Title: chromatic unicorn pendant Post by: Akhulas on April 02, 2006, 11:57:57 am [log]
.. this object, a chromatic unicorn pendant, is armor, and can be referred to as 'pendant chromatic'. It is of 30th level, weighs 7 pounds, and is worth 152 gold. You can wear it around your neck. It glows with a soft light and hums faintly. It cannot be used by those of darkened soul. Armor class bonus: 11 vs pierce, 11 vs bash, 11 vs slash, and 8 vs magic. When worn, it modifies damage roll by 3 modifies hit roll by 3 modifies resistance to holy by -5 modifies negative-based spell damage by 10% [/log] why anti-evil? who exept evils can use negative spells ? :) Title: Re: chromatic unicorn pendant Post by: Proph on April 02, 2006, 12:34:29 pm better add that it's impossible to desecrate ;D
Title: Re: chromatic unicorn pendant Post by: Habbakuk on April 02, 2006, 07:37:20 pm Fixed already.