Title: Repel evil Post by: Maniacus on August 23, 2006, 08:52:08 am Keywords: 'Repel Evil'
------------------------ Syntax: cast 'repel evil' Mishakal's clerics are able to instill the power and beauty of their goddess into themselves, creating a sphere of bluish light and energy around themselves. Upon entering combat with someone who is evil, the power of the sphere may cause the evil person to run in terror from the light and goodness. My priest of Paladine also has it :). Title: Re: Repel evil Post by: Maniacus on August 23, 2006, 10:11:29 am Keywords: 'Impale'
-------------------- Syntax: impale <victim> Using a spear, and while mounted, a knight may attempt to initiate combat through a powerful impaling attack. This may only be done to start combat, and not while already fighting. Same, warriors can impale now too. Title: Re: Repel evil Post by: Sirrion on September 03, 2006, 09:56:06 am Fixed by some shy imm. ;)