Title: Metallic dragon Post by: iddqd on February 20, 2006, 08:44:46 pm I will describe a situation happened with me:
Me was reraiding Takhisis. Swinged accidently my copper follower. Fled. Look north - my copper ex-follower is there near savage dragon and not going to track me becouse other area it is...Ok. So to return Solamnia code i should start OOC sh*t ( recall, quit, relogin, reraid) that i do not want to do for sure, or go north and continue doing my Main duty - reraid! But mad copper dragon is waiting there for me and attacking! Sure i have two ways slay copper then savage or start OOC sh*t.... I have choosen RP, and lost abylity to summon mettalic dragon. ::) And who is saying, we have RP mud here? :) Everyone knows that Solamnics often attacking their mount while reraiding or ranking in moors or elsewhere with dragons or draconians foes :) IR reasons: everything can happen in battle and your weapon can hit sometimes your metallic friend... it is all fine sh*t happens. OOC reasons can be diffirent: drunk, hurry and so on... I can understand that Dragons are wild noble creatures but it is too much... Current dragons just force players to break RP if sh*t happens. So the idea is to make metallic dragon non-agressive mob if Solamnic accidently attacked it. Title: Re: Metallic dragon Post by: Quino on February 20, 2006, 09:04:21 pm I wonder if this happened because you mixed DRAgon with DRAkoth? ;)
As for situation - Nothing wrong here. My Guardian stallion always attacked me if I did and deva does so exact way. Just don't hit them. I suggest it this way: > alias mace swing <target> > alias shadow c shadowbane <target> > vs drakoth Next, just type in mace and you'll hit drakoth, not dragon ;) Title: Re: Metallic dragon Post by: Ares on February 21, 2006, 03:07:44 am Another possible solution - make 'calm' empower work.
When I had the same problem with clan pet, practiced 'calm' specially and tried to use it, but in vain. Title: Re: Metallic dragon Post by: Crusader on March 01, 2006, 02:25:38 pm Other decision was just lead dragon out and breack steps. But now metallic dragons do not track. It's mistake to make such things like preventing your own pet to make reraid until you kill it. And immortal who stripped powers of metallic dragon from Barou is simply made wrong action.
Title: Re: Metallic dragon Post by: spir on March 01, 2006, 06:09:04 pm Other decision was just lead dragon out and breack steps. But now metallic dragons do not track. It's mistake to make such things like preventing your own pet to make reraid until you kill it. And immortal who stripped powers of metallic dragon from Barou is simply made wrong action. Hmmm surely a mistake from the side of immortal... He should not stripp the empowerments from this barou... It's bad code of solace,not Barou killed this dragon.IMHO |