Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Area Defects => Topic started by: Quino on April 17, 2006, 04:40:39 pm

Title: a silver ikon of Platinum Dragon
Post by: Quino on April 17, 2006, 04:40:39 pm
.. this object, a silver ikon of Platinum Dragon, is armor,
   and can be referred to as 'ikon paladine'.
It is of 22nd level, weighs 9 pounds, and is worth 320 gold.
You can hold it in your hands.
It glows with a soft light, hums faintly and sheds a magical aura.
It can only be used by those of pure soul.
Armor class bonus: 30 vs pierce, 30 vs bash, 30 vs slash, and 30 vs magic.

I wonder if there are some affects missing... or it is supposed to grant only AC?

Title: Re: a silver ikon of Platinum Dragon
Post by: Matthew on April 17, 2006, 05:36:14 pm
Thats alot of ac, im guessing theres no effects missing!