Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: deda on March 25, 2006, 12:15:30 pm

Title: Cleanse?
Post by: deda on March 25, 2006, 12:15:30 pm
I have an idea... it involves cleanse REALLY working. What do you think about that?

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Niano on March 28, 2006, 04:16:56 am
Cleanse works fine for me. Its dependant on your level and level of maladiction on you. Most of the time i have no problems with it.

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: deda on March 28, 2006, 04:35:13 am
35+12, and usually it's poison and plague that reduce strenght by 5+... And it's annoying, cause it's not working...

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Niano on March 28, 2006, 04:54:20 am
What are you generally being poisoned/plagued by?

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: deda on March 28, 2006, 06:09:01 am
My favourite is prismatic spray :P Generally speaking, the toughest plague/poison come form the most difficult npcs and cleanse simply does not work in those cases...

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Niano on March 28, 2006, 07:03:02 am
Well you have to think it can't be made to work against everything. I came across a poison from the spiders in the drow tunnels by myth drannor that i couldn't cleanse.

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: deda on March 29, 2006, 02:09:32 am
Are there any pills/antidotes to buy and where?

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Niano on March 29, 2006, 02:18:21 am
can find plants all over south of crossroads. herbal potion in emerald forest. I know there are places where you can buy antidote potions,  not sure exactly where.

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: deda on March 29, 2006, 05:10:08 am

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Quino on March 29, 2006, 08:48:23 am
Are there any pills/antidotes to buy and where?

crystal flask from HCT provides you healing from diseases/poisons

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Proph on March 29, 2006, 07:52:29 pm
I'm not going to tell you where to find it (I found it accidentally) but there is a crimson flask which provides the best healing of poison I have seen from a potion.

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Quino on March 29, 2006, 08:12:16 pm
Hmm it also cures blindness but kind of vain job - try to quaff potion blinded..

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Rialon on March 29, 2006, 09:16:27 pm
Actually i think you can quaf potions when blinded now. At least recall potion is that way. If i remember correctly yellow pills or such from the town of Cathrina are good. And do not wraith essences cure poison rather good too?

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Proph on March 29, 2006, 11:20:18 pm
yes the flask cures blindness (kinda wanted to surprise them though *BONKS YOU* :P). And you can quaff it blinded, you just have to make sure it's in your inventory and not a sack (as you can't see the sack when blind).

As for cleanse, it works fairly well Imho. I've gone up against some pretty tough creatures and after 4-5 tries (sometimes many more) can remove the malediction.

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: deda on March 29, 2006, 11:55:14 pm
Heh, when you retreat at %5 hps from a battle in no recall area, you usually don't have 'nough time to fail cleansing again and again. And the rate of it's improving is rather slow...

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Proph on March 30, 2006, 12:50:00 am
And??? What's the problem? I've had clerics that couldn't cure a poison after 8 tries (with cure poison mastered), do you think someone who is a fighter-like class should have superior abilities? My advice, don't flee from battle with 5 percent hp in no-recall zone-- and if you do, it's probably not intended you survive that battle if you are alone.

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Rialon on March 30, 2006, 11:13:06 am
Aha. 8 is nothing even. My priest of rank 34 made way more tries then that with poison of Shadar from maus. And cleanse supposevly heal several maladictions at once, right? So there is nothing wrong with it.

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: deda on March 31, 2006, 12:13:14 am
Hey, guys you could at least heal yourself... A poor beastie, cannot :P

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Gena on April 02, 2006, 08:04:15 pm
Just ask invoker to brew you backpacks with cure poison, cure plague potions  ;)
and haste, frenzy and other spells

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: deda on April 05, 2006, 03:14:11 am
Hehe, and where to find me a friendly invoker apothecary willing to help...? No! I want cleanse to work! Full stop! All the time! Please? ;D

Title: Re: Cleanse?
Post by: Matthew on April 05, 2006, 05:10:30 am
Clerics with apothocary brew can make em too. And healing/imbue regeneration potions.