Title: Equipment restrictions Post by: Kolin on June 08, 2006, 06:43:10 pm Instead of having items race/class/align specific why not place bonuses instead. For example, A Dwarven Pick Axe, Instead of restricting this weapon to dwarven race only why not have a bonus for all dwarven users, negative bonus for some races and no effect for others. Perhaps even, although this might be too radical for most, remove all restrictions and replace with bonuses. Or instead of total restrictions add detriments. Instead of having good/evil only items just create negative effects when an evil wears a good item, and give a good aligned bonuses from this item.
This idea would allow for a much wider strata of characters. Weapons and items would add to roleplay and create a more unique item searching aspect of the game. Title: Re: Equipment restrictions Post by: Quino on June 08, 2006, 08:12:18 pm Well, I don't think there should be removed restrictions good/evil as it surely will be strange to see some good one using awful items as parts of body etc.
But from other side I like idea with bonuses very much, sounds amazing. Thanks for nice idea, Kolin! Title: Re: Equipment restrictions Post by: Proph on June 08, 2006, 09:15:50 pm Makes perfect sense to me.
Title: Re: Equipment restrictions Post by: Kolin on June 08, 2006, 10:34:32 pm Well, I don't think there should be removed restrictions good/evil as it surely will be strange to see some good one using awful items as parts of body etc. Well, the negative affects of a good wearing 'the bloodied carcass of a young elven girl' should be so detrimental that a good aligned would never wear it. Title: Re: Equipment restrictions Post by: kodziro on June 09, 2006, 02:53:48 pm reworking so many items?
Title: Re: Equipment restrictions Post by: Kolin on June 11, 2006, 11:25:39 pm Yas, the massive amount of work involved will never see this implemented, but it could be started with new items created.