Title: Inn of Red Sun Post by: Quino on May 11, 2006, 03:12:16 pm In a light and airy room
You are standing within a room that is of good quality, obviously for the richer guests that may stay here. The bed looks soft and comfortable, a rug covers the cold ground and a large copper bathtub is filled with steaming water against the wall. A vase of fresh flowers has been placed on a table near the bed. A fire blazes brightly in a small hearth, lighting the room. The door is to the south. [Exits: west] open south You see no door south. ---- In a narow corridor You are standing in a narrow corridor of the Inn. The walls are painted a thin white shade that has begun to peel in many places and large cracks in the plaster can also be seen running from the floor to the dirty ceiling. Straw has been scattered on the wooden decking, soaking up spilled ale and in places spilled blood. The corridor continues to the west and east. [Exits: east west] Title: Re: Inn of Red Sun Post by: Nuitari on May 14, 2006, 05:44:40 pm Fixed.