Title: Doppleganger cannot pass doors to Sla-Mori Post by: kender on June 02, 2006, 08:55:38 pm (PK) A donkey In a valley of the Kharolis Mountains
< 408382tnl | N> > say remember about ones who st ay to protect elven kingdom, swearing to protect his until his last breath relea sed, and beyond, faithfulness and pride beyond the death You say, 'Remember about ones who stay to protect elven kingdom, swearing to pro tect his until his last breath released, and beyond, faithfulness and pride beyo nd the death.' An elven ranger says, 'I see. Best of luck to you in these tunnels.' An elven ranger unlocks the secret door. An elven ranger ushers you through it. < 408382tnl | N> In a valley of the Kharolis Mountains You are surrounded by towering cliffs capped in pure white snow that seem to reach to the heavens. Beautiful plant life fills the valley, making the air clean and each breath refreshing. The contrast of sky, mountain, and tree is absolutely breathtaking. The only eyesore is the strange niche in the face of the cliff wall to the south. [Exits: north] An elven ranger rests beneath the mountains. Title: Re: Doppleganger cannot pass doors to Sla-Mori Post by: Proph on June 02, 2006, 10:28:51 pm Hahahahha. Looks like he let your mirror in instead of you. Clan empowers have to have some drawbacks right?
Title: Re: Doppleganger cannot pass doors to Sla-Mori Post by: deda on June 02, 2006, 11:08:00 pm ;D