Title: Teleport idea Post by: hugo on May 16, 2006, 10:58:21 am Maybe make it so you cannot teleport into a non-recall/non-teleport area?
Title: Re: Teleport idea Post by: Quino on May 17, 2006, 12:03:21 am Nooooo, no fun then with teleporting to Edges.
Better make it so you cannot teleport to norecall|noexit rooms... remember as I dropped few years in norecall in Edges.. *shivers* Title: Re: Teleport idea Post by: deda on May 17, 2006, 12:26:01 am C'mon guys, teleporting to Edges and Nether unexpectedly gives all the fun to the game... ;D
Title: Re: Teleport idea Post by: Quino on May 17, 2006, 12:33:17 am C'mon guys, teleporting to Edges and Nether unexpectedly gives all the fun to the game... ;D Probably I mislead you :) I like that teleport can throw to Edges or somewhere dangerous -- but I don't like trapping to places I cannot exit in any way! Title: Re: Teleport idea Post by: deda on May 17, 2006, 12:43:59 am Nod to that 8)
Title: Re: Teleport idea Post by: Proph on May 17, 2006, 02:24:09 am C'mon guys, teleporting to Edges and Nether unexpectedly gives all the fun to the game... ;D There's nothing unexpected about it. I teleport to ToHS, edges, nether or some other godforsaken area about half the time. Not teleporting in front of an agro-mob-- now that would just about give me a heartattack! :o I like the idea of not teleporting to no-exit/no recall rooms. It makes sense that the same magic preventing you from getting out should prevent you from getting in (like inside guilds etc etc). |