Title: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are weak Post by: Akhulas on March 30, 2006, 08:13:08 am esterday i have some battles with herecy first vs Graul: Nimli - 31+ Niviilt and Graul about 30 i - 32 http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/logs/lview2.php?log=21 Second: about 30 min after first log i, Elestel and Durewn thas killing one mob, then herecy come to raid us (or just to test us..) we was rather away, so they kill outer dragon. even more, Elestel died to mob, so only i and durewn on protect. so vs me - Niviiltt, Graul, Nimli vs Durewn - Nimli only i'm 32 rank. niviilt and graul something about 30 Nimli 31+ http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/logs/lview2.php?log=22 third: hour later Elestel leaves, but Drakoth and Hazeth come, so we decide to raid herecy Graul gain 31+ rank Niviilt still 30 Nimli seems lost mind.. http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/logs/lview2.php?log=23 surelly you can say - your rank is higher yes, i have advantage in ranks but. i didnt use all preparations here. was to lasy to quaff harden, for example eq - imho i'm still dressed rather crappy :) and at that time i was without third feat. (got it only on 35 rank) herecy weakened too much. Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are weak Post by: Niano on March 30, 2006, 08:19:41 am Don't know much about Niivlit, but Graul is completely stupid. A retarded kender in a wheelchair could beat him.
Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are w Post by: Proph on March 30, 2006, 08:27:57 am These are the poorest examples of the current heretics you could POST imho (not saying they are bad players, just weak chars). Also, most people wont have access to "resist acid" (as acid is the hardest dam-type to gain resistance to, so heretics frequently use it). Plus you faced one heretic, Niviiltt in the first fight while durewn healed you. Forgive me for not being amazed, impressed or surprised.
No one said heretics are immortal btw, just get dark presence, phantasmal armor, shroud (or flaming aura) nice eq, all of transmuter bonuses (haste, improve shield/armor/enlarge) resist acid, solamnia empower... piece of cake. I don't think heretics are incredibly overpowered, but I certainly wouldn't say underpowered. Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are weak Post by: Critic on March 30, 2006, 08:44:28 am " I don't think heretics are incredibly overpowered, but I certainly wouldn't say underpowered."
Ahah, what about ANNIHILATES through sanctuary? Eh? It must be scratches!! Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are w Post by: Akhulas on March 30, 2006, 09:16:23 am No one said heretics are immortal btw, just get dark presence, phantasmal armor, shroud (or flaming aura) nice eq, all of transmuter bonuses (haste, improve shield/armor/enlarge) resist acid, solamnia empower... piece of cake. I don't think heretics are incredibly overpowered, but I certainly wouldn't say underpowered. shoud/flame aura/sanc hard to get now? especially after increasing limit of dragon orbs? haste hard to get? bullsh*t solamnia empower add some damrol and health to me. nothing more. no resist or something phantasmal - we are talking about clan wars isnt it? its stupid to compare clan char with clanless. resist acid - i also have no resist lighting. that help niviiilt much? no i can use bunch of other preprarations. they cant i can take 3-rd toughen, and become more fat i can master my spell/skill (was too bored to do that) i can gather better eq. my eq crap most of items. basical, nothing really unique. Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are weak Post by: Rialon on March 30, 2006, 10:56:16 am Damn, man. If you posted battles with three heretic, but them being Sios, Urimarr and Erty, then there would be a point.
It's the same as posting a log of of one warder beating three Takhs on raid and saying Takhs are way underpowered (sorry, only log i can remember), whereas if it was one zerthan in their place that would probably suffice to take the warder's life. So this prooves nothing, except that those heretic are yet weak by themselves. Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are weak Post by: Critic on March 30, 2006, 11:10:16 am So do you confirm that skill of player is much more important that clan-class skills? So why do you all whine that Erty or Sios are deathmachines, but the same fighters Niviiltt or Graul with the same powers are not?
Crap. Strength of Erty or Sios is in their game-skill, not in powers of clans. Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are weak Post by: Rialon on March 30, 2006, 11:23:52 am It is in player skill ALSO, but not entirely. The point is: players with equal skill do not have equal chances in herecy and somewhere else. Much easier in herecy.
Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are weak Post by: Rialon on March 30, 2006, 11:27:21 am And to be on the subject of the log: even it depended ENTIRELY on player skill that would mean Herecy is in no way UNDERpowered.
Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are weak Post by: Critic on March 30, 2006, 11:31:20 am Disagree. I won't repeat about preps, etc., it'c clear. And I suggest all who think s Heretics are overpowers - join Heretics, it will remove pink glasses from your face )
Herecy was SLIGHTLY underpowered to expirienced players Now they are underpowered (fighters and rangers, though rangers suffer less from that change). Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are weak Post by: deda on March 30, 2006, 03:18:06 pm Logical conclusion is: if you are a good player, you will rock even in Guardians (no offense here), but is almost entirely depends on player's skill, so I guess the Camp got tweaked because they had 2 excellent players with them, not because they were overpowered...
Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are weak Post by: Hiddukel on March 30, 2006, 03:31:43 pm Logical conclusion is: if you are a good player, you will rock even in Guardians (no offense here Cleric of Paladine in guardians is overpowered and will crush most any other enemy :) Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are weak Post by: Rialon on March 30, 2006, 03:46:09 pm Can't remember, when i've seen such a char. Mind reminding me of a name, Hiddy? Just so i could relate to an overpowered member of guardians.
Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are weak Post by: Quino on March 30, 2006, 04:29:18 pm Hiddy, do you mean lifelining with stallion?
Title: Re: for whose whiners who think herecy super strong, and Sargonnas clerics are w Post by: Matthew on March 31, 2006, 12:07:13 pm Sniff, i never fought a minotaur. Seems easy enough with thier low resistance to fire. Though, if not for elementals you did nothing any other cleric couldnt do and these guys seem lacking in some way.