Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: noober on May 16, 2006, 06:24:46 pm

Title: magic missile spell
Post by: noober on May 16, 2006, 06:24:46 pm
Magic missile should fire more missiles as a characters level increases. This would make the spell more similar to the D&D/Dragonlance version of the spell. Maybe like number of missiles = level/6 or something similar.

Title: Re: magic missile spell
Post by: Werewolf on May 16, 2006, 06:41:10 pm
There is improved magic missile spell for that.

Title: Re: magic missile spell
Post by: kender on June 02, 2006, 01:06:16 pm
well ok ok ok. there's improved version for it.

what for then usual version ? it's totally unusable
it can be easily removed outta set of spells and nobody see difference

i propose make a lot of unusable spells and skills much more powerful.
so creation of YOUR character could become more unique, and one fighter would differ from another by set of his learned skills except of his feats and weapon specializations. it seems to me it could me more roleplaying