Title: Flank is still unusable Post by: Rael on September 02, 2006, 09:49:48 am [log]
<723/783hp 412/562mana 263/263mv 331250tnl | NS> < T: Rael TC: a few scratches E: Llenis EC: gushing blood > < > Llenis has turned around, trying to escape! You block Llenis's escape with a flanking manoeuvre! Llenis is gushing blood. <723/783hp 412/562mana 263/263mv 331250tnl | NS> < T: Rael TC: a few scratches E: Llenis EC: gushing blood > < > Llenis has turned around, trying to escape! You block Llenis's escape with a flanking manoeuvre! Saving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving. Llenis is gushing blood. <723/783hp 412/562mana 263/263mv 331250tnl | NS> < T: Rael TC: a few scratches E: Llenis EC: gushing blood > < > Llenis has turned around, trying to escape! You block Llenis's escape with a flanking manoeuvre! Llenis is gushing blood. <723/783hp 412/562mana 263/263mv 331250tnl | NS> < T: Rael TC: a few scratches E: Llenis EC: gushing blood > < > Llenis has turned around, trying to escape! You block Llenis's escape with a flanking manoeuvre! Llenis is gushing blood. <723/783hp 412/562mana 263/263mv 331250tnl | NS> < T: Rael TC: a few scratches E: Llenis EC: gushing blood > < > c wrath You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity. You call down the wrath of Kiri-Jolith upon Llenis. Your heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Llenis! Llenis is writhing in agony. <723/783hp 392/562mana 263/263mv 331250tnl | NS> < T: Rael TC: a few scratches E: Llenis EC: writhing > < > Llenis has turned around, trying to escape! You move to flank Llenis but fail. Llenis leaves south. Llenis has fled! [/log] Title: Re: Flank is still unusable Post by: Hiddukel on September 02, 2006, 10:44:30 am Seems you had five successes?
Whats unusable? While he's spamming flee he can't do much else Title: Re: Flank is still unusable Post by: Rael on September 02, 2006, 11:39:52 am There's no difference how many successes I had. The fact is that if you manage to hold your enemy for 1 round with flank, you can count yourself lucky. Because there's no lag.
Title: Re: Flank is still unusable Post by: Sirrion on September 03, 2006, 10:29:56 am Flank is where we want it to be, for now.