Title: shroud, multiple rubs the dirt out Post by: Crusader on March 09, 2006, 01:35:23 am [log]
A tiger's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. A knight of Solamnia's shroud wisps away into nothing. <--- ? A knight of Solamnia rubs the dirt out of his eyes. A knight of Solamnia rubs the dirt out of his eyes. A knight of Solamnia rubs the dirt out of his eyes. ... A hard-shelled turtle's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal. A knight of Solamnia rubs the dirt out of his eyes. A knight of Solamnia rubs the dirt out of his eyes [/log] Title: Re: shroud, multiple rubs the dirt out Post by: Quino on March 09, 2006, 02:14:24 am Actually my opinion is so:
An mage must have (phase/light/skin) controls to maintain spells while shapeshifting. Since your knight is not mage he cannot maintain spells. The question is... where that shroud or dirt kick was? Title: Re: shroud, multiple rubs the dirt out Post by: Matthew on March 09, 2006, 02:33:59 am There was a bug like this a long time ago.
Title: Re: shroud, multiple rubs the dirt out Post by: Habbakuk on March 21, 2006, 08:33:40 am Fixed.