for too nice of eq, having manuals etc (showing that those can be achieved w/o cheating).