Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: dedraelos on May 31, 2006, 03:25:08 am

Title: Do we really think this is still necessary?
Post by: dedraelos on May 31, 2006, 03:25:08 am
You flee from combat!
You lose 10 experience points.

Just wondering everyones thoughts on this. I think it's from the basic MUD design and outdated. Perhaps we could change it or be rid of it?

Title: Re: Do we really think this is still necessary?
Post by: Rennie on May 31, 2006, 03:45:03 am
Yep. Good point :)

Title: Re: Do we really think this is still necessary?
Post by: bloom on May 31, 2006, 03:50:10 am
Aye, i agree, it should be at least 10000 experience points. :)
Or change according to rank?

Title: Re: Do we really think this is still necessary?
Post by: Valeria on May 31, 2006, 07:26:25 am
Aye, i agree, it should be at least 10000 experience points. :)
Or change according to rank?

10000? Ouch!  There goes any high level mob slaying for me... I would lose ranks and then not be able to use the rewards from battle!  ;)

I agree 10 is basically insignificant, but 10000 is somewhat harsh, considering that one may flee several times for a particularly difficult fight.

Title: Re: Do we really think this is still necessary?
Post by: Dervish on May 31, 2006, 11:00:39 am
You flee from combat!
You lose 10 experience points.

Just wondering everyones thoughts on this. I think it's from the basic MUD design and outdated. Perhaps we could change it or be rid of it?
I do not think it should be changed. There are classes that are fleeing by default, thieves etc. They should flee, its part of thei life...

Title: Re: Do we really think this is still necessary?
Post by: dedraelos on June 01, 2006, 02:52:03 am
Yeah, there are classes that flee, it's a part of combat. Sometimes the best tactic in the world is to flee and regroup or recast or prepare or whatever. I don't think that every time we do it we need the loss of 10 exp.  In a game where at higher ranks we need 1+ million exp the 10 we lose doesn't matter at all. It doesn't make the game better in any way by leaving this in, just something from the basic MUD engine I think that was never taken out.