Title: Spells and maladictions Post by: Barcus on September 04, 2006, 12:56:27 pm Sorry, dumped the real log, so the following is just from my memory, but since Sirrion asked to post some maladictions here...
[log] Khisanth, the huge black dragon, utters the word of draconic power. You sense the coming acid blast and avoid it. You are blinded! [/log] That's what makes me unhappy - i resisted the spell but still got blinded. Title: Re: Spells and maladictions Post by: Nuitari on September 24, 2006, 02:20:49 am Fixed, coming next reboot near you.
Please, report similar cases, when spell/skill damage is evaded (by any means), and affect (which is a logical consequence of said damage) is still set. |