Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: Quino on June 16, 2006, 01:38:53 pm

Title: Gate guards and alignment
Post by: Quino on June 16, 2006, 01:38:53 pm
Hmm, I was wondering why those guards are of good alignment; ones of good alignment cannot kill them yet they can make chaotic ethoses

Here is quote from `help ethos`:
   Chaotic Ethos

   One who is chaotic chooses his own path however he wants to
   and whenever he wants to. This person basically is out to benefit
   himself/herself. A chaotic person can at one moment be casually
   walking through the streets of Palanthas, and the next robbing some
   citizen who walks too close to him. His actions are made because he
   wants them to be. A chaotic person has no regard for the laws, whether
   he be a low-key thief or flamboyant, arrogant warrior running through
   the town smashing over food stands.

So, chaotic good one simply cannot withstand guards - but this make no sense because you rob out some evil near solamnic footman and you kill him momentarily (because of his low health).

So I propose either to make them neutral ones (Well, Palanthas is a city for every alignment!) or add them more health.

What's your opinion?