Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Bugs => Topic started by: Matthew on April 11, 2006, 04:11:18 pm

Title: double potency
Post by: Matthew on April 11, 2006, 04:11:18 pm
You complete the brewing process and give a final prayer to your god.
You managed to mix a superior brew and the potion has double potency!
You have created a potion of imbue regeneration.

<1581/1581hp 802/802mana 388/388mv 304020tnl | S> c 'protection'
You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
You feel holy and pure.

<1581/1581hp 792/802mana 388/388mv 304020tnl | S> label potion
You concentrate a moment, identify a golden potion and then label it.

<1581/1581hp 790/802mana 388/388mv 304020tnl | S> i
You are carrying:
     a golden potion labelled imbue regeneration

A leather backpack holds:
( 7) a golden potion labelled imbue regeneration
     a golden potion labelled cure disease
     a golden potion labelled imbue regeneration, imbue regeneration - this is the first 'double potency' one i created.

As you can see the potion created in this snippet isnt labeled 2x regeneration, also when i ident it it is just one cast of imbue. Where as the one labeled 2x imbue is 2x imbue when you ident.

Double imbue is useless i think? But it happens with all the potions, so ive posted it.

Title: Re: double potency
Post by: dehucka on April 14, 2006, 12:32:25 pm
mishakals only can  brew healing now, or majere too?

what list of possible brewery?

is it possible to have mass heal? or big heal?

Title: Re: double potency
Post by: Matthew on April 15, 2006, 04:21:12 am
You complete the brewing process and give a final prayer to your god.
You managed to mix a superior brew and the potion has double potency!
You have created a potion of cure blindness.

You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that..
.. this object, a golden potion labelled cure blindness, is a potion,
   and can be referred to as 'potion golden cure blindness'.
It is of 1st level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 0 gold and 5 silver.
You can hold it in your hands.
It sheds a magical aura.
It contains a 35th-level spell of 'cure blindness'.

Title: Re: double potency
Post by: Proph on April 15, 2006, 04:46:52 am
Double imbue is useless i think? But it happens with all the potions, so ive posted it.
Wrong. Double imbue is almost useless. If you already have wither effect on you and you quaff double imbue potion it will remove wither and grant imbue regneration.

The more you know....

Title: Re: double potency
Post by: Matthew on April 15, 2006, 05:02:23 am
This is true, to me it seems useless as i just remove the wither.