Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Bugs => Topic started by: Rael on September 03, 2006, 09:49:37 pm

Title: Overhead
Post by: Rael on September 03, 2006, 09:49:37 pm
There is something wrong with overhead. Sometimes (against certain mobs) it does very small damage.

Here's an example:

<804/1119hp 532/641mana 291/291mv 628989tnl | W>
< T: Rael TC: bleeding wounds   E: a golem of black stone EC: gushing blood >
< > You make a powerful overhead strike with your staff.
Your overhead blow injures a golem of black stone.
A golem of black stone is gushing blood.

<804/1119hp 532/641mana 291/291mv 628989tnl | W>
< T: Rael TC: bleeding wounds   E: a golem of black stone EC: gushing blood >
< >
Your chill wounds a golem of black stone.
Your chill wounds a golem of black stone.
You keep a golem of black stone at bay with your weapon.
You keep a golem of black stone at bay with your weapon.
A golem of black stone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
A golem of black stone's bash hits you.
A golem of black stone is writhing in agony.

<799/1119hp 532/641mana 291/291mv 628989tnl | W>
< T: Rael TC: bleeding wounds   E: a golem of black stone EC: writhing >
< > ov

Your chill mauls a golem of black stone.
Your chill wounds a golem of black stone.
You parry a golem of black stone's crush.
A golem of black stone is writhing in agony.

<799/1119hp 532/641mana 291/291mv 628989tnl | W>
< T: Rael TC: bleeding wounds   E: a golem of black stone EC: writhing >
< > You make a powerful overhead strike with your staff.
Your overhead blow injures a golem of black stone.
A golem of black stone is writhing in agony.

Pugil against the same mob:

<606/1119hp 595/641mana 291/291mv 628989tnl | W>
< T: Rael TC: bleeding wounds   E: a golem of black stone EC: gushing blood >
< > pug
You smash a golem of black stone with a bone crushing pugil!
Your pugil decimates a golem of black stone.
A golem of black stone is gushing blood.

<606/1119hp 595/641mana 291/291mv 628989tnl | W>
< T: Rael TC: bleeding wounds   E: a golem of black stone EC: gushing blood >
< >
Your chill wounds a golem of black stone.
Your chill mauls a golem of black stone.
You keep a golem of black stone at bay with your weapon.
You parry a golem of black stone's crush.
A golem of black stone is gushing blood.

<606/1119hp 595/641mana 291/291mv 628989tnl | W>
< T: Rael TC: bleeding wounds   E: a golem of black stone EC: gushing blood >
< > pug
You smash a golem of black stone with a bone crushing pugil!
Your pugil wounds a golem of black stone.
A golem of black stone is gushing blood.

<606/1119hp 595/641mana 291/291mv 628989tnl | W>
< T: Rael TC: bleeding wounds   E: a golem of black stone EC: gushing blood >
< >
Your chill wounds a golem of black stone.
A golem of black stone parries your chill.
You keep a golem of black stone at bay with your weapon.
You keep a golem of black stone at bay with your weapon.
You keep a golem of black stone at bay with your weapon.
A golem of black stone is gushing blood.

<606/1119hp 595/641mana 291/291mv 628989tnl | W>
< T: Rael TC: bleeding wounds   E: a golem of black stone EC: gushing blood >
< > pug
You smash a golem of black stone with a bone crushing pugil!
Your pugil mauls a golem of black stone.
A golem of black stone is gushing blood.

Title: Re: Overhead
Post by: Quino on September 03, 2006, 10:06:43 pm
These golems are resistant to cold; besides overhead is harshly dependant on some other factors - try to see how mino performs it.

Title: Re: Overhead
Post by: Sirrion on September 04, 2006, 04:21:47 am
In some cases, overhead is stronger, and in some - pugil. Generally, use logic to determine. No bug.