Title: Ancient two-handed sword Post by: Werewolf on March 15, 2006, 11:41:44 am [log].. this object, an ancient two-handed sword, is a sword,
and can be referred to as 'ancient two handed sword'. It is of 30th level, weighs 23 pounds, and is worth 158 gold. It sheds a magical aura. The curse upon it won't let you remove or drop it. It cannot be used by those of pure soul. It deals 7d7 damage (averaging at 28). Its attacks take the form of a slash. When worn, it modifies health by -15 modifies damage roll by 4 modifies hit roll by 2[/log] But it is not actually two-handed. Title: Re: Ancient two-handed sword Post by: Tanis Half-Elven on April 22, 2008, 11:30:46 pm Fixed next area changes. (it will now be a two-handed weapon).