Title: Asalandor Forest. Post by: Matthew on February 24, 2006, 12:36:58 pm Has this elven princess, it is of evil alignment.
Inside a small cave [Exits: east] A badly mangled corpse of a bear lies here in a bloody mess. A beatiful elven maid watching over the forest glades. You see nothing special about him. The elven princess is in perfect condition. The elven princess is using: <worn on torso> a rusty golden breastplate <worn on head> (Magical) (Glowing) a shiny helmet made of blue crystal <worn on waist> a sapphire belt of the elven pride 705:HP 428:MANA 215:MV 386380:TNL Exits: E> con maid The elven princess looks just a little tough. The elven princess grins evilly at you. The helmet is good minotaur only, the belt is good only and the plate is evil only. None of it makes sense! There is a minotaur close by with more blue crystal equipment, perhaps this helm should be on him? Title: Re: Asalandor Forest. Post by: Habbakuk on March 21, 2006, 08:50:34 am Fixed.