Title: Dunno if this is really a bug but Post by: Matthew on April 15, 2006, 01:56:50 pm <207/207hp 289/289mana 54/130mv 17838tnl | NESW> east
Market Street East [Exits: north east west] <207/207hp 289/289mana 53/130mv 17838tnl | NEW> east Market Street East [Exits: north east south west] <207/207hp 289/289mana 52/130mv 17838tnl | NESW> east Market Street East [Exits: east south west] <207/207hp 289/289mana 51/130mv 17838tnl | ESW> Your mind feels drained from trying to do the same thing over and over again... #Connection lost Title: Re: Dunno if this is really a bug but Post by: Habbakuk on April 16, 2006, 04:07:53 pm Fixed.