Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: Dervish on May 16, 2006, 11:39:47 am

Title: Clan history idea
Post by: Dervish on May 16, 2006, 11:39:47 am
I will wonder if I am first one who posts such idea here, but I have not found and remember such topics, so I do

What if IMMs will write something about famous and outstanding clan members/leaders into some book, that is kept in some clan room?
So step by step there will be history of the world created, and it could be interesting, being inducted, to read about past members, who were long ago, in other Pwipes even, and their deeds

Title: Re: Clan history idea
Post by: deda on May 16, 2006, 04:46:38 pm
Nice one, Dervish! 8) Both thumbs up!

Title: Re: Clan history idea
Post by: hugo on May 16, 2006, 08:32:07 pm
I agree with this, though it should be roleplayed. A book inside of the Heretic camp doesn't make much sense, whereis a tree carved with the names of great Warlords does make sense.

etc etc.

I think the graveyard should be updated as well, we need more Player History as well as story.

Title: Re: Clan history idea
Post by: Habbakuk on May 16, 2006, 09:24:55 pm
Well, that's a good point.

Title: Re: Clan history idea
Post by: Lady Lunitari on May 16, 2006, 09:58:42 pm
I think the graveyard should be updated as well, we need more Player History as well as story.

I would gladly do it, if I know your opinions about famous characters (name, short description, etc). I already have some, but want to look at this point from different sides.

Title: Re: Clan history idea
Post by: Dervish on May 17, 2006, 04:01:53 pm
As for me, Immortals as Gods should decide whose life will be memorized for ever in the Book of History :)
not players or at least players should ask God to do it if, lets say, very honourable warrior have left the world

as for graveyard (I understand this like in CF) this is should be done by IMMs as well:
when any of chars above 25 rank dies, you post on forum his desc + role + some opinions + best eq he had
something like this

I won't say about others, but I will read such with pleasure :)

Title: Re: Clan history idea
Post by: deda on May 17, 2006, 04:29:14 pm
I'm against graveyard idea... Solace is not CF and should not try to copy someone else's ideas... I tried playing CF for about 20 seconds... It was boring! So I deleted ;D As far as I'm concerned, Solace is the only mud to be played, though it still needs more improvements... And every player can post his/her eq, score, role, etc in the departing note...

Title: Re: Clan history idea
Post by: Rialon on May 17, 2006, 10:34:27 pm
Maybe the graveyard in Palanthas was meant? The names of heroes written on the tomb stones. Maybe more statues in the museum of Palanthas also?

Title: Re: Clan history idea
Post by: deda on May 17, 2006, 11:54:59 pm
Ok, then let's call it Hero Memorial Museum and it should be placed somewhere near x-roads, the main crossroad of the world where all roads meet and part at the same time... :)