Title: Follow through Post by: Quino on August 10, 2006, 03:29:30 pm [log]
You execute a high reverse-roundhouse kick! Umberhulk improve. Your kick *** DEMOLISHES *** a winged wraith! A winged wraith is DEAD!! You earn 976 experience points. You hear a winged wraith's death cry. The corpse of a winged wraith is lying here. The corpse of a winged wraith holds: 22 silver coins You get 22 silver coins from the corpse of a winged wraith. The gods give you 84 silver coins for your sacrifice. Your leg sweeps around to land a follow through kick! [/log] Title: Re: Follow through Post by: Quino on August 10, 2006, 04:00:56 pm [log]
You execute a high reverse-roundhouse kick! Kick improve. Your kick *** DEMOLISHES *** spectre of a half-dragon! Spectre of a half-dragon is DEAD!! You earn 7958 experience points. You hear spectre of a half-dragon's death cry. The corpse of spectre of a half-dragon is lying here. The corpse of spectre of a half-dragon holds: 52 silver coins You get 52 silver coins from the corpse of spectre of a half-dragon. The gods give you 102 silver coins for your sacrifice. save You learn from your mistakes, and your follow through skill improves. [/log] gsn_improve also checks after death Title: Re: Follow through Post by: Sirrion on August 10, 2006, 09:08:00 pm FNR