Title: Strange hammer Post by: Matthew on April 02, 2006, 06:34:53 am A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that..
.. this object, an mithril-laced adamantite hammer, is a mace, and can be referred to as 'adamantite hammer mithril-laced'. It is of 30th level, weighs 28 pounds, and is worth 150 gold. It sheds a magical aura. It cannot be used by those of darkened soul. It deals 9d5 damage (averaging at 27). Its attacks take the form of a smash. When worn, it modifies damage roll by 4 modifies hit roll by 4 modifies strength by 1 This hammer is from Belador the dwarf in thorbadin. But it is too heavy for a dwarf to wield. Title: Re: Strange hammer Post by: Habbakuk on April 02, 2006, 07:40:24 pm It's now lighter a bit.