Title: an ivory wand Post by: vantala on February 19, 2006, 01:07:11 am Magic shop, Qualinost.
You source energy from the surrounding forest. A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, an ivory wand, is a magical wand, and can be referred to as 'ivory wand'. It is of 5th level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 10 gold and 64 silver. It glows with a soft light and sheds a magical aura. It has 3 (out of 3) charges of a 9th-level spell of 'refresh'. hold wand You wield an ivory wand. You are skilled with an ivory wand. zap self You hold nothing in your hand. Title: Re: an ivory wand Post by: Habbakuk on February 19, 2006, 10:57:19 am Fixed.