Title: Believe me, I'm as confused as you are.... Post by: Proph on April 13, 2006, 02:51:47 am http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/logs/lview2.php?log=25 I realize in one part of the conversation I posted both Mooni and my "tell message" twice. Ignore it because I can't edit it now :( Title: Re: Believe me, I'm as confused as you are.... Post by: deda on April 13, 2006, 03:06:13 am Believe me, I'm as confused as you... Elf spitting on humans who saved their skinny hides from the Dragon army? A tower mage using words like "Jerk off"? What's next? I'd say Mooni's roleplay is not "poor", it's non existent, as well as are his manners... On the other hand, ex-solamnic helping the Tower mage against an "evil" shadow - far fetched... What, if you get kicked out of the Solamnia, you lose all your code of hounour and forget all about the measure, and go help a Tower mage to slay a guy he insulted? I say no way! Mooni should get uninducted, Faelan asked to answer about his current role... Btw, Prop, these guys are both naked... If I were you, I'd report Mooni to the Imms, and walk away.. I dare say there is no point to avenge yourself on Faelan atm, only if he attacks you again...
Title: Re: Believe me, I'm as confused as you are.... Post by: Lizzy on April 13, 2006, 03:28:27 am Can I ask why YOU were transfered to ROD? And were the vultures following you to loot your corpse should you have died? Bumo I mean :)
Title: Re: Believe me, I'm as confused as you are.... Post by: MacFie on April 13, 2006, 04:00:35 am It's alright buddy, we don't think yer a jerk off...I know such terrible words must have hurt.
Man, some people need to grow up, my 21 month old nephew could have thought of something smarter than that. Heh, jerk off Title: Re: Believe me, I'm as confused as you are.... Post by: Taiko on April 13, 2006, 09:15:10 am I don't get purpose of that log really :) Well, maybe I was a bit drunk but still, was just making fun and perfect roleplay, what the hell is wrong here? ::)
Seems like you tried to get all the sh*t you could out of it, keep doing :D Title: Re: Believe me, I'm as confused as you are.... Post by: Niano on April 13, 2006, 09:26:00 am I hope you aren't serious when you ask whats wrong. Prop was right. A tower elf saying "jerk off"? Thats messed up. Great rp there. And clearly if a tower invoker and ex solamnic seasonal assassin cannot take down one shadow assassin, something is wrong. Lol. Or its just proph's amazing skills. Either way though. Yea, bye bye to both mooni and faelan.
Title: Re: Believe me, I'm as confused as you are.... Post by: Proph on April 13, 2006, 09:44:56 am Hey, the log wasn't a personal attack on anyone. I just handn't seen much on the board here lately, and this was a SUPER strange occurance so I thought I'd share it with people. notice I didn't put "what a noob, what is he doing?" I told the story the way it happened. If you think that makes you look bad, then how is it my fault? (I even omitted the RoD interaction)
Title: Re: Believe me, I'm as confused as you are.... Post by: Taiko on April 13, 2006, 09:54:39 am I hope you aren't serious when you ask whats wrong. Prop was right. A tower elf saying "jerk off"? Thats messed up. Great rp there. And clearly if a tower invoker and ex solamnic seasonal assassin cannot take down one shadow assassin, something is wrong. Lol. Or its just proph's amazing skills. Either way though. Yea, bye bye to both mooni and faelan. Faelan? Lol, why is he here? :D PS And it's okay when Mooni is 31 rank and Phallen is 35+20 |