Title: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Matthew on April 10, 2006, 04:39:16 am After playing one for quite some time now i feel some things would be cool to change and wondered what everyone else would think. I found it strange that the godess in opposition to Morgion had no power to resist disease and poison, but has resistance to the elements. I thought maybe resist lightning/cold/fire should perhaps be replaced with resist disease/poison/acid, i have not played other clerics of light yet but they dont have those powers either i think? I thought that could also be one other way to seperate clerics of Mishakal from the others anyway. I also thought about apothecary brew and, even though i cannot find olives or sap from an oak tree yet perhaps there could be more spells available to brew, like restoration and perhaps 'resists' empowers like resist undead/paralysis, or maybe bless or consecrate.
Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: ORKAN on April 10, 2006, 11:44:52 am Nice idea I would say. :)
Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Matthew on April 11, 2006, 10:36:57 am So no one else has any thoughts at all about it?
Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Akhulas on April 11, 2006, 11:01:10 am imho Mishaclerics already rather nice
no need to improve them more. Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Matthew on April 11, 2006, 11:37:10 am Yeah, i never said they arent nice. Quite strong and hard to kill infact. I dont wish them stronger, just thought a bit different. If you think resist poison/disease/acid on a a mishacleric is too strong then you should say that! My thougt is that resist cold/fire/lightning is stronger. I intend this aspect of discussion on mishaclerics for role. The apothecary brew suggestion was just for fun. People were asking for consecrate potions i thought this could be one way to provide them and some thers, with some rare or hard to get ingredients.
Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Lizzy on April 13, 2006, 01:29:43 pm I was very disappointed to see an empowerment replaced with ring of sanctity. The one it replaced was far better than ring.
Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Matthew on April 13, 2006, 05:29:03 pm ring of sanctity protects against crushes!
Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Rialon on April 13, 2006, 05:35:26 pm Aye, tht kind of balances things out. Though i must add, that only fighters have crushes, whereas bash is used by so many classes.
Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Proph on April 13, 2006, 06:29:37 pm maybe it's supposed to make the balance feat more appealing to clerics?
Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Matthew on April 13, 2006, 08:17:02 pm I doubt it would, its too effective to worry about balance. Even if bash was landed on me 3 times in a row, it only has to miss once and i can heal or word etc. Crush was my only worry and not a big one, now it is no worry at all. Next we should add lash and tail attacks to its list!
Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Durewn on April 13, 2006, 10:53:45 pm Matt, all you have written is 1 vs 1.
No chances 2 vs 1. I mean just to escape. balance gives you that chance. Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Lizzy on April 14, 2006, 01:42:16 am protective sphere was the empowerment I was meaning. Please, bring it back. I was not even aware that it had been removed.
Ok. Keep ring of sanctity to replace Protective shield. Just bring back protective sphere. Thanks. :) Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Matthew on April 14, 2006, 02:36:56 am Yeah 2 holders might still be a worry. Probably if its found that 2 people can slaughter any cleric it will be tweaked to work more often. It shouldnt though, as it leaves people who have already chosen thier 1st feat in the dark.
Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: Akhulas on April 14, 2006, 08:04:26 am ring of sanctity protects from crushes, yes.
But its very very rare protects from throw Title: Re: Clerics of Mishakal Post by: deda on April 14, 2006, 11:17:36 pm It's double-edged sword...