Title: Cute kitten! Post by: yenge on April 30, 2006, 02:19:43 am [log]<302/302hp 309/379mana 194/194mv 35751tnl | E> You recite a sweet mystical tune.
You point at a cute kitten and a bolt of ice flies forth! A cute kitten stops following you. Your frostbolt maims a cute kitten! A cute kitten is writhing in agony. <302/302hp 289/379mana 194/194mv 35751tnl | E> You learn from your mistakes, and your parry skill improves. save A cute kitten's claw scratches you. A cute kitten dodges your pierce. A cute kitten is writhing in agony. <300/302hp 289/379mana 194/194mv 35746tnl | E> Saving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving. A cute kitten is writhing in agony. <300/302hp 289/379mana 194/194mv 35746tnl | E> TICK IN 1 SECONDS. dri wine sl rug You're too busy fighting to drink anything. You parry a cute kitten's claw. You have become better at parry! save Your pierce mauls a cute kitten. A cute kitten is DEAD!! b kitten You earn 12 experience points. You hear a cute kitten's death cry. The gods give you 12 silver coins for your sacrifice.[/log] ;D Title: Re: Cute kitten! Post by: Lizzy on April 30, 2006, 04:18:38 am *frowns at Yenge* That poor little kitty.