Title: Spells and maladictions Post by: Quino on September 02, 2006, 10:44:40 pm [log]
An undead elven novice seems to sink into trance and mutters, 'Quesset ardinhino simpa.' An undead elven novice has assailed you with the demons of Hell! You feel unclean. You are unaffected by an undead elven novice's torments! An undead elven novice traces an arcane rune and starts chanting, 'Giritha relli liritar maran.' You feel an icy hand brush against your soul. You feel tired and weakened. You are unaffected by an undead elven novice's energy drain! [/log] Resuming - all maladictions are applied even if I'm immune to spell damage type. Is it supposed to be so? Title: Re: Spells and maladictions Post by: Sirrion on September 03, 2006, 10:04:02 am By design (for these two). Post other ones though.