Title: Imbue treant empowerment uses mana Post by: Valeria on May 29, 2006, 08:19:49 am I see that one can cast Imbue Treant and with no empowerment identified it lists all potential empowerments that could be cast (e.g., cure critical, cure poison, etc.)
The problem is that even though the spell is not really cast, it still expends mana to see the potential list. Then, when actually cast, it again takes the full mana. Not sure if this is a bug, but was curious since I dont know if other spells expend mana when cast for informational purposes. Title: Re: Imbue treant empowerment uses mana Post by: bloom on May 29, 2006, 07:28:59 pm It also spends mana if you make mistake and use empower that does not exist, like c 'imb tre with spel' cure cirtical.
You dont imbue treant, because there is no such empower and you cant imbue him, but you spend mana anyway. For trying? well, it is prolly because you cast it indeed in both cases? It is not important in you do the job, it only counts if you start the job I suppose this was not much helpful... :) But look, my 5 minutes of spamming came to me now, and i cant help it... |