Title: Ranger Specialize Post by: peaches on October 12, 2005, 04:38:41 pm You have taken no weapon specializations.
You can specialize in sword. You can specialize in whip/flail. help 603 Keywords: SPECIALIZATION SPECIALIZE Syntax: specialize <weapon type> This command selects a fighter's weapon specializations. Upon choosing a weapon type the fighters will be given skills related to that weapon. In addition a fighter specialized in a weapon will find it easier to dual wield that type of weapon. The available weapon specializations at this time are: sword, dagger, whip/flail, mace, axe, staff/spear/polearm and hand to hand. Rangers may choose 1 specialization out of sword, staff or flail. Rangers cannot specialize in staff. It is not choice given. Title: Re: Ranger Specialize Post by: Morte on October 12, 2005, 04:57:36 pm No. Just they are specialized in staff allready.
by default :) Look in your skills. You have all skills from staff specialization. Title: Re: Ranger Specialize Post by: jacko on October 13, 2005, 11:29:11 am then why list it as being able to specialize in skill? You missed fault
Title: Re: Ranger Specialize Post by: jemma on October 19, 2005, 08:41:15 am No. Just they are specialized in staff allready. by default :) Look in your skills. You have all skills from staff specialization. Rangers use staff by default yes. But, rangers are able to choose ONE other weapon as specialization. sword or whip/flail. NOT STAFF. |